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‘4050 asso 30 Simiton FesTo ‘Avatm welcome Welcome to the course "Basics of Factory Simulation in CIROS®" The flioning courses intended to provide you with an overiew af: * Moding an automated work elfor deposting workpieces * Modeling woyor bel system wth a handling bet, * Modeling a conveyor belt system wth sensors. + Teach and programming ofa abot (Metta Basi) * Te dierent functions and commands in cROS®. © Learning time 275 min. ‘4m050- asso 30 Simiton Contents xercse 2 Workstation wih a hanling robot xercse > Conveyor al system with a handing robot, xercse3 Conveyor bet system with sensors > CFOS modelo 2 wrstaton onReuaton exe) Hint Wherever teacher, student tate refered to inthe masculine frm inthis manual the feminine forms aleo implied, The use ofa single gender eg. ‘he hm) should not be construed as gender dscriinaton; itis intended soll to make the manual easier tread andthe formulations ease to nderstana {acs Workstation wh 2handing rbot FesTo overview “he lowing eaming units intended to provide you with an overview of *+ me modeling ofan automated warkclfor daposing workpleces. + me teachin ane programming of bet. * Te virtual commissioning ofa workstation by simulation. © Learning time ‘You wi probably requle: 60min. AS Leaming outcomes You wi acquire the folowing sks: * You can meta simple workstation with CROS®, * You can each na obot fora pick-and-place exercise * You can create postion sts, * You can witea simple robot program in Mela Basic * You can validate your CROSB models ina simulation. {acs Workstation wh 2handing rbot FesTo Motivation (onan assembly table isa werkplce, which isto be transports toa pre-defined position by ahandting robot You ‘llmodel this automated workstation by means of CIROS® softre P60 model of anata wok call {acs Workstation th 2handing bot Work orders © orders, ‘You mil process te following ose: * Made an automated work cell with the components spectned in the flowing, * write a robot progam fra simple pick-and-place exercise. * check youresutsin a simulation, {cst Workstation th 2handing rbot Work aids Sofware + cose Documentation {AROSD - nstaation Guide > Howto installa CROS@ application > snstatation instructions for network ionsing instalation instruction or vital dongle {acs Workstation th 2handing rbot Modeling a work cell, © order ‘Model an automated work cel withthe components speci inthe fllowin, Create the workstation withthe components specie inthe flowing: Component tst *iisubish robot Rv-¢FL * parallel gripper on the Range oftherobot * Assembly tablein blue * Ust of proparis- "Assembly Table object Propet: x ¥ 2 Postion ai cornaes) 20mm ‘som ° + Worepiece in gray *Ust of properties “workpiece” object Propet x y z Postin eicoriates) gomm eomm 30mm sue somn conn som Hint Use the mode bras fom c1ROS® fortis purpose. {acs Workstation th 2handing rbot Modeling a work ell, Procedure for modeling an automated work cellin CIROS® ‘You wi now model an automated work cel step by step. Proceed as follows todos 4 oat a work callin CIROS® 2. Adda handling bot +, Model he parle gripper onthe Mange the robot 4, Controle paral gripper 5 Model an assembly table 6, Model a workpiece 1. Define he grinning poston othe abot onthe workpiece Hint The solutions for stops to 7a presented in detain the follwing. nei: Workstation wth s handling robot FesTa Modeling a work cell Step ing a workcell in CIROS® Step 2: Adding a handling robot * create new model under le» Mew» Model Selecta fle name for your model, for example: Examen mode Hint ‘The model bares rom CROS@ contain modes for obo of diferent ‘manufacturers. For this example, select the robot VFL rom the ‘company Mitsubishi. The obat positioned at the oii ofthe model Le. inthe postion x= 0.0, y=omm,2=0 mm * create the abot obect under Modeling Model ibares» Robot Misubsh/> Fees) RAR sis Worstation wth handing bot Modeling a work cell, ‘Step 3: Modeling the parallel gripper onthe flange ofthe robot + Agripperis installed on the rbot ar: ‘Modeting» ode ares Griaper» Poa ripper. P ‘toa te handing obo Mss REL meh 2 paling {acs Workstation th 2handing rbot Modeling a work ell, ‘Step 4: Controling the parallel gripper Hint ‘The electrical connection must be established between the obot ‘onrller nd he gripper by connecting the output ofthe robot tote Input ofthe gpper. In CIROS® thisis done by means ofa 1/0 panel = Inputs, 0 = outputs) * open theo panel under Modeling /0 panlto splay the inputs and outputs of al objects * Inthe mide isthe "1/0 connections field in which the connections between the inputs and outputs canbe aisplayed and changed. *Tosimulte the electrical connection between the robot conrller andthe slope click onthe arow next the“HCLOSES" output no. 6 ofthe robotin the /0 camectons eld and draw a connection tothe Close" Input 0.8 ofthe grip BSRSESRIRIART ami {acs Workstation th 2handing rbot Modeling a work ell, ‘Step 5: Modeling an assembly table * Modelthe assembly table inthis example as acube. * create tne assembly table’ object under: ‘Modeling ode! ibares» Geometric primitives» Box * You can now assign properties othe “Assembly Table" bject: ‘Modeling ode Explore» Objects» Box rightclick)» Select "Prapeties” inthe dats box. LUstat properties “Assembly Table” object v + Furthermore youcan rename the object: ‘Moding ode Exaore> Object Box ght)» Select “Rename” in ‘he alg box» Rename to Table ‘R050 worsaton wenn assembly able and wontiece {acs Workstation th 2handing rbot Modeling a work ell, ‘Step 6: Modeling a workpiece * Te workpiece is modeled in the same way ste assembly tale. * create the "Workpece object under: ‘Modlin ode! tibares» Geometric primitives» Box. * You can now assign properties othe Workplace’ object: Modeling» Model Explorer Objects» Box (ight-click)» Select "Properties in thelalog ox LUsto properties "Workpoce™ object v + Furthermore youcan rename the object: ‘Modeling » Model Explorer» Object» Box ight lik)» Select "Rename" inthe ditog box Rename to "workpiece {acs Workstation th 2handing rbot Modeling a work cell, ‘Step 7: Defining the ripping position ofthe robot on the workpiece Hint The robot wil grip the workplece at defined pot. The coordinates