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Module 1


HOURS 3 Hours
LEARNING During the students learning engagement, they will be able to:
1. Identify the origin of computer.
2. Identify the different computer generation and the discoveries for each
3. Give examples of application of computer in different fields.
1. Cable, S. and Morrison, C. (2012). Microsoft Office 2010, advanced. Boston,
Mass.: Course Technology Cengage Learning.
2. Fulton, J. and Fredricks, K. (2010). Outlook 2010 all-in-one for dummies.
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley Pub.
3. Leary, T. and Leary, L. (2011). Computing essentials 2011 (Introductory ed.).
Boston: McGraw Hill Higher Education.
4. Null, L. and Lobur, J. (2015). The essentials of computer organization and
architecture, fourth edition (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
5. Parsons, J. and Oja, D. (2014). New perspectives computer concepts 2014:
Brief. Boston, MA.: Course Technology.
6. Shelly, G. and Freund, S. (2011). Windows Internet Explorer 9: Introductory.
Mason, Ohio: South-Western ;.
7. Vermaat, M. (2014). Discovering computers: Technology in a world of
computers, mobile devices, and the Internet. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning
8. Walkenbach, J. (2010). Excel 2010 bible. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing.
9. Weverka, P. (2010). Office 2010 all-in-one for dummies. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley
10. Williams, B. and Sawyer, S. (2011). Using information technology: A practical
introduction to computers & communications (9th ed.). Boston: Irwin/McGraw-

INSTRUCTOR Engr. Rechelle Teves


Seatwork No. 1 (15pts)

Instructions: Find my 15 words, these words are connected to our topic. Print screen the
table and circle the words you’ve found. No need to put it in MS Word, just send it in raw
file and rename the file with (Yourlastname_Seatwork1_Section).Not following the
instructions will result to no Seatwork
Due Date 101A August 25,2021
101B August 25,2021
101C August 27,2021
101D August 27,2021
101E August 29, 2021

Discussion No. 1 : COMPUTER BASIC

Abacus is considered as the ultimate ancestor of the computer. The tool became the arithmetic tool
of early merchants, 5000 years ago in Asia Minor. The basic purpose and principles of the abacus
are far different from today’s computer but they are related since both used to handle
numerical/logical computations.

Charles Babbage
Is known as “Father of Computing” and started the
birth of the field of computing. With his inventions, the
Difference and Analytical Engines, he had anticipated the
fundamental concept and principles that govern the
manufacturer and use of computer today. He was the one
who had idea of having computing machine.

Difference Engine

The Difference Engine was conceived to perform quick

tabular calculations. The workings of which were based
on the Method of Differences, an algorithm that lent itself
to the easy creation of a wide range of mathematical
tables. The engine was powered by steam. Babbage had a
small working prototype of the engine by May 1822 and
his colleagues were impressed with its speed and accuracy. The engine embodied the basic concepts
and elements of a modern general- purpose computer.

Analytical Engine

Ten years into crafting the Difference Engine, Babbage

came up with the idea of a more sophisticated machine
called Analytical Engine. It was the first ever device that
can be considered as a computer.
The basic design of the Analytical Engine required over
50,000 components. It utilized I/O media called
Jacquard’s punched cards, originally used to lay down
thread arrangements in weaving. A Jacquard punch
card is a perforated card that can indicate numerical
The concept of the Analytical Engine incorporated virtually every aspect necessary for a computer
system. It used the punch cards for storing operating instructions (programs), and would have been
able to store around 1,000 numbers of up to 50 decimal places. It also allowed output devices for
displaying results.


First generation of computers was designed for a specific task

that’s why a complex form of human-machine
communication commonly known as machine language was
used. Machine language involved the manipulation of bits
(1’s or 0’s) to tell the computer how to operate. An example of
a computer worthy for this development is the ENIAC.
First Generation
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) is a
hulk of machinery consists of 18,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000
resistors, and 5 million soldered joints, and occupied a space
equal to a small warehouse. Comparing this machine to its
predecessor, it is built as a general-purpose computer.

The Second Generation had focused on the development of

the “transistor”. The major difference and advancement of the
transistor from hot vacuum tubes is its smaller size and
increased reliability. With this, it resulted to smaller and
smaller computers, which were faster and more energy-
Second Generation
efficient than their predecessors. Moreover, it has used a
more specialized language with easier abbreviated
programming codes called “assembly language”. Assembly
language essentially replaced the complicated and difficult
binary code of machine language.

