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“Rebels without a Cause”

‘The State of Israel and the Uprisings in the Middle East’

‘The Murder and Disappearance of Pharaoh Tutankhamen’
‘The Allah Mystery Revealed’

By Eric Robert Powell


On March 22, 2011’s ‘Tuesdays’ ‘City Final’ edition of the “Daily News” the Front Page is e
tled, “TAKE HIM ALIVE!” with a sub-caption which remarkably reads, “Rebels want Khadaf
y to face the music”.

The word “Rebel” comes the name of two Gods, the one “Re ” and the other “Bel”, also known
s “Ba’al”. Both of these last names are translated as “Lord of the Gods”.
Re is known by the Ancients as the Sun God Re and this is why Jesus is painted
with the “sun” behind his head. Mary as well is pictured standing on the Cresent Moo
n with 12 stars (representing the zodiac) but also with, on other occasions, als
o wearing the sun behind her head. This is known around the world as extremely h
oly. The Moon God was named “Sin”/ “Nanna”/as well as “Thoth” also known as the Architect a
d always pictured in blue.
Allow me to note here that the genuine name of the land of Palestine/Israel is K
a-na-na (and not Canaan), however, since the Ancient Egyptian name for the life-
force is known as the “Ka”, when we now re-arrange the letters ‘naan’, we find “Kanana”, as
I founded (C) -Kanada . My actual name is “Kanakht-Wer-Pehti”. Which is also a name
for the Egyptian Horus, and also bears my name and other information.
The so-called lost 12 Tribes of Israel are known as Kanada’s “First Nations”.
Jesus in known as “The Architect of the Worlds” and is known in biblical scripture a
s “The Amen, the faithful and true witness”.
The name Amen comes from the name Amen-Ra, and it is also the personal name of A
men-Hotep. Hotep is also known by the ancients as well as scholars of today as b
eing “The Architect” with his 9 incarnations, this one at current being his last. Hi
s name, known as “IMHOTEP” is rooted in scripture as the “I AM” for the first two letter
s of his name are pronounced “I eM”, therefore we have “I AM HOTEP”.
Jesus is known as stating to the Jews in the scriptures, “verily, verily, before A
braham was, “I AM”, with the uninitiated asking the arcane question, ‘what does he mea
n by this parable?’ for Hotep’s name is not literally to be found in the scriptures,
and therefore the mystery of the “Unknown God”.
Jesus also, according to the scriptures, had to leave Israel and enter Egypt whe
re it was safe. It is here where we find the scripture, “When Israel was a child,
I loved him so that I called my son out of Egypt. This was, of course, Amen Hote
p who left Egypt in 526 BC.
The name “Amen” also means “The Hidden One”.
Here we can now uncover the reason why Jesus is pictured with the sun behind his
head, this is rendered as Jesus being, the Sun God Re .
Let it be known that the sun contains plasma, and as such is a life-force and no
t merely molten gas.
Mary too is also pictured with the sun behind her head and pictured also standin
g on the Crescent Moon. This fact is known as the “Star and the Crescent” which is t
he trademark of billions of Muslims, but not in the West. Why so when it is also
biblical, as well as Christian as well as in Judaism, for Mary also stands upon
the Crescent Moon with 12 stars above her head, which represents the 12 signs o
f the Zodiac, as well as the 12 Tribes of Israel.
These paintings are well known by the Vatican and held in the Catacombs, with bo
th Jesus and Mary painted as Blacks. These are original paintings and not soot i

The Jews and Open Rebellion in the Middle East

The phrase “Open Rebellion” is an alphanumeric “142”. My name as Eric Robert Powell cont
ains 4 letters in the first name, followed by 6 letters in the middle name as we
ll as 6 letters in the last name. This represents the number Seven as “421”. Here we
also find, in the word “rebellion” the last word consistent with it as being the “Lio
n of Judah”, also known as the “Sphinx” which is a statue of Amen Hotep and what he wo
uld look like in the Last Days. Napoleon took a canon in 1798 and blew the nose
right off of the Sphinx. This was done in an effort to erase the individualism o
f his nose structure, since it was very uncommon, the face therefore being readi
ly apparent as to what the Christ would look like in the final days of mankind.
The following information will astound you, -
The KJV Uses of ‘Abomination’
A lot is made of the word ‘abomination’ in connection with homosexuality; homophobes
typically dismiss the subject by saying “because the Bible says it is an abominat
ion” (after which they rarely are capable of discussing the issue). Such is the po
wer of the language of the King James Version (and the New King James and 21st C
entury King James Versions, all three of which use the word 142 times). Because
the KJV is so overwhelmingly well known, the notes below about how and where ‘abom
ination’ is used are specifically from that translation (though the use of the wor
d has deeper roots).
The use of the word ‘abomination’ in the context of homosexuality began with the (38
2-405 A.D.) Latin Vulgate translation of Leviticus 18:22, in English it reads: L
eviticus 18:22, 20:13. Lying with mankind as with womankind is forbidden.
In Deuteronomy 22:5, cross-dressing is an ‘abomination.’ So are unnatural sexual pra
ctices in 1 Kings 14:24.
In Deuteronomy 23:18, the price of a prostitute or the price of a dog (= male pr
ostitute) are both abomination.
Luke (16:15) says that things esteemed by man are ‘abomination’ (= worthless).
Revelation 17:4-5; 21:27. The harlot of Babylon (the Great Whore of Israel, name
d ‘Lilith’) has a cup with immoral, filthy, defiled, and nasty things, obscenities a
nd fornications.
Homosexuals are also termed as “DOGS” and “FRUIT” in the scriptures. This last term is i
n reference to the Fruit Fly, whose genetic makeup is to be found in the Europea
n Jew, being “44%” Fruit Fly.
Flies carry many diseases which infect mankind around the globe.
The Jewish God is named “Set” by the ancients, and represents the number ‘44’. The word
“disease” is also an alphanumeric “44”. So we have here three “forty-fours”, and they atte
pted to assassinate me with a ‘44 cal. Handgun’, in which it was stated, “make each sh
ot count”. The 44 cal. handgun carries 6 shots, which here represents the sixth-da
y of creation in which I stated I would make “man in our image, and after our like
ness”. Later, since “man” lacks the hue of the “human” race, the original Jews were cursed
white by Moses, after he took his arm out of his robe, and being a Blackman, pu
lled out a stone-white arm. The Jews, black at the time but homosexual (because
of a curse, - “I will place enmity between you and the woman”, etc.) stoned Moses t
o death in 526 BC (see, Moses and Monotheism, by Sigmund Freud, as well as the b
ook, Mein Kaupf, by Adolph Hitler.
It must also be recalled that God stated, “I am so sorry I created man, for his th
oughts are only evil continually. Therefore I will wipe him off the planet earth
, for it repenteth me that I made him.”
In the Classic television show “Gomer Pyle, USA” (the European Jews are descended fr
om Japheth and Gomer), Private “Pyle” is fond of using the oft-repeated phrase, “Surpr
ise, Surprise, Surprise”. Each word is an alphanumeric “44” for a total of three 44’s. W
e also have in these words, the biblical “Land of Ur” and the name “Eric” as “Eris”, which
eans ‘of wool’, as Christ was known as a Capricorn, and therefore of the ‘Sign of the
Goat’, seeing he was born in December. In the phrase, “surprise, surprise, surprise” o
ne will also see the ability to “usurp” the power of the “Prince of this World”, known a
s the “Prince of Darkness” and the “Prince of the Air”.