of the gpping pont at the workpiece must be defined inthe model. Proceed as fllowsto define the aipping poston 1. reat the gripping point 2. Define the coordinates ofthe sipping point ‘Creating the gripping pont * createa gripping point onthe workpece under ‘Moding ode Explorer Mode!» Objects» Oouble-click on "Workpece” > fighe-clikon *8ase" group New» Grp pot. Detning coordinates ofthe gripping pint * You can now define the cootcnates ofthe gipplng point. + Adlalog box opens you right-click on he siping pont. Sect Properties ad then Pose 2) 25 mm, 25 0m, 2 mn. The obo wl trip the workpiece the mice *+ men select General under Properties before marking the lasing aus and entering a radius of25 mm In his way, you make sure the gripper wl sto the workpiece on the suace {cst Workstation th 2handing rbot Programming 2 robot © order ite a rbot program fora simple pick and-place exercise The robots to move rom Is nia postion (poston Ps tthe current postion ofthe workpiece (P2) and then transport the wrkpiece 200 rm next tina tray at position Py. ‘The programming language used In hie example calles efsBase Wands ‘manufacturer speci (isubish Elect 600d to know ‘The sequence of obot movement i ypicaly programmed bya ist of support points poston lis) ‘A support pint describes the tree dimensional positon a5 wellas te spatial aignment athe gippet The specification ofthe postin aplies toa selected point ante eactoy, the TCP 0 centerpoint Good to know ‘Support points must be registered numerical. Teach- Inka typleal method forthe purpose. he robots ‘manually averse tothe desired positions. The ‘ooiinaes forthe positions are stored in a positon fle, which the robot program can then acess. arise Worsatin wth handing ot Programming a robot ‘You wil no create a position ist and a obot program ste by step In IROS@. Proceed as follows: 4. Create anew prosramming project in CRS 2. Createa poston st 2. Create abot progam {cst Workstation th 2handing rbot Programming 2 robot Step * open your ciROS® model * cesta new project under Programming? Project management Select ‘Projects. Right-click to open the context menu and slet he command ‘New in order to crete anew project. Mark the programming language ‘Mita Base Win the dilog box and ave yourpriecta name, Branplen pric reating a new programming project * click twice on les > New Te sofware automatically creates two Hes Poston ste: Examplerposan program fe: Examples my * cli on ox in {acs Workstation th 2handing bot Programming a robot ‘step 2: Creating a position lst ‘Thre positions are require inthe position ist forthe subsequent ret, pronamming * Te inal positon Ps equivalent tothe robo’ intl poston), * te postion Pfr pcking up the workpiece (equivalent tothe gripping point onthe workpiece, * And the depos postion P3 ‘Adding the poston Ps tothe postin list. * click onthe empty, st ine ofthe poston Ist. Select Programming» Postion lst) nser poston. The nal poston othe bets adopted as P * click an the empty, second line ofthe position Ist. Select Programming» Position list» nserpositon again. Theinital postion of therabot fs also ted a5 P2 This poston seta in the next stop. neces: Workstation wth 3 handling robot FesTa Programming a robot ‘Step 2: Creating 2 position lst ‘Adding the postion P2 tothe postion Uist * Transfer te coorinats ofthe ging pont tothe position list. You must st nd the respective coordinates. Todo so, elect he gripping point ofthe Wokpieceabect in ‘Model Explorer. You can nthe coordinates by rightclicking under Properties Pose. Soler Word hor a cooranate system and ten adopt the coraiates. * You can now eitthe position 2 inthe poston lst To do so, rightclickon Pa Select ‘ropetes tom te dialog box. Then wanserthe coordinates x, zatte gpping point Cickon OK to apply the changes. + me obot wit then eam the postion Pa Execute the command Programming Teach ‘nit thereto Cartesian coordinates. Traverse the robot tote postion P2 by ‘oubletcking on te poston EP oaroterchne esos point ob aed Pate poston Pee] em | eee GO yim) 9 oar re ISG sie) vom ei en al aaa en 3 2 acing inte pston Ps {acs Workstation th 2handing rbot Programming a robot ‘Step 2: Creating a position lst [Adding the postion P3 tothe postion ist * Select Wold as reference system nthe Techn window and press the arrow ays to move along the vas to traverse the rbot oa possible ‘epost postion approximately 200 mn next to * click onthe next empty nen the position Uist. Select Programming» Poston ist» ns poston. The cordinates ae ade a 2, ‘+ Ten save the position list Cickint the poston list window and then on Fie Save {acs Workstation th 2handing bot Programming a robot ‘step 3: Creating 2 robot program * open the mg fe under Programming Project management Proecs: Execute the command Programming» rogram wir. * mis ishow to generate a program template, Checkll available options * Delete the demo program and write a separate robot program. The preliminary points forthe pick up and deposit postions areto be approached 50 mm above the object © Good to know ‘The ipperis typical not mved auc tothe orice but fst tothe preiinary pont approach pond instead. tsa sho. stance vertical above te woroiece. The gpper soy approaches the worgiec om thee, Festa * Save the program and execute he command Programming » Compile, The robot program is naw checked ana ranslated into machine language You now havea complete abot program. Program example 120 Prla = (0.000, 0,000, 140 REM ToDo: Add your code 170 ws 2 190 ms 2, ~50 220 HOPE 1 240 wv 6 107.000, 0.000, 9.000, 0.000 5 copy {acs Workstation th 2handing bot FesTo Simulating the workstation with a handling robot he sin Pe tne simi bat poston Ps 4 {acs Workstation th 2handing rbot summary inthis teaming unt you have used ROS@ to model an automated ‘orkstaton wih ahanling rbot. inthe rst step you vitually created all Componeats othe workstation and defines thee properties. nthe next step you elected he Mitsubishi rbot forthe workstation and define the Sequence ofits movements with position is. You then wrote the robot program. na CiROS® simulation you put the workstation tual into ‘operation. {acs Workstation th 2handng rbot In-depth /repettion question (Hom do you proceed when modeling workstation with ciROS®. Pat this nyouroun words 2. Create anew “mode i 2. Creat all components ofthe workstation using CROSE® model iba 3. Assign propels, suchas the poston, sz, colr, mate et all components of ‘he workstation inthe made! explorer. 