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Lesson title: Part 2

The Sexual Self (Basic Biology of Sexual Behavior)

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, Students are

expected to be able to:

1. Know the biology of sexual behavior.

2. Determine and Understand the Sexual Response Behavior of

every person; and

3. Show and know the fixation stages of love and its chemistry.


White Board Marker, White Board

Laptop, or Cellphone, Internet











Gazzingan,L., (2018), Understanding

the Self, Panday. lahi Publishing

Good day my beloved students, we are going to study or discuss sexual self in it’s basic biological

What is this? The Development of sperm or semen and eggcell for women. How Human sexually


1) What a pleasant day to everyone! How are you? Hope you’re doing well with your studies! Hoping

there is no problem at home, with your family or even to your loved ones. Listen carefully and


If young girls don’t have menstruation, are they safe for sex?

Do all men experience premature ejaculation?

Is sex instinct?

Interesting right? But don’t be malicious, it’s part of the learning process that you need to undergo.

Activity No 1. : What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 minutes)

This is to measure your before and after knowledge about human sexual behavior. Answer the

questions below by writing your ideas under the first column What I Know. It’s okay if you write key

words or phrases that you think are related to the questions.

What I Know

Answer this now

Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

(Answer this after you learn

something in the lesson)

How long does it take to finish

an orgasm?

Do all female experience


GEN 002: Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #13

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: ______________

How will you know if somebody

is experiencing orgasm?


Biology of Sexual Behavior

The biology of human sexuality includes the reproductive system and the sexual response cycle, as well
as the
factors that affect them.

• Females have both external genitalia (known as the vulva) and internal reproductive organs (including

the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, and vagina).

• Males also have both internal and external genitalia; the main sex organs are the penis and testicles.

• The hypothalamus is the most important part of the brain for sexual functioning; it produces

sexual hormones that are then secreted by the pituitary gland.

• Sex hormones that influence sexual behavior include oxytocin, prolactin, vasopressin, follicle-

stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH); others include testosterone in males and

estrogen and progesterone in females.

Reproductive System

The organs and glands in the body that aid in the production of new individuals (reproduction).

• In the male, sperm are produced in the testes and

conveyed to the female in a fluid called semen, which passes out of the

body through the penis. Other parts of the male reproductive system include the prostate

gland, the scrotum, and the urethra.

• In the female, the eggs, or ova are produced in the

ovaries and released during ovulation into the fallopian tubes about halfway through the menstrual

cycle. If fertilization occurs, the resulting zygote travels down

the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it implants and

continues development. If the ovum is not fertilized, it continues its journey toward the uterus, where it

degenerates and is released in the menstrual flow through the

vagina during menstruation.

Understanding Human Sexual Response

GEN 002: Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #13

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: ______________

The sexual response cycle refers to the sequence of physical and emotional changes that occur as a

becomes sexually aroused and participates in sexually stimulating activities, including intercourse

and masturbation.

The sexual response cycle has four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Both men and

women experience these phases, although the timing usually is different. For example, it is unlikely that

partners will reach orgasm at the same time. In addition, the intensity of the response and the time
spent in each

phase varies from person to person. Understanding these differences may help partners better
understand one

another's bodies and responses, and enhance the sexual experience.

Phase 1: Excitement

Characteristics can last from

a few minutes to several


Phase 2: Plateau

Characteristics extends

to the brink of orgasm.

Phase 3: Orgasm

It is the climax of the

sexual response

cycle. Shortest of the

phases and generally

lasts only a few


Phase 4: Resolution

• Muscle tension


• Heart rate quickens and

breathing is accelerated.

• Skin may become

flushed (blotches of

redness appear on the

chest and back).

• Nipples become

hardened or erect.

• Blood flow to the genitals

increases, resulting in

swelling of the woman's

clitoris and labia minora

(inner lips), and erection

of the man's penis.

• Vaginal lubrication

• The

woman's breasts becom

e fuller and the vaginal

walls begin to swell.

