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Tourism and Hospitality Supply Components

Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this module, I should be able to:

1. Identify and compare the different types of tourist


2. Enumerate and describe the classification of hotels.




Lansangan-Cruz,Zenaida (2018)



Carino C.E., Beltran M.P.N. (2013)

The Hospitality Industry; An

Introduction Manila, Philippines:

Mindshapers Co. Inc.

Productivity Tip: Create flashcards for key terms and concepts you learned today. Quiz yourself using

flashcards every few days!


1) In the previous module, we have learned about the tourism and hospitality network and supply. We

also identified the general tourism and hospitality supply components.

To review, can you give at least 2 examples for each category of tourism and hospitality components

and enumerate the five major categories of the tourism and hospitality supply components?

Tourism and Hospitality Components

Category I :

Category II :

Category III :

Major Tourism and Hospitality Supply Components






In this module, we will focus more on the tourism and hospitality supply components. We’ll learn more

about transportation and transportation facilities, accommodations and food and beverage

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

Do you know of the importance of tourism? Are you able to differentiate the tourist product from a

regular consumer product? Try answering the questions below by writing your ideas under the first

column What I Know. It’s okay if you write key words or phrases that you think are related to the



TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

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Date: _______________

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What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

What are the different tourist


What are the different

classifications of hotels?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes

Tourism and Hospitality Supply Components

As mentioned in the previous module, tourism and hospitality supply components are classified

into five main categories.

1) Natural resources

The natural resources of a destination area provide an excellent asset to sell to tourists. The

physical characteristics of an area can be generalized as natural scenery, climate, and

environment. The natural scenery is a combination of the general topography, flora and fauna,

proximity to lakes, rivers, seas, islands and islets, hot and mineral water springs, caverns,

waterfalls, and the like. The greater the variety and uniqueness of the

scenery, the more appealing it is. The appeal can be increased if the

area has a “comfortable” climate. Also, water plays an important role

in forming an attractive landscape. The sea , lakes and rivers not only

add to the visual beauty of the region, but also offer the possibility of

swimming, sailing, canoeing and fishing. Thus, large bodies of water

have become popular such as Taal Lake in the Philippines and Lake Geneva in Switzerland.

Specific natural phenomena such as volcanoes, waterfalls, caves and canyons also attract
tourists. Examples are the Pagsanjan Falls in the Philippines, Grand Canyon in the US, Niagara

Falls in the US and Canada, and the Great Barrier Reef of Australia.

The particular fauna or flora of a region often draws tourists. Kenya and

other countries of Southern Africa and their wildlife safaris are increasing

in popularity, the camera being substituted for the gun. The Amazon, with

its exotic rainforest vegetation and its wildlife, is attracting several tourists.

The same is true with the tulip fields of Holland and cherry blossoms of


2) Infrastructure

Consists of all underground and surface developmental construction such as water supply

systems, sewage disposal systems, gas lines, electrical and communications systems, drainage

systems, and other constructed facilities such as highways, airports, railroads, roads, drives,


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

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parking lots, parks, night lighting, marinas and dock facilities, bus and train station facilities, and

similar tourist service installations.

3) Superstructure

This is the above ground facility services such as airport buildings, passenger traffic terminals,

hotels, motels, resorts, restaurants, shopping centers, places of entertainment, museums,

stores, and similar structures.


The demand for accommodation varies according to the price the guests are willing to pay,

services required, and similar considerations. The type of accommodations provided is also

partly determined by what competitors are providing. An important thing to remember in

marketing is that the facilities should at least equal those provided by the competition for the

same market.

Appropriate accommodations should be available for all

segments of the market. Expensive hotel

accommodations may be demanded by those who want

the best and are willing and able to pay accordingly. On

the other hand, tourists who are unable or unwilling to pay

for expensive accommodations should have cheap

facilities available.

In planning accommodations, the nature of the environment, the destination, the expected

markets, the mode of transportation, the type of activities engaged in at the destinations, and

other related factors determine the type of accommodations which shall be made available.

Types of Accommodations

 Hotels – provide accommodations, meals, and refreshments

for those who may reserve their accommodations in advance

but need not do so. In broad terms, they provide facilities that

meet the needs of the modern travelers. They portray an

image of efficiency and service.

 Condominiums – is an apartment or individual dwelling unit owned by an individual but the

management and services, such as maintenance and

security, are handled by an independent company. The

company often contracts to rent the condominium when it is

not being used by the owner. Each owner can sell his or her

unit independently of the other owners.


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

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 Motels or motor hotels – provide bedrooms, bath, and parking to

motorists, rooms are usually accessible from the parking lot. They

are usually near the highways.

 Inns – are lodging establishments catering to transients which do not

meet the minimum requirement of an economy hotel.

 Apartments – are hotels (apartelles), buildings, or edifices

containing several independent and furnished or semi-furnished

apartments that are regularly leased to tourists and travelers for

dwelling, on a more or less long-term basis and offering basic

services to its tenants similar to hotels.

