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Case Study

Go through the below Use case. Come up with the following for this use case:
1. Derive Requirement from the use case (3 marks)
2. Derive the +ve and –ve scenarios from the requirement (6 marks)
3. Create detailed test cases (.xls file) for the above scenarios. (6 marks)
4. Create a Traceability Matrix (.xls file) for requirements, scenario & test cases (5 marks)

Leave Request
1. Description: Support a user to raise a Leave Request in ESS.
2. Actor: KCSTP Participant
3. Precondition:
3.1 User has authenticated and navigated to Create Leave Request in ESS.
3.2 Participant is requested to raise a Leave request.
4. Success Post Condition:
4.1 Leave Request is raised and email is send to the Approver.
5. Main Success Scenario (MSS):
5.1 The system displays the options to the user to raise a Leave Request.
5.2 User enters the details. (AF-1)(AF-3)(AF-4)
5.3 User selects the send button to submit the values. (EF – 2) (EF – 3)(EF - 4)
6. Alternate Flows:
6.1 (AF – 1) Cancel Leave Creation
6.1.1 If the user cancels, the system aborts creation of Leave Request and Use case ends.
6.2 (AF – 2) Cancel Select Approver
6.2.1 If the user cancels selecting the approver, the flow resumes from 5.2 in MSS.
6.3 (AF – 3) Change Approver
6.3.1 User chooses to change the approver; System displays the Change Approver Screen.
6.3.2 User enters the Approver name (AF-2)
6.3.3 User clicks on the Find button (EF-1) (EF – 3)
6.3.4 User Chooses the Approver and the Flow resumes from 5.2 in MSS.
6.4 (AF – 4) Calculate
6.4.1 When the User clicks on the Calculate button the system calculates the number of days absent
from the ‘Absent from’, ‘To’ and ‘Time’ fields. Flow resumes from 5.2 of MSS

7. Exceptional Flows:
7.1 (EF – 1) No Users Available
7.1.1 If for a given search criteria no user is found then the user is presented with a message and the
flow resumes from 6.3.2 of the AF3
7.2 (EF – 2) Invalid date Format
7.2.1 If the user enters an invalid date in the ‘Absent From’ or ‘To’ fields then the user is presented
with a message and the flow resumes from 5.2 of the MSS
7.3 (EF – 3) Database Connectivity Error
7.3.1 If there is a database connectivity error then the system displays a message and requests the

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user to try after some time and closes the application. The Flow ends.
7.4 (EF – 4) Invalid Time Format
7.4.1 If the user enters an invalid time in the ‘Time’ or ‘Absence Hours’ fields then the user is
presented with a message and the flow resumes from 5.2 of the MSS

8. Business Rules:
8.1 System returns all the employees matching the search criteria entered for the approver. The
Approver is displayed as a Link and on clicking the name, the name is displayed against the approver
in the Main screen.
8.2 Note field accepts 256 characters – Alphabets, Numbers and special characters.
8.3 The time is entered in hh:mm format.
8.4 The date is entered in format.
8.5 On successfully raising the Leave request an email is sent to the User and the Approver about the
Leave Request.
8.6 The User can Raise leave request on Multiples of 0.5 days.
8.7 Approver field accepts 40 alphabets
8.8 If time is not entered the absence hours will default to 8 hours
8.9 The Absence type includes Privilege leave, Sick Leave and the Casual leave
8.10 . The available leave will be displayed in the bottom of the screen
8.11 Absent from and To date defaults to the next day if not entered
8.12 Privilege leave will be selected by default
8.13 Maximum 10 approvers will be displayed per page in approver search page for all matching names
8.14 User can enter as many days leave for a given category and can club the leaves
8.15 Leave day field is read only and is calculated from the Absence from to and time fields
8.16 Approver name field accepts only alphabets

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