Experiment No: 1 Measurements of Pressure and Pressure Head by Piezometer, U-Tube Manometer

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Experiment No: 1

Measurements of pressure and pressure head by Piezometer, U-tube manometer

Experiment No:2
Study of a Bourdon Pressure Gage


To calibrate a Bourdon type pressure gage and to establish the calibration curve of Bourdon
Gage. Also determine the gage errors.

1. Apparatus:

i. Dead Weight Calibrator.

ii. Set of Test weights
iii. Weight balance.
iv. Bourdon pressure gage.

1.1 Introduction

Instrument calibration is one of the primary processes used to maintain instrument accuracy. It
is the process of configuring an instrument to provide results within an acceptable range.
Known weights have been applied on a Dead Weight Calibrator to apply pressure to a fluid for
checking the accuracy of readings from a pressure gage.

Various types of pressure measuring instrument have been used to measure the pressure
intensity at any point in static or moving fluid. One of these devices is the Bourdon tube
pressure gage. Bourdon-tube pressure gages are most widely used now-a-days because of their
reliability, compactness, low cost and ease of use. It consists of a curved tube (Figure 1) of
elliptical cross-section bent into a circular arc.

Figure 1: Dead Weight Calibrator

When pressure is applied to the tube, it tends to straighten out, and the deflection of the end
of the tube is communicated through a system of levers to a recording pointer.
This gauge is widely used for steam and compressed gases. The pressure indicated is the
difference between the system pressure and to the external (ambient) pressure, and is usually
referred to as the gauge pressure

1.2 Related Theory:

The bourdon gage is the most popular pressure measuring device for both liquids and gasses. It
can be connected to any source of pressure such as a pipe or vessel containing a pressurized

I. Bourdon Gage:

The Bourdon Gauge (Figure 2) is fitted with a transparent dial, which lets you see the internal
workings of the gauge. The gauge consists of a thin walled closed ended tube which is oval in
cross section. This tube is bent through an angle of about 270 o along its long axis. The open end
of the tube is welded to a hollow mounting block which allows the pressurized fluid to reach
the tube. This causes the pressure from the source to be transmitted directly to the inside of
the bourdon tube. The applied pressure causes the oval tube to become rounder (since a round
cross section has the maximum area for a given circumference). As it becomes rounder, the
bourdon tube tends to uncurl which causes its free end to move. A system of linkages and
levers transmits this motion to the gauge needle which moves over the scale.

Figure 2: Bourdon Gage

II. Dead Weight Calibrator:

In order to obtain very accurate pressure measurements, it is essential to regularly re-

calibrate the gauge. This is because the tube tends to become weaker with extended use. The
usual procedure is to apply a known pressure to the gauge using a device called a Dead Weight
Calibrator. The normal calibration procedure is to load the gauge for known pressures, using a
dead weight calibrator including a liquid of known specific gravity (use water as the liquid). This
dead weight tester uses a simple piston and cylinder arrangement to provide a source of
pressurized liquid (in the experiment water will produced a better result than oil) which is
transmitted to the gauge. Since the true pressure of the liquid can be easily calculated, the
value can be compared directly to the reading on the gauge over the complete scale range.
(The scale range is the range of pressures from zero to the full-scale deflection value). The dead
weight tester consists of a cylindrical piston which is free to move vertically in a close fitting

A Platen is attached to the piston which can be loaded with a series of accurate weights.
The pressure developed in the cylinder is transmitted via a transparent tube to the gauge under
test. The cylinder is mounted on a base board which is supported on leveling screws and fitted
with a spirit level.

1.3 Governing Equations:

The use of the piston and weights with the cylinder generates a measurable reference


F= Force applied to the liquid in the calibrator cylinder in Newton (N).

M= Total mass including the mass of the piston in kilogram (kg).

A= Cross-sectional area of the piston in square meter (m2).

g= Acceleration due to gravity in meter per square second (m/s2).

1.4 Equipment Set Up:

Position the calibrator without the piston on the hydraulic bench top and ensure that
the base is horizontal by adjusting the feet and using the spirit level. This is necessary to
ensure vertical transfer of the applied load and free rotation of the piston.
Open all cocks on the pressure gage base.
Connect the inflow cock to the bench flow connector and the outflow cock to the lower
tube from the calibrator cylinder.
Open slowly the bench valve to produce a flow, tilt the pressure gage to ensure that air
is driven out from the manifold and then close the middle cock on the manifold.
When there is no further air emerging and the calibrator cylinder is full, close the bench
valve and the inflow cock on the manifold.