4 stablsh an electrical connection between the robot and gripper to contol a obot {cst Workstation wh 2handing rbot Comprehension question 55 what does the command MVS mean in Metfa Basie? Mark the coect answe. Losi rope orto baton) {cst Wotton wh 2handing robot Comprehension question ‘5 wn me command MOV Pa, soyou do notmove the gripper ofthe rbot Alrety othe workpiece, but First ony ote preliminary point which is stance of Samm above the workpiece. Ys @Ww acs Workstation th 2 handing rbot ‘Appendix: Melfa Basic glossary Command Comment Maringa commen com Daring te poston variable PL, co Denese dlacement ote TP con ovement ofthe gppealont sah tne the poston P. com postonin2deton eso sng te pear Mitsubishi baton) pening he ope Vor Misuisabts on) xcs 2 Comeyor be sstem wth 2 handing robot overview “he lowing eaming units intended to provide you with an overview of + xgvancedfunctlons and commands in CIROS® (Components rm the {GROS@ mode iran, assignment of material properties, modeling of ‘mame components it the obec soute/sinkete), * Robot programming in Mella Basic Gn particular acces to external signals, loops) © Learning time ‘You wi probably require: 90.min, NF Learning outcomes ‘You wi acquire the following sls * You willbe able to model a conveyor belt system inthe static case * You wibe able to model eynamicobects with CROSE. * Youle ableto access inputs and outputs ofthe robot and configu them fora pre-defined obot exercise. + Youwibe able to cesta poston Ist. * You willbe able to write program in Mala Basic that creates a workpiece witha random generator. * You willbe able to mite program in Mala Base that checks the function othe conveyor belt * You willbe able to witea simple obot program in Malta Basic * You wibeableto implementa for oop in Mela Bas * You willbe able to check the function ofthe conveyor bet system ina simulation xcs 2 Coneyor be stem wth 2 handing robot Motivation Innis example we wil modal atts production ine. The workpieces are removed tom a magazine and move on 2 “onvoyor el tthe ena of he Bot theres 3b, which ‘ps the workpieces oe afer another and wanspots hem to ata. PCRS mace fetus pedo ine xcs Coneyor be sstem wh 2 handing robot Work orders © orders, ‘You wil process tne following orders * Modethe described production ine st in the stale case * Modelthe production ine inthe dynamic case. * configure the robot * create te listo postions. * rte a progam (program A tat checks whether the workpiece wl be generated. * rte a program (program 8) that checks whether the conveyor bet moves and whether the workpiece has anved atthe end ofthe conveyor bel. * rte program (program in which the robot rps the workpiece atthe end ofthe belt and wanspons tte vay + fatend program Chased onthe assumption that here are several workpeces inthe magazine thathave tobe transported * check your rests a simulation, xcs 2 Coneyor be sstem wth 2 handing robot Work aids Sofware + cose Documentation {AROSD - nstaation Guide > Howto installa CROS@ application instalation instructions for network licensing instalation instruction or vital dongle xcs 2 Coneyor be sstem wth 2 handing rbot Modeling a conveyor belt system (state) © order ‘Model the described production tne st inthe stati cae. Create the production line withthe components speciedin the following ‘Component lst * isubish robot V.4F om the CIROS@ model brary Robot» Mitsubishi * suction gripper onthe lange ofthe robe fom the CROSS model brary ropes * conveyor bet Hom the CIROS@® model brary Moab» Conveyors) Coneyorbet * Worspiece: cube shape, see: 100:mm xx00 mm x100:M, colt fed * Workpiece magazine: cube shaped, size: 400 mm x309 mm x600 mn, atria: Ssmotysias ‘Tray: cube shape size: 200 mmx 200 mm x 400 rm, oe ed, matte Smokyiass Hint Asatc case means inthis example thatthe conveyor belt movements Inaly ignored and that merely one workpiece isin the magazine xcs 2 Coneyor be sstem wth 2 handing rbot Modeling a conveyor belt system (static) Procedure for modeling a conveyor belt system in CIROS® ‘You wi now model a conveyor bel sytem step by step. Proceed as tllows todos Creating a work cel 2. Adda handling robot with a suction sipper '3- Eaten the model by the conveyor bet 4. Model the workpiece magazine 5. Addthe workpiece 6. crete te vay Hint ‘The solutions for steps to 6 are presented in cea inthe folowing! ‘arise 2: Conveyor bet system wth handing bot Modeling a conveyor belt system (static) ‘Step 1: Creating a work cellin CROS® * create a new model under Fle» New Model Select a le name for yourmode, for example: Example 84 mod + Youcan us therignt mouse button to change the vew onthe cll. Please selec orthogonal view. You can also use the ght mouse buon to ‘nlrge orotate te vie, ‘Step 2: Adding a handling robot witha suction gripper * Ada "Robot objectunder ‘Modeing» oc tovares» Robot» MUsubISN> Fetes) RV4RL * Ada tne “suction exipper object under Modeling» Model raies> “ifper» Sucton gripper Suction gripper. * Selecte object vin the model explorer Right-click on Properties ot the rebot. Then select JCPS vacuum gripper) Use TC. This places the ‘TcPTortne oboton he suction gpper. P evs otot wth sucn grppe Postonng athe on ofthe word footie stem ‘arise 2: Conveyor bet system wth handing bot Modeling a conveyor belt system (static) ‘step 3: Extending the model by the conveyor belt ‘creating the “conveyor belt object + eat tne “conveyor el” object under ‘Modkibs > Conveyors) Conveyordelt, * select ieobject conveyorBttn the model explo Seale the conveyor ett under Properties assembly seating forexample tothe olwing dimensions: «= 1800 mm, y=300 mm, Hint The conveyor belt height zis measured between the base andthe luminum profile fame. The conveyor belt's tonerthan te height 2 specified inthe model. The CROSE function “assembly scaling” allows he cimensions of objects tobe changed without lstorion Positoning the "Conveyor Gel objec. * position the conveyor bet under ‘Model Explorer? Model) Object» Conveyr belt» Properties» Pose