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Product datasheet

Human PEDF ELISA Kit ab246535


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Product name Human PEDF ELISA Kit

Detection method Colorimetric
Precision Intra-assay

Sample n Mean SD CV%

supernatant 8 2.1%


Sample n Mean SD CV%

supernatant 3 4.1%

Sample type Cell culture supernatant, Serum, Cit plasma

Assay type Sandwich (quantitative)
Sensitivity 146 pg/ml
Range 468.75 pg/ml - 30000 pg/ml
Recovery Sample specific recovery

Sample type Average % Range

Cell culture supernatant 107 104% - 108%

Serum 112 109% - 115%

Cit plasma 109 104% - 112%

Assay time 1h 30m

Assay duration One step assay
Species reactivity Reacts with: Human
Product overview Human PEDF ELISA Kit (ab246535) is a single-wash 90 min sandwich ELISA designed for the
quantitative measurement of PEDF protein in cell culture supernatant, cit plasma, and serum. It

uses our proprietary SimpleStep ELISA® technology. Quantitate Human PEDF with 146 pg/ml

SimpleStep ELISA® technology employs capture antibodies conjugated to an affinity tag that is
recognized by the monoclonal antibody used to coat our SimpleStep ELISA® plates. This
approach to sandwich ELISA allows the formation of the antibody-analyte sandwich complex in a
single step, significantly reducing assay time. See the SimpleStep ELISA® protocol summary in
the image section for further details. Our SimpleStep ELISA® technology provides several

- Single-wash protocol reduces assay time to 90 minutes or less

- High sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility from superior antibodies
- Fully validated in biological samples
- 96-wells plate breakable into 12 x 8 wells strips

A 384-well SimpleStep ELISA® microplate (ab203359) is available to use as an alternative to the

96-well microplate provided with SimpleStep ELISA® kits.

Platform Pre-coated microplate (12 x 8 well strips)


Storage instructions Store at +4°C. Please refer to protocols.

Components 1 x 96 tests

10X Human PEDF Capture Antibody 1 x 600µl

10X Human PEDF Detector Antibody 1 x 600µl

10X Wash Buffer PT (ab206977) 1 x 20ml

50X Cell Extraction Enhancer Solution (ab193971) 1 x 1ml

Antibody Diluent 4BI 1 x 6ml

Human PEDF Lyophilized Recombinant Protein 2 vials

Plate Seals 1 unit

Sample Diluent NS (ab193972) 1 x 50ml

SimpleStep Pre-Coated 96-Well Microplate (ab206978) 1 unit

Stop Solution 1 x 12ml

TMB Development Solution 1 x 12ml

Function Neurotrophic protein; induces extensive neuronal differentiation in retinoblastoma cells. Potent
inhibitor of angiogenesis. As it does not undergo the S (stressed) to R (relaxed) conformational
transition characteristic of active serpins, it exhibits no serine protease inhibitory activity.

Tissue specificity Retinal pigment epithelial cells and blood plasma.
Sequence similarities Belongs to the serpin family.
Developmental stage Expressed in quiescent cells.
Domain The N-terminal (AA 44-121) exhibits neurite outgrowth-inducing activity. The C-terminal exposed
loop (AA 382-418) is essential for serpin activity.
Post-translational The N-terminus is blocked. Extracellular phosphorylation enhances antiangiogenic activity.
modifications N- and O-glycosylated. O-glycosylated with a core 1 or possibly core 8 glycan.
Cellular localization Secreted. Melanosome. Enriched in stage I melanosomes.


SimpleStep ELISA technology allows the formation of the antibody-

antigen complex in one single step, reducing assay time to 90
minutes. Add samples or standards and antibody mix to wells all at
once, incubate, wash, and add your final substrate. See protocol for
a detailed step-by-step guide.

Other - Human PEDF ELISA Kit (ab246535)

The PEDF standard curve was prepared as described in Section

10. Raw data values are shown in the table. Background-subtracted
data values (mean +/- SD) are graphed.

Example of human PEDF standard curve in Sample

Diluent NS with Enhancer.

The concentrations of PEDF were measured in duplicates,
interpolated from the PEDF standard curves and corrected for
sample dilution. Undiluted samples are as follows: serum 1:1000,
plasma (citrate) 1:1000, and HEPG2 cell culture supernatant 5%.
The interpolated dilution factor corrected values are plotted (mean
+/- SD, n=2). The mean PEDF concentration was determined to be
22.3 µg/mL in serum, 19.87 µg/mL in plasma (citrate) and 0.448
µg/mL in and HEPG2 cell culture supernatant.

Interpolated concentrations of native PEDF in human

serum, plasma-citrate and HEPG2 cell culture
supernatant samples.

To learn more about the advantages of recombinant antibodies see


Sandwich ELISA - Human PEDF ELISA Kit



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