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STUDENT'S BOOK peo ans a (eg ~ coat pp. 108-123 Video worksheets p.4 ps p.é Grammar: Imperatives Grammar: tobe; | Grammar: Demonstrative Vocabulary: The alphabet; | subject pronouns _| pronouns; plural nouns assioom language Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Colours; adjectives; Numbers: countries and natioralities; age E c Re Caos pp. 12-13 have, go and play, | p. 14 p. 15 People’s typical weekends collocations; prepositions Present Simple ‘Vocabulary: Nouns and verbs; ‘Quiz: Free time questionnaire prepositions and nouns p21 Exam Focus: Multiple choice | objects Pronunciation Focus: Tre leter ¢ PP. 24-25 Food containers; p. 26 27 Food and recipes food products; phrases elated Countable and Vocabulary: Cooking verbs | to food uncountable nouns | Exam Focus: Note completion Listening: A dialogue about Pronunciation Focus: /i:/ and /\/ food shopping p. 33 | pp. 36-37 Jobs; work and job; p. 38 | p. 39 Peace Corps Volunteers prepositions Present Centinuous Vocabulary learn and teach Listening: Descrotions of jobs | Exam Focus: True/Falee p45 | Pronunciation Focus: Silent letters | \ pp. 48-49 Appearance; p. 50 p. 51 The most important events | adjective order personality Comparative and __ in people's Ives, | Reading: Me and Buddy _ superlative adjectives | Vocabulary: Lfe events | p57 Exam Focus: Multiple choice Pronunciation Focus: Numbers pp. 60-61 Types of school at p. 62 p. 63 Different parts ofa school school; exams must/mustn't, should/ | Vocabulary: Places at school; Reading: Education in Britain shoulan’t nouns and verbs p69 Exam Focus: Note completion | | Pronunciation Focus: /9/ end /@/ | | pp. 72-73 Sports; go, do and | p. 74 |peiseipesegatopien 4 play; sportspeople Past Simple | Vocabulary: Likes and dislikes | istening: Summer camps for Exam Focus: Multiple choice ail Pronunciation Focus: p.8t The leter a pp. 84-85 Holidays ond p86 p. 87 Travel conversations transport book make and | Present Perfect with | Vocabulary: Travel visit; accommodation everinever | Exam Focus: Multiple choice Quiz: How do you spend your Pronunciation Focus: hak? on The letter 0 pp. 96-97 Geography: p98 1-99 The weather animals; collocations Fistimecohithi wil” | Nocolailory ibe wea tier | ie: Nene ue |wortaldrg | p. 105 Exam Focus: Matching Pronunciation Focus: Weather | ee ae | pp. 124-135 Grammar reference and practice pp, 136-138 Prepositions p.7 | Grammar: Possessive adjectives; possessive § Vocabulary: Family READING Pp. 16-17 A day inthe life of my family Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs and verb collocations; daily | routine | Exar Focus: Multiple choice | pp. 28-29 Food markets | Vocabulary: Collocations; food adjectives Exam Focus: Multiple matching pp. 40-41 Work or hobby? Vocabulary: Work: callocations Exam Focus: Multiple matching pp. 52-53 What does your favourite music say about you? Vocabulary: Clothes; adjectives; personality Exam Focus: Open-ended questions | pp. 64-65 To the stars! | Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs; collocations Exam Focus: True/False | pp. 76-77 The lucky accident Vocabulary: Fitness; collocations Exam Focus: Note completion PP. 88-89 The greatest cities in the world? Vocabulary: Adjectives; tourism Exam Focus: Multiple choice Pp. 100-101 Astonishing animals Vocabulary: The natural | world; word families Exam Focus: Multiple choice p. 139 Phrasal verbs, days and months p. 140 Pronouns and numerals p. 141 Word bui p.8 Grammar: can/can't Vocabulary: Common | verbs GR p18 and Wh- questions 109 EES p.30 Articles paz Present Simple and Present Continuous p13 p.S4 have to/don't have to P11 ES p66 | Past Simple: was/were, could Fonanvan amon] 2117 CES p.78 Past Simple negatives and questions p. 119 p.90 Present perect + just yevalready Fesasan sunrion of p. 102 be going to p.123 Pp ‘Grammar: Prepositions; there is/there are Vocabulary: Rooms | and furniture Be 19° | 5 | Present Simple: Yes/No| Expressing preferences | pat Srdering food p43 Describing a photo p55 Going to the haircresser's | Vocabulary: Hair p. 67 Asking for and giving information |p.79 | | Asking for and giving | achice | p91 | Asking for and giving directions pp. 103 Agreeing and | disagreeing Have got Vocabulary: Gadgets Wnt p.20 ‘Writing Focus: ‘An informal email p.32 ‘Writing Focus: An email of invitation ‘An email of request p56 Writing Focus: A personal profile on ablog p68 Writing Focus: A personal email p. 80 Writing Focus: A desctiption of an event p.92 Writing Focus: Anemail of enquiry p. 104 Vocabulary: Environment protection | Writing Focus: Expressing an opinion, presenting arguments ing p11 Vocabulary: Days of the week; months and seasons; times; ordinal numbers ea pp. 22-23 pp. 34-35 pp. 46-47 pp. 58-59 pp. 70-71 p- 142 Irregular verbs 3 Grammar: Imperatives Vocabulary: The alphabet + classroom language 1. CORB Liston and repeat the alphabet. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 2 Complete the letters for the sounds in the table. Then listen, check and repeat. anw[Bc;AL| 1 | alol[r 3 Listen and choose the word you he listen again and repeat. r. Then tapin— bpen 4a poster b pasta 2a book — b back Sa bin b pin Bade b desk 4 Look at the classroom language poster. Translate the verbs in ed. In the classroom te) FOOTBALL \ 1 ‘Think of a spor. Tell the group your idea. Speak English Read the text and choose the correct answers. Don't use a dictionary. wave BECAUSE... 3 4 ‘Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Listen to the conversation and complete the table. Tick (/)/ Underline the Look at the photos. Don't look at the board, 4 5 Read REMEMBER THIS. Find more examples in Exercise 4. <=, You use the imperative to give instructions. X Don't use a dictionary. ) 1 Use a dictionary 6 Make sentences with the correct form of the imperati 1. / work in groups of three / x speak your language 2 Kusea pen /¥ use a pencil 3 write in your notebooks / X write in the book 4 Ktalk/ ¥ read the text 5 ¥ repeat the words / X repeat the sentences 1 Work in groups of three 7 Read REMEMBER THIS. feneaaa | You use let's to make suggestions No, lot's match the verbs with the photos first. Let's ead the toxt 8 Complete the dialogues with let's and the verbs in the box. ‘ak do finish listen read use 1A: | don't know this word. Let's ask the teacher. B:No,___adictionary. 2k Exercise 2 now, B: No, __ Exercise 1 first! 3A: the dialogue. a to the dialogue before we read it. OK? 9 SPEAKING Take turns to make suggestions. {As Lets go to the cinema today. B: Lets = s eS e 8 Match the words with ‘opposite meanings. Then listen, check and repeat, Put the words in the correct order. Then write the answers. Grammar: to be + subject pronouns Vocabulary: Numbers * countries and nationalities * age (ez-|{=Yefeyalt- Schoo Crete aca Wolfgang is 21 Hols German, He's Boris and Daria are Russian. They're from St Petersburg, 1'm Andrea, I'm 19 years old. I'm Spanish, Im trom Valencia, 1 Write the numbers. 3 twenty-three = 4 thirty-four 1 nineteen ~ 19 2 twenty-one — 2 CHRIS Go to page 140. Listen and repeat the cardinal numbers. 3. Read the website. Match the people in the photos with the countries. 4 Spain’) 2 Scotland 4 Russia) 5 China WORD STORE 0.2 | Countries and nationalities 4 EERE) Complete WORD STORE 0.2 with the names of nationalities. Then listen, check and repeat. 3 Germany 5. Complete REMEMBER THIS with the short forms. Use the website to help you They are = They're eis its We are not = We're not = We aren't You are not = You're not = You aren't They are not = They're not = Thay aren't Tam not = I'm not You are not = You're not = You aren't He is not = He's not = He isn't he's not = She isn't leis not = Its not Ami? Yes, |am./No, I'm not. © you? Yes, you are./No, you aren't ? |Ishe/she/t? Yes, he/she/itis./No, he/she/it isn’. Yes, we/you/they are./ | Are we/jouthey? No, we/you/they aren't lof English, Edinburgh ea Mel is Chinese, ‘She's 23. She's 6 SPEAKING Ask and answer ‘the questions in pairs. Use the nationalities in the box. ‘American Brazilian German Swiss Portuguese Russian Spanich ‘A: What nationality is Penélope Cru B: Shes Spanish. 1 Penélope Cruz 2 Paulo Coelho 3 Cristiano Ronaldo 4 Angela Merkel 5 Gary Kasparov 6 Roger Federer 7 Dakota and Elle Fanning SPEAKING Read REMEMBER THIS. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs. feta You can say: I'm nineteen years old. | oF !'m nineteen, | 1. How old are you? 2 How old is your brother/sister? 3 How old is your best friend? 4 How old are your parents? (Cena kee

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