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The Origins of Tourism and Hospitality in the Philippines

the Factors that Favor the Growth of Tourism and

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of this module, I should be able to:

1. Gain an understand and appreciation of the origins of tourism

and hospitality in the Philippines.

2. Identify the factors that favor the growth of tourism and





Lansangan-Cruz,Zenaida (2018)



Carino C.E., Beltran M.P.N. (2013)

The Hospitality Industry; An

Introduction Manila, Philippines:

Mindshapers Co. Inc.

Productivity Tip: To help you remember the concepts of the history of tourism and hospitality in the

practice explaining it to a friend or a family member. After explaining, review this module if your
explanation is
aligned with the explanation in the Content Notes.


1) In the previous lesson, we have learned about the history of tourism and hospitality. We learned that

tourism and hospitality has started as early as the Sumerian period and different events as well as

persons in the past helped in the development of tourism and hospitality.

Can you identify at least 3 developments each for tourism and hospitality?

Developments in Tourism




Developments in Hospitality



In this module, we will focus more on the origin of the tourism and hospitality in the Philippines. We’ll

also learn about the factors that favor the growth of tourism and hospitality.

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

Do you know of the importance of tourism? Are you able to differentiate the tourist product from a

regular consumer product? Try answering the questions below by writing your ideas under the first


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #4

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column What I Know. It’s okay if you write key words or phrases that you think are related to the


What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

How did tourism and hospitality

start in the Philippines?

What are the factors that help in

the development of tourism and



1) Activity 2: Content Notes

As tourism and hospitality developed all over the world, it developed in the Philippines as well. It

started when the original inhabitants of the country roamed in search for food.

However, a more recognizable form of tourism and hospitality appeared when

the country was discovered by Ferdinand Magellan. Galleons or wooden boats

sailed between Mexico and the Philippines during the galleon trade.

During the American occupation of the Philippines, transportation was faster

with the invention of airplanes. Americans were able to reach Manila after

two weeks on board the Pan-American Airways air-clippers. And in the

1920s, the steamship and the airline pioneers, the “China Clipper” and the

“Manila Clipper”, brought some passengers to Manila via Hong Kong.

This more comfortable and faster means of travel paved the way for tourism and hospitality in the

Philippines. Travelers from all over the world were provided with inland tours by entrepreneurs with

their unregistered private cars and coaches called “colorum.” Colorum means illegal tour handling
and the illegal use of private vehicles for public use. However, it was tolerated by the government

at that time since tourism was not yet developed.

Even though there were tourists arriving from other countries, there were

no tour operators nor travel agencies in the country. Steamships offices

endorsed tourists to private car and coach operators (colorum) who

rented their vehicles directly to tourists. The drivers of these vehicles

then served as the tour guides even without formal training.

The limited tourist attractions and destinations then were Manila, Pagsanjan Falls, Laguna Lake

Tour, Tagaytay and Tall Volcano, Mt. Mayon Tour, Baguio City and Banaue Tour. Other popular

tours in the South in the 1920s were Cebu City and Zamboanga City.

Since there were no records and data available, it was difficult to measure tourist activities before

World War II. But in 1947, a more orderly tourism activity started. Steamships and airlines started

servicing the Philippines from other countries.


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #4

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In 1952, the first tourism and hospitality association was organized and this was the Philippine

Tourist and Travel Association (PTTA). It was organized to put together all existing travel

establishments serving both domestic and international travelers. It was funded by the government

to promote the country’s tourism and hospitality industry. Later, the government organized the
Board of Travel and Tourist Industry (BTTI) to regulate, supervise and control the tourist industry

and to subsidize the PTTA as its promotional arm.

In the 1960s up to 1970s, the country had undergone economic,

social and political crises which negatively affected the development

and promotion of tourism and hospitality. Accommodations were

inadequate and airline companies were not given much incentive to

promote the Philippines as a tourist destination. It was only in 1972,

after the declaration of Martial Law, when tourism and hospitality

prospered. This was because of favorable conditions such as safety,

better services and sanitation facilities, more financial support from

the government and active cooperation of the private sector. The

Philippines then became a “bargain destination” to foreign visitors. A temporary “tourist boom”

existed in the Philippines in the early 70s.

Tourism and hospitality now in the Philippines is a result of the continuous development and

promotion. However, compared to other Asian countries, the country’s growth is not spectacular.

