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   Dhampir are the progeny of vampires and mortals, with the
undying beauty and grace of vampires and the chaotic
mindset and free will of the living, Dhampir’s are seen as
omens and plagues upon civilization, forced to live in
isolation if not immediately burned at the stake.
Driven by their cold instincts and inhuman strength,
Dhampir recieve looks of damnation throughout the material
plane, causing many Dhampir hold intense grudges toward
the living, doing everything in their power to become the
undoing of civilization.

Ill-Begotten Fate
   It is rarely the case that a dhampir is created by accident,
rather, a powerful vampire will charm a pregnant woman and
feed her their blood, in turn creating progeny that can walk
amongst daylight. It is not uncommon for a Dhampir's
vampiric progenitor to manipulate and twist the heart of their
child, setting them forward on a path toward fulfilling the
vampire's machinations.
However, not all Dhampirs suffer this fate. An unsuspecting
vampire may infect a pregnant mortal, causing their child to
become a Dhampir. Or, in rare cases, enthralled mortals may
break their chains of captivity, finding way to perform holy
rituals before the infant's birth, strengthening the child's
bond toward life and love.
Regardless of their origin, Dhampirs tend to have a strange
relationship with death. Though they may not be truly
undead, they share an unnatural fortitude with their vampire

Physical Appearance
    Dhampir, while typically the off-spring between vampire
and human, and thus overtly human appearances, is not
unknown to have ancestry of other mortal races. As a
baseline, they have long, sharp fangs, ashen skin, gem-
coloured eyes, and a menacing gaze.
Elven off-spring are known to have long, pointed ears,
while dragonborn off-spring have blood-red scales adorning
their body. Tiefling off-spring maintain a similarly blood-red
skin tone and claws as sharp as their fangs, while aasimar
off-spring have a unique ink black or snow white skin tone
with ethereal blood occassionally dripping from their halo.

Dhampir Names
    Depending on how a Dhampir is raised, either with a
tyranical vampire parent, or a loving mortal mother, the
names given to them differ. Such a vampire may, on a whim,
just assign the name of the nearest object and be done with
the matter, while a loving mortal parent would give one
according to their culture and homeland.

Dhampir v.1 |
Created by /u/sthenial |
Dhampir Traits
   Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
1, and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Dhampir age as typical of their mortal ancestry,
however once adulthood is reached, they then show no visible
signs of age until death. It is unknown how long Dhampir
  Dhampir Ancestry
naturally live, however some speculate over a millenia.    Dhampir manifest their traits with wide variety, depending
Alignment. Much like humans, Dhampir are typically on their ancestry. Choose one of the following ancestries.
influenced by their upbringing yet, due to the discrimination
against their race and the less-than-good tendencies Noble-Blood
inheriteted from their vampiric bloodline, most repress
themselves into neutrality at best, and evilness at worst. A   Noble-Blood are Dhampir who have inherited the uncanny
dhampir is, however, fully capable of holding a good charm and beautiful appearances of their vampiric bloodline.
alignment. Noble-Blood are typically seen in larger cities, living without
Size. Dhampir are of the same stature as humans, though detection amongst humans. Their vampiric traits are much
typically lighter in weight. Your size is Medium. more subduced than other ancestries, with only their sharp
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. canines as evidence of their true nature.
Darkvision. Your vampiric ancestry has gifted you superior It is not uncommon to see a Noble-Blood having
vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light manipulated their way into politics or high-socieity.
within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, 1.
only shades of grey. Alluring Presence. You have proficiency in the Persuasion
Vampiric Resilience. You have resistance to necrotic skill.
damage. Enticing. You can cast the charm person spell once with
Fanged. Your fangs are a natural weapon, which you can this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long
use to make unarmed strikes against a willing creature or a rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
creature that’s grappled by you, incapacitated or restrained. If
you hit with it, you deal damage equal to 1 piercing damage + Wild-Blood
1d4 necrotic damage.
As part of an unarmed strike made with your fangs, you    Wild-Blood are Dhampir who have inherited the more
can drink blood from your target if it has blood and isn't a predatory traits of their vampiric bloodline, from increased
construct or undead, gaining temporary hit points equal to power and sharper instincts to longer fangs, blood-red eyes,
the necrotic damage dealt. If you fail to consume at least 1 and ghastly-pale skin.
liter of blood during a day, you gain a level of exhaustion and Due to this, Wild-Blood rarely live amongst humans, much
cannot benefit from your Vampiric Resilience trait except less civilized society, choosing rather to stay amongst
through magic or drinking at least 1 liter of blood. wildness or as arms-for-hire in local wars.
Languages. You speak, read, and write Common and one Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
language of your choice. 1.
Killer’s Instinct. You have proficiency in the Insight skill.
Rules Tip
Sharpened Fangs. Your fangs are longer and sharper than
your Dhampir brethren; when you use your Fanged trait and
    1 liter of blood for a Dhampir character can be considered 3 hit with the unarmed strike, you instead deal 1d4 piercing +
Fanged unarmed strikes against small creatures, 2 against 1d4 necrotic damage.
medium creatures and 1 against Large and bigger creatures.
Additionally, a Dhampir character that consumes 1 liter of
blood is considered to have met their daily need of food and

