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Contemporary world business are a few examples of this scape.

(Socio-Cultural Dimension)
(midterms) Using the five (5) SCAPES, we can apply and find how
the various dimensions of globalization overlap and
intersect with one another in all aspects of life. To put
Appadurai's SCAPES (F.I.T. M.E.) into perspective, let's
1. FINANCESCAPE use how YouTube, the biggest video streaming site,
• Pertains to the rapid flow of money or capital can be applied in the said theory.
around the globe.
• Appadurai explains that there are observable
accelerated movements of money from stock In 2019, YouTube earned $15 billion in advertisements
exchanges, currency markets, and money (Duffy, 2019). More than 50% of Small to large
transfers. enterprises and its marketers around the globe choose
• This resulted in the emergence of more to invest in YouTube ads as it draws more attention
businesses and trades on a global scale. than television ads (Moshin, 2020). The flow of capital
• One best example of this is the OECD or the and revenues worldwide, in the case of the "YouTubers
Organization of Economic Cooperation and or Vloggers" who earned from this scheme, can be
Development which run by 37 countries that observed.
manage world trade. (Economic Dimension)
• Refers to the meaning of symbols or a set of
beliefs spreading around the world.
• Appadurai pointed out that this Scape is
directly related to politics and various
principles of states like liberal democracy.
(Political Dimension)
• Advanced capabilities of technologies at an
unprecedented rate across borders. (Techno-
economic) YouTube can advance various political standpoints
4. MEDIASCAPE from far-right to the left. Political campaigns,
• Refers to the visual representations of government videos, election participants, terrorist
culture or realities that influence or shape video materials can be uploaded anytime and
people's perception of events, ideas, and anywhere. And it all affects people's perceptions of
experiences. different socio-political issues. There is an apparent
• It was made feasible by the electronic media influence of YouTube on Global politics, and scholars
or mass media from print, broadcast and referred to it as a "YouTube effect" (Stoilova, 2016).
digital media. (Socio-Cultural Dimension) 3. TECHNOSCAPE
We can say that YouTube is a powerful breakthrough
• The increasing movement of people around
in Information and Communication Technology, but it
the globe.
doesn't stop there. Numerous technologies and tools
• The prominent examples of this are a large
are being invented because of its inception as
number of tourists, immigrants, and refugees
complementary goods. From "YouTubers" starter kit
migrating from one place to another.
like cameras with optical image stabilization to
• Our OFWs, exchange students abroad, or
YouTube's artificial intelligence responsible to flag
someone visiting places for leisure or
down objectionable content like violent extremism and

other violations of their community policy (Meyer, Classical Liberalism
• Classical Liberalism or Laissez-Faire Economics.
YouTube, like other social media, influences one's

culture because of its accessibility across countries. For
example, Baek (2014) study shows that Kpop music
videos are widely consumed and embraced across a
variety of cultures (even the Westerns), which are
shown and played a million or even billion times on Comparative Advantage
YouTube like the "Oppa Gangnam Style" music video,
who hit the first billion views in 2012. • It is the ability of an individual, company or country
to produce a good or service at a lower
5. ETHNOSCAPE opportunity cost than its competitor.
Have you ever watched a travel vlog on YouTube? Or • Having a comparative advantage doesn't mean
should we ask how many times have you viewed travel that one entity is better than another at producing
videos on YouTube? Mora (n.d.) from U.N. Migration a good or service.
shared that one characteristic of ‘YouTubers’ is that • It means that it sacrifices less to do so.
most of them are 'migrants.' The vloggers or Contemporary World
YouTubers not only manifest the concept of
Ethnoscapes of being a tourist but also influence or •
attract many people to travel and be migrants as well.

Anarchy Dimensions and Major Perspectives in Globalization

• Political anarchy is likened to individuals without 1. Economic dimension (Techno-economic)

any rules that governed them. • For the economist, Roshi (2009), specifically
• The most influential ideology that employs viewed Globalization as the tremendous
anarchy to describe international politics is increase of economic integration and
Political Realism. intensified movement of goods, services,
technologies, and capital across borders.
Benedict Anderson • The exponential growth of the current global
• A political scientist in the year 1983, in his book economy vis-à-vis world's GDP (Gross
“Imagined Communities”, he defined Nation as Domestic Product) is drastically increased in
the “imagined political community; and imagined percentage from 42.1% in 1980 to 62.1% in
as both inherently limited and sovereign”. 2007.
• This remarkable development in the world's
Bretton Woods economy, through the help of technology,
• In the 1944, United Nations Monetary and interests many financial experts and
Financial Conference held in Bretton Woods, New economists toward globalization’s potential.
Hampshire, U.S.A.
2. Political dimension
Capitalism • Political scientists, describe Globalization
as the expansion of the political system.
• Free-market capitalism as the economic system
• "Political globalization is about the
where the law of demand and supply is the only
expansion of a global political system, and
forces acting on within it and with minimal
its institutions, in which inter-regional
government intervention to ensure economic
transactions (including, but not limited to,
trade) are managed."

