Advance Science 2

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Submitted by: Iv P.


Submitted to: Ma'am Yolanda C. Tasil

What I Learned in 3rd Grading Period

My third grading period was great because of the new things i learn. Okay now! i will write all the things i learn
during my 3rd grading period

The first topic we discussed was all about Atmosphere. And atmosphere is the layered by layered gas that
surrounds the Earth. Actually i am not familiar of all the types of gas in the atmosphere except for the nitrogen. But
when we discuss this topic, that unfamiliar feeling was gone. The atmosphere have 71% of nitrogen, 28 % of
oxygen and 1% of other gasses. Atmosphere have five layers the Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
thermosphere and exosphere and each layer have deferent temperature and color. Between the troposphere and
stratosphere it is called tropopause and between the stratosphere and mesosphere is called mesopause.there are
many kinds of gas in the atmosphere which is the nitrogen,oxygen,helium,neon,methane,carbon dioxide,argon,
and nitrous oxides.

Okay the next topic was all about weather and climate. Weather is the movement or transfer by heat, energy and
temperature. Climate state the total of all weather occurring in a year base on a place. There are 6 elements of
weather, the 6 elements are the airmass- is a large body of air that has semilar temperature and moisture
intents.wind- is a horizontal movement. Air pressure-weight of air resting, high and low pressure. temperature - is
a measure of hotnest and coldness in a subtances. Humidity-amount of vapor. Precipitation- is a process of
transformation of water which the condensed water vapor falls to the Earth surface. clouds. In this topic i learn so
much about clouds....and now i will write what i learn about clouds. Clouds is a form of gas in sky.. Clouds is form
through the process of evapotation by which small particle of water goes to the atmosphere and form a clouds.
There are types of clouds of how High or how low they are from the land and sea and kinds of how its made, which
is the High Level Clouds the Mid Level Clouds and the low level clouds. The high level cloud is above of sea and land
level by 20,000 feet and made of ice crystal due to the temperature of the troposphere and tend to develop at or
just above the upper part of the troposphere. There are kind of clouds that occur on High Level Clouds, the cirrus
clouds that are thin and fluffy and cirrostratus clouds that are widespread,veil and thick like clouds and
cirrocumulus clouds that are layered clouds permeated with small cumuliform lumpiness while Mid Level Clouds
appear above of land and sea level between 6,500 and 20,000 and made of water droplets or ice crystals or a
combination of two and there are also kinds of clouds that appears in mid level clouds which is the Altostratus
Clouds that are flat and unform type texture and Altocumulos Clouds that are small,white,puffy clouds and the
Nimbostratus Clouds that is widespread Ligh grey or white cloud and finally the Low Level Clouds these clouds
occur below 6,500 feet and and morely made of liquid water droplets or super cooled droplets the kinds of clouds
that appear in Low level clouds is the stratus clouds are uniform flat and develop horizontal and Cumulus clouds
are cauliflower shape with dark falt bases and bright upper part and develop vertically

And the next topic was all about Ecosystem. Now i will start to write what's my learning during our discussion in
third grading period....... Ecosystem is the interaction of non living ang living things. The energy that flows in the
evosystem is primarily came from the sun. Ecosystem are controlled both by external and internal factors,external
factor such as climate......and i also learn about Succession, and Succession is the change of composition of the
ecosystem by which competing organism modify the environment and i also learn what is the deferences of biotic
and a biotic Biotic it means living things Abiotic it means non living things and we also Discussed about Roles of
organism in the Ecosystem that each organism plays a role in the Ecosystem in order to compent with other
organism or to survive.....and i learn also about the Ecological Succession, this Succession is the observation of the
organism of the changes to there environment and to adopt the Succession and i also learn about the Factors
Influencing Succession that weather conditions, interaction of the species etc. Can influence Succession....and we i
also learn about primary and secondary Succession and Causes of Plant Succession there are two types of plant
Succession the Autogenic Succession and the allogenic Succession the autogenic Succession can be brought by
changes in the soil caused by the organism there and the Allogenic Succession is caused by external environment
influences and not by the vegetation

Biogeochemical Cycles, biogeochemical cycle or subtance turnover or cycling of subtance is a pathway by which
achemical element or molecule moves through both biotic and abiotic compartments of Earth

Global biogeochemcal Cycles critical for life there are 4 main components of global biogeochemical cycles critical
for life the water cycle that undergoes evapotation, condensation and precipitation, falling back to earth, clean and
fresh, and oxygen cycle is the biogeochemical cycle that describe the movement of oxygen within is three main
reservoirs the atmosphere, carbon cycle is the biogeochemical by which carbon is exchanged among the
biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth and the Global Carbon Budget is
the balance of the exchanges of carbon between the carbon reservoirs or between one specific loop of the carbon

Phosphorus cycle is the biogeochemical cycle that describes the movement of phosphorus throught the
lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.

Human influences is the oversue or careless use of phosphorus cycle and we also tackled also about nitrogen cycle.
Nitrogen cycle is the process by which hydrogen is converted between in varios chemical forms. And nitrogen
fixation atmospheric nitrogen must be processed or fixed to be used by plants. Assimilation-plants take nitrogen
from the soil by absorption through their roots in the form of either nitrate ions or ammonium ions. And i also
learn about Ammonification, nitrification, denitrification,environmental impacts ,sulfur cycle,

of ecosystem are Aquatic ecosystem that is an ecosystem in a body of water, and terrestrial ecosystemsand
marine Ecosystem and freshwater Ecosystem is part of aquatic ecosystem there three types of fresh water lentic,
lotic, .Terrestrial ecosystem is an ecosystem found only on land forest, greater Yellowstone ecosystem, large
marine Ecosystem and lithoral zone riparian zone, subsurface lithoautotrophic microbial ecosystem, urban
ecosystem, movile cave, dessertsubsurface is also part of the terrestrial Ecosystem.

The next topic was all about soil.....Soil,is made of organic and inorganic materials.There are 12 orders of soil according to
United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)soil taxonomy. The Entisol, Vertisol, Inceptisol, Aridisol, mollisol, spodosol,
Alfisol, Ultisol, Oxisol, Histosol, Andisolsis, Gelisols.Erosion,is a natural process that changes the structure of the land
formations....okay lets proceed tk the next topic was al about Geological Processes are process at work in the earth's
surface and land formations the dynamics include erosion, Weathering and Plate Dynamics. Erosion is a natural
process that changes the structure of the lands and Weathering is the process of braking up of earth's surface by
forces sources of the atmosphere such as the air,water etc. And Plate Tectonics is a scientific theoretical analysis
about the Earth's surface
Soil and Land,,,land is any part of the earth's surface not covered by a body of water.......there are types of land
which is the residential land institutional land and industrial land, Agriculture amd forestry land.

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