The conveyor bets inallyat the orgn ofthe model and is tobe moved. Itsimporant nat the end atthe bit sin the workspace oe rodot. * Select ne Wort coorinae system. * change the angle of rotations (Pane 19-90 degres (equivalent to one ‘umm ote obo by -90 degrees onthe zlan). * Move the conveyorbetin and ydiection, eg. tothe postion x=350 rmmand y=1570 m0. Then clickon Ana P Posting te Caney: Bet bein ROS =] a P Cooting ne “Comeyer Berean ROS com Powe aie "20000 rn) nese emure | seb 3 cone som 5) = ae coc (eng comb oo nc Catan ein mmo cmt mo ‘eg Pian rons omy a P Conveyor Bait objet -AssembySaling xcs 2 Coneyor be sstem wth 2 handing rbot Modeling a conveyor belt system (state) ‘step 4: Modeling the workpiece magazine * Modelthe “magazine” object asa cube with the dimensions 4oo mmx 300 mmx 600 mm and poston 3x0 mm x33501mmx0 mM. + Rename Soxto Source. * Select the material forthe magazine under Mode! raves» Modtibs> ‘Matera SmokyGiass. Then assign the mati tothe oblectunder ‘Mode explorer Object properties» General P Conyers acomeced werlce masse Hint The cube must be open to allow yu to observe how the workpieces are ‘eroved from the magazine onto te conveyor belt You can deat the sides of ne cube not required (the bse and these facing the conveyor etn the mode. *Todo'so, open the cROS@ context menu Settings Mode options andselet ‘Mode exeorer>Fiter Facets ‘ek on Othe mode! explorer now shows the faces * eet facets sand 4 under Model Explorer» Object Source Bass group ‘Box Facets. Hint you cickon a face, the respective facet also marke nthe model. On| the image you can see which facet (side of the cube you are actually dotting * Select Boxand right on Et» Add ear side, An inverse facets now 50 added each remaining ace xcs 2 Coneyor be sstem wth 2 handing rbot Modeling a conveyor belt system (state) Step 5: Adding the workpiece ‘creating the *Workpiece” object * Mode the workpiece” abject as cube with he dimensions 100 mmx 400 mm2x100 mm and postion see mmsx.3500 mmx351mM. ‘The position ofthe workpiece hasbeen selected in sucha manner hat te workpieces atthe point where tis toe subsequently generated atthe star of the bet, within the woceplece magazine. * Use therignt mouse button to rename Boro orkiece * Select red as displayeolr x FesTo Detning the gripping polnts onthe workpiece “wo epping points are defined forthe workiec. The gripping point onthe top suacesequired to allow the workpiece tobe gripped bythe reba. However, the gripping pont onthe bottom surface must be defined to alow "ho workpiece tobe stippearom me conveyer bet * You can crete riping points under Modetng» Mod Expire» Mode? Objects» Doublecek on "Werkplece"» "8350" soup (igh-clk) > Grip points righ tick)» New» Grip one 2p srpping pont: rename in Points the ripping olnt shouldbe inthe Idle ofthe top sutaceof ne workpiece, Le select Posey) = (G0 ‘nm, 50mm, 200 in, cooginte sytem: group * bottom sipping point: enamein ont, the gipping pont should be on the boom eage atthe workpiece facingtne end athe bet, 2. Posey 2}=(emn,omm, mm), coordinate system: reup P Coating he Wotsn tet xcs 2 Coneyor be sstem wth 2 handing rbot Modeling a conveyor belt system (state) Step 6: Creating the tray * Nodethe "tay object as cube with the cimensions 200 mm x200 mm +400 mm and postion 0 mmx300 mm x0 mm. Hint ‘The poston nas been selected in such a manner hat he "way objects within the workspace ofthe robot. * ein anew materia whichis then assigne othe Tay objet. Under ‘Mode Explorer Mater, copy the material SmokyGlassand rename ‘SmokyGlassea. You can se the material properies by doubleccking ‘on SmokyGlassted. You can change the ambient efectionand die ‘eflectionby selecting more colors) edn each cise + men assign he new mato the object under Model Explorer» Objet properties Genera. in OSB FesTo xcs 2 Coneyor bt sstem wth 2 handing rbot Modeling a conveyor belt system (4yeamic) © order ‘Model te production nein the dynamic case. Configure the workpiece magazine as objec source and he tray as objet sink in your Proceed as follows to modelthe objec source and the objec sink 4. Configure the objct sink 2. Configurethe obec source Hint The solutions for steps to 2a presented in dtall in the folowing! © Good to know nc shee ae to mechanems forthe dynamic management of objects object soucetr the generation and object infor he removal of objects int Inthis example dynamic case means that rst the worklece Istobe generated inthe magazine and then, tert has been transported to the ay, removed from tne mode. xcs 2 Coneyor bt sstem wth 2 handing rbot Modeling a conveyor belt system (4yeamic) ‘step 1: Configuring the object sink * create a objet sink under Moding Mode raries» Modeling ais Source and sink» Object sink. * Position the abjecsinkon the “Sink object ay inthe dle ofthe over uncer Made! Explore) Object sink. Todo 50, cickon Properties» Paseo the obec sink. Change the postion in wodcrdnatesto x =50 * bragtne “objec sink object wth heeft mouse button pressed onto the “Sink” objec, The “Objet Sink” objectisnow assigned tothe Sink” © Good to know when ou change te properties ofhghe evel objects. he poston in CROSS, the properties oflner level objet re aso automaticaly change ‘Step 2: Configuring the object source © Good to know ‘ncR0S6 objet sources do nt woke ith objets, bth their copies eteredto as templates If for example, we wish o confgue a sourafora pacar abject nthe mods, stenoiate ‘rust be created fr this objet. nour example the magazine Becomes te source fhe "Woksece obec. *higheckon the "Wortpece"abjecin Mode Explorer. Select Ets Grate obec source With his command You creat template forthe "workpiece" object. The abecthas been removed fom the mode. its copy can now be ound under Model Expire Templates. 