The number ‘421’ also concerns a couple of other things. The Jews themselves say the
y are descended from the biblical Adam, who according to the Bible, if one count
s the years from the Christ in the New Testament backwards through the ages of t
he biblical characters back to the creation of Adam in the Book of Genesis, you
will find a time-line of exactly 4,000 years. This is now the year 2010 for thre
e-digit number of ‘421’.
In the Scriptures, the Apostle Paul (Pa-ul) is asked, “Are you not the Egyptian (M
oses) who allowed those 4,000 assassins to escape?.” Elsewhere it is stated, “Are yo
u not the Egyptian who allowed those 400 assassins to escape?” These figures are n
ot a misprint, but rather involves the fact that 4,000 Jews escaped a certain de
ath at the World Trade Center in New York by simply not showing up for work that
day after being alerted ahead of time, as they too were also involved with the
security of the buildings, its’ insurance policy also held by a multi-billionaire
Jew. The 400 assassins are to be found on Forbes Fortune 400 top billionaire lis
t for the year 2001. This is yet another “421” twice.

Rebels without a Cause, Part Two

Using alphanumeric table, whereas “A” = 1; “B” = 2; “C” = 3, etc., the word “Rebels” is a 1
1956 with a 5/9 time of birth ratio as I was born 5AM (GMT) and 9AM (EST), as I
was born in Yonkers, New York also known as the East Coast. Within the word “rebel
s” you will also find my full name in alphanumeric as an 8.6.11 and an 8.6.2. Both
sets of numbers are reduced into double-digits, being a 25/16 respectively. I,
as Head of the 24 Elders must bear the number “25”. My number as an 8.6.2 also repre
sents 8 + 8 = 16, which is in reference to the known 88 constellations in the kn
own Universe.
The word in the phrase, rebel without a cause is an alphanumeric ‘116’ reduced to a “2
6” representing my day of birth as the 13th Sign of “Ras-Al-Hague”.
These two words, ‘rebels without’ is an alphanumeric 7/26 which is reduced to a ‘96’ whi
ch is again reduced toa ‘15’, which when added together one finds the exact date of
my birth being 12.26.1956. The last two words “a cause’ is reduced to a 5/9. (1+ 4/9
The Cause
In order to create life on this planet, I had to heat up the temperature of the
Earth to 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 5,000 degrees Celsius. This created
the oceans, rivers, streams, etc., as it is well known that humanity originated
from salt-water, the porpoise having the higher intelligence of all water specie
The Europeans do not possess melanin which gives all living things their color a
s well as rhythm. The European Jews possess neither and this is why they are suc
h an erratic species.
Former President Bill Clinton is known as “Bubba”.
The word “cause” is an alphanumeric “49”. According to the Torah of the Jews, every 49 y
ears they are to free their captives, which remains an unfulfilled promise they
made with their Creator until these very days as they represent 2% of the world’s
population and own or control 96% of the wealth, meaning that the remaining 98%
of the world’s people must scramble for the 4% of the economic pie. The European J
ews (of Israel) represent 2% of the world’s people.