The Third Generation is all about “integration”. It is a process

in which numerous electronic components are brought
together to compose a system unit (an integrated circuit) that
Third Generation
combines them in a dynamic, coordinated manner. The first
integrated circuit (IC) was invented independently by Jack
Kilby and Robert Noyce.

The Fourth Generation is the development of user-friendly

software packages that offered non-technical users many of
the advantages of computer applications. It is characterized
Fourth Generation by the application of advanced engineering techniques that
allow for very-large-scale-integration (VLSI), and ultra-large-
scale-integration (ULSI), which allow for the placement of
millions of electronic components in a single chip.

Fifth Generation
The Fifth Generation of computers can understand human
speech, and can recognize patterns like faces and other
complex images. The terms broadly used include artificial
intelligence, expert systems, and natural language
processing. However, this generation has not come to its full
realization because there’s still no computer that can be fully
compared to human capabilities.



Businesses use computers in various purposes such as storing information in databases, providing
an easy interface with customers, cutting costs, and facilitating the processing and presentation of

Mathematics and Science

Computers have also taken part on the advancement of various fields of scientific and mathematical
endeavors. Moreover, computer systems played a major role in new headways and discoveries in
virtually every science in the modern age. A good example was Watson and Crick’s discovery of the
DNA structure. Without this discovery, some other breakthroughs would not have been possible
especially in terms of new medicines. Another example is the development of theorem-proving
programs helping mathematicians in areas like abstract algebra and numerical analysis.

The field of Engineering gave us amazing devices, particularly in the area of computer engineering
wherein the degrees of miniaturization and integration have multiplied simultaneously. Today,
processors are created with circuit pathways that are less than ten microns wide.
Aside from computer engineering, other areas of engineering have benefited from advanced
computational methods. In aeronautical engineering, the design and manufacturing of spacecrafts,
satellites, space stations, and the equipment used by astronauts in space. In naval engineering, the
design and manufacturing of water-borne vessels were developed using the computational methods
and computer systems. And all other fields of engineering such as manufacturing, civil, chemical,
communications, and electrical engineering have benefited from these advancements


A good example of advancement in health care is the artificial hearts designed and manufactured
using computer-aided and computer-guided systems. Many of those who have heart problems can
be offered with this technology.
In the area of education, computers have been and are still indispensable. It has allowed us to
create presentation materials and documents easily. In addition, research became easier with the
emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web.

Computer systems played a major role for the entertainment industry. The use of computers in the
entertainment industry has revolutionized from music to visual arts to interactive games and virtual
The audio files use rich compression technologies which has the most popular format – MPEG Layer
3, or MP3. With this, audio files now have sizes that are tenth of their previous, more conventional
versions allowing a single CD to contain more than a hundred songs and conveniently store songs
in a computer.

Assignment No.1 : Essay

Instruction: Create an essay on “How computer help you in your daily activity?” .Make
your own title and must have a minimum of 500 words. Don’t save it as pdf file. Not
following the instructions/format will result to NO ASSIGNMENT.
Due Date 101A August 30,2021
101B August 30,2021
101C September 01, 2021
101D September 01,2021
101E September 03,2021

Assignment No.1

Name: Date:

Font Calibri
Font Size 11
Margin Top 1”, Bottom 1”, Left 1”, Right 0.5”
Alignment Justify
Line Spacing 1.0
Font Color Black
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File Name ( Yourlastname_Assignment1_Section)
Score Content Organization Development Use of Language
4 Answer is appropriate Clear sense of order. Begins Develop each point with Uses technical or
to the question. with a thesis or topic may specific details. scientific terminology.
Content is factually sentence. Supporting points Answers question Appropriately and
correct. are presented in a logical completely. correctly. No major
progression. grammatical or spelling
3 Answer is appropriate May lack a thesis sentence, Each point supported Accurate word choice. No
to the question. but points are presented in a with some details and more than 2 major errors
Content may have 1 or logical progression. evidence. All important and a few minor errors.
2 factual errors. points included.
2 Content relates Logic of argument is Sparse details or Ordinary word choice;
peripherally to the minimally perceivable. Points evidence. Question only use of scientific
question; contains presented in a seemingly partially answered. terminology avoided.
significant factual random fashion, but all Some serious errors (but
errors. support argument. they don’t impair
1 Content unrelated to Lacks clear organizational Statements are Limited vocabulary;
question. plan. Reader is confused. unsupported by any errors impair
detail or explanation. communication
Repetitious, incoherent,
illogical development.
Legend: Score: 4 = 20 points 3 =15 points 2 = 10 points 1 = 5 points

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