• It resulted in the alliance of various its inefficiency and to provide better transparency
countries and regions of the world, and accountability.
including the increasing influence of global
institutions like the UN, EU, ASEAN, IMF,
WTO, and World Bank, to name a few. • It promotes democracy and freedom; this
ideology is named Globalism.
3. Socio-cultural dimension
• Sociologist Anthony Giddens (2017),
referred to this phenomenon as the 'event • Refers to a process, condition, and ideology of
at distant' or the intensified social relations intensified interdependence of economic,
in a global sphere influenced by the event technological, political, and socio-cultural
from distant places to various localities and relations of the world that compresses time and
from local events to the international geographic boundaries through a massive and
arena. innovative transformation.
• Individuals are more exposed to • Best description of Globalization based on the work
geographically distant activities, and with of Manfred Steger, who states that Globalization is
global and local problems which are more "the expansion, intensification and accelerations of
intertwined than before. social (economic, political, cultural) relations and
consciousness across world time and world space.”
Economic Globalization
IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and
• Refers to the growing interdependence of the
world economies manifested by the ever-
increasing flows of capital, technologies, and • Also known as World Bank.
communication through a common economic
system. IMF (International Monetary Fund)
• IMF described Economic Globalization as the • The primary function of IMF is to lend money
movement of goods, people (pertains to the through what it called Emergency Financing to its
workforce), and knowledge (advancement of member country like the Philippines (member
technology) throughout the globe. since 1945).
Free Trade • Yet, the functions of these economic institutions
are not limited to lending. It does a whole lot
• It is not merely a significant component of more, which can influence the economic
Economic Globalization but the fundamental mechanisms of various countries.
element of Globalization in its entirety, • Helps countries hit by crises by providing them
• It emphasizes that countries must free up their financial support to create breathing room as they
citizens to produce and buy goods as they pleased, implement policies to restore economic stability
both in domestic and foreign markets, at a and growth.
cheaper rate compared to what they can provide
at home country. Industrial Revolution (stages)

GATT (General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade)

• A multilateral agreement aimed to prevent trade

wars and was able to liberalize international trade.
• However, GATT failed to address global
investment and intellectual property issues,
among others.
• Thus, the world trade organization (WTO) was
formally established to replace GATT and address

• He led the revolution against capitalist society in
any means possible. Under Lenin USSR and
Communist International (Comintern) were

Marx, Karl

• This echoes one criticism in a capitalist society

where the “rich get richer and the poor get poorer.”
It upholds the political and economic ideology of
Internationalism Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and was realized by
the European socialist labor party called Socialist
• The concept of Internationalism was developed
among nation-states to make global political
cooperation. Mazzini, Giuseppe
• People and states can cooperate to solve
• Promoted the idea that independent and stable
problems and create prosperity.
nation-states would form the basis of global
• It is the motivating force of international politics cooperation.
and social movements.
• Provide the prospect of one global democratic Liberal Internationalism
society that could end war.
• Creation of global government, international law,
Internationalization free and cooperating nations, self-determination.
• Focused on economic interdependence, the rule
• Internationalization of Finance, also known as
of law, cooperation between nation-states and
Financial liberalization. arbitration (through diplomacy, mediation,
• It is vital for any trade transaction around the negotiation) of disputes.
globe. • Emerged as the prevailing and generally accepted
• Some of the related studies on trade and Finance principle in international relations and resulted in
have a separate empirical assessment on its the founding of the United Nations.
impact on the world's economy.
• However, we have to understand that these two Manfred Steger
elements must work hand in hand to deliver • He is the one who states that Globalization is "the
efficient transactions with accuracy and enough expansion, intensification and accelerations of
accountability. social (economic, political, cultural) relations and
Kant, Immanuel consciousness across world time and world space.
• Added that Human consciousness plays a
• He is the one who believed in the creation of significant role in Globalization as people have a
global government and world citizenship. 'keen sense' of becoming part of the global whole.
Hence it influences their behavior in the
contemporary world.
• It started gaining popularity among politicians when • Globalization scholar Manfred Steger (2003)
some of the economists began to blame the state named the following three (3) fundamental
interventionism (Keynesianism), piloted by the institutions that facilitates Globalization of
economist John Maynard Keynes, as the cause of economy;
economic recession in 1973. 1) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
2) World Bank (WB)
Lenin, Vladimir
3) World Trade organization (WTO)
• In Russia, he is the one who believed in that the
problems of workers are an international concern.