Records show that the Philippines is still in the bottom when it comes to tourist arrivals compared

to neighboring countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan and Japan.

The Department of Tourism has developed plans and programs to ensure that the tourists’ stay

entry, stay and departure are harmonious and positive. Among these are the following:

i. Increase visitor arrivals especially from nearby markets like Japan,

Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan ang high spending markets like


ii. Increase tourism and hospitality receipts through longer stays

(now set at 11 days) and higher spending per day (estimated at

$110 per day), which can be accomplished by more attractive

destinations and tours, more shopping and dining, getting not just

the budget traveler but also the upscale markets

iii. Expand domestic tourism and hospitality through more

promotions, cheaper tour packages, and new facilities, especially

for the lower income segments

iv. Expand the capacity for tourism and hospitality by promoting more private sector investments

v. Improve the standards of service through the expansion of training programs for the

professionalization of the tourism and hospitality management and labor force

vi. Program major tourism and hospitality infrastructure projects

vii. Engage in major tourism and hospitality estate and resort development

viii. Classify facilities in tourist sites according to international standards

ix. Strictly enforce the tour facility standards


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #4

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

x. Promote self-regulation within the different sectors of the tourism and hospitality industry

xi. Complete the national tourism plan and a destination tourism plan

xii. Encourage consumer advertising in selected markets

xiii. Work closely with the private sector in product development

xiv. Develop and strengthen linkages with the local governments, the private sector, and the

general public through tourism and hospitality councils

Factors that Favor the Growth of Tourism and Hospitality

There are different positive factors that helps in the growth of tourism and hospitality. Some of

these are:

Rising disposable income for large section of the population

Basically, more money means more travel. At present, most families would be

two-income meaning there are two members of the family earning. This would

lead to families earning more than what they need and any excess income

would be disposable income they can spend on travelling.

Growth in the number of retired persons who have the desire and the

energy to travel

Because of the advancements in science and technology, life expectancy is

increasing. This is shown in the increasing number of seniors who have the

time and money to spend on travel.

Increase in discretionary time

Lesser number of working days in a week and longer vacation time allows workers to

travel more. Some European countries even give paid vacation holidays to their


Greater mobility of the population

People are getting more used to travelling because of the increase in travel

opportunities and desire to escape from stress and pressures of everyday modern


Growth in the number of “singles”

People living alone have more free time than couples that is why they want to socialize

through travel.

TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #4

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Greater credit availability through credit cards and bank loans

There are more available programs for “Travel now pay later” that stimulates travel.

Higher educational levels

There are millions of students attending colleges and universities and they tend to

become more interested in foreign cultures.

The growth of cities

The Industrial Revolution brought about the migration of people from the rural

areas to the urban centers resulting in the growth of urbanization. City residents

travel more than people living in the rural areas to escape from congested

urban environment.

Simplification of travel through the package tour

Tour packages, which are tours where everything is planned, arranged and included, are

more important to the older traveler, the new traveler and the less sophisticated traveler.

Growth of multinational business

International business interests increase both the need and habit of travel.
Modern transportation technology

Technological advances in transportation have made long-distance travel faster, less

expensive and more comfortable.

Shift in values

At present, several people place more value on experience rather than material

possession. They prefer to travel rather than own expensive houses, cars, clothes and



TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #4

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Advances in communication

Television and movies enlarge the travel perspective. The world is brought

into the living room through television. A documentary film can create interest

in places not considered as travel destinations in the past. Also, the internet

has made a large amount of information available and interaction with people

around the world made easier. This tremendously helped in the convenience

of travel worldwide.
Smaller families and changing roles

American and European birthrates have declined, giving the adults more free time to

get away from family responsibilities. Sexual equality and shifts in household roles

encourage more travel.

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

Let’s practice! After completing each exercise, you may refer to the Key to Corrections for feedback.

Try to complete each exercise before looking at the feedback.

Exercise 1: Given the following tourism and hospitality statements, identify if the statement is True or


1. One program of the DOT is to increase tourism and hospitality receipts through

shorter stays (less than 11 days) and higher spending per day ($110 per day) can be

achieved by more attractive destinations and tours.

2. The DOT plans to develop and strengthen linkages with the local governments, the

private sector, and the general public through tourism and hospitality councils.