1.4.1 Data for the Piston:

a. Mass of the piston (Mp) = 498g

b. Diameter of the piston (d) = 0.01767m

1.5 Procedure:

1. Measure the weight of the calibration masses.

2. Note down the weight of the piston and it’s cross sectional area.

3. Remove the piston and pour the water into the cylinder until it is full to overflow level.
Any air trapped in the tube may be cleared by tilting and gently tapping the apparatus.

4. Insert the piston carefully and spin it to minimize any friction effects.

5. Note the pressure reading from the gage.

6. Add the weights in convenient increments, and at each increment, observe the pressure
gage reading.

7. Take the similar sets of readings with decreasing weights.

Note: If due to the slight leakage, piston reaches the cylinder bottom, more water must
be added to the cylinder.
1.6 Table of Observations and Calculations:

All readings and calculations are to be tabulated as follows:

Mass Actual Pressure Gage Reading (kPa) Percent Error (%)

(kg) (kPa) Loading Unloading Loading Unloading

Relative Error = (Measured Value – Actual Value) /Actual Value

Percent Error = │Relative Error│ × 100

Note: Also, show the sample calculation to calculate the Relative Error and Percent Error.

1.7 Graphical Relationship:

Plot the following graphs:

1) Actual Pressure against Measured Pressure (Gage Reading).

2) Percent Error against Measured Pressure (Gage Reading).

1.8 Conclusion and Recommendations:

Comment on the accuracy of the gage.

Is the relative height between the calibrator and the gage important in calibration?
General comments about the experiment
Your recommendations.
Experiment No: 3
Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem


1. To demonstrate the variation of the pressure along a converging-diverging pipe section.

2. The objective is to validate Bernoulli’s assumptions and theorem by experimentally proving that the
sum of the terms in the Bernoulli equation along a streamline always remains a constant.

Apparatus Required:
Apparatus for the verification of Bernoulli’s theorem and measuring tank with stop watch setup for
measuring the actual flow rate.


The Bernoulli theorem is an approximate relation between pressure, velocity, and elevation,
and is valid in regions of steady, incompressible flow where net frictional forces are negligible. The
equation is obtained when the Euler’s equation is integrated along the streamline for a constant
density (incompressible) fluid. The constant of integration (called the Bernoulli’s constant) varies from
one streamline to another but remains constant along a streamline in steady, frictionless,
incompressible flow. Despite its simplicity, it has been proven to be a very powerful tool for fluid

Bernoulli’s equation states that the “sum of the kinetic energy (velocity head), the pressure
energy (static head) and Potential energy (elevation head) per unit weight of the fluid at any point
remains constant” provided the flow is steady, irrotational, and frictionless and the fluid used is
incompressible. This is however, on the assumption that energy is neither added to nor taken away by
some external agency. The key approximation in the derivation of Bernoulli’s equation is that viscous
effects are negligibly small compared to inertial, gravitational, and pressure effects. We can write the
theorem as

P V2
Pressure head ( )+ Velocity head ( )+ Elevation (Z) = a constant
g 2g

Where, P = the pressure.(N/m2)

r = density of the fluid, kg/m3
V = velocity of flow, (m/s)

g = acceleration due to gravity, m/s2

Z = elevation from datum line, (m)
Figure 1.1: Pressure head increases with decrease in velocity head.

P1/w+V12/2g+Z1= P2/w+V22/2g+Z2= constant

Where P/w is the pressure head

V/2g is the velocity head

Z is the potential head.

The Bernoulli’s equation forms the basis for solving a wide variety of fluid flow problems
such as jets issuing from an orifice, jet trajectory, flow under a gate and over a weir, flow
metering by obstruction meters, flow around submerged objects, flows associated with pumps
and turbines etc.

The equipment is designed as a self-sufficient unit it has a sump tank, measuring tank and a
pump for water circulation as shown in figure1. The apparatus consists of a supply tank, which is
connected to flow channel. The channel gradually contracts for a length and then gradually enlarges
for the remaining length. In this equipment the Z is constant and is not taken for calculation.
Fig: Bernoulli’s Apparatus


1. Keep the bypass valve open and start the pump and slowly start closing valve.
2. The water shall start flowing through the flow channel. The level in the Piezometer tubes
shall start rising.
3. Open the valve on the delivery tank side and adjust the head in the Piezometer tubes to
steady position.
4. Measure the heads at all the points and also discharge with help of diversion pan in the
measuring tank.
5. Varying the discharge and repeat the procedure.