• The man's testicles

swell, his scrotum

tightens, and he begins

secreting a lubricating


• The changes begun

in phase 1 are


• The vagina continue

s to swell from

increased blood flow,

and the vaginal walls

turn a dark purple.

• The woman's clitoris

becomes highly

sensitive (may even

be painful to touch)

and retracts under

the clitoral hood to

avoid direct

stimulation from

the penis.

• The man's testicles

are withdrawn up
into the scrotum.

• Breathing, heart rate,

and blood

pressure continue to


• Muscle spasms may

begin in the feet,

face, and hands.

• Muscle tension


• Involuntary

muscle contractions


• Blood pressure,

heart rate, and

breathing are at

their highest rates,

with a rapid intake

of oxygen.

• Muscles in the feet


• There is a sudden,

forceful release of

sexual tension.

• In women, the

muscles of

the vagina contract.

The uterus also

undergoes rhythmic


• In men, rhythmic

contractions of the

muscles at the base

of the penis result in

the ejaculation of


• A rash, or

"sex flush" may

During resolution, the

body slowly returns to

its normal level of

functioning, and

swelled and erect body

parts return to their

previous size and

color. This phase is

marked by a general

sense of well-being,

enhanced intimacy and

, often, fatigue. Some

women are capable of

a rapid return to the

orgasm phase with

further sexual

stimulation and may

experience multiple
orgasms. Men need

recovery time after

orgasm, called a

refractory period,

during which they

cannot reach orgasm

again. The duration of

the refractory period

varies among men and

usually lengthens with

advancing age.

GEN 002: Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #13

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: ______________

appear over the

entire body.

Chemistry of Lust, Attraction and Attachment

Falling in love can hit you hard in mind and your body. You feel irresistibly attracted to your crush. If

continue, you may feel a rush of euphoria, a longing to be together, passion and excitement. You feel
like you've

found the most special, unique person in the world. Fast forward a few years and the excitement goes

some (except for a few lucky couples). The novelty wears off and, if all goes well, is replaced by a warm,

comforting, nurturing type of feeling. You feel bonded in body, mind, and spirit. You share your hopes
and dreams

together and work hard together to make them come true. Each stage in this cycle can actually be
explained by

your brain chemistry - the neurotransmitters that get you revived up and the hormones that carry the

throughout your body. According to anthropology professor Helen Fisher there are three stages of
falling in love.

In each stage, a different set of brain chemicals run the show. These stages are lust, attraction, and love.

Activity No 3.

Exercise No. 1

Directions: A concept map is a type of graphic organizer used to help students organize and represent

knowledge of a subject. Concept maps begin with a main idea (or concept) and then branch out to

show how that main idea can be broken down into specific topics. Your task is to create a concept

map of the reproductive system. One for male and another one for female. Arrange the internal

and external organs. The main concept is already given.

• You feel physically attracted

and drawn to the object of

your affection. You want to

seduce them or be seduced.

Lust is driven by the hormones

testosterone in men and

estrogen in women. Lust

occurs across specie s and may

be part of basic drive to find a

partner to spread our genes

with. But lust is differen.t than


You begin to obsess about

your love and crave his

presence. Your heart races

and you don’t feel like

sleeping or eating. You may

even get sweaty palms. You

feel surge of extra energy and

excitement as you fantasize

about the things you’ll do

together. These feeling are

created by three chemicals

norepinephrine, dopamine,

and serotonin.

Ø It involves wanting to make

a more lasting commitment to your

loved one. This is the point at which

you may move in together, get

married and/or have children. After

about 4 years in a relationship,

dopamine, decreases and attraction

goes down. If things are going well,

it get replaced by the hormones

oxytocin vasopressin. Which create

the desire to bond affiliate with, and

nurture your partner . you want to

cuddle and be close and sharpe your

deepest secrets with her. You plan

and dream together


GEN 002: Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #13

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: ______________

Exercise No 2.

Directions: Review your notes on the human sexual response cycle the discuss your answers

on the following questions.

