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vSim for Nursing > Mental Health Case: George Palo >
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Post-Simulation Quiz
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4  Post-Simulation Quiz

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Post-Simulation Quiz
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7/20/2020 vSim for Nursing | Mental Health

Name: Aimee Mora Quiz completed in: 2.21 mins

Date: 2020-7-20 Time: 16:55:20 Questions answered: 10
Number correct: 10 (100%)

Answer Key

QUESTION 1: Considering Mr. Palo’s history and assessment findings, which

factor is most likely the primary contributor to his recent
weight loss?

Your Response: Correct!

Correct Response: Depression

Explanation: A commonly observed physical response to depression is poor

appetite and the resulting weight loss. Although nausea and
vomiting are possible side effects of galantamine, there are no

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assessment data to suggest the patient is experiencing either. 
Both living alone and dementia (including Alzheimer disease),

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especially in its later stages, can affect the patient’s interest
in preparing and eating food, but neither has the high degree

of influence presented by depression.
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Lippincott Procedures, Nutritional screening

Videbeck, S. Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 8th

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Edition, p. 304
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QUESTION 2: Which assessment findings would indicate that Mr. Palo is

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experiencing both insufficient nutritional and fluid intake?

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(Select all that apply.)

Your Response: Correct!


Correct Response: General weakness


Altered mental status

Poor skin turgor
Weight loss

Explanation: Indications of poor nutritional and fluid intake would include

all the options with the exception of bradycardia. Such
deficiencies would result in tachycardia and hypotension.

Lippincott Procedures, Nutritional screening

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QUESTION 3: Which nursing interventions implemented during Mr Palo’s… 2/5
7/20/2020 vSim for Nursing | Mental Health
QUESTION 3: Which nursing interventions implemented during Mr. Palo s
assessment will assist him to communicate as effectively as his
cognitive deterioration allows? (Select all that apply.)

Your Response: Correct!

Correct Response: Allowing ample time for the patient to respond to questions
Phrasing questions so as to require simple answers
Providing simple explanations about why questions are being
Arranging for frequent breaks in the assessment process

Explanation: The nurse provides simple explanations as often as patients

need them, such as “I’m asking these questions so the staff
can see how your health is.” It helps to ask simple questions
(those that require simple answers) rather than compound
questions, and to allow patients ample time to answer.
Patients may become confused or tire easily, so frequent
breaks in the interview may be needed. Although it might
become necessary to rely on family for answers to assessment

questions, Mr. Palo appears capable of being the primary

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information provider. Relying on his daughter at this point

would be nontherapeutic because it would minimize his role in

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the assessment process.

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Videbeck, S. Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 8th
Edition, p. 464
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QUESTION 4: When Mr. Palo is unable to button his shirt appropriately after
numerous attempts, the nurse matter-of-factly assumes the
task for him. What is the primary rationale for the nurse’s
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Your Response: Correct!

Correct Response: Minimizes his frustration with his failure to complete the task

Explanation: The nurse is correct in using a matter-of-fact approach when


assuming tasks the patient can no longer perform. Preventing


patients from working unsuccessfully at a task for an extended

time helps in preserving their dignity and minimizing their
frustration with their progressive memory loss. Although the
nurse’s action does help achieve the other options, none of

them is the primary reason for the intervention.

Videbeck, S. Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 8th

Edition, p. 467

This study source was downloaded by 100000822865927Which statementonmade by Mr. Palo identifies an intervention
QUESTION 5: from 04-07-2021 11:34:34 GMT -05:00… 3/5
Q vSim for Nursing | Mental Health

that his family has implemented to help deal with his decline
in executive functioning?

Your Response: Correct!

Correct Response: “I put all my bills in a special box, and Maggie pays them twice
a month.”

Explanation: Having difficulty paying one’s bills on time and correctly would
be an example of a disturbance in executive functioning,
which is the ability to think abstractly and to plan, initiate,
sequence, monitor, and stop complex behavior. The other
options address Mr. Palo’s poor nutrition, social isolation, and
ineffective self-hygiene issues.

Videbeck, S. Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 8th

Edition, p. 460

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QUESTION 6: Which statement made by Mr. Palo would demonstrate that his

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religious belief system is influential in his decision not to
consider suicide?

Your Response:
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Correct Response: “No! He gives it and only He can take it away.”

Explanation: Suicidal thoughts are common in people with mood disorders,


especially depression. An individual’s belief systems and values

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can influence his or her decision concerning the act of suicide.

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Mr. Palo’s reference to his belief in the time of death being

determined only by God supports the religious influence on his
decision. The other statements express various ethical
objections to suicide but do not indicate that they are based
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on his religious belief system.

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Videbeck, S. Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 8th


Edition, p. 320

QUESTION 7: Mr. Palo states, “I’m old; when you get old, you naturally get

depressed thinking of all the people you’ve lost and the things
that have changed.” To best address his safety, which initial
response should the nurse make?

Your Response: Correct!

Correct Response: “Depression isn’t a normal part of getting older. Are you
thinking about ending your life?”

Explanation: Depression is not an expected, normal part of aging. To

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diagnose and treat the estimated 14% of older adults with… 4/5
7/20/2020 vSim for Nursing | Mental Health
depression, a standard, routine screening for depression should
be part of a regular visit to the primary provider. Too often,
both provider and older adult patient may view changes in
d t f h i l ill “j t t b t d”A

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