3. One factor that favors the growth of tourism and hospitality is the rising disposable

income of a large number of families.

4. The use of social media platforms and internet websites helps in the growth of

tourism and hospitality.

5. As students gain more education, they are less interested in learning about foreign


6. The advancement in transportation such as bigger airplanes, faster trains and

luxurious cruise ships help in the growth of tourism and hospitality.

7. Another program of the DOT is to improve the standards of service through

expansion of training programs for the professionalization of the tourism and hospitality

management and labor force.

8. DOT plans to classify facilities in tourist sites according to international standards.

9. There is an increase in the number of singles which increases the need for travel for


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #4

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

10. The development of tour packages does not help in motivating the elderly or new


11. The decrease in the number of workdays and longer vacation days help in the

growth of tourism and hospitality.

12. Another plan of DOT is to expand domestic tourism and hospitality through more

luxury tour packages especially for the lower income segment.

13. A major program of DOT is the development of infrastructure for tourism and


14. The declining number of population with ages 60 and above is helping the growth

of tourism and hospitality.

15. As more businesses grow worldwide, the need for travel increases.

Exercise 2: Arrange in the correct order the following events in the development of tourism and

hospitality in the Philippines. Write the number on the blank to indicate in what order the events

______ a. After the declaration of Martial Law, when tourism and hospitality prospered.

______ b. In 1952, the first tourism and hospitality association was organized and this was the

Philippine Tourist and Travel Association (PTTA)

______ c. During the American occupation of the Philippines, transportation was faster with the

invention of airplanes. Americans were able to reach Manila after two weeks on board the

Pan-American Airways air-clippers.

______ d. Popular tours in the South during this time were Cebu City and Zamboanga City.

______ e. Steamships offices endorsed tourists to private car and coach operators (colorum) who

rented their vehicles directly to tourists.

______ f. A more recognizable form of tourism and hospitality appeared when the country was

discovered by Ferdinand Magellan.

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2

It’s time to answer the questions in the What I Learned chart in Activity 1. Log in your answers in the


4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding

Identify at least 5 factors that helped in the development of tourism and hospitality in your province.

Explain briefly how each factor favored the growth of tourism and hospitality in your province.


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #4

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

Did you have challenges learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module

helped you learn the concepts?




Some question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are:





1. What is the Department of Tourism (DOT)?

The Department of Tourism is the executive department of the Philippine government responsible for

the regulation of the Philippine tourism industry and the promotion of the Philippines as a tourist


2. What is the difference between urban and rural?

Rural is the geographical region located in the outer parts of the cities or towns. The life in urban areas
is fast and complicated, while rural life is simple and relaxed. The urban settlement includes cities and



TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #4

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Quiz I

True or False

_______________ 1. Tourism and hospitality helps in the distribution of wealth all over the world.

_______________ 2. The word hospitality comes from the word “hospitalire” which means to receive a


_______________ 3. Tourism and hospitality does not help in the appreciation of cultural diversity

_______________ 4. Independent tour is also known as inclusive tour.

_______________ 5. A tourist product is not used up while other products have limited resources

_______________ 6. The two most famous employees of Savoy were Auguste Escoffier and Cesar


_______________ 7. Tourism has 2 elements: the static element which is the stay and the dynamic
element which is the journey

_______________ 8. Marco Polo described the caravanserai as “fit for a king”.

_______________ 9. The Grand Tour refers to the completion of the education of the gentlemen during

the Renaissance period.

_______________ 10. Domestic tourism is travel within the country of where you live.


_______________ 1. The first and most famous travel organizer.

_______________ 2. The first travelers’ check.

_______________ 3. A soup vendor in Paris who established the first restaurant.

_______________ 4. He is the first to install the kitchen brigade.

_______________ 5. The inventors of money.

_______________ 6. The Hebrew word from which the word “tourism” was derived.

_______________ 7. The term given to medicinal baths.

_______________ 8. The first tourist attraction found in Egypt.

_______________ 9. The country where the first Olympic Games was held.

_______________ 10. They were the first to establish the first restaurant chain.


 List down 2 examples for each type of attraction: Man-made/Natural/Event

 List down 4 importance of hospitality and tourism



TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #4

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Answers to Skill-Building Exercises

Exercise 1: True or False

False 1. One program of the DOT is to increase tourism and hospitality receipts through

shorter stays (less than 11 days) and higher spending per day ($110 per day) can be

achieved by more attractive destinations and tours.

