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Inversion with Questions

Muhammad Ahkam Arifin

Inversion (S V à V S)
• In questions
e.g., Where is he?
• Place expressions + Verb + Subject
e.g., Round the corner was a nice café.
Here's my number. Here comes the bus.
• Negative expressions + Verb + Subject
e.g., Only after waiting many hours did the train finally arrive.
• Conditionals with `were`, `should`, and `had`
If I were a doctor, I would be rich.
Were I a doctor, I would be rich. (inversion)
• Comparisons
He purchased more marbles than John.
He purchased more marbles than John does.
He purchased more marbles than does John. (inversion)
Edinmelb Official @Edinmelb

Inversion with Questions
• He can go to the movies.
• Can he go to the movies?
• She was sick yesterday.
• Was she sick yesterday?
• He has done his homework.
• Has he done his homework.
• He goes to the movies.
• Does he go to the movie?
• They like watching football.
• Do they like watching football.
• He told me the truth.
• Did they tell the truth?

Edinmelb Official @Edinmelb

Inversion with Questions

• What is the homework?

• I do not know what the homework is.

• Which book does he want?

• I am wondering which book he wants.

• When can I leave?

• _______________, I will take the first train.

• Where are you going?

• Do you know _____________?

Edinmelb Official @Edinmelb

Inversion with Questions

Correct or Incorrect

• The school does not have fixed schedule when is the seminar held.

• How the new teacher can know the regulations in this school?

• The curriculum designers base the level of the lesson materials on

what can the students achieve.

Multiple choice
• The lawyer asked the client why ____ it.
(A) did he do; (B) did he; (C) he did; (D) did
Edinmelb Official @Edinmelb


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