2 Youalso geneate anew “Object source_oriplece” object. The source wilnen crate objects (workpieces Ia thelr orginal pstion. * brag ne “abject Source. Workplece” object wt the lft mouse button pressed ono the "Source objet (magazine). The “Object Source” objet fxs 2Coneyor bt sstem wth 2 handing rbot Configuring the rabot and the conveyor belt movement © order conngure te abot, ‘Activate the inputs and outputs of he robot to allow the production ine to be contoled The rbot so send signals vats outputs to onto the folowing exercises: "Grip cube, "Generate cube", “Swen conveyor elton ang off and” Remove cube’, Furthermore asignalisto be ent tote robot iracubeis atthe ena atthe bt, Hint The output forthe Grip objec” exercise is specie for Mitsubishi robots and iscalledHCLOSEs. You on name otter outputs as desire, Hint The solutions for steps to 2a presented in dtall inthe allowing! Proceed as follows to congue the robot: 4 Retuate the Inputs and ouput ofthe robot 2, And establish signa lines between dierent object othe model, © Good to know ‘he conveyor alt movement has aeaay been configured in {CROSE, You do nt have todo anything ese her! Exercise 2 Conveyor bet system with a handing robot FesTa Configuring the rabot and the conveyor belt movement ‘step: onfiguring the inputs and outputs ofthe robot “The tables below show an overview withthe inputs and outputs oftherabot. Youcan name the inputs and outputs under Model exploer> Model» Double-click onthe abot Rv4FL ang, inthis way, automaticaly activate won ‘nie them. The Inputs and output ate played and canbe renamed Dial Hose" crnoope itl“ enn si = 9 Digital “stanstopt ‘Switch conveyor bet on ad off shee og enn vevceone Fie, oe rot wcse fer oi oe Srentelt bat fe nat pies enamine abtinpate Lstorebtinis fxs 2Coneyor bt sstem wth 2 handing rbot Configuring the rabot and the conveyor belt movement ‘step 2: Establishing signa ines between the model components (pen /0 panelunder Modeling. You can connect the inputs and ouput of ‘the robot othe inputs and outputs of other components ia the model Signal tnes are use for communication between the robot and other ‘components. The igure onthe right shows acomesponding /0 pant + Te robot input temAvalable (no 7 is connected tothe conveyor belt ‘output "Pantera 7). + Te conveyor beltinput “OnOf (no. 17 i connected tothe obo output stants" (0.8). * Te gripper input “Gras (no 16s connected tothe rbot output “WCLDSEr (no. 9) + Te Source Object source Workpece input “Generate Vorkpice” (no. 25) Is connected to the rodot output Generate” 0.5). ‘+ Te workpiece sink input EntflemeAnGPPx" (no. 23) is connected tothe robot output "Remove" (na? Hees quran | i Puoranet FesTo xcs Coneyor bt stem wth 2 handing robot Creating the position list To create postion st ana subsequently also rbot programs, proceed as i oraer foows: rate thelist of postions 4 Create anew programming project in cROS® 2, Manually traverse the obo ta crete the position ist {A postion ltt thee postions is equte for obot programming * Teil poston Pil position of herobet) Hint * Te pickup poston Poa the and ofthe belt ‘The solutions for steps to 2 ate presented in detain the folowing! * me deposit postion 3 Exercise 2 Conveyor belt system with a handing robot FesTa Creating the positon list ‘step reating a new programming project * open your ciROS® model * create a new projectunder Programming» Polect management Select corse i ‘Projects: Right-click o open the context mens ad select the command Wr a ane ‘newto crete anew project. Marthe pogranming language Meta Basic ere) age vin the dialog bax and give your project a name, eg. Example = _—=—se Soon wats aaa fh * click on oki each ease xcs 2 Coneyor be sstem wth 2 handing robot Creating the positon list ‘Step 2 Manually traversing the robot to create the position ist ‘Adding the poston Ps tothe postion ist. Clckon the rst empty ln ofthe position Ist. Select Programming» Poston ist inser pasion. The ital poston othe robot is adopted as Clik onthe second and third emptyline ofthe postin lst. Select Programming» Position list >nsert postion in each case. The inital positon fe obot|s adopted also as P2 und Ps These two postions are processea Inthe nex steps [Adding the positon Pa the position Uist ‘The ple-up postions athe ond ofthe belt- which is where he ret vl ‘ip the worpiece. Since the worpiece moves on the conveyor beltonyiny Aircon, the xand 2 coordinates forthe postion P2corespond tothe Coordinates of te gipping point Ponts. The ycoordnate must be agusted to corespond to the end ofthe bet This results inte fllowing worl Coordinates or 2: =500 mm, y=165 mm, 2= 4st. Rightelck on Pz and select Properties Then enter theP2 coordinates ‘Adding the postion P3 to the postion tit “he deposit poston corespondsto the position ofthe object sink in word coordinates (00mm, 2= 400 mm ight-c on P3 and selec Properties. Then ener the Py coordinate, E Exercise 2: Conveyor belt system with a handing robot FesTa Introduction to programming with Melfa Basic Inne flowing youl ean the commands uses to access input and output signals, ‘which you will require for teee programming exercises aerwards. eral ‘Select the robo Rvs. under Model Explorer (jects You can go tote overview ofall output signals by doube-cking on Outputs Ifyou wish to ‘generate an objet (cube, you must activate the (command estntion “Generate outbut,.setitto x This output has the Index. ifs Basc commands for accesso ip and output signals ance] 1 coy Hint P ovwniew oat seals the model explorer ‘The input and output signals an be assigned binary values, oF You can activate his output nthe robot program as tolows: Ben fxs 2 Coneyor bt stem wth 2 handing rbot *Workpiece check” programming (program A) © order Solution ite a program (orogram 4) that checks whether the workplace wit be generated a Visualize the resut in a simulation. Description of program A-"Workpiece check ‘the comesponding program shoul ful the following functions function Programming excise Begin programmingin ciROS®, xcs Coneyor bt stem wth 2 handing rbot "Belt check” programming (program 8) © order Solution ‘wit a program (orogram 6 that checks whether the convoyor Blt moves ana \whetherthe workpiece nas arived atthe end ofthe conveer bet cn Description of program 8 Visualize the resut ina simulation. et check” ‘Te comesponding program shoul fl the flowing functions section Begin programmingin ciROS®, Prosramming eacise xcs Coneyor be sstem wth 2 handing robot "Move workpiece” programming (program ©) © order Solution ‘ite a program (eragram 0 In which te ebat ups the worpiece atthe end of the belt and transports ito the tay. Description of program ¢-"Move workpiece” ‘he coresponding robot program shoul fl the flowing functions ction soe oat atfoan atene ove up oo elas pope emove becom sheets Programming nec seston outmut=9 SetSanopoupit=0 Ser eos ou Linon the x. Then moveto th poston pproumaey 00m 2bve setHorens oun Begin programmingin ciROS®, xcs Coneyor be sstem wth 2 handing robot "Move workpiece" programming (program D) © order Solution Extend program Chased on the assumption tat here are soverl okpleces inthe magazine that have tobe wansporte. Description of program D- “Extension of number of workpleces” Program B conespondsto program Cwith the dierence that several ‘okpleces are now inte magazine. 