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課題レポート(1) 機械工 月曜4限 1078 徐明羽

1. Self introduction
My name is Leo. I’m the first grade of the department of mechanical engineering. I’m from
Shanghai China. I’ve been in Japan for 3 years since high school, and I haven’t been home for 2
years because of the corona virus. I really miss my family. Talking about family which is one of the
main reasons that why I chose the department of mechanical engineering. Both my father and my
grandfather was engineer and I‘m also interested in engineering so I’ve chosen the department of
mechanical engineering with out a second thought. I’m planning study abroad to German where is
famous for its mechanical engineering.
I don’t have many hobbies but I really enjoy watching movies. No matter the country or the time.
As long as it’s not horror movie I would be happy to watch it. I also watch anime and play video
games but I’m not sure if these are hobbies.
Since I haven’t speak English as much as before my speaking English has became really poor. I’m
really looking forward to improve my speaking ability through this class.

2. Questions about the Reading

1. D
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. C

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