Finally, on this score, the phrase, “rebels without a cause” is reduced alphanumeric
ally as a ‘7’ for the word “rebels”, the number ‘8’ for the word “without”, the number ‘1’
etter “a” and a ‘4’ for the word “cause”.
These figures are reduced to a 6-1-4 which totals an alphanumeric ‘65’. This number
is the code of destruction, it is also the alphanumeric of the word “white” (man), f
or white is the absence of color, and therefore has no rhythm as both are tied t
Temples were designed as a mirror of the Earth,
 and the Earth is made of its own
geometry. Take the axial wobble at the Earth s Pole (its’ precessional Cycle),
ich takes approximately 25,770 years to complete. Divide this by the Earth s equ
atorial circumference of 21,638 nautical miles. The ratio between the two is 5:6
Since geometry is the expression of number in space, this ratio is equivalent to
the pentagram/hexagram. Thus the Bent Pyramid is a reflection of the dynamics o
f the Earth, and it is this precise ratio that enables life to exist here, for t
he 5:6 ratio is only found on this planet.
But there s more. You d expect this 5:6/pentagon/hexagon relationship to be refl
ected on all things that emanate from the Earth. In truth, all organic life is b
ased on pentagonal crystalline structures— think starfish, seed arrangement in an
apple core, etc. On the other hand, inorganic compounds,
 such as crystals, the s
tructure of beehives, etc, are hexagonal. But there s one life form that emanate
s from the Earth which carries both geometries in its crystalline make-up.
When looking at human DNA under the microscope we see its amino acid crystals bi
nd one to another in alternating pentagonal and hexagonal blocks. In other words
, we are a reflection of the form that gives us life.
Since temples were designed to influence
 the behavior of people who entered them
, the purpose behind the Bent Pyramid s angles of error now become obvious: th
e temple was designed as an interface between humans and the Earth. When you con
sider that the entire building sits atop a magnetic node, the implications of it
s position and its function are startling. ©Freddy Silva. No unauthorized reproduc
AP caption reads:
Gadhafi forces roll back as rebels try to organize
MAGGIE MICHAEL, Associated Press, RYAN LUCAS, Associated Press
Updated 01:05 a.m., Thursday, March 24, 2011

Libyan rebels react on the frontline of the outskirts of the city of Ajdabiya, s
outh of Benghazi, eastern Libya, Monday, March 21, 2011. The international milit
ary intervention in Libya is likely
 to last "a while," a top French official sai
d Monday, echoing Moammar Gadhafi s warning of a long war ahead as rebels, energ
ized by the strikes on their opponents,
 said they were fighting to reclaim a cit
y under siege from the Libyan leader s forces.
(Anja Niedringhaus / AP)

Here the caption reads the same.

Libyan rebels react on the frontline of the outskirts of the city of Ajdabiya, s
outh of Benghazi, eastern Libya, Monday, March 21, 2011. The international milit
ary intervention in Libya is likely
 to last "a while," a top French official sai
d Monday, echoing Moammar Gadhafi s warning of a long war ahead as rebels, energ
ized by the strikes on their opponents,
 said they were fighting to reclaim a cit
y under siege from the Libyan leader s forces.
(Anja Niedringhaus / AP)

Third AP photo with same caption

If one is to peruse the front page city final edition of the New York Daily News
for March 22, 2011 you will witness a montage photo of a youth in Libya with a
red, black and green flag of Independence which is the Black Man’s Liberation flag
most prominently used during the 1960’s and 70’s as Blacks across America united in
an underground war against the ‘powers-that-be’.
The color red is for the blood we shed for the past 400 years, the color black f
or the Black People and the color green for the land of the Black Man and Woman.
This flag was used by the Black Panther Party, usually depicted with a Black Pa
nther on the flag.
Gaddafi used the red, green and black colors during his liberation years for Lib
yan Independence along with the crescent moon/star symbol, the symbolism of whic
h has been mentioned earlier.
The color black is also representative of “The Black Land” of “Kemet”, meaning “black” due
o Egypt’s black rich soil and therefore also as “The Mother Land” through which Black
People originally founded during our stellar journeys.
In the New York Daily News front page photo, although the rebels use Gaddafi’s Lib
eration Flag (with the star and crescent reversed), the Daily News did not use t
his flag in their front page photo. As these other photos prove, the so-called l
iberators, or rebels, use the star and crescent flag in their activities but the
Daily News has used and proven that the operation in Libya is now known as a fa
lse-flag operation, because there is no star and crescent on the flag, making it
appear that these protestors are genuine rather than imported into Libya under
the behest of mainly the State of Israel, France, Germany and the United States.
One can look-up in Wikipedia just what a False-Flag Operation actually means.


A Libyan youth sports a face painted with a pre-Gadhafi flag during a Thursday p
rotest in Benghazi to demand the resignation of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.
Pictured above is an Israeli white agent-provocateur with Liberation colors of t
he Black Race with Star and Crescent reversed.

In the Daily News version the pole in which the flag is carried is for all pract
ical purposes, carefully removed and edited out due to the careful arrangement
of the lettering in the photo’s bold
“TAKE HIM ALIVE!” caption.