83564 onthe assumption hat, for ‘rample, four workpieces are gnerated inthe workpiece magazine, the program sun through four times, You can do so witha frtop, Implement ‘the foriop in Melia Basi as folows 5 copy Exercise 2: Conveyor bet system with a handing robot FesTa Simulating the conveyor belt system witha handling ebat © order ‘Check your sults na simulation ‘Simulation Resto traverse the rbot isnt postion. Use the Command Simulation > Start star the simulation The robot progam simulated step by step. The program in curenty _erormed is marked inyeion, The curent simulation tine dspayed. ‘sranhot the wokpee hasbeen generated by te cles source — ee P Srapat tarot iste worgisce athe the bt 2 snapset the wopiece anspor a2 vay an removed om he nce by xcs Coneyor be stem wh 2 handing robot summary inthis teaming unt you used CiROS@ to model a conveyor el system wth a handling robot nthe first step you created al components ofthe conveyor el system vitually and defined thelr geometric and physical properties. You used dynamic CIROS® “components, such sth object source and object sink, forthe model Next you selected ‘the Mitcubishi robot forthe workstation and defined the sequence ofits movements wih poston ist. You wrote Mela Basic programs to test dierent functions of the conveyor ett system You then wot the B01 program. na CIROS® simulation yu pu the workstation vital into operation. xcs 2 Coneyor bt sstem wth 2 handing robot Comprehension question [> wnat tne fotonng Met Basic commands mean: (9) M_OUT(2an@ WA? Putts in your on wots {Mans accesso an input signa withthe index 9 ‘Mourn access to an output signal withthe index WAT progam intemuption The progam waits uni a particular canton is flied e.g, uni particular np signal assumes value, nec 2: Conveyor bet system with a handing robot FesTa Comprehension question [Py on me conveyor bet tere is a yindial workpiece, which sto be wansported by arobet toa tray How do you create the "Workpiece” object in ‘cROso? Patthis in youroun words Creating the object under Modeling ~ Model bras ~ Geometric primitives ~ Cynder. tes 2 Coneyor be sstem wth 2 handing robot Comprehension question [Sp where can you deine the postion, siz and color ofthe workpece? How mary gripping pints do you have to define forthe workpiece and why? Defining the properties (postion sige and coon under Modeling ~ Mode Explorer Ho ‘ects. Then select an object om the object ist. You can rightclick o gota dlogbox to select Properties. Under Properiesyou can change the pation ie and lpla/color ofthe objet. In this case two gripping points are necessary, The gripping point onthe top surface i requiedta allow the workpiece abe gripped bye abo. However, the aiping pont onthe bottom suace must be defined to allow the worepece ta be gripped from the conveyor bet. fers Comeyor be system th sensors overview The folowing laming until rovde you with in-depth knowledge ofmodeting and robot programming wth CROSE. ‘You wl become familar ith generating dynamic ajects, whch can then be detected {and sorted using sensors. Furthermore yo wil be ntadced in this earning unit tthe ‘sage of CIROSe mechanisms (objec source/snk conveyer Bel). The creation ot corresponding rebet programs explained by the example ofthe programing language © Learning time ‘You mi probably requle: 20min, ON Learning outcomes, ‘You wit acquire the folowing sls Festa * You willbe able to implement mechanisms object sure, object snk conveyor bel in CIROS, * You wilbe familiar win ne uncional principle ot color senso. * You willbe able to configure color sensorinCROSO. * You willbe ableto create a poston ist. * You willbe familiar wit the unctional principle ofa distance senso. * You willbe ableo configure stance sensorincROS@. * You wiboableto simulate a convyor bet system with sensors * You willbe able to read out analog ad gta signals In Meta Basic fers 3 Coneyor be system th sensors Motivation The warpice magazine contains blue and ed cubes, which arerandomiy created byan object source The workoiees are transported ona conveyor belt tthe end ofthe belt there are sensors hich dtet the color and poston athe cubes on ciferentrays P0080 mode comes Festa fers 3 Comeyor be system th sensors Work orders © orders, ‘You mil process te following ose: * create the basc component fhe conveyorbet system. * Modethe conveyor belt system nthe dynamic case + fxtend the mode bya color senso. * congure the rbot anit inputs and outputs 0/0), * cyeate the position list. * write art progam (robot program A) in hich the olor ofthe cubes are detected bya Calor sensor ane the cubes are sorted out, depencng on het coer. * visualize he resus in a simulation. * fatend the made bya dlstance sensor. * wrt root progam (robot program 8) In which the distance senso determines that there isa pat atthe end of the belt and transfers a curent pickup poston tothe dot, rcs Coneyor be system th sensors Work aids Sofware + cose Documentation {AROSD - nstaation Guide > Howto installa CROS@ application > snstatation instructions for network ionsing instalation instruction or vital dongle fers Coneyor be system th sensors Modeling basic components ofa conveyor belt system. © order ‘Create te basic components ofthe conveyor bet system. ol the conveyor belt system with he following basic components Component tist * ttsubian robot V4 fom the CROS® model Iaary Robot Mitsubishi» series * suction gripper onthe ange ofthe rbot om the CROS-model brary Grippers * Conveyor bet tom the CROS® model brary Moos » Conveyors» ConveyerBelt * worapeces ned and bie, each cube shaped, sie: 100 