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for Improved Availability of

Biomass and Waste Incineration Boilers



Clean Energy Solutions Range of Services for On-load Boiler Cleaning

The Clyde Bergemann Power Group is a glob- Centre of excellence for boiler cleaning Significant slagging can form in the furnace and se- in limited plant availability and reduced efficiency.
al enterprise providing innovative prod- vere fouling can build up on the convective heating Clyde Bergemann boiler cleaning systems cover all the
ucts and services for energy related industries. Clyde Bergemann GmbH in Wesel (Germany) is the surfaces of waste and biomass boilers. These deposits significant zones in the boiler.
“Clean Energy Solutions” describes a powerful portfolio of competence centre for Boiler Efficiency within the Clyde reduce heat transfer and also favour corrosion resulting
products and systems summarized in three business fields: Bergemann Power Group. The products are typically
applied in thermal energy conversion processes based Applications
on coal, oil, waste and/or biomass. For over 70 years,
Boiler Efficiency – the company has focused on developing and produc- Superheater/
improved boiler efficiency and effective on-load boiler Furnace Economiser
ing equipment to efficiently remove combustion residue Reheater
cleaning from the heating and reaction surfaces of boilers during
Materials Handling – operation. On-load Boiler Cleaning Systems
dry bottom ash handling
SMART Cannon Oscillating Sootblower Part Retractable Sootblower
Energy Recovery –
efficient heat exchange solutions Your Benefits SMART SCS Retractable Sootblower Rotating Element Sootblower

Improved boiler availability Part Retractable Sootblower Rapping System

Controllable deposit build-up regardless of varying
fuel quality
Effective and efficient boiler cleaning SMART Helix Water
Professional consultancy for all aspects of boiler
Rapping System
Comprehensive service: from the planning and exe-
cution of the installation, through commissioning to
services provided over the full service life of the boiler
cleaning equipment Steam/air as cleaning medium Water as cleaning medium No cleaning medium
Staff training by Clyde Bergemann experts

Instrumentation & Controls

Customer Service

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Heavy deposit build-up when burning

BLINDTEXT Sootblowers for Boiler Cleaning

Mastering Specific
Lorem ipsum dolor Challenges
with Steam or Air

Fuels The behaviour of biomass/waste ash differs significant-

Description Model Travel Cleaning Operating principle
ly from that of coal. The usual ash analysis methods
The fuels used in biomass and waste incineration boil- are therefore only of limited use in the analysis of the
ers have a significant influence on the formation and tendency to slagging and fouling. Clyde Bergemann Retractable Sootblower VX-H 0.5 - 2.4 m 360°
characteristics of slagging. Because of the broad range therefore works with specific ash/fuel analysis methods, è for use in the superheater and SMART RS 4 - 12 m 0 - 360°
of biomass fuels and waste constituents that may be taking account of the heavily corrosive properties of the reheater PS-H 0.3 - 10 m 360°
exploited for their energy content, there are countless ash from biomass and waste in developing its cleaning è with heavy fouling
combinations of the ash composition. The ash tends concept. è flue gas temperatures up
to contain few self-cleaning elements such as silicon, to 1,500° C
aluminium or calcium. Elements which promote fouling Boiler Geometry
such as potassium, sodium and chlorine predominate. Oscillating Sootblower PS-P 0.3 - 6 m 60 - 360°
Particular challenges in respect to the formation of coat- è for use in heat exchangers, focused RS-P 0.5 - 6 m
ings arise depending on the actual design of the boiler. on specific cleaning areas in super- PS-PB up to 6 m
Very tight gap pitches increase the risk of blockages, heater and reheater RS-PB 0.5 - 6 m
particular areas can be hotspots for fouling. è with light to medium fouling
è flue gas temperatures up
Our Solution to 1,100° C

Clyde Bergemann has developed a series of boiler

cleaning systems with cleaning parameters that can be Part Retractable Sootblower PS-HB up to 6 m 360°
adapted flexibly to changing deposit situations. Some è for use in superheater and reheater
cleaning systems such as SMART Helix Water and the è with light to medium fouling
Shower Clean System have been specially developed è flue gas temperatures up
for biomass and waste incineration boilers. The control to 800° C
concepts deployed allow targeted cleaning. All these
Timber Lucerne Peat 1 measures lead to an improvement in plant availability.
Rubbish Rape Peat 2
Bark Barley Domestic Rotating Element Sootblower DB - 30 - 360°
Needles Wheat waste
è for cleaning of heat exchanger
Willow RC summer Coal 1
Grasses RC spring Coal 2 surfaces in the economiser
è with light fouling
Source: A. Nordin (1994) Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol.6(5), 339-347
è temperatures < 500° C