Pictured above is the March 22, 2011 final edition of the New York Daily News

In this photo one can easily see a thin green cord wrapped around this Libyan tr
aitor’s middle finger which is a subliminal “F.U.” gesture this, therefore is not a li
beration stance but rather a subliminal gesture in order to incite the viewers p
assions against Colonel Gaddafi.
A flag would normally be waved in the natural manner, proving that the tie has b
een added to his right hand ‘Victory’ gesture while the flag was originally held by
another man (see top photos).
Next we find pictured with this individual’s left-hand ‘victory’ salute the modificati
on of the letter “W” in the word ‘NEWS’.
The “W” is a triple pyramid symbol of Egypt’s three main Pyramids at Giza, Egypt. It i
s also, in alphanumeric’s, representative of the number ‘23’ (the alphanumeric of the
name Re , as in Amun-Re ) also known as the one and true God, and Jewish tricker
y as if they have overthrown God after the forced Israeli removal of President M
ubarak in an attempt to stifle the Return of the Pharaoh to his rightful home.
The Jews are not supposed to use this black and white “magic” as exemplified in this
Libyan Traitor’s head-scarf.
Next the owners and editors of the New York Daily News intentionally misspell Ga
ddafi’s name as “GHADAFY” implying that he has been “HAD” by the State of Israel, and wors
e, that he is also (subliminally) “DAFFY”.
The correct way to spell God is “GAD” (pronounced “Gawd” and was incorporated as such by
the Ancient Egyptians. Gaddafi knows this and has therefore incorporated in his
last name the true spelling of God.
When spelled using the three letters G-A-D it demonstrates that when the Archite
ct of the World manifests himself on Earth during these Last Days, that he will
be recognized as bearing the number Seven within his name, as the name of Gad mu
st equate a seven (see Wikipedia) and that his date of birth incarnated must equ
ate the number ‘14’. The birth-date 12.26.1956 is reduced to a 3.8.3 = 14, therefore
this individual must bear atleast three sevens in order to be, according to the
Ancients, “thrice-blessed”. Within the word “thrice” is the name “Eric” with the letters “
epresenting the triple “tau” or three 15’s. The name Eric Robert Powell is also a 15/1
5/15 which is a 105 times three for a total of 315, which represents the sum tot
al of reparations Israel must pay to the most high as “Yod-Hei” (pronounced ‘yode-hay)
, the “Gad” of the Jews whose name is associated with the number 10.5, and when as n
ot allowed to be pronounced, is spelled “Teit-Vav”, which equates the number “96”. The n
umber ‘96’ is automatically reduced to a ‘15’ for the birth year of Gad as 1956, and whe
n reduced further, gives us the exact date of birth and time of birth of the Sav
ior as being 12.26.1956 with a 9/5 time zone birth ratio which when added togeth
er, is also a ‘14’.
In the name “YOD-HEI” one also finds the date 12.26.1956 with a 9/5 time of birth ra
Although supposed to be held sacred to the European Jews, they spit in the face
of Yod-Hei, and never complied with his Commandments, throwing the Toral behind
their backs, following their own man-made doctrine of the TALMUD, which is a com
pletely racist doctrine. They are also not Semites; as such they would have to h
ave had the Biblical “Shem” as their father, but are rather descended from Japheth a
nd Gomer as stated earlier.
Therefore, the European Jews, knowing this, are not allowed to use the word “anti-
Semitism” for themselves, as also proven by the United Nations.
Returning back to the letter “W” concerning the New York Daily News, this letter is
also represented as the “Star of David”. David’s actual historic name is Tuthmosis III
, father of Amen Hotep and therefore Jesus as Amen.
The letters in the name Hotep are an alphanumeric 8.6.2 for the first three lett
ers, followed by the initials of Eric (Robert) Powell.
Embedded in the name Amen is an alphanumeric 12.26.1956 with a 5/9 time of birth
ratio embedded.
The biblical expression used when referring to Jesus is, “Son of David”.
These three utterances are an alphanumeric 39/21/= (60) /50 (for the name “David”).

This also gives us the date of the Savior’s incarnation as being 12.26.1956, etc.
When the name “David” is reduced as a ‘4 + 1 = 5 + 4 = 9 + 9 = 18/ reduced to a ‘9’ + 4 =
94, we arrive at 39/21/94, which when added is a ‘154’ reduced to a ‘64’, which is the a
lphanumeric value found in the name “HOTEP”. These letters also represent the name o
f ‘Ho’-rus as ‘Ep’, and therefore the Egyptian Gad of Gods as being equated with the bib
lical Jesus.
The name AMEN is a 1 + 13 = 14 + 5 = 19 + 5 = 24, for a 12.26.1956, etc.
The name HOTEP is an alphanumeric 8.6.2 for the first three letters, which repre
sent my full name as Eric Robert Powell reduced to an 8.6.2., as well as the las
t two letters in the name HOTEP, which contain my initials as Eric (Robert) Powe

My Father’s middle-name in this life was “ORIS” which is also the name of the Egyptian
Sun God. The “Son of Oris” is “Ejus”, from hence we derive the name of “Jesus”. Both names
are alphanumerically a 12.26.1956, etc.
The Star of David mentioned earlier was originally white at the top and black at
the bottom of the two triangles, another reference to the Libyan traitor’s black
and white head-scarf.
The alphanumerics embedded in the phrase “Star of David” is a ‘58’ for the word “star”, a ‘
or the word “of”, and a ‘50’ for the name “David”.
When added together, we arrive at the number ‘129’ which is reduced to a 39/21/60.
The Savior is born in December, which is the 12th month. The total date of birth
, being 12.26.1956, when added together, is a numeric ‘1994’. The two nines total an
‘18’, which is reduced to a ‘9’. The alphanumeric embedded in the word “Nine” is a ‘42’. T
e have the 42 Commandments of Amen-Ra, the 42 Nomes (united districts) made poss
ible by the Pharaoh Men (Menes) who was promised an heir by a Prophetess, whose
name would therefore by ‘A’ - ‘MEN’ (ES).
My Father, now known as Osiris, or “Lord of the Dead” has 42 Assistant Judges in whi
ch to Judge the individuals in the after-life, with my assistance as Horus, as w
ell as Thoth.
Forty-two plus ‘9’ is reduced to a ‘96’ which is again reduced to a ‘15’. When both numbers
are reduced we find 12.26.1956, with our time zone birth ratio, and Hotep’s ninth
and final Incarnation.