mmx 100 mm x300mm * workpiece magazine: cube shaped, sie: 400 mmx309 mm x600 mm, material SmokyGlass. The magazine sto be positioned atthe star ofthe bet. *Trays:inredanabue,eaeh cube shaped, 200 mm x200 mm 400 mm, mate: SmokyGlassRedor SmokyGlasBlve The tras are tobe moved ta position mat can be reacned by the rbot. fers Coneyor be system th sensors Modeling basic components ofa conveyor belt system. Procedure for modeting basic components ofa conveyor belt system In CIROS® ‘You wi now model basic components ofa conveyor el sytem step by step. Proceed as tllows todos 4 Create a workcllin CROSB 2. Addthe hating robe with suction sper +3. Eatend the model by the conveyor bet 4. Model the workpiece magazine ‘5. Model he workpiece 6. create workpiece ays Hint ‘The solutions for steps to 6 are presented in cea inthe folowing! xis 9:Conejor at ste wth esas Modeling basic components ofa conveyor belt system. ‘Step 1: Creating a work cellin CROS® * create anew model under ile» Mew» Model Selecta Mle name for your model, for example: exam. mod * You can use the ight mouse button to change the vew onthe cll, Please selec orthogaalvew. You can also use the rght mauseblton to enlarge orrotatethe view ‘Step 2: Adding a handling robot witha suction gripper * Youcan addthe Robot object under ‘Modating» ode tovaes Robot» MUSubISN> Fetes) RV4RL * Adan “sucton Gripper object under Modeling» Mode braies> “ifr Suction erper Suction gripper. * Select he Ava bjectin Mode! Explorer ightcik on Popertiesof the robot. Then select TEP) Vacuum erpper Use TP. This places te CP fr the abot onthe suction epper. P tassishiesoc Raf wt aston ape postlones 2th ofp ofthe wok foodie stem fers Coneyor be system th sensors Modeling basic components ofa conveyor belt system. Step 3: Model extension by the conveyor belt “wo steps are necessary to add the conveyor belt tothe model: * creating the "Conveyer Bet” object * astaning the “Conveyor Bet objet ‘creating the "Conveyor Balt” obect * create the “Conveyor Bet object under ‘Modlits» Conveyors» Conveyor. * select ineComveyordeltoect in Mode Export Scale he conveyor batt under Properties» assemely scalngtor example tthe olowing simensions: x= 800 mm, y= 300 mm, 2= 400mm. 2 Coating ne "Coneyer Se obietn ROS FesToO Positioning the “Conveyor Slt object, * postion the conveyor belt again unde Mode xalower Model» Objet» Conveyor belt» ropes Pose. The conveyor atts inal atthe oiin ofthe model and’ tobe moved tis important that he end ofthe belt is Inthe workspace othe robat. * select World coorinate system * change the angle of rotations (Pane 19-90 degres (equivalent to one tum athe robot by 90 degtes on he 2plar). * Move the conveyorbet in xand ydiection, eg. tothe postion x= 350, rm and y= 1570 mn. Then click on Aap. P Postoning te Caney Bt bet in ROS ee: ee ' 3 oe er = a Posing te ony: Bet bet inc ROSS P Conveyor Bait objet -AssembySaling xis 9:Conejor at ste wth esas Modeling basic components ofa conveyor belt system. ‘step 4: Modeling the workpiece magazine * Nodelthe “Magazine” objects cube with the dimensions 4o0 mm x 300 mmx 600 mm and poston 3x0 mm x3350!mmx0 mM. + Rename Boxto Source * select ihe material forthe magazin under Mode Haves» Moatibs> ‘Materals»SmokyGiass. Then assign the mati tothe oblectunder ‘Mode Explorer Object properties >General P Comyn seat an negate erpacemaguioe Hint The cube must be open to allow you to see how the workpieces are ‘ermoved rom the conveyor bet. You can delete te sides of te cube not required, the base and the side facing the conveyor belt, inthe model * open Settings Model options inthe cROS® context menu and select ‘Moe Explorer» Fier Faces Click on OX Model Explorer now shows the faaats * eet facets sand 4 under Model Xplorer) Object source Base grove» Box Faces Hint you cickon a face, the respective facet also marke nthe model. On| the image youcan see which facet (side of the cube) you are actually deleting. * Select Boxand right on Et» Add ear side, An inverse facets now 50 added each remaining ace fers Coneyor be system th sensors Modeling basic components of a conveyor belt system Step 5: Modeting the workpiece ‘Adding he “Workpece” object “The owing three stops are requied to ad workpeces * creating the "Workpiecein Re” objet * efining ne sipping pols onthe workpiece * copying te “workpiece ia Re object to crate the blue workpiece FesTo ‘Creating the *Workplecen Red obect. * Modethe "workpiece objactas.a cue wth the dimensions 100 mn x 400 mm:x100 mm and postion see mmx.3500 mmx35imM. * higntclckta rename Rorto Workplace. * selec ve as islay/olorunder Properties othe objet P Coating ne Woneein Rea bie, fers Coneyor be system th sensors Modeling basic components ofa conveyor belt system. ing points on the workpie “wo gripping point are dened forthe workpiece. The gripping point on he top surfaces necessary a ali the workpiece tobe sipped by the robe. The giping point onthe batt surface snacessaty tallow the workpiece tobe gripped tom the conveyor et. + You can create gripping points under ‘Modeling » Mode Explorer Model» Objects» Doubleclick on "Workoece” > ase" group ight cick)» ep pols ght cek) New Grip pont. * Top aiing point rename in Points, the arioping pont shoud be inthe ride of te top suace ofthe workpiece. select Pose, 2) = (50 rim, 50m, s00 mn, coorainate sytem BF0uP * ottom gripping point: enamein Point, the gripping pont shouldbe on the bottom edge of the workpiece facing the en ofthe el. Posey, 2)= om, om, 0 mm), coordinate sytem: rOup Festa Copying the “workpiece in Rea” abject to create the Bue workpiece * Copy the "Workpiee in Re objectin the model explorer under Objet. * Rename the copy "WorkpeceBiue" + me postion ofboth workpieces isthe same, Lethe 1 cube coves the blue one inthe model. Ifyou wish o see both workpieces temporarily ‘move the position of thee cube in ydection fo y= 1300 mm. fers Coneyor be system th sensors Modeling basic components ofa conveyor belt system ‘Step 6: Creating workpiece trays Model the workpiece trays folios: * creating the Tray in Rd object, * copy tne Tra in Reo objectto creat the bse tay ‘Creating the "Tray in Red” object * Model the "Tay in Red” object sa cube wit the dimensions 200 mm x 200 mm 400 im and poston 