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Lesson title: Part 3

The Sexual Self (Psychological Aspect)

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson,
Students are
expected to:

1. Differentiate the different Sexual Diversities and test their

critical thinking through debate.

2. Know the possible reasons of sexual diversity according to


3. Explore the lives of others and the implications of community

attitudes and assumptions.




White Board Marker, White Board

Laptop, or Cellphone, Internet











Gazzingan,L., (2018),

Understanding the Self