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Week 1
Differentiate the principles of metal arc gas welding and tungsten inert-gas welding process.
Determine the basic principles of gas welding and demonstrate how to set up oxy-acetylene
outfit when welding and proper handling/storage of gas cylinder.
Week 2.
Determine the medium pressure blowpipes are unsuitable for use in a low-pressure system
and care necessary for blowpipe and hoses.

Sketch the relative position of base metal, filler wire, nozzle, when gas welding process and
demonstrate left, rightward technique, and discuss the limitations, advantages of rightward
Week 3
Illustrate how base metal plate edges of low carbon steel are prepared and practice but
weld process.

Week 4
Illustrate the typical plate edge features indicating a good weld and a typical multi run weld.
Week 5
Perform the typical plate edge features indicating a good weld and a typical multi run weld.
Week 6
explain the conditions necessary to cut when using an oxygen-fuel gas mixture
Week 7
Determine metals which can and cannot be cut when using oxygen-fuel gas mixture, gases
commonly used as fuel and demonstrate how to control on a gas cutting blow pipe and their
Week 8
Illustrate the principles, applications of flame and plasma-arc cutting torch and factors which
affect the quality of cutting.
Week 9
Determine the conditions necessary to cut when using an oxygen-fuel gas mixture,.
Week 10
Procedure on how to connect the oxy-acetylene gas cutting equipment’s, show the
operating instructions and cutting table guidelines.
Week 11
Explains the principles of ultrasonic inspection, microscopic inspection, common defects
and causes.
Week 12
Explain the suitability of electrodes, tools and equipment’s to be used when electric arc
Week 13
Sketch the relative position of electrodes, determine how are classified, dump, stored and
the purpose of covering.

Week 14
Determine the errors when lining up joints prior to welding, cause of distortion and sketch
butt and fillet welded joints, showing the effect of distortion.

Week 15
Discuss the basic principles of soldering and determine the used of brazing, limitation of
soft – soldered joint and how soft-soldered joints might be strengthened
Week 16
Determine the need for a flux, application / removal, uses of passive and active fluxes,
characteristics and uses of plumber’s solders.
Week 17
Determine the reason for hard soldering and materials which can be joined by silver solder,
brazing and bronze welding.
Week 18
Determine the process, when these materials are heated, they will melt at a specific
temperature such as, silver solder, by brazing and bronze welding.
Demonstrate heat treatment for different application, determine hardened and tempered
cutting edge and taking safety precautions.
Demonstrate heat treatment for different application, determine hardened and tempered
cutting edge and taking safety precaution
The students will distinguish the different personal protective equipment’s when welding
process, precaution related to gas welding and radiation from welding.

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