Distance between each piezometer = 7.5 cm

Density of water = 0.001 kg/cm3
1) Note down the Sl. No’s of Pitot tubes and their cross sectional areas.

2) Volume of water collected q = ……………. cm3

3) Time taken for collection of water t = …………….sec

Area of the Discharge Total

flow ‘A’ in ‘Q’ in Velocity Velocity Pressure
(cm2) (cm3/sec) ‘V’ in head in head in head
No (cm/sec) (cm) (cm)
‘H’ (cm)



Sample Calculations:

1. Discharge Q = q / t =………….. cm3/sec

2. Velocity V= Q/ A= ................... = ………. cm/sec

Where A is the cross sectional area of the fluid flow

3. Velocity head V2/2g = ………….. cm

4. Pressure head (actual measurement or piezometer tube reading)

P/w= ……………… cm

5. Total Head H= Pressure head + Velocity Head = ………...........…….. cm

Result & Discussion:
Plot the graph between P/w and x.
Plot the graph between V2/2g and x.


A. Bernoulli’s equation holds good for non ideal fluids

B. The pressure head is given by
C. Bernoulli’s theorem deals with law conservation of momentum
D. What is piezometer tube?


1) Fluid mechanics - Dr.R.K.Bansal

2) Experiments in fluid mechanics - Sarabjit Singh
3) Wikipedia
Reynolds experiment to study types of flow


To perform the Reynolds experiment for determination of different regimes of flow.


Reynolds Apparatus test rig and stop watch


The purpose of this experiment is to illustrate the influence of Reynolds number on

pipe flows. Reynolds number is a very useful dimensionless quantity (the ratio of dynamic
forces to viscous forces) that aids in classifying certain flows. For incompressible flow in a pipe
Reynolds number based on the pipe diameter, ReD = VaveDρ/μ, serves well. Generally, laminar
flows correspond to ReD < 2100, transitional flows occur in the range 2100 < ReD < 4000, and
turbulent flows exist for ReD > 4000. However, disturbances in the flow from various sources
may cause the flow to deviate from this pattern. This experiment will illustrate laminar,
transitional, and turbulent flows in a pipe.


The flow of real fluids can basically occur under two very different regimes namely
laminar and turbulent flow. The laminar flow is characterized by fluid particles moving in the
form of lamina sliding over each other, such that at any instant the velocity at all the points in
particular lamina is the same. The lamina near the flow boundary move at a slower rate as
compared to those near the center of the flow passage. This type of flow occurs in viscous
fluids, fluids moving at slow velocity and fluids flowing through narrow passages.

The turbulent flow is characterized by constant agitation and intermixing of fluid particles
such that their velocity changes from point to point and even at the same point from time to
time. This type of flow occurs in low density Fluids flow through wide passage and in high
velocity flows.
Reynolds conducted an experiment for observation and determination of these regimes
of flow. By introducing a fine filament of dye in to the flow of water through the glass tube, at
its entrance he studied the different types of flow. At low velocities the dye filament appeared
as straight line through the length of the tube and parallel to its axis, characterizing laminar
flow. As the velocity is increased the dye filament becomes wavy throughout indicating
transition flow. On further increasing the velocity the filament breaks up and diffuses
completely in the water in the glass tube indicating the turbulent flow.
After conducting his experiment with pipes different diameters and with water at different
temperatures Reynolds concluded that the various parameters on which the regimes of flow
depend can be grouped together in a single non dimensional parameter called Reynolds
number. Reynolds number is defined as, the ratio of inertia force to the viscous force .Where
viscous force is shear stress multiplied area and inertia force is mass multiplied acceleration.
Re = VDρ/ µ =VD/v (v = )

Re-Reynolds number
V - Velocity of flow
D - Characteristic length=diameter in case of pipe flow
Ρ - Mass density of fluid =1000
3. - dynamic viscosity of fluid = 0.55x v

- Kinematic viscosity of fluid

Reynolds observed that in case of flow through pipe for values of Re<2000 the flow is
laminar while offer Re>40000 it is turbulent and for 2000<Re<4000 it is transition flow.