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SMART Shower-Clean System (SCS) – for Cleaning
The Complete Water Cleaning Portfolio
Different Types of Deposits in Empty Passes

Suited for Different Deposit Characteristics Three Different Versions are Available:
Description Model Travel Cleaning Operating principle
The SMART SCS uses water as the cleaning medium. Stand-Alone: recommended for open passes with
Located on the boiler roof, it removes deposit from the small, uniform cross-section
SMART Cannon – Water Lance Blower SMART - 90° horizontal
lower side, the membrane walls, the pendant heater
è for the cleaning of furnace walls Cannon 90° vertical Single-Row: recommended for boilers with rectangu-
and superheater surfaces.
è with heavy slagging lar cross-section
è flue gas temperatures up to 1,600° C Multiple-Row: recommended for boilers with com-
The cleaning nozzle is mounted on a flexible, tempera-
plex geometry - flanges are arranged in multiple rows
ture-resistant metal hose. The nozzle enters the boiler
across the boiler roof, by using a crane runway, differ-
guided by a flange, which is opened and closed through
ent areas can be cleaned
an electropneumatic valve.
SMART Helix Water SMART 4-12 m 0-360°
è for use in superheater and reheater Helix
è with heavy fouling Water
The surfaces of deposits are characterised by different
properties. Their development depends on the chemi-
Your Benefits
è Flue gas temperatures up
cal composition of the fly ash in combination with the
to 1,500°C Increased plant availability due to reliable cleaning
actual flue gas temperature. The cleaning nozzle forms
è Advance and rotation operate of the open passes which are important for efficient
a water jet with a defined spectrum of water droplets
separately from one another plant operation
and momentum. To achieve successful cleaning, it is im-
thanks to their individual drives Stable flue gas temperature
portant that the frequency of cleaning, water impact
è Go-Stop-Clean-Go Operation
and quantity hitting the deposits are specifically set to Lower risk of high-temperature corrosion
match the requirements of each individual plant. When and reduced corrosion rate
Shower-Clean System SMART - 360° using waste and biomass as the fuel, the cleaning ef-
Shorter revision period as time-consuming manual
è uses water as cleaning medium Shower- fectiveness of a water based on-load boiler cleaning
primary cleaning is almost eliminated
è for use in furnaces and empty Clean system depends on the actual fuel composition and the
passes System consequential deposit characteristics. By using different The construction of SMART SCS allows cleaning of
è flue gas temperatures up (SCS) nozzle designs and cleaning parameters, the cleaning narrow designed open passes
to 1,200°C efficiency can be adjusted to specific surface depoist Corrosion protection of the flange by appling sealing
characteristic. air

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SMART Cannon – The Most Effective Way to SMART Helix Water – Ideal for Severe Fouling
Remove Slag Formation with Water in the Superheater

Water: An Alternative has Proved Itself

Your Benefits Intensive Cleaning Effect of Water Applied Gently

As a specialist for the boiler cleaning, we early recog- The severe deposit build-up in the convective area can
nised the benefits of cleaning with water and developed Targeted use of water to remove slagging also mean that conventional steam sootblowers will not
it ready for market launch. Concentrated water jet quality work effectively. Consequently, the fouling will contin-
Worldwide SMART Cannon has proved itself as an ef- Precise, reproducible and flexibly adaptable cleaning ue to increase, causing unplanned outages and reduced
fective system for cleaning of combustions chambers patterns boiler availability. Water as the cleaning medium is capa-
and empty passes. The prevailing high temperatures as Even difficult areas can be cleaned e.g. funnels, ble of producing the required intensive cleaning effect.
well as the immediate combustion processes result in central sections GO STOP GO STOP GO STOP GO