50 mmx 300 mM XO Mm + Rename Boxto inked, * Define anew matta, whichsthen assigned tothe "Tayin Red” obec ‘Under Mode Exporer» Materials, copy the material SmokyGlass and rename It SmokyGlassed You can see the matetial properties by double ‘licking on SmokyGlssed. You can change the ambient reflection ana ‘imuserefection by selecting enor colors rein ach as * men assign the mate tothe obec under Model Explorer» Object properties Genera fers Coneyor be system th sensors Modeling basic components of a conveyor belt system ‘Step 6: Creating workpiece trays Copy the “Tay in Red object create the lve ray * copytne-Trayin Reo biectinthe made explrerander Objects + Rename the copy to Sinksiue * change the position of me “Tay in Blue” objctto x= Sommm, ¥=500| * befine anew matra which then assigned tothe "Tay n Blu" objet. Under Model exporers Matra, copy the material SmokyGlassand rename it SmosyGlassBiu. You can see the material properties by Aouolecicking on Smotylsssive. You can change the ambien? ‘reflection and difuse reletionby selecting more colors »bivein each ‘+ Ten assign the material tothe object under Model Explorer» Object properties Genera. xcs 3 Coneyor be system th sensors Modeling a conveyor belt system (4ynamic) © order Model te conveyor beltsstem inthe dynamic case Proceed as follows to modethe obec source and he abject sik 4. Configure the workpiece trays as objet sins 2 Configure the workpece magazines as object source Hint The solutions for steps to 2a presented in deta inthe folowing! Hint Inthis example gmamic case means tat the workpieces in the magazine ae created with a random generator and are removed from the model after being vansported in tas, arcs Coneyor et system th sensors Modeling a conveyor belt system (4ynamic) Step 1: Configuring workpiece trays as object sinks * crest the object sinkunder Modeling» Model bares) Modeing aids» Source and snk» Objact snkand copy it * brag tne “objec sink object wth helt mouse button pressed onto the “sine” object. The “Objet Sink” objects now assigned tothe "SinkRed” objet * Postion the abject sinkon the “Inked” obec inthe mid of the cover. Todos, clickon Properties» Pose of the abject snk. Change the poston in world aortnates tox =s0 mm, y= 40 mm, 2 400 mm * brag tne “objec Sink." abject wih the et mouse button pressed onto the SnkSlue objet. The “Object Sink" obectis now asigned tothe “sinkBlue" object. Then poston the object sink in he middle ofthe cover (word coordinates: =501m, y=-400 mm, 2=400 mm) xcs 3 Coneyor be system th sensors Modeling a conveyor belt system (dynamic) ‘step 2: Configuring the workpiece magazine as an object source Proceed as follows to configure the workpiece magazine: * creat the templates * aaatne obec source * contigurng he objet source asa random generator ‘Creating the templates Hint The object source doesnot work ety with objects, Dut with their copies (emplates *Tocreate he templates, select the two cubes (MorkoieceRed and orkieceBue in Mode xpiorerana crag hem fom tere oto the Templates entry. Thisremoves the objects from the model and stores them asa copy tthe abject at the temples. ‘Adding te object source * Adan objet source rom the model brary Modeling a8» Source and sino the mode * Position the object source in world coowsinates atthe poston: £2500 mm, y=44somm, 2 454mm. The source wilthen create objects (ed and bue cubes) atts poston. xcs 3 Coneyor be system th sensors Modeling a conveyor belt system (dynamic) Configuring the object source asa random generator * me object sources configured on ts properties page. Youcan ing itn the model ‘expirerunaer Mode! Objects» ObjetSoure * Tee templates name of tempate_o_1 and 2are splayed in the able under Object source on the properties page. To generate the cues of diferent color, the names of the cube templates must be entered instead. To do so, mrkthe st entry ‘namo_of template_o and select he template Workpeceaive unde the Template selection. In this ay, he input GenereveTemplteois assigned tothe template forthe blue workpiece. The corresponding objects created when the Generierempateo Inputs switched rom oto. *broceedn the same way lh the entry name. of template sforthe ed cube. * eat aameof tomate. Ta do so, matkthe ent aame_of tomplate_2ans click on™ (onthe igh sie ofthe able), ‘+ me objec source ito crate the cubes in arandom onder and needs a separate input to do so. Under Extend, select the input with the name Randoms input forthe random craton. P contavationone ado greater ers 3 Coneyor be system th sensors Model extension bya color sensor © order: Extend the model by acolr sensor Proceed as tllows todos * create the sensorbase + Agathe sensor * connguting te color sensor fers 3 Coneyor be system th sensors Model extension bya color sensor creating the sensor base * create a new object with the name SensorSocke. Add simple cube with the dimensions x=s00 mm, y=100 mm, 2=350 mn. * Position the object wel coordinates at he position x= 400 mm, ‘y=-4oo mim, 20 mm and colori dark ay ‘Adding the sensor + Ad color sensor rom the Sensors modet bar tothe model * Postion the sensoran the sensor base (wold cordnates x= 475 mm, ‘yas33g mm, 2365 mn) and rotate 0 thatthe sensors pointing in he ‘ection ofthe conveyer bet (8 ¥=-99,-90, 0 + me mod does not have a geometry, You can a sleeves flows (Objects » Color sensor> Geometry» New Geometrprmitves> Boe. (Dimensions ofthe cube: x= mm, y-=somm,2= 25mm) fers 3 Coneyor be system th sensors Model extension bya color sensor Configuring the color sensor Hint The CROS@ color sensor measures the olor ofan objectinzaretion and compares twit alist of reference cols that an be contgued in Ins extended properties, 2 alr denies asm ference clo, the Isingicated by a ratte dg output wth the index * Modity tne abe with reference clos so that itis sutabe forthe example wih he colors rand blue (n= 2) + Todo'so, select Propets xtendedof the colt sensor. The colortabe Is contigrd forthe rb colors (ee, green, blue. lek on the ine (onesponds fo cole gten) and delet two ents remain athe table RefColor= gb (0.0.25) -corespond to the colar blue and RetCoore 14b(255,0.0) corresponds tothe colr ea nc0s0)

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