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Decent Work as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) means
that there are opportunities for everyone to get work that is productive and
delivers a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families,
better prospects for personal development, and social integration. Both women
and men have equal opportunities and treatment. According to
economic growth means that there is an increase in the production of economic
goods and services in different periods.
Economic growth is an increase in the production of goods and services in an

Increases in capital goods, labor force, technology, and human capital can all
contribute to economic growth.
Economic growth is commonly measured in terms of the increase in aggregated
market value of additional goods and services produced, using estimates such as


1. Underemployment

Underemployment and vulnerable employment are the major

issues in the Philippines which is a developing country. The main
factor one person is underemployed remains to be additional or
bigger earnings. In 2015, 28% of the employed persons who
earned less than the first income quintile were visibly
underemployed. On average, they worked 20.5 hours a week.
No. 1 solution:

On the other side, solution analysis revolves around the evaluation of the
identified/formulated policy alternatives being proposed for Bureau of Local
Employment consideration is to continue JobStart implementation (status quo or
no action alternative, terminate implementation of JobStart Program and replace
it with Enterprise-led Learning Networks (ELLN), and continue implementing
JobStart and then introduce ELLN as a complementary program. Having sustained
economic growth is another way for the government to address the problem of
unemployment. When there is economic growth, employers will be more willing and
able to employ more workers. This helps to address the issue of unemployment.
However, this is a long term strategy that takes a lot of time to see results.
No. 1 solution:

Fear-induced uncertainty brought about by the pandemic is likely to keep many

businesses at a standstill, constrain the free movement of labour, and jeopardize plans
that promote long-term, sustainable and inclusive economic growth and productive
employment. Enabling policies and institutions, such as vigorous and widespread mass
testing and contact tracing to increase behavioural preference towards the utilization
of precautionary health services, and prioritizing small and medium-sized enterprises in
medium- or high-risk sectors can be crucial in achieving an inclusive economic recovery
by giving them income and in-kind assistance that can help ease the financial burden
accompanying reduced work hours and help sustain household consumption and by
giving workers social protection measures that ensure basic health and income
protection during the crisis and recovery phases

ADB presents study on underemployment in the Philippines to DOLE | Institute for Labor Studies. (n.d.).
Institute for Labor Studies. Retrieved September 18, 2021, from

Bertulfo, D. J. (2020). COVID-19 labour market impact in the Philippines: assessment and national policy

Villanueva, J. E. (n.d.). ADDRESSING YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES: A policy analysis of

JobStart and Enterprise-led Learning Networks (ELLN) | Institute for Labor Studies. Institute for Labor Studies.
Retrieved September 18, 2021, from
Improving youth REGARDING SDG8
The youth employment challenge is a broad issue that concerns the level of
productive employment in each country. Generally, unless the economy is
growing and the demand for labor is expanding, programs to integrate
disadvantaged youth into the labour market are not feasible. Young men and
women face many obstacles in transitioning from school to work. These include
lack of employment experience, strict labour market regulations, and a
mismatch between youth skills and realities.
No. 2 solution:

In Solutions: adopt a comprehensive, rights-based approach to the issues of young

people, especially related to productive and decent employment. Those frameworks
must simultaneously promote pro-employment economic policies, sound educational and
training systems, gender-sensitive programmes to ease the school-to-work transition;
labour market policies that are sensitive to the constraints and needs of young women
and men, as well as measures to ensure that young people have access to better
health care, and a voice in decisions that affect them. Providing jobs in the quantity
and quality that we need will require action from governments. We recommend that
government policies support employment and lift aggregate demand, including public
employment programmes, wage and training subsidies, sectoral programmes, counter-
cyclical fiscal policies, and youth entrepreneurship interventions.
No. 2 solution:

These instruments resolve that tackling youth employment requires an integrated approach, one
that combines supportive economic policies and targeted measures addressing labour demand and
supply, as well as the quantity and quality of employment. Adhering to the conclusions of the
above-mentioned Resolutions, YEP’s services to constituents go along the employment policy cycle,
from policy formulation to assessing the impact of youth employment interventions. Social dialogue
and the enhancement of national capacities are central to the programme’s intervention model at
the country level. YEP concentrates on knowledge development and dissemination, technical
assistance at the country level, and advocacy and partnerships (72 ). The programme’s operates
through a network of specialists from different ILO offices and technical units (see: ILO
The importance of social dialogue in promoting youth employment may be illustrated by the
engagement of governments and social partners in a large number of countries to put forward the
integrated approach to youth employment advocated for by the ILO.
Genfer Equality in REGARDING SDG8
the Workplace
The gender pay gap is one of the greatest social injustices of today.
According to the ILO, a woman with the same education and skills can earn
20% less than a man. Also, women are more likely to be part-time workers
than men. Gender inequality in the workplace is an important topic to
consider as you grow and develop your business. Discrepancies with gender
inequality may occur, and your business should take the necessary steps to
make your workplace as equal, inclusive, and diverse as possible.
No. 3 solution:

In Solutions: Increase diversity in hiring to modifying your job descriptions to promote

gender equality. Review your job descriptions and assess whether your job
requirements need to be altered to broaden the pool of applicants. For example, if a
position currently requires 15 years of experience, consider if 10 years of experience
would be sufficient. You can also evaluate whether other types of experiences or
education could qualify applicants for more senior-level positions. Review equal pay
laws to Review the federal equal pay law, and then review state laws, if necessary.
Many laws state that employers are required to provide equal pay for equal work,
which includes the same skill, responsibility, working conditions and effort. Note any
areas of improvement you can identify in your business regarding equal pay for equal
work and develop your policy relating to equal pay in your code of conduct.
No. 3 solution:

Begin a pay audit to consider conducting a pay audit to see if your male and female
employees are paid comparably. This may help you identify if you offer equal
employment opportunities to all employees. The best way to do this is to seek help
from an HR professional, outside source or to do it yourself using a spreadsheet. The
spreadsheet you use to conduct the audit should have sections for employment
positions, education, performance, and experience to help you notice gender pay gaps.
Promote work-life balance that flexibility is also something many people look for when
evaluating whether they want to work for a company. This option is especially
appealing for parents who may need flexibility to better balance a career and raising
children. Many companies are addressing this by offering employees the option to work
from home part-time or full-time or by giving them the option of telecommuting.
To possibly help the retrenched workers, government should implement these two:
1Provide credit Lending for those workers should be encouraged in this
Payments remitted by businesses should be deferred by governments.

The government should temporarily stop the collection of taxes which will help to
conserve needed operating capital and so that a company could provide enough
salary for their needed workers.

Due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, some companies are experiencing bankruptcy and
other small businesses were closed. Many people were in deep financial trouble even before the
government ordered to have a temporary suspension of companies and businesses to control the
spread of the said virus. In this kind of situation the economic stability of the country were
affected. In order to save the deficiency the government must provide a financial support to
the affected companies or businesses by giving them some consideration about tax collection.
However, some businesses have glowed up in this time of pandemic such as delivery services,
online shopping, food services and the likes. The said type of services should be given some
assessment about tax payment. The government should give consideration in allocating the taxes
of such business line since they are commonly popular nowadays.
Cabarrubias | Habasa
Hernandez | Pedrano
Sarmiento | Tapic

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