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Philippines is one among the top ten in the world that is adapting

the aquaculture procedures. Tilapia farming contributes significantly to

the aquaculture production in the Philippines and the most common

problem of the fisherfolks was on the health and growth of the tilapia.

Current practice involves the use of commercial feeds. The

indiscriminate use of artificial feeds however results to nutrient

accumulation in the water-systems though there are some effects of the

commercial feeds. Farm-made feed production is then encouraged.

In making the product, mix the pulverized fish meal, pulverized

Moringa oleifera leaves, shredded Cocos nucifera, rice bran and water in

one bowl and mix it gently. Put into a meat grinder to form a pellet and

airdry it for three days.

There were six concentrations prepared in the study. One

concentration for commercial feed and five concentration for the

alternative feeds with different ratios of pulverized Moringa oleifera,

pulverized fish meal, rice bran and shredded coconut. Three tilapias were

used in each concentration. Every tilapia were weighed and put a mark

for proper identification. The sampling used to observe the weight

changes of every tilapia in each concentration is 63 days.

Treatment E composed of 25 g of pulverized Moringa oleifera, 15

g shredded coconut, 25 g pulverized fishmeal, 35 g of rice bran has the

highest amount of rice bran that helps the feeds to float in the water and

rice bran is a potential substitute of 40-50 percent of the imported

ingredients with other local ingredients as energy and protein in relation

to the study conducted by Arthur Roberts et al (2016).

This natural-made feed ingredients have components that is rich

in minerals, vitamins, calcium, protein, carbohydrates, fats, essential fatty

acid, dietary fiber, vitamin B and E, and trace mineral of iron, potassium,

calcium, chlorine, magnesium and manganese that contribute for the fast

growth of the tilapia in terms of their size, weight and nutrition. It also

reduces the use of chemicals which may affect the accumulation of


The researchers conducted this research not for the tilapia to grow

healthier and faster only, but also to help the community to lessen the

expenses especially to the fisherfolks that has been suffering from

financial problems. All ingredients are eco-friendly and easy to find in

the community and easy to prepare.


The researchers take pleasure to express their sincere thanks and

appreciation to the following persons who gave them encouragement,

inspiration and unselfishly helped in the preparation and completion of

this project.

To Sir Renato Segundo, for his support and letting the researchers

conduct this study.

To Mr. Cassius Clay B. Madrid, Ms. Devine Grace N. Licquo and

Mr. Isagani Medina, for constantly encouraging and giving positive

remarks, deep encouragements, intelligent suggestions, patience and

checking the manuscript and for guiding the researchers in this project.

To loving parents of the researchers for their financial and moral

support, inspirations and source of strength in the accomplishment of this


Above all, to the Lord Almighty, for His guidance and

enlightenment, without Him, this humble piece of work has not been



We, Joanniel B. Paysan, Janine Zyrene Domingo and Lizeth F.

Urmanita would like to dedicate this project to the people who supported

and inspired us in accomplishing this study.

To our loving family, for giving as their unending support,

financially and morally.

To our teachers, for guiding as and telling us the right thing to do.

Above all, to ALMIGHTY GOD, for He is the reason why all things are


Table of Content



Dedication …….………………………………………………...…….. IV

Chapter I: Introduction

Background of the Study...………………………………………..……...1

Statement of the Problem...……………………..…………………..……2

Statement of the Hypothesis ...………………………………………..…3

Significance of the Study....………………………………………..…….4

Scope and Limitations...………………………………………..………..5

Definition of Terms...………………………………………..…………..5

Review of the Related Literature and Studies ...……………………..….7

Chapter II: Methods

Research Design...………………………………………..….………….12

Research environment...………………………………………...………12

Research materials...………………………………………..…………..12

Research methods...………………………………………..………...…13

Statistical tool...………………………………………..……………..…14

Chapter III: Result...…………………………………………….………15

Chapter IV

Summary ...………………………………………..……………………22

Conclusion…………………………………………………………..…………………………….. 23

Recommendation ...………………………………………...…..………24



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