Next the Daily News states, “Take Him (Gaddafi) Alive”

These three words are sarcastically aimed at myself, as the alphanumeric of the
word “three” equal my date of birth, etc.
The word “TAKE” is an alphanumeric 37/10, which are the exact amount of kites in whi
ch the Children of Palestine sent off breaking a Guinness World Record (3,710 ki
tes). The Falcon, which is Horus’ symbol, is biblically known as “The Kite”. As the Fa
lcon is the highest flying bird known to man, children often fly kites. Not know
ing the interpretation, unless their parents tell them so, and most people have
flown kites as a sign of freedom and the ability to fly embedded in mankind.
I believe even Jewish children fly kites.
The number 37/10 contains the alphanumeric in the name HOTEP.
When the Children of Gaza flew these kites, the government of Israel purposely b
ombed their own UN building as Israel forbid Guinness’s statistical personnel, and
even Guinness’s head from being able to verify the record, until the U.N. Departm
ent head allowed their own personnel to keep an accurate accounting of the amoun
t of kites flown. UN personnel died due to the Jews bombing the U.N. compound. (
They are use to doing just these things, for they have blown-up U.N. buildings b
efore, assassinating Diplomats and the like thereof.
In the Torah we find the law of Moses who said, “Do not eat the Kite”, and the State
of Israel has used psychics as well as their mind-control satellites in an atte
mpt to molest “Gad”, which involves Dick Cheney as well as George Bush and others.
The word “Him” is an alphanumeric ‘30’. This word is also an abbreviation of the name IM
The word “ALIVE” is an alphanumeric ‘49’. My date of birth adjusted to 12.26.56 total a ‘9
4’ (49 reduced), there is a distance of 94 million miles from here to the Sun, whi
ch contains plasma, and is therefore a living force.
These three words, a ‘37’, a ‘30’ and a ‘49’ when placed into a vertical column, depicts th
numbers ‘97’ as well as the number ‘64’. The number ‘79’ is the alphanumeric in the name A
EN – HOTEP, while the number ‘64’ is the alphanumeric for the name HOTEP alone. These
numbers total a 197(0). I used to live at 197 Ravine Ave., in Yonkers, New York.
I was also born in Yonkers general Hospital, which was built in 1907.
Abdel Nasser, who united Egypt and the Arab world, died in 1970.
I have been assured, that through these works of mine, Israel, which now control
s Egypt will be vanquished and “pay the piper”.
The first two letters in the word “Piper” are a ‘79’, the other three letters are person
ally known as my own as Eric Robert Powell’s initials.
These numbers equate a ’37, reduced to ‘10’ for a 37/10, while the LORD is known as “The
The phrase, “pay the piper” is a ‘42’ for the word “pay”, which includes the name of the Ph
raoh Ay, as well as the letter “P” (A), which is the Egyptian name for the “Strong Bul
l” , known and abbreviated as “Ap”, (Apis).
King Hywel of the tenth century was known as “The Good King”. Using the Egyptian nam
e “Ap” as meaning “the son of”, he angelized his name from Hywell to Howell, and then us
ing the Egyptian word for “Strong Bull”, as “Ap” (Apis) to Powell. The letters “Well” are d
rived from Jacob’s Well, therefore, ‘Powell’ as Jacob’s name, after wrestling with the P
rince of this World (the Devil), was changed to Israel, meaning Isis/Ra/ and El(
Allah/Elah is also known as Amen Hotep.
Amen Hotep (A.H.) is known as the “All and All” (Allah), and as “Elah”, the letters “El” de
oting the alphanumeric 521. The number 125 stands for the average heart-beat as
1.25 beats per second. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) noted that “Allah is closer to
you than your life’s vein”.
The next two words in the New York Daily News front page by-line comes in the fo
rm of “Rebels want Khadafy to face the music”.
Everyone has heard of the phrase, “You cannot see the face of God, or you will die”.
One must ask the Question: why?
The answer is that if you interpret the face of God you will die. But this state
ment is not for most individuals. It pertains to the European Jews, period.
Reparations for the American Blacks total 315 trillion dollars.
The American Blacks, in this point of time have spent, since the year 1609, 401
years of servitude to the European Jews in the form of a Papal Bull entitled “DUM
DIVERSAS” in which they are to be subjected to perpetual economic, religious and p
olitical servitude. This Papal Bull, or “writ” has never been repudiated throughout
the centuries.
We are now in the 21st Century, as everyone knows.
Twenty-one is my basic number as bearing three sevens.
The base figure of reparations is 105 trillion since both “Yod-Hei” and I possess tr
iple fifteens, while “Teit-Vav” equates a ‘96’, for my birth-date of 12.26.1956.
But my name, Eric Robert Powell is also triple 15’s.
Eric = 35, while 3 x 5 = 15
Robert = 15
Powell = 83, here 8 x 3 = 24, also written as ‘114’ which represents the number 15 o
nce more.
When adding the zero, we have ‘105’ + ‘105’ + ‘105’ = 315.
The second base figure is 168 trillion, for John Powell settled the State of Vir
ginia, the Virgin State in 1608, or 13 years before the sailing of the Mayflower
It has been written, “April showers bring May flowers”.
The name “April” stands for the Egyptian “Ap”, which we have already discussed. The next
two letters in the name “April” are “Ri” which are the second and third letters in the
name “Eric”.
The letter “L” stands for the 12th month of December.
In alphanumeric sum of the name “April” is a ‘56’ while the full date of birth is also p
rovided as well as my full name reduced to an 8.6.11 and an 8.6.2.
The month of May is an alphanumeric 39/21/60.
The word “showers” represents the letter “S” as an abbreviation or symbol of the Egyptia
n Serpent-Diadem. The last letter is also another “S” as the Medical profession also
uses the duality of the Serpent denoting Wisdom.
The letters “HO” stand for the abbreviation of both HOTEP as well as HORUS. The lett
ers “OWER” are an abbreviation of the name “Powell”, as it was also written as “Powel”, and
what concerns us here, “Power”, these are the three alternate spellings of the name
Powell as the name was given phonetically as the common people in Europe were il
literate and spelled the name phonetically.
Lastly, the name of “Er” as the biblical son of Judah (Tuthmosis III) is also repres
entative of the name Re as well as Eric Robert …
Inside the word ‘showers’ you will find 12.26.1956, etc., while the sum total alphan
umeric value of the word ‘showers’ totals an ‘18’ (reduced), which represents the 18th D
ynasty of Amen Hotep.