True 2. The DOT plans to develop and strengthen linkages with the local governments, the

private sector, and the general public through tourism and hospitality councils.

True 3. One factor that favors the growth of tourism and hospitality is the rising disposable

income of a large number of families.

True 4. The use of social media platforms and internet websites helps in the growth of

tourism and hospitality.

False 5. As students gain more education, they are less interested in learning about foreign


True 6. The advancement in transportation such as bigger airplanes, faster trains and
luxurious cruise ships help in the growth of tourism and hospitality.

True 7. Another program of the DOT is to improve the standards of service through

expansion of training programs for the professionalization of the tourism and hospitality

management and labor force.

True 8. DOT plans to classify facilities in tourist sites according to international standards.

True 9. There is an increase in the number of singles which increases the need for travel for


False 10. The development of tour packages does not help in motivating the elderly or new


True 11. The decrease in the number of workdays and longer vacation days help in the

growth of tourism and hospitality.

False 12. Another plan of DOT is to expand domestic tourism and hospitality through more

luxury tour packages especially for the lower income segment.

True 13. A major program of DOT is the development of infrastructure for tourism and


False 14. The declining number of population with ages 60 and above is helping the growth
of tourism and hospitality.

True 15. As more businesses grow worldwide, the need for travel increases.

Exercise 2: Arrange in the correct order

6 a. After the declaration of Martial Law, when tourism and hospitality prospered.

5 b. In 1952, the first tourism and hospitality association was organized and this was the

Philippine Tourist and Travel Association (PTTA)

2 c. During the American occupation of the Philippines, transportation was faster with the

invention of airplanes. Americans were able to reach Manila after two weeks on board the

Pan-American Airways air-clippers.

4 d. Popular tours in the South during this time were Cebu City and Zamboanga City.


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #4

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

3 e. Steamships offices endorsed tourists to private car and coach operators (colorum) who

rented their vehicles directly to tourists.

1 f. A more recognizable form of tourism and hospitality appeared when the country was

discovered by Ferdinand Magellan.

Answers to Checking for Understanding:

Answers may vary depending on the province but answers may include the 14 factors that favor the

growth of tourism and hospitality.

Quiz I

True or False

True 1. Tourism and hospitality helps in the distribution of wealth all over the world.

False 2. The word hospitality comes from the word “hospitalire” which means to receive a guest.

False 3. Tourism and hospitality does not help in the appreciation of cultural diversity

False 4. Independent tour is also known as inclusive tour.

True 5. A tourist product is not used up while other products have limited resources

True 6. The two most famous employees of Savoy were Auguste Escoffier and Cesar Ritz.

True 7. Tourism has 2 elements: the static element which is the stay and the dynamic element which is

the journey

False 8. Marco Polo described the caravanserai as “fit for a king”.

True 9. The Grand Tour refers to the completion of the education of the gentlemen during the

Renaissance period.

True 10. Domestic tourism is travel within the country of where you live


Thomas Cook 1. The first and most famous travel organizer.

Circular Notes 2. The first travelers’ check.

Boulanger 3. A soup vendor in Paris who established the first restaurant.

Auguste Escoffier 4. He is the first to install the kitchen brigade.

Sumerians 5. The inventors of money.

Torah 6. The Hebrew word from which the word “tourism” was derived.

Spas 7. The term given to medicinal baths.

Pyramids 8. The first tourist attraction found in Egypt.

Greece 9. The country where the first Olympic Games was held.

Romans 10. They were the first to establish the first restaurant chain.

 List down 2 examples for each type of attraction: Man-made/Natural/Event

Answers may vary but sample answers are:

Man-made: Enchanted Kingdom, Banaue Rice Terraces, Pantabangan Dam

Natural: Sabang Beach, Puerto Princesa Subterranean River, Mount Apo, Chocolate Hills,

Minalungao National Park

Event: Panagbenga Festival, Sinulog Festival


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #4

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

 List down 4 importance of hospitality and tourism

Answers may vary but will include: contribution to the balance of payments, dispersion of

development, effect on general economic development, employment opportunities, social

benefits, cultural enrichment, educational significance and a vital force for peace.

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