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) the European socialist labor party called Socialist
• A trilateral trade agreement in North America
• After the Russian revolution, a fundamental
(Canada, USA, & Mexico), created to reduce and
socialist movement emerged under the name of
eliminate barriers in trade and investment.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
• The results of this agreement have been the
• However, after the collapse of the USSR in the
subject of debate and discussions from
1990s, socialist internationalism was limited only
unemployment, environmental concerns, and
to selected European countries and cannot be
economic growth.
regarded as a significant player in international
Neoliberalism relations.

• Both political and economic ideology, modified Sovereignty

laissez-faire economics that imposes less
• Pertains to the supreme power of the State to
government regulation towards businesses (both
command and impose obedience to its jurisdiction
domestic and foreign) under a "strong state" that
without interference or control by any other
could promote economic cooperation.
entity or another state.
• Further, the government must limit its expenses
• Independence or sovereignty is obviously the
through fiscal austerity and privatization of
state's most essential element
government-owned corporations with a
• Two kinds/aspects of Sovereignty:
progressive type of taxation for the general
welfare. a) Internal – refers to the ultimate authority
• Rüstow coined the term Neoliberalism, as the within the state.
middle ground. b) External – a.k.a. Independence, or state’s
ability to act as an autonomous entity.
Stalin, Joseph
• Lowering Global Labor standards and Loss of Jobs
(due to Outsourcing) • He is the one who advocated for greater
cooperation among nation-states to adopt a
Political Globalization socialism concept of common ownership of the
means of production in a total economic and social
• The study of global politics and interactions of the
equality among its citizens that would eventually
states and non-state actors, including its people,
lead to communism.
are the realms of International relations.
• It is the increasing interdependence of political State
institutions, state interrelations, and having a
global political system. • The most significant and only entity in the world,
and there is no legitimate power beyond it.
Socialist Internationalism • A political and legal concept.
• Advocates to alter the state and economy, public • A community of persons, more or less numerous,
ownership, reject nationalism and capitalism. permanently occupying a definite portion of
Promote workers’ union. territory, independent of external control and
• Advocated for the solidarity among the working possessing a government to which a great body of
class (proletariat), and sought to abolished the inhabitants render habitual obedience.
capitalist system controlled by the bourgeoisie. nation
• This echoes one criticism in a capitalist society
where the “rich get richer and the poor get • A racial, ethnic, and cultural concept.
• It upholds the political and economic ideology of
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and was realized by

UN (structure and members) Protestant nation-states following the Protestant
• United Nations (UN) is the most potent
• Signified that all states, big or small, have an equal
manifestation of the ascendancy of Liberal
right, including the right to self-determination –
internationalism in contemporary global politics.
the idea of free and independent government.
• The primary duty of the United Nations is to
preserve and establish peace, stability and WHO
cooperation among nations (Art. 1, Chapter 1 of
• World Health Organization
the UN Charter).
• The UN established six principal organs, according Woodrow Wilson
to the Art. 7, Chapter III of its Charter, they are the
• Advocated for the establishment of the League of
Nations (LON).
1. General Assembly (GA)
• The most prominent political leader who
o which includes nearly all internationally
advanced the principle of Self-determination.
recognized countries, making up 193
• He believes that nation-states who are free,
member states. sovereign, and democratic will result in the
o there are two states of UN which are creation of political interdependence based on
not actual members Vatican and mutual respect and cooperation.
2. Security Council (SC) WTO (World Trade Organization)
o Five permanent members:
• Formally established to replace GATT and address
1) Russia
its inefficiency and to provide better transparency
2) France
and accountability.
3) China
• Aimed to reduce trade barriers.
4) UK
• It promotes free and fair trade among countries.
5) US
• It functions as the governing body of global
o There are 10 which are elected on
trading and transactions of its 164 member-
rolling basis every two years to make
sure the major world regions have
• Its member-nations must adopt the rules on trade
representations: Africa, Asia-Pacific,
promulgated by the WTO.
Eastern Europe, Latin America,
Caribbean, Western Europe and other.
3. Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC)
4. International Court of Justice (ICJ)
5. Trusteeship Council
6. Secretariat

WB (World Bank)

• It is initially known as the International Bank of

Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and
helped postwar reconstruction after World War II
in Europe.

Westphalian Treaty

• The Sovereignty principle of the state was born in

17th Century Europe through the Westphalian
System or Westphalian Treaty, signed in 1648.
• The Treaty was used to conclude the Thirty Years
Religious War between the Catholic and


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