Here you will find the year 1798AD, when Egypt suffered what is known as “The Pyra
mid Wars” waged against Egypt by Napoleon Bonaparte.
I lived at 17 Riverdale Ave., in Yonkers, New York, as well as 98 Vaughan Ave, N
ew Rochelle, New York and lost my inheritance due to the murderous intentions of
my Step-mother and her two eldest children who were my juniors.
The word “FLOW” totals an alphanumeric ‘56’, when we add the letters “Ers” we arrive at 12.
6.1956, an 8.6.11 and an 8.6.2., etc.
The total sum of the word “flowers” is a ‘98’.
Since only two percent of the world (Israelis) own or control 96% (15) of the we
alth, the remaining 98% of the people must fight tooth and nail for the remainin
g 4% of the wealth.
This is basically why golfers yell out “FOUR” as they prepare to “Tee” (Pee)” off.
The word FACE
The first letter (F) represents the number ‘6’ as the 6th day of Creation, when the
European Jews were cursed. The remaining three letters (ACE) are an alphanumeric
‘135’, a ‘315’, but we also find the number ‘168’ as well as ‘105’. Another number found i
number ‘78’ (87) as the alphanumeric in the word, the ‘Architect’. Since sixes come as
multiples of 3’s as well as ‘2’s, we also find the number ‘83’, and of course, the number ‘
5’. These 3 numbers represent in full, my name as Eric Robert Powell (35.78.83). W
hen we add the number ‘6’ to the other three letters, we find 12.26.1956, and a 9/5
time zone ratio.
The basic letters in the word ‘face’ total a ‘105’.
The Face of God
The phrase, “Face of God” are an alphanumeric ‘15 + 21 + 26’ which total a reduced “26” (fr
m ‘62’). The date of my birth and the illumination of the Sun in the Center of the M
ilky Way, whose name is Ra’s-Al-Hague as being 26 times the illumination of our su
n here on earth, as well as my full name reduced into double-digits being a 25/1
The European Jews will not willingly give us our reparations until they are “wiped
-off the FACE of the Earth. The word “earth” is an alphanumeric ‘25/16” as well as an 8.
6.11 and an 8.6.2.
And yes, also “12.26.1956” with a ‘9/5’ ratio.
This is why it has been stated in the Holy Scriptures that one cannot see the fa
ce of God and live.
Napoleon’s blowing off the nose of my Sphinx was an effort to, as the old saying g
oes, cut off my nose to spit my face. For the Sphinx is clearly me, showing the
“Face of God”.
The last word in the Daily News front-page by-line was that Gaddafi should, ‘face
the music’.
Again, 12.26.1956, a 5/9 as well as three sets of important numbers being 26 (Er
ic); 15 (Robert) and a 38 (Powell), which when totaled equals a ‘79’
We also find the number ‘421’ as discussed earlier.
We also find the total aggregate involved in Black America’s Reparations as starti
ng with 3.5 billion, which increases to 5.6 billion, as well as the base figures
105, 168, and 315.
Now the so-called Jews must face the music. They forget that although the total
sum alphanumerically in the word ‘music’ is a ‘65’, the Arabs read left to right.
I Urgently Request that you, the Public download or view Seymour Hersh’s Article i
n The New Yorker Magazine, entitled: Preparing The Battle Field, which is to be
found in The New Yorkers July 7, 2008 Edition where he has proven that these so-
called Freedom Fighters are nothing but Facists.
The Allah Mystery Revealed
Revelation 14:1
Then I looked, and behold, the Lamb was standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one
hundred and forty-four thousand, having His name and the name of His Father wri
tten on their foreheads.
My Father, in this life, was Amen-Ra, which when using the alphanumeric table is
a 1933 (Ra-Amen), which was the year of his birth, the total date of birth bein
g March 3, 1933.
This also involves King Tutankhamen as he ascended to the thrown, by most accoun
ts, in the year 1333 BC.
My name, therefore is written by the Ancients as AMEN-RE.
Revelation 22:1-4
The River of Life
1Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, f
lowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2down the middle of the great stre
et of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve
crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are
for the healing of the nations. 3No longer will there be any curse. The throne o
f God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 4The
y will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5There will be no
more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for
the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.
6The angel said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God of
the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things tha
t must soon take place.”
2 Chronicles 7:14
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and
seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and
I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Revelation 7: 1-4
1And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the e
arth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the
earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
2And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living
God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to
hurt the earth and the sea,
3Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have seale
d the servants of our God in their foreheads.
4And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hun
dred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
Revelation 19:12-16
12 His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he h
as a name written that no one knows but himself. 13 He is clothed in a robe dipp
ed in [1] blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. 14 And t
he armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him o
n white horses. 15 From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down
the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepre
ss of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh
he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.
The European Jew’s actual scriptural name is “BELIAR” as well as “BELIAL”, meaning “worthle
“Behold, I will make all things plain”
The Hidden Wisdom: The Meaning of “Allah”
GOD is known as “The All and All”, this denotes an alphanumeric 25/16 (the “All”).
The last two letters stand for Amen Hotep I
Jesus is known in biblical scripture as “the Amen, the faithful and true witness”.
This is a family name and is referred to as the bloodline of Jesus or “The Holy Gr
The only physical human beings who carried this name derived from the name AMEN
HOTEP, Hotep being the Architect of the scriptures, also known as “IMHOTEP” but writ
ten “I AM HOTEP”, the Architect of the Worlds, as Jesus was also called.
Therefore ALLAH, which also stands for “The Living God”.
The Jews which control “BURGER KING” have an outlandish commercial on the net, a mot
to which reads, “Where is your God now?”
They are from HAMBURG, GERMANY.
My name is also known as the biblical “Er”, first born son of Judah, whose historic
name is Tuthmosis III.
The Jewish scribes lied, saying I was killed by God because ‘I was wicked’.
They have killed 6.5 million of our Black People here in America during the last
five years, with Barack Obama’s permission, and he visits the Molech Temple in Sa
n Francisco, where 2,500 of the world’s most blood-thirsty people attend, and in o
rder to hide the evidence, fed us to cattle, and call it, “hamburger”.
This is why everyone gets sick eating red meat, cancer and other diseases the li
ke thereof.
See, “Staggering Amount of Missing Blacks fuels Speculation of Human Trafficking” – Au
gust 9, 2009, edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper
“And I said, ‘here I AM, here I AM’, to a nation that was called by my name.” – Isaiah 65:
1 (as correctly modified from the Jewish scribe’s version), the total passage of w
hich reads:

Isaiah 65:1
“I was ready to be sought by those who did not ask for me; I was ready to be found
by those who did not seek me. I said, “Here am I, here am I,” to a nation that was
not called by my name”.

Here we find the Egyptian “Ka” written as “Ca”, the name “Eric” which means “sole lord”, as
as the two Almighty words, “I AM”.
“And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the proph
ecy of this book.” Revelation 22:7
Here, the key word is “soon”.
The alphanumeric table of which shows ‘who’ was “coming soon”.
“Coming” = 97 (Amen Hotep)

@ 12.26.1956; 12.26.56; 5/9; 25/16; 67; 133(3)


“What’s the Point?”
Embedded in the word “point” one will also find, 12.26.1956, the 5/9 time zone ratio
as well as my full name in alphanumerics as a 26.15.56 which totals a “97”.
On the reverse side of the American dollar bill, one will find an undone Pyramid
with thirteen steps. It takes 9 steps in order to complete a pyramid. The addit
ional 13 steps represent the 13th Sign of the Zodiac; Friday the 13th, which was
the Friday in which the Jews were made/cursed. A “nine” plus “thirteen”, alphanumerical
ly is a ‘135’ plus ‘79’ which totals a ‘214’, however when one takes the ‘315’ and arranges
number properly to a ‘513’, the number ‘513’ plus gives us the exact number of ‘142’, which
as mentioned earlier represents the number of “abominations” in the King James Versi
on of the bible which deals with bad fruit.
In the Book of Genesis we are all familiar with the phrase “forbidden fruit”. Alphan
umerically, the phrase “forbidden fruit” is a ‘77’ for the word “forbidden” and a ‘56’ for
ord “fruit”. Now, as ‘77’ + ‘56’ = ‘133’, the number “133” refers to The Pharaoh Tutankhame
s shot in the head through the activities of his so-called bodyguards who left t
he King’s Chambers (burg).
My Mother, in these last days, was born in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, where I a
lso lived and visited while away from New York.
The phrase “forbidden fruit” is also a “142” and my full name, Eric Robert Powell, if on
e counts the letters in each name, comes to a ‘421’. I AM the one who will punish th
em for their abominations against their Gad.
Check the world-wide-web and you will see that we shot and killed a “bison” 40,000 y
ears ago, the skull of which is in the country of Russia.
The Pharaoh Tutankhamen was assassinated using a 38 cal bullet.
Surely it was murder, because of damage and a blood clot found in his skull.
Powder burns from the gunshot were also found in his head.
This is the reason why King Tutankamen’s body has been stolen and the evidence obl
The Jews have now erroneously stated, through corrupt Egyptians at their disposa
l, that the Pharoah Tutankhamen died of a leg injury!
In Ancient Egypt?
We would have amputated his leg first.

These special weapons were not to be used unless it was absolutely necessary. So
we had the weapons on earth even at this early date, which is part and parcel t
o the accomplishments of the Ancient Egyptians, and was made into a major motion
picture entitled “Chariots of the Gods”.
We also hade lasers, helicopters and the like, as well as jets and space vehicle
s as this unknown master film so wittingly subscribes.
The Pharaoh King Tut was shot in the head while he slept alone in his bedroom ch
amber. The man responsible was his father, Amen Hotep the IV, who changed his na
me to Akhenaten often also spelled Echnaton, Akhnaton, or rarely as Ikhnaton.
One of the Pharaoh’s of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, ruled for 17 years and di
ed perhaps in 1336 BC .
Tutankhamen was, according to available statistics, ruled between 1341 - 1323 BC
He ascended to the throne in 1333 BC, at the age of nine.
In the dates concerning Akhenatens’ death we find the numbers ‘133’ as well as ‘412’. It i
s through the name Akhenaten where we derive the phrase,
Recall that the number 142 plays prominent in the KJV of the bible as the secret
code number regarding homosexuals and lesbians in the bible, also the exact num
ber of abominations enumerated in the KJV.
When he became king, Tutankhamen married his half sister, Ankhesenepaten, who l
ater changed her name to Ankhesenamun. They had two daughters, both stillborn.[7
After Tutankamen’s death, Ankhespaten, King Tut’s wife, sent away for a prince of th
e Hittites (Egypt’s Jewish enemies) that wasn’t part of the kingdom so that she didn’t
have to marry Aye and she could still stay queen. The Hittite prince was murder
ed on the way to Egypt before he could marry Ankhespaten! Later Queen Ankhespate
n mysteriously disappeared.