 Paradores – are old convents, monasteries, castles, or fortresses converted into hotels by

the government and operated by a national tourism office. First-

class paradores are found in Spain and Ireland. They are

generally priced reasonably with full-meal plans. They appeal to

tourists who would like to experience the romances and

ambiances of the past in a fifteenth-century Augustinian

monastery or a nineteenth-century mansion.

 Pensions – are private or family-operated tourist

accommodations similar to boarding houses or guesthouses.

They offer food and lodging to tourists and are well-known for their

informal family atmosphere.

 Bed and breakfast accommodations – provide a room, bath, and

a hearty breakfast to tourists and/or travelers. They are known as B&Bs

and are popular in Britain, Ireland and the United States.


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

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 Hostels – provide minimal amenities such as a bunk bed and a

commonly shared toilet and bathroom. The traveler provides his or her

own bedding. They appeal mostly to young travelers.

 Campgrounds – appeal mostly to families who travel in

recreational vehicles (RVs)

 Health spas – are hostels and resorts which cater to individuals who go

to spas or mineral springs for weight reduction or medical treatment.

Private homes – provide lodging to tourists when accommodations

are not available during peak periods.

Hotel Classification

There are different ways of classifying hotels. One way is by its location, such as city center,

suburban, airport, highway, and resorts.

City Center Highway


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

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Suburban Resort


Another way is by type of guest, such as commercial, convention, and resort.

Commercial Resort


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

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A more meaningful classification is one based on price such as economy or budget, standard

or midscale, first class or deluxe.

Economy or Budget Standard or Midscale

First Class or Deluxe


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

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A star rating system is often used to classify hotels in Europe and other parts of the world outside

the United States. Stars are assigned according to the quality of the restaurants, rooms,

amenities and service. The highest is the five-star hotel and the lowest is the one-star hotel.

Other classifications are deluxe, first class, standard and economy.

Food and Beverage

More of the tourist dollar is spent on food and beverage than on any other service. Countries

which are highest in per capita eating place and sales are also top tourist countries. The type of

food service provided will be related to the needs of the tourists. Many destination areas have

successfully developed menus which are indigenous to the area to promote local economy food.

4) Transportation and transportation equipment

Land Travel

 Taxi and Limousine Service – adequate tax and limousine service is important in a tourist

area. Taxis should have removable and washable seat covers so that they will present a

clean appearance to the passenger. The taxi driver should always be courteous and helpful.

He should open the door for the passenger and assist him in

getting the baggage from the trunk. Taxi drivers should be trained
in foreign language. If the drivers are generally weak in foreign

language ability, hotels can cooperate by providing written

directions for the tourists to give to the taxi driver regarding his

destination and another written direction for the tourists to give to

the taxi driver to return to the hotel at the end of the trip.

 Bus Service – tour buses should have large windows, comfortable seats, air-conditioning

unit, and restroom facilities. Springs and other suspension

systems in the tour buses should be carefully designed to

prevent joggling of passengers. Multilingual services or

multilingual tape recording facilities with earphone for

each passenger are desirable for tourism areas where an

interpretation of the points of interest is necessary.


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

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 Rail Services – the majority of seasoned travelers prefer to travel by train because of its

safety record and the convenience and satisfaction of

viewing the scenery from a comfortable air-conditioned

car. The appeal of rail travel has been further enhanced

by the recent introduction of high-speed trains.

Adequate taxi, limousine or bus services from the

railroad station to the hotels are very important. These

services must be frequent enough to avoid fear on the

part of the traveler that he will not reach his hotel at

once. Such services should also be available to transport him from the hotel to the railroad

station to allow him to board his train.

Air Travel

Porter service is important at air terminals. The porters’ helpful behavior and attitude are

essential and their training and supervision should be adequate.

Although airport facilities differ from place to place, the comfort of

travelers should always be kept in mind. In a hot climate, the airport

must be completely airconditioned and in a cold climate, adequate

heat should be provided. Large airports provide comfortable and

attractive waiting areas, as well as information regarding flight details.

Sea Travel

Sea travel is a major factor in tourism and hospitality. Examples of

these are the Manila Bay Sunset Cruise in the Philippines, the Miami

Cruise in Florida, the Rhine River Cruise in Germany, and the Canal

Cruise in Holland. Cruise ships have developed into “floating

resorts” or “floatels”. Because of this idea, the demand for sea travel

has increased and cruises became popular in recent years. The

luxurious way of life will have a large market as soon as wealth and

leisure time increases.

5) Hospitality resources

This include the cultural wealth of an area which makes possible the successful hosting of

tourists. Examples are the welcoming spirit of tourist business employees, attitudes of the

residents toward visitors, courtesy, friendliness, sincere interest, willingness to serve and to get
better acquainted with visitors, and other manifestations of warmth and friendliness. Also

included are the cultural resources of an area such as fine arts, literature, history, music,

dramatic art, dancing and shopping.


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

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Date: _______________

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2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

Let’s practice! After completing each exercise, you may refer to the Key to Corrections for feedback.

