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Lesson title: Science in Daily Life

Lesson Objectives:

1. Enumerate instances on how science is observed in our daily


2. Interrelate science concepts to the activities of our daily lives.


Student Activity Sheet, Syllabus,







How time runs so fast. The last time you came was to take the 1 st Periodic Exam. Now, as we begin

with the 2 nd periodic term and with God’s grace and mercy just keep on moving forward towards your

dream of becoming a teacher or police or an engineer or an entrepreneur or a manager or a nurse,

etc. despite the many hardships we encounter in our daily life.

“Never give up on what you really want to do.” – Albert Einstein


1) Introduction (2 mins)
Welcome every one; I am pretty sure that each one would agree that almost all the things we do in

our daily life is science-based. Right? Actually, even the occurrence of this pandemic is science-


2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

Directions: On the first column of the chart below, write the answer to each question based on

your prior knowledge, please be honest and do not hesitate to write “no idea” if you do

not really know the answer.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

1. In what way do we apply

scientific method in our daily


2. Do we need scientific method

to solve this pandemic we

are experiencing right now?


GEN 003: Science Technology & Society

Student Activity Sheet

Lesson #7

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1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Science is creating wonders almost every day. What was once sheer fantasy is now almost a reality

by virtue of the recent achievements of men of science. Almost everything that makes eases our daily

life are the wonders of modern science. Science has conferred many gifts on modern life. Indeed, they

are far too many to be counted. Cooking, boiling of water, burning of candle, curdling of milk,

electricity, motorized vehicles, cell phones etc. make us realize the presence of science in everyday life.
From the above examples we can sense the broadness and importance of science in our daily lives.

Science is developed from the need of understanding the natural phenomena. It is a set of

complex theories and ideas based on observing, testing, analyzing and then presenting phenomena.

Scientist have developed several techniques to achieve this. The general process that has thus been

formulated is known as the scientific method. The scientific knowledge accumulated over the years has

helped man to apply rationale and logic to everyday life as well. It has proved several superstitions and

blind beliefs as wrong. The most important part of application of science is technology.

THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD. The logical process adopted by scientists to develop knowledge of nature

and present it as acceptable fact. This method is based on gathering empirical data through

observation and experimentation and the formulation and testing of hypotheses. The scientific

method consists of the following four elements:

1. Defining research problem: To determine what phenomenon has to be understood, what has to be

observed and how it has to be measured. Observation of a particular element means to notice

and study it, in ―as it is‖ form. In scientific observation several techniques are applied for

investigating phenomena and acquiring knowledge. The observer does not change anything in the

phenomena and remains neutral during the observation process.

2. Hypothesis: is a logical predictive statement regarding the outcome of the research. Developing

hypothesis provides direction to the research. A hypothesis can be proved wrong during the

process of research. In this case also it is helpful because it helps to find out other logical steps to

reach a certain conclusion.

3. Observation and experimentation: Experiments are processes devised to verify the validity of the

hypothesis and understand the empirical data under selected conditions. An experiment is the

test which tests the observations and brings out such results that add to the knowledge of the

phenomena. During an experiment the scientists observes the phenomena in a controlled

environment. Some experiments are however such that natural environments are necessary for

the elements to function. The experiments are devised in a manner such that the hypothesis can

be tested using various parameters. It should be repeatable to enable further checking by any

other scientists. Experiment is not the ultimate step to understand phenomena. It is coupled with

observation. Scientists can skip experimentation in certain cases where observational data
explains fact, logic, intuition and even sometimes accidents reveal information.

GEN 003: Science Technology & Society

Student Activity Sheet

Lesson #7

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4. Conclusions: based on experimentation and logic, derive conclusions to understand the phenomena.

following this process, new theories can be developed, existing theories can be tested under new

hypothesis also existing hypotheses can be verified through new experiments devised to test them

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

(I.) Developmental Activity

We use method of science in our daily life for solving different problems

Scenario: You arrive home late at night, walk up to your house door, unlock the door, reach to the light

switch just inside the front door and switch on it.

Observation: Switch on, but it is still dark

Question: Is the power out?

Hypothesis: If the power is out, there should be no light in neighboring houses.

Experiment: Observe neighborhood lights (indirect evidence)

Analysis: * If any house has lights (prediction fails) * If all houses are dark (prediction holds)

Conclusion: Reject the hypothesis (power is not out) Accept the hypothesis (power is out)

If power is there, still the lamp does not light, what will you do next?




Formative Assessment

You are given the above phenomenon to analyse using the scientific method. This time, you apply the

steps in scientific method to solve this scenario: “A person suspected of having a covid disease” (this is

observation) – How will you prove this?



eating, sweating,

thinking, etc.


cooking, boiling,

photocopying, etc.


landslide, erosion,

weathering, etc.


walking, running,

climbing stairs, etc.

GEN 003: Science Technology & Society

Student Activity Sheet

Lesson #7
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Note: If time would allow, call a volunteer to share his/her output

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

Direction: It is time to write your answers to the questions based on what you now know in the

third column of the “What I Know Chart” (Activity 1)

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

Directions: Enumerate 4 things in which you apply scientific principles in your daily life even

without knowing them:

GEN 003: Science Technology & Society

Student Activity Sheet

Lesson #7

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a. _________________________________ c. ________________________________

b. _________________________________ d. ________________________________


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

Instruction: In the work tracker below, shade the number that corresponds to your progress.

You are done with the session! Let's track your progress

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 P1

Exam 7 8 9 1




1 P3 Exam

Encircle the thumb that reflects your understanding on each learning target.

I can enumerate instances on how science is observed in our daily lives.


Activity 3 – Answers may vary. The scientific method must be applied.

Activity 5 – possible answers include the following

a. cooking – making burner making burner shim once boiling.

b. choice of clothes – which type of clothes to use in which season and why.

c. bending our body on a side carrying a bucket of water in one hand.

d. leaning forward while climbing a mountain.


1) Collect completed work in the SAS.

2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring,

and student consultations.

3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,

presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.

4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social

distancing is observed.

5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

*It is important to remember that students who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions

health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and should be

given alternative summative tests.

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