Type of flow Reynolds number

Pipe flow Canal flow

Laminar flow < 2000 < 500

Transition flow 2000 to 4000 500 to 2000

Turbulent flow > 4000 >2000


A stop watch, a graduated cylinder, and Reynolds apparatus which consists of water tank
having a glass tube leading out of it. The glass tube has a bell mouth at entrance and a
regulating valve at outlet, a dye container with an arrangement for injecting a fine filament of
dye at the entrance of the glass tube. Potassium permanganate ( to give brightly reddish color
streak),thermometer measuring tank.


Inner diameter of glass tube, D = Cross - sectional area

of glass tube, A = (π / 4) x D² Mean temperature of
water – t - =
Kinematic viscosity of water-ν- =

Discharge Time taken Discharge Velocity

for discharge ‘V’ Type of
‘q’ in ‘Q’ in flow
3 ‘Re’
(liters) ‘t’ in (sec) (cm /sec) (cm/sec)

Perform the following calculations for each set of readings

Discharge –Q =

Velocity of flow – V =
Start the experiment by pressing start button with default values of temperature of water and
time taken and diameter of pipe. Then pass the experiment with few cycles and note the
6. Start the experiment and allow the water to flow in to the tank of the apparatus. Water level
in the pyrometer is slightly rising along with rise in tank. Control valve of the glass tube should
be slightly opened for removing air bubbles.
7. After the tank is filled outlet valve of the glass tube and inlet valve of the tank should be
closed, so that water should be at rest.
A. Keeping the velocity of flow is very small and inlet of the die injector is slightly opened, so
that the die stream moves at a straight line throughout the tube showing the flow is laminar.
B. Again measure the discharge and increase the velocity of flow.
A. Note the observations till the die stream in the glass tube breaks up and gets diffused in
B. Repeat the experiment by decreasing the rate of flow and by changing the
temperature and diameter of pipe.

4) Reynolds number –Re = VD/ ν
5) Regime of flow =

c. Flow to be laminar the Reynolds number should be greater than 2000.
d. For flow to be turbulent the flow should be more than 400.
e. Concept of Reynolds number is used in open channels.
8. The behavior of path lines is laminar flow.
9. If the Reynolds number is in between 2000 and 4000 then the flow is.





6) The constructor- http://theconstructor.org/

Experiment No. 05
Determination of Darcy’s friction factor for a given pipe & FRICTION (MAJOR) LOSSES IN PIPES

To measure the friction factor for flow through different diameter of pipes over a wide
range of Reynolds number and compare with corresponding theoretical value.

Flow losses in pipe apparatus with flow control device and manometer
Collecting tank = 30 cm (L)*30 cm (W)* h cm
Stop watch

Various fluids are transported through pipes. When the fluid flows through pipes,
energy losses occur due to various reasons, among which friction loss is the predominant
one. Darcy-Weisbach equation relates the head loss due to frictional or turbulent through
a pipe to the velocity of the fluid and diameter of the pipe as

4 flv2
Where hf = Loss of head due to friction
L=length of pipe between the sections used for measuring loss of
head D= Diameter of the pipe, 1”,3/4”,1/2”
f= Darcy coefficient of friction

Figure: Losses in pipes during flow

The experiment is performed by using a number of long horizontal pipes of different
diameters connected to water supply using a regulator valve for achieving different
constant flow rates. Pressure tapings are provided on each pipe at suitable distances apart
and connected to U-tube differential manometer. Manometer is filled with enough
mercury to read the differential head „hm‟. Water is collected in the collecting tank for
arriving actual discharge using stopwatch and the piezometric level attached to the
collecting tank.

1). Darcy coefficient of friction (Friction factor)
f f
Where h f hm * 1 hm is differential level of manometer fluid measured in

Qact =Actual discharge measured from volumetric technique.

2).Reynolds number ReD1 where is the coefficient of dynamic viscosity of
flowing fluid. The viscosity of water is 8.90*10-4 Pa-s at 250 C. Viscosity of water at
different temp is listed below:

Temperature(0C) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Viscosity () 13.08 10.03 7.978 6.531 5.471 4.668 4.044 3.550 3.150 2.822

Pa-s *10-4

1. Note the pipe diameter „D‟, the density of the manometer fluid(mercury) „ m‟

=13600 kg/m3 and the flowing fluid(water) „ ‟=1000 kg/m3.

2. Make sure only required water regulator valve and required valves at tapings
connected to manometer are opened.
3. Start the pump and adjust the control valve to make pipe full laminar flow. Wait
for some time so that flow is stabilized.
4. Measure the pressure difference „hm‟ across the orifice meter.
5. Note the piezometric reading „Z0‟ in the collecting tank while switch on the
6. Record the time taken „T‟ and the piezometric reading „Z 1‟ in the collecting tank
after allowing sufficient quantity of water in the collecting tank.
7. Increase the flow rate by regulating the control valve and wait till flow is steady.
8. Repeat the steps 4 to 6 for different flows.