Try to complete each exercise before looking at the feedback.

Exercise 1: Given the following tourism and hospitality statements, identify if the statement is True or


1. Superstructure are facilities and services that are above ground such as hostels,

restaurants, shopping centers and museums.

2. Natural resources includes climate, rivers, volcanoes, caves and waterfalls.

3. Paradores provide lodging to tourists when accommodations are not available during

peak periods.

4. Infrastructure consists of all underground and surface developmental construction

such as water supply, gas lines, sewage and highways.

5. A Bed and breakfast is an apartment or individual dwelling unit owned by an individual

but the management and services are handled by an independent company.

6. A hostel is a family-operated guest house or tourist lodging house which regularly

caters to tourists or travelers of foreign countries.

7. A motel provides minimum amenities such as bunk bed and commonly shared toilet

and bathroom.

8. Hospitality resources refer to cultural wealth of an area which makes possible the

successful hosting of tourists

9. An inn is a type of accommodation catering to tourists which does not meet the

minimum requirements of an economy hotel.

10. Transportation is a supply component that provides easy access to various means

of travel such as land, rail, air and water.

11. Tour buses should have large windows, comfortable seats, air-conditioning unit and

restroom facilities.

12. A camping ground is a motorized self-contained camping trailer, truck or van used

for traveling

13. Taxi drivers should be trained in foreign language.

14. Many tourist destinations have developed menus which are unique to the area to

promote local economy food

15. Accommodation is a term used to include food and lodging. It may be a hotel, inn,

pension or hostel.


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

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Exercise 2: Complete the crossword by filling in a word that fits each clue.

Down Across

1 provide bedrooms, bath, and parking to motorists

which are usually along the highway

4 hostels and resorts which cater to individuals

for weight reduction or medical treatment

2 provide a room, bath, and a hearty breakfast to


5 provide facilities that meet the needs of the

modern travelers

3 above ground facility services such as airport

buildings, passenger traffic terminals, hotels,

motels, resorts, restaurants and shopping centers

7 preferred means of transportation due to

safety record and the convenience and

satisfaction of viewing the scenery

6 classification of accommodation located along

the beach
8 classification of accommodation based on

price which also means first class

9 classification of accommodation based on

price which also means budget

10 old convents, monasteries, castles, or

fortresses converted into hotels


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

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3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2

It’s time to answer the questions in the What I Learned chart in Activity 1. Log in your answers in the


4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding

Identify at least 3 accommodation facilities in your area and classify them according to location, price

and type of guest.


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.
Did you have challenges learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module

helped you learn the concepts?




Some question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are:





1. Are there accommodation facilities with a rating higher than five stars?

There is no official rating of a hotel higher than 5 but some journalists, guests and hotel aficionados

have dubbed some hotels as 7 stars simply for their magnificent accommodations and service.

2. What is a “Shinkansen”?

It is a train commonly known in English as the bullet train. It is a network of high-speed railway lines in

Japan and can reach a top speed of 320 km/hr.


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


Answers to Skill-Building Exercises

Exercise 1: True or False

True 1. Superstructure are facilities and services that are above ground such as hostels,

restaurants, shopping centers and museums.


2. Natural resources includes climate, rivers, volcanoes, caves and waterfalls.

False 3. Paradores provide lodging to tourists when accommodations are not available during

peak periods.

True 4. Infrastructure consists of all underground and surface developmental construction

such as water supply, gas lines, sewage and highways.

False 5. A Bed and breakfast is an apartment or individual dwelling unit owned by an individual

but the management and services are handled by an independent company.

False 6. A hostel is a family-operated guest house or tourist lodging house which regularly

caters to tourists or travelers of foreign countries.

False 7. A motel provides minimum amenities such as bunk bed and commonly shared toilet

and bathroom.
True 8. Hospitality resources refer to cultural wealth of an area which makes possible the

successful hosting of tourists


9. An inn is a type of accommodation catering to tourists which does not meet the

minimum requirements of an economy hotel.

True 10. Transportation is a supply component that provides easy access to various means

of travel such as land, rail, air and water.

True 11. Tour buses should have large windows, comfortable seats, air-conditioning unit and

restroom facilities.

False 12. A camping ground is a motorized self-contained camping trailer, truck or van used

for traveling

True 13. Taxi drivers should be trained in foreign language.

True 14. Many tourist destinations have developed menus which are unique to the area to

promote local economy food

True 15. Accommodation is a term used to include food and lodging. It may be a hotel, inn,
pension or hostel.

Exercise 2: Crossword puzzle


TOU 040: Macro Perspective of Hospitality and Tourism

Student Activity Sheets Module #7

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________

Class number: _______

Date: _______________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Answers to Checking for Understanding:

Answers may vary depending on the identified accommodation facilities but answers may include

classification according to location: city center, suburban, airport, highway and resort; classification

according to price: economy or budget, standard or midscale and first class or deluxe; classification

according to type of guest: commercial, convention and resort.

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