1. What information did you learn from the notes on the human sexual response cycle?



2. Many of the terms learned today have been medical or scientific language. Which terms were you

with? Which terms were you unfamiliar with?




3. With regards to Excitement Phase, why might some couples never reach the first phase?




4. If one or more partners decide to stop after the excitement phase, is this okay? What might be some

reasons for this? Does the other partner have an obligation to respect that decision?




5. Which phase or phases involve the most physical or sexual contact? Why?




6. If one partner forces or coerces another partner to do something against his or her will, what might
some of

the consequences be?




GEN 002: Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #13

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: ______________

7. Does virginity matters to you? Why? Why not?




8. Is sex an expression of love? Why? Why not?




Exercise No 3.

Directions: Choose two from the following six statements about dealing with teens and sexual behavior.

each of the two statements you choose, (1) indicate whether you agree or disagree with the

statement, and (2) give two specific reasons, two specific examples, or a combination of both to

back up your opinion. After which, read the situation below and do what is asked for you to do.

1. Abstinence from intercourse has benefits for teenagers and adults.

2. Teenagers are not mature enough for sexual relationships that include sexual intercourse.

3. Teenagers in romantic relationships can express their feelings without engaging in sexual intercourse.

4. Teenagers who date need to discuss sexual limits with their dating partners.

5. Teenagers considering sexual activity should talk to a parent or guardian or other trusted adult about

decisions, including those related to contraception and disease prevention.

6. Individuals need to respect the sexual limits set by their partners.

Response to statement number __________.




Response to statement number __________.



Exercise No 4. Situational

Your best friend is asking your advice regarding her problem with her long term boyfriend. She and her

boyfriend were already engaged and about to get married next month. Her boyfriend asked her to have
sex with

her since they were engaged anyway. But, your best friend doesn’t want to do it because she wanted to
make it

special on their honeymoon. She refused the request of her boyfriend. As to the reaction of her
boyfriend, he

told her that he will call off the wedding if your best friend will not agree to what he wants. Your best
friend was

hurt and so she asked you on what she will do. She really love her boyfriend so much but she wanted to
stick to

what her parents told her about the sex after marriage. Now what advice will you give to your best

GEN 002: Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #13

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: ______________




Exercise No. 5

Directions: Write a reflection about the picture below and answer the follow up questions below.





1. Do physical traits of an individual the first thing to contribute to one’s attraction to someone? Explain






2. Do you agree with the statement that love is an act of obsession? Explain your answer.




Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

It’s time to answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Log in your answers in the table.

Activity 5: Checking for Understanding

GEN 002: Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #13

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: ______________

I’ve given you enough essay situational questions. Let’s try your memory, enumeration type of short

assessment to determine your comprehension.

Now it’s time for you to answer ....

1 – 4 Four phases of sexual response cycle

5 - 6 Two kinds of sexual practice

7 – 8 Males also have both internal and external genitalia; the main sex organs

9 – 15 Sex hormones that influence sexual behavior include

Write your answers here:
















Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

Thinking about your learning

Give three (3) positive things that you’ve learn from the lesson.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________________________________


GEN 002: Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #13
Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: ______________

From the learning that you get, what are your plans to change for the better “YOU”?





What more do you want to know and learn?





1. How will you know if your partner really loves you or it is just mere lust?

Ans. If your partner is not just after sex and can wait for marriage first before sex, there is a big chance

that it is not just a mere lust. Relationship is not about having sex. It requires a deep understanding

between persons.
2. Is Oral sex accepted and practiced by couples?

Ans. There are couples who are conservative, they don’t. It depends on your agreement. Forcing

someone is not permissible.


Activity 5:Check for Understanding Key Answer

1. Excitement

2. Plateau

3. Orgasm

4. Resolution

5. Sex intercourse

6. Masturbation

7. Penis

8. Testicles.

9. Oxytocin,

10. Prolactin

11. Vasopressin

12. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),

13. Luteinizing hormone (LH);

14. testosterone in males

15. progesterone in females.

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