Art by Anastasia Bulgakova,

Anna Podedworna,
Martina Fačková
Sylvan-Blood    Elysian-Blood are Dhampirs with the paradoxical mix of
   Sylvan-Blood are Dhampirs who have inheritied the fey celestial and vampiric heritage; many of this ancestry tend
traits and attributes of their elven heritage; they are similar to feel at odds with their near-dual personality, constantly
appearance to Noble-Bloods but with noticably pointed ears. pulling them to both good acts and evil acts. Elysian-Blood
Sylvan-Blood, while entirely able to live amongst civilization, are said to be as beautiful as Noble-Blood, yet with a ghastly,
instead tend toward living amongst the wilderness. vacant aura.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
1. 1.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill. Duality. You have proficiency in the Deception skill.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws Radiant Legacy. You have advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. against being frightened and have advantage on Charisma
(Persuasion) checks made against Celestials.
   Nether-Blood are Dhampirs who descend from vampires
and tieflings, displaying many traits of both lineages. Nether-
          Racial Feats
Bloods have red skin, short horns, and sharp teeth. Their If your DM allows the optional feats rule from Chapter 6 of
appearance causes all to become wary. the Player's Handbook, your Dhampir character has access
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by to the following feats.
Hellish Lineage. You have proficiency in the Intimidation Sire
skill. Prerequisite: Dhampir, level 8+
Infernal Summons. As an action, you can cause flames to Your control over life and death expands, allowing you to
wreathe you for one minute. The flames don’t harm you or raise undead servants.
your possessions, and they shed bright light out to 15 feet
and dim light for an additional 15 feet. When you use your    When you use your Fang trait and hit with the unarmed
Fanged trait and hit with the unarmed strike while the flames strike, you can inject a sliver of your soul into your target,
are present, you deal an additional 1d4 fire damage. marking them with your vampirism. If a creature marked
Once you use this trait, you cannot do so again until you in this way dies within a minute of being marked, it raises
finish a long rest. as a zombie during the following midnight, as if it were
raised by the animate dead spell.
Dracon-Blood You can only create one zombie at a time with this
feature, and a zombie created in this way remains under
   Dracon-Blood are Dhampirs who descend from the union your control for 24 hours after being raised, after which it
between dragonborn and vampire; they retain the forceful stops obeying any command you’ve given it.
presence of their dragon lineage, with near blood-red scales
adorning their body and unnaturally sharp fangs. Dracon- Vampiric Charm
Blood find it easier to hide their vampiric heritage, in so far
as it is easy to evade being discriminated against as a Prerequisite: Dhampir, level 4+
dragonborn. Your unnatural charms allow you to compell a creature into
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases doing your bidding.
by 1. As an action, you can target one humanoid you can see
Long Lineage. You have proficiency in the History skill. within 30 feet. If the target can see you, it must succeed a
Imposing Roar. As an action, you roar loudly, forcing each Wisdom saving throw (DC 8+ your proficiency bonus +
creature within 10 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving your Charisma modifier) or be charmed for one minute.
throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma The charmed target regards you as a trusted friend to be
modifier). A target automatically succeeds if it can’t hear or heeded and protected. Although the target isn't under your
see you. On a failed save, a target becomes frightened until direct control, it takes your requests or actions in the most
the end of your next turn. favorable way possible, and it is a willing target for your
Once you use this trait, you cannot do so again until you Fanged unarmed strike.
finish a long rest.

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