Diameter of pipe „D‟= 0.0254 m Area of pipe „A‟= m2 Length of Pipe „L‟= 1 m
2 0
Area of collecting tank Act= 0.09 m Coefficient of dynamic viscosity at C= Pa.s.
3 3
Density of the manometer liquid m= 13.6 x 1000 kg/m Density of the flowing liquid = 1000 kg/m

Tabulation 5.1- For pipe No. 1.

No. Measurement Calculated values f Re No. Log (Re)

Time Z1(m) Z0(m) hm(m) Collecting Volume(m3) Discharge Velocity hf(m) 2gDhf vD
T tank Act*hct Qact (8)/A m f 4Lv2

(sec) hct(m) (7)/(2) (5)* 1


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

Diameter of pipe „D‟= 0.019 m Area of pipe „A‟= m2 Length of Pipe „L‟= 1 m
2 0
Area of collecting tank Act=0.09 m Coefficient of dynamic viscosity at C= Pa.s.
3 3
Density of the manometer liquid m= 13.6 x 1000 kg/m Density of the flowing liquid =1000 kg/m
Tabulation 5.2- For pipe No. 2 .

No Actual Measurement Calculated values f Re Log(R

. No. e)

Time Z1(m) Z0(m) hm(m) Collecting Volume(m3 Discharge Velocity hf(m) 2gDh vD
tank ) f 4Lv
T(sec) Qact (8)/A
hct(m) Act*hct (5)* 1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)


 When fluid is flowing, there is a fluctuation in the height of piezometer tubes, note the mean
position carefully.
 There in some water in collecting tank.
 Carefully keep some level of fluid in inlet and outlet supply tank.

Viva Questions:-

 Define major loss in pipe?

 Define equilent pipe?
 Define friction factor in the pipe?
Determination of Minor losses in pipes (any two)

Aim:- To determine the minor losses due to sudden enlargement, sudden contraction and bend.

Apparatus Used:-

A flow circuit of G. I. pipes of different pipe fittings viz. Large bend, Small bend, Elbow, Sudden
enlargement from 25 mm dia to 50 mm dia, Sudden contraction from 50 mm dia to 25 mm dia, U-
tube differential manometer, collecting tank.

Minor Losses:-

Figure: Loss due to sudden enlargement Figure: Loss due to bend

Figure: Loss due to sudden contraction

The local or minor head losses are caused by certain local features or disturbances. The
disturbances may be caused in the size or shape of the pipe. This deformation affects the velocity
distribution and may result in eddy formation.
Sudden Enlargement:- Two pipe of cross-sectional area A1 and A2 flanged together with a
constant velocity fluid flowing from smaller diameter pipe. This flow breaks away from edges of
narrow edges section, eddies from and resulting turbulence cause dissipation of energy. The
initiations and onset of disturbances in turbulence is due to fluid momentum and its area. It is
given by:- h exit =V2/2g
Eddy loss:- Because the expansion loss is expended exclusively on eddy formation and continues
substance of rotational motion of fluid masses.
Sudden Contraction:- It represents a pipe line in which abrupt contraction occurs.
Inspection of the flow pattern reveals that it exists in two phases.

hcon = (Vc – V2) /2g

Vc = velocity at vena contracta

Losses at bends, elbows and other fittings:-

The flow pattern regarding separation and eddying in region of separations in

bends, valves. The resulting head loss due to energy dissipation can be prescribed by
the relation h = KV2/2g. Where V is the average flow velocity and the resistance
coefficient K dependson parameter defining the geometry of the section and flow.
Resistances of large sizes elbows can be reduced appreciably by splitting the flow into
a number of streams by a jet of guide vanes called cascades.


1. Note down the relevant dimensions as diameter and length of pipe between the
pressure tapping, area of collecting tank etc.
2. Pressure tapping of a pipe a is kept open while for other pipe is closed.
3. The flow rate was adjusted to its maximum value. By maintaining suitable amount
of steady flow in the pipe.
4. The discharge flowing in the circuit is recorded together with the water level in the
left and right limbs of manometer tube.
5. The flow rate is reduced in stages by means of flow control valve and the discharge
& reading of manometer are recorded.
6. This procedure is repeated by closing the pressure tapping of this pipe, together
with other pipes and for opening of another pipe.
Diameter of pipe D =
Length of pipe between pressure tapping L =
Area of collecting tank =
Types of the fitting =

Sr. Manometer reading Discharge measurement Coefficient

No. of loss K=
Left limb Right Difference of Initial final time Discharge
head in
h1 limb h2 terms of
water hf = 13.6


1. When fluid is flowing, there is a fluctuation in the height of piezometer tubes, note
the mean position carefully.
2. There in some water in collecting tank.
3. Carefully keep some level of fluid in inlet and outlet supply tank.


Viva Questions:-

1. Define hydraulic gradient and total energy lines?

2. Define eddy loss?
Experiment 7:
Study and use of Moody’s diagram or Nomogram of Manning’s equation

Moody’ Diagram:
In engineering, the Moody chart or Moody diagram is a graph in non-dimensional form
that relates the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor fD, Reynolds number Re, and surface roughness for
fully developed flow in a circular pipe. It can be used to predict pressure drop or flow rate down
such a pipe. In 1944, Lewis Ferry Moody plotted the Darcy–Weisbach friction
factor against Reynolds number Re for various values of relative roughness. This chart became
commonly known as the Moody Chart or Moody Diagram. It adapts the work of Hunter
Rouse but uses the more practical choice of coordinates employed by R. J. S. Pigott, whose work
was based upon an analysis of some 10,000 experiments from various sources.[4] Measurements
of fluid flow in artificially roughened pipes by J. Nikuradse were at the time too recent to include
in Pigott's chart. The chart's purpose was to provide a graphical representation of the function of
C. F. Colebrook in collaboration with C. M. White, which provided a practical form of transition
curve to bridge the transition zone between smooth and rough pipes, the region of incomplete

Moody's team used the available data (including that of Nikuradse) to show that fluid flow
in rough pipes could be described by four dimensionless quantities (Reynolds number, pressure
loss coefficient, diameter ratio of the pipe and the relative roughness of the pipe). They then
produced a single plot which showed that all of these collapsed onto a series of lines, now known
as the Moody chart. This dimensionless chart is used to work out pressure drop, (or head loss)
and flow rate through pipes. Head loss can be calculated using the Darcy–Weisbach equation in
which the Darcy friction factor appears :
Experiment 8
Determination of Manning’s constant or Chezy’s constant for given rectangular channel section

To determine the Manning’s coefficient of the flume or bed of the channel with the flow
of water. It investigates the roughness of the bed as required design.

Using the Manning’s formula, it can investigate the roughness Co the different types of
beds of the flume and the roughness of the river bed. It helps to know the roughness of the bed
when it constructers the open channel in the field as designed.


 Long length flume

 Needle gauge
 Orifice meter
 Types of beds


Manning’s Coefficient
v = (1/n)(R^2/3)(S^1/2)
P = b + d+ d = b +2d
v= Velocity of flow
R = Hydraulics radius
S= Bed slope
n = Manning’s value or coefficient
A = Wetted area of flume
b= Width of flume
d= Wetted depth of flume
P = Wetted perimeter

Here, Q = A x v
v = (1/n)(R^2/3)(S^1/2)
Q = A x (1/n)(R^2/3)(S^1/2)

So, that n = [A x (R^2/3)(S^1/2)]/Q

Here, A = wetted area of the channel that is, b x d

Observation Table:
Area of Tank = B x D

S.N Level Diff. Volume, V Time, T Discharge, Q Velocity, v


Calculation Table :

Number of v b D A R S Q n Remarks


Experiment 9.

To compare the experimental value of depth before a hydraulic jump to that calculated
from theory and calculate energy loss in a hydraulic jump.

The formation of hydraulic jump is associated with a sudden rise in the water depth, large
scale turbulence and dissipation of energy. It is employed at the foot of spillways and other
hydraulic structures of dissipate energy for the protection of bed against scour. This experiment
helps to understand the features of hydraulic jump.


(a) Open channel flume

(b) Stop watch

We have,
2(q^2)/g=y1.y2 (y1+y2)
Where, y1 = Depth before jump.
y2 = Depth after jump.
q= Discharge per unit width of the flume, Specific discharge
g = acceleration due to gravity

Energy loss,
EL = [(y2-y1)^3]/4y1.y2

Fig: Hydraulic Jump


(a) Start the pump and set the sluice gate to about 25mm
(b) Adjust the flow rate to give about 300 mm head above the sluice
(c) Raise the adjustable weir to form a hydraulic jump within the central portion of the flume.
(d) Note the depth before and after the jump
(e) Measure the flow rate and hand
(f) Repeat for a head 500 mm above the sluice and steps c, d & e.

Figure: Hydraulic Jump Set up


Gate opening =
Channel width =
Area of Tank =
Number of Head in cm Depth y1 Cm Depth y2 cm Level Time Sec.
observations Difference (H2
- H1)cm


(a) Discharge per unit width q.

(b) Use q and y2 to compute y1.
(c) Compute E using theoretically derived y1 and experimental value.
(d) Show the figure of the apparatus and simple description


(a) Present a sample calculation

(b) Present the results in a tabular form


Comment on the variation of y1 and on the accuracy of depth measurement.

Discuss application of hydraulic jump in irrigation structures.
Determination of coefficient of discharge for given rectangular or triangular notch.

Aim:- To determine the coefficient of discharge of Notch ( V , Rectangular and Trapezoidal


Apparatus Used:-

Arrangement for finding the coefficient of discharge inclusive of supply tank, collecting tank,
pointer, scale & different type of notches


Notches are overflow structure where length of crest along the flow of water is accurately
shaped to calculate discharge.

Formula Used:-

For V notch the discharge coefficient

Cd = Q

8/15 √ 2g H tan θ / 2
For Rectangular notch
Cd = Q

2/3 √ 2g BH3/2

For Trapezoidal notch

Cd = Q_
(2/3) √2g (B + tan θ / 2) H 3/2
Q = Discharge
H =Height above crest level
A. = Angle of notch
B = Width of notch


 The notch under test is positioned at the end of tank with vertical sharp edge on the
upstream side.
 Open the inlet valve and fill water until the crest of notch.
 Note down the height of crest level by pointer gauge.
 Change the inlet supply and note the height of this level in the tank.
 Note the volume of water collected in collecting tank for a particular time and find
out the discharge.
 Height and discharge readings for different flow rate are noted.

BreaDth of tank =
Length of tank =
Height of water to crest level for rectangular notch is =
Height of water to crest level for V notch =
Height of water to crest level for Trapezoidal notch =
Angle of V notch =
Width of Rectangular notch =

Discharge Final Head

Type height above
reading crest
Of Initial Final Differen above level Cd
height height ce Volume
notch width
Of tank Of tank In height Q


 Make the water level surface still, before takings the reading.
 Reading noted should be free from parallax error.
 The time of discharge is noted carefully.
 Only the internal dimensions of collecting tank should be taken for consideration and

Viva Questions:-
1. Differentiate between :-
Uniform and non uniform flow
Steady and unsteady flow
2. Define notch?
3. What is coefficient of discharge?
Determination of coefficient of discharge for a given Venturimeter.

Aim:- To determine the coefficient of discharge of Venturimeter.

Apparatus Used:-
Venturimeter, installed on different diameter pipes, arrangement of varying flow rate, U-
tube manometer, collecting tube tank, vernier calliper tube etc.

Formula Used:-
Cd = Q √ A 2 - a2

Aa√2g h
A = Cross section area of inlet
a = Cross section area of outlet
Δh = Head difference in manometer
Q = Discharge
Cd = Coefficient of discharge
g = Acceleration due to gravity


Venturimeter are depending on Bernoulli’s equation. Venturimeter is a device used for

measuring the rate of fluid flowing through a pipe. The consist of three part in short
a Converging area part
b Throat
c Diverging part


1. Set the manometer pressure to the atmospheric pressure by opening the upper valve.
2. Now start the supply at water controlled by the stop valve.
3. One of the valves of any one of the pipe open and close all other of three.
4. Take the discharge reading for the particular flow.
5. Take the reading for the pressure head on from the u-tube manometer for
corresponding reading of discharge.
6. Now take three readings for this pipe and calculate the Cd for that instrument using
7. Now close the valve and open valve of other diameter pipe and take the three reading
for this.
8. Similarly take the reading for all other diameter pipe and calculate Cd for each.

Diameter of Venturimeter=
Area of cross section =
Area of collecting tank=

Discharge Manometer Reading

Fin Differe
Initial al nce Time Q√A2 - a2
reading reading (sec) Q h1 h2 h2-h1 h2-h1 h=



1.Keep the other valve closed while taking reading through one pipe.
2.The initial error in the manometer should be subtracted final reading.
3.The parallax error should be avoided.
4.Maintain a constant discharge for each reading.
5.The parallax error should be avoided while taking reading the manometer.

Viva Questions:-

1. Venturimeter are used for flow measuring. How?

2. Define co efficient of discharge?
3. Define parallax error?
4. Define converging area part?
5. Define throat?
6. Define diverging part?
Experiment No. 12
Demonstration and use of Pitot tube and current meter

The standard operation of the current meter is used in conjunction with a wading rod
and a current meter counter. This method requires observe the velocities of the flow at
different depths across the streams.

Current Meter Working Principle:

Water Flow is measured through pulse signal produced per revolution. This signal is
generated by an encapsulated reed switch which resides inside the current meter body.


The wading rod can be used with current meter as well as ADCP as positioning system.
The water depth is displayed along with the % depth as the rod is moved up and down as well
as the ‘Point’ velocity through use current meter / ADCP.

Figure: Field use of Current metre

Features of Current Meter

 The design for reliable and accurate field data under the prevailing Indian environmental
conditions and under cyclonic weather condition.
 The system shall be easy to operate and maintain.
 The current meter can be fitted with a stabilizer tail fin which is attached to a hanger bar and
Colombus gauging weight in sizes of 7, 15, 23, 34, 45, 68, 90 or 135 Kg. This assembly is
suspended from a gauging winch with armoured signal cable. A rating table is used to
convert number of pulses to velocity.
 The current meter is of Type “AA” current meter. It allows the measurement of water flow in
streams, open canals, pressure pipes & lakes to a fine degree of accuracy and repeatability
with its advanced contact switching system and interchangeable impact resistant bucket
system that provides trouble free operation.
 The current meter is made to be used in the most extreme environments and ensures
reliable field service for many years.
 The current meter is supplied in a kit which is affordable and user friendly, allowing the
operator to measure water flow using a simple traditional method.
Experiment No. 13
Determination of hydraulic coefficients for sharp edge orifice.


To determine the coefficient of discharge of orifice meter.

Orifice meter,
Stop watch,
Collecting tank and
Differential U-tube manometer.


Orifice meter is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of a fluid through a
pipe. Orificemeter works on the same principle as that of Venturimeter i.e. by reducing
the area of flow passage a pressure difference is developed between the two sections
and the measurement of pressure difference is used to find the discharge.

It consists of a flat circular plate which has a circular sharp edge hole called orifice,
which is concentric with the pipe. The orifice diameter is kept generally 0.5 times the
diameter of the pipe, though it may vary from 0.4 to 0.8 times the pipe diameter.
A mercury U-tube manometer is connected at section (1), which is at a distance of about
1.5 to 2.0 times the pipe diameter upstream from the orifice plate, and at section (2)
which is at a distance of about half the diameter of the orifice on the downstream side
from the orifice plate to know the pressure head between the two tappings.

The pipe is selected for conducting experiment.
The motor is switched on; as a result water flows through pipes.
The readings of H1and H2 are noted.
The time taken for 10cm rise of water in collecting tank is noted.
The experiment is repeated for different discharges in the same pipe.
Coefficient of Discharge is calculated
Actual Discharge: Q actual = Ah/t (m3/sec)


Theoretical Discharge Q theo. = a a (m3/sec)

1 2a 2 a
1 2
Where A= Area of collecting tank in m2

h= Height of water collected in tank = 10cm

a1= Area of inlet pipe in m2
a2= Area of throat in m2
t=time taken for h cm rise of water
H= (H1-H2)(Sm/S1-1)
Where H1 and H2 are Manomertic heads in first and second limbs
Sm and S1 are Specific gravity of manometric fluid (mercury) and water flowing
through the pipeline system.
Density of the manometer liquid m= 13.6 x 1000 kg/m3
Density of the flowing liquid = 1000 kg/m3
Coefficient of Discharge Cd = Q actual/ Q theo
Volume of Collecting tank (Ah) =30cm (L) * 30cm (W) *
10cm (h) = Diameter of the inlet pipe = 25 mm
Diameter of the throat = 12.5 mm

a1= Area of inlet pipe in m2 =

a2= Area of throat in m2 =

Sl. H1 H2 H=(H1H2)*12.6 Time taken for Qactual Qtheo. Cd=

No. (m) (m) (m) 10cm rise of water (1) (2) (1)/(2)

Mean Coefficient of Discharge =

Sample Calculation
Result and Discussion

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