deposits and sometime in difficult to remove clinkers on High-duty cleaning systems To perform the cleaning as gently as possible on the
the membrane walls. The cleaning effect of water ist Compact design with integrated easy maintenance heat exchanger pipes, specially designed hardware
the ideal solution for removing slagging. SMART Can-
non has been particulary successful in the removal of
and software components and two gear motors with
high-resolution resolvers ensure that the SMART Helix Your Benefits
severe and/or high volume deposits. Its design considers Water moves precisely to the cleaning position within
Removal of severe deposits on convective heating
the technial demand, high reliability and particular feau- the space between the heat exchanger tubes. Water is
res needed in combustion chambers and empty passses. released for cleaning between the tubes only. This new
cleaning method is also called “Go-Stop-Clean-Go“. Cleaning with water without thermal loading of heat
exchanger pipes (“Go-Stop-Clean-Go“ mode)
A Broad Area of Application Only the deposit surfaces are hit by the water and this On demand release of the water jet for cleaning
is solely done at the time of cleaning. Heat exchang- minimises the amount of water poured into the
The following table shows all application features of er pipes are not thermally loaded and the amount of boiler
SMART Cannon. water poured into the boiler is reduced to a necessary Even narrow passes are cleaned reliably
Flue gas temperature remains in the rated range
Range of applications SMART Cannon If no cleaning is required, the water flow is used to cool Extension of boiler availability
the retractable lance tube in a closed cooling circuit. More flexibility as to the fuel mix since cleaning
Boiler area Fuel Slagging characteristics
intensity can be adjusted to the fouling condition at
furnace lignite coal solid, difficult to remove any time
empty pass hard coal partially melted
No steam required for cleaning
flue gas recirculation pass biomass tenacious
lateral gas passes biomass co-gasification voluminous
hopper waste / substitute fuel liquid slag
centre wall fuel of these sources of energy cornice build

8 9
Rapping Devices – Gentle Removal of Deposits Selection of our References
Without Use of a Cleaning Medium

Application The pneumatic rapping systems are developed and In Operation

manufactured in collaboration with Norgren. Plant Fuel Cleaning Systems Used
Especially horizontal boiler passes such as those found in 20 x DB Rotating Element Sootbower
waste incineration plants, can be cleaned with rapping 28 x PS-H Retractable Sootblower
Cubillos, Spain Biomass 2018 4 x PS-HB Part Retractable Sootblower
devices. They can be applied to remove deposits from ® ® 2 x SMART Cannon
the heating and reaction surfaces of the convection area 8 x SMART Flux Sensors
and economisers without any additional cleaning media 9 x PS-HB Part Retractable Sootblower
like steam, air or water.   Asnaesverket, Denmark Biomass 2017 12 x PS-H Retracatable Sootblower
2 x PS-AR Rake Sootblower
2 x SMART Cannon

Rapping systems may use mechanical hammers or pneu-

Your Benefits Teesside, United Kingdom Biomass 2017
20 x PS-H Retractable Sootblower
20 x PS-HB Part Retractable Sootblower
8 x PS-AR Rake Sootblower
matically driven impact cylinders. Pneumatic single rap- Optimum cleaning – extends the boiler availability
Hagen, Germany Biomass 2017 2 x SMART Helix Water
pers have been proven in practice, as the impact energy Neither air nor steam is required as a cleaning
can be adapted to the specific conditions of the plant. medium, hence maintenance costs are lower 6 x SMART Cannon
Tilbury, United Kingdom Biomass 2015
By rapping the fouled convection heating surfaces the Simple operation and messages from and to the
1 x Shower-Clean System SCS
bank tubes are caused to vibrate so that the deposited control room 4 x PS-H Retractable Sootblower
layer falls off. Cleaning of each heating surface can be Majachnij, Russian Federation Waste 2015 20 x DB Rotating Element Sootblower
controlled variably and as a function of the process. Controlling deposits in flexible boiler operation and
with varying fuel mixtures or variable fuel quality 1 x Steam Sootblower System
Clermont Ferrand, France Biomass 2013 1 x Shower-Clean System SCS

2 x Shower-Clean System SCS

Herten, Germany Waste 2012 4 x Pneumatic Rapping Systems in Superheater
4 x Pneumatic Rapping Systems in Economiser

4 x Shower-Clean System SCS

AEB Amsterdam, Netherlands Waste 2012 12x Water Lance Blower WLB
Description Model Operating principle
Pfeiffer & Langen, Jülich,Germany Biomass 2012 4 x SMART Helix Water
Rapping system PKL
Baku, Azerbaijan Waste 2011 2 x Shower-Clean System SCS
è Cleaning of heating surfaces and economisers in facilities
with varying fuels and loose deposits Twence, Netherlands Waste 2010 1 x SMART Helix Water

28 x PS-SL Retractable Steam Sootblowers

Brescia, Italy Waste 2009/1995 1 x PS-AT Traverse Sootblower

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