Akhenaten was not originally designated as the successor to the throne until the
untimely death of his older brother, Tuthmosis IV.

Akhenaten’ whip bearing his name was found in Tutankhamun s tomb).
The whip was what we call a “CAT OF NINE TAILS”
CAT = 3.1.2 = 6
OF = 6 + 6 = 12
NINE = 42
TAIL(S) = 39/21/60, plus ‘1’, where we find the number 133 as 2.1 = 3 + 9 = 12 = 3 +
3 + 1, (where ‘S’ = 1).
“Cat of nine tails” reduced as = 187 = 97 = Lashed by ‘AMEN-HOTEP’ (97).
How many lashes did Akhenaten Receive?

The significance of only having 39 is that it was believed that 40 lashes would
kill a man.
39 ‘LASHES’ where “l-a-s-h-e-s” = alphanumeric ‘64’ = (HOTEP)/AMEN = 33

This was done because Akhenaten’s New Religion did away with the Religion of Amen
and supplanted it with a false doctrine that the Sun was simply a disk in the sk
y having no esoteric value. Such doctrine has been used by the so-called Jews ev
er since, seeing also that they were the “Hittites”, the treasonous story given abov

This is why the so-called European Jews hate the Christ and his return, having a
ttempted to assassinate over 4(2)1 times during his reincarnation.

How did Akhenaten die?

Buried Alive for treason against the state

(State = 12.26.1956, 9/5 ratio, with full name compound of 26.15.56 = 97).

The Pharaoh Tutankhamen died at the age of ‘14’ in 513 BC. He was born in 527BC whic
h represents my time zone birth ratio as well as securing, once again, the amoun
t of Reparations which are about to be given to the American Blacks, which total
the number of the year of his death (315) in 513 BC.
If one were to take the year 526 BC and subtract 513 years, one would find the a
lleged year of King Tut’s ascending to the thrown in the year 1333.

Akhenaten’s mummy has never been found.


A missing Capstone is present on the reverse side of the American one-dollar bil
l as an unfinished pyramid of the Jewish Rite of Freemasonry.
They were supposed to have attained the Capstone after the annihilation of Gad w
hen he appeared to his people in “The Last Days”


This phrase is an alphanumeric ‘5/9’ accompanied by a ‘94’.
The time zone ratio we already know.
The number ‘94’ we also know, however it also represents the date of birth of the Sa
vior, being 12.26.56 = 94.
When we add these two basic numbers, 59 and 94, we arrive at the number “153” which
of course is the Code of Reparations again as 315 trillion dollars.
The phrase “Capstone” (of the pyramid) totals an alphanumeric 39/21/60
The second entrée here consist of the letters “CA” which should be rendered as the Egy
ptian “Ka” which is the life-force in the individual (being solar).
The letters “ST” are an alphanumeric 39/21/60
Lastly we have the number,”1” signifying a O-N-E.
The first two letters in the word ‘one’ represents the Ancient City of Egypt named “ON”
and represents the number 29 as the number ‘56’.
When these three groupings of numbers are added together as 29 + 5 = 34, we arri
ve at, again, 12,26,1956 with a 9/5 time of birth ratio.
The sum total of the Capstone and which Royal family is entitled to it is easy t
o attain. The word Capstone itself totals an alphanumeric ‘39/12 = 60’, the importan
ce of which we have already discussed. One will also find the figures tightly wo
ven together as being 12.26.1956 with a 5/9 time ratio when all digits are reduc
ed into a second column.
Using one column here without reduction we find the full name of the Savior bein
g 35.51.29, which totals a ‘115’ which is reduced to a 25/16 and further reduced to
an 8.6.11 as well as an 8.6.2 (which, when both number groups are added, we find
the full double digits in the name Eric Robert Powell as a 25/16.
The number 25 represents the Head of the Twenty-four Elders.
The 8.6.2 represents, when added together, the number ‘88’ due to the 88 known Const
ellation in our known Universe.


The identity of “HOTEP” has always been a mystery, until now.

Using the alphanumeric table once more will suffice.
8 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 16 – 2, when placed into a vertical column and added together one will loc
ate these digits automatically.
They register as my full name reduced into single digits as well as my date of b
irth as recorded by the Ancient Egyptians code for the Almighty, for the remaini
ng digits after 8.6.2 is my last date of incarnation.
12.26.56; 5/ (9)
(12.26.1956; 5/9)

The numbers in the name of Hotep are an alphanumeric 37 reduced to ‘10’ for a ‘37/10’.

On July 30, 2009 the Children of Gaza (6,200) made a New Guinness World Record b
y flying 3,710 kites simultaneously.
The Israeli Government forbid Guinness representatives from recording the event,
so the United Nations compound in Israel recorded the event working with Guinne
As a result, Israel shelled the U.N. headquarters in Israel killing two staffers
Since that time Israel has pulled the Kite flying Record (as mentioned) off the
internet and ipso-facto threatened Guinness with repercussions as Guinness no lo
nger sites the event on their site.
What’s left is “3,710 children” with no information as to how many kites had been flow
n and “eyeonpalestine’s” blog appears to have also been blocked.
Only a separate site with the same name is available.
In the Torah and biblical scriptures it is stated, as the Law of the Torah, set
by Ah-mose II (Moses, 526 B.C.) that “You shall not eat the kite”.
A “kite” is a name for the Egyptian Falcon, which flies a top speed of 201 miles per
Horus, the original Jesus from Ancient Egypt is known as “The Falcon” and this is th
e reason why kids fly kites as the Falcon is the highest flying bird in the worl

Coming Soon
President Obama and “The Last Days”

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