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1. Do you believe that life/living organism was created by God? Explain your answer.

Yes, I believe that Life was created by God, one definitive proof and evidence is that according to
God's scripture (bible), the Lord God took dust from the ground and made a man. He breathed
the breath of life into the man's nose, and the man became a living thing. This falls under creation
theory. An evidence of this one is that when living things died and undergo cremation (burning) it is
similar to the dusts which the body will turn into ashes. Scientifically speaking, dust and ash are
similar type of solid matter.
2. What have you learned from the topic?
The earth was formed around 4.6 billion years ago when the solar system was founded, with the
other planets moving around the sun. Because of the constant bombardment of meteorites and
volcanic eruptions, Earth is considered to be geologically violent. Minerals were generated from the
elements and compounds in the molten material under these conditions. The zircon crystal, which is
estimated to be 4.3 billion years old, is the oldest substance discovered on Earth. Single-celled
prokaryotes, found in sedimentary rock formations called stromatolites, are thought to have started
life on Earth 3.5 billion years ago. The earliest photosynthetic organism, blue green algae called
cyanobacteria, thrived on the world 3.0 billion years ago. The first eukaryotes developed 2.0 billion
years ago, while the inflow of multicellular species happened 1.2 billion years ago. The Cambrian
and Ordovician Periods of the Paleozoic Era, which spanned 542 to 251 MYA, were known as the
period of invertebrates, when trilobites and cephalopods were dominant in the ocean. The Mesozoic
Era spans 251 to 65.5 million years ago and is separated into three periods: Triassic, Jurassic, and
Cretaneous. Cenozoic is the age of recent life, and Homo erectus emerged 250 thousand years
ago, according to paleontological evidence. Human beings are the sole surviving species and one of
the few living evidence to the existence of life on Earth.

3. What part of the lesson that you engaged more?

I was engaged at the lesson particularly on the span (time) of the development of first organism. It
was great that even if we did not witnessed what happened in the past, the researchers are
attempting to determine what occurred in the past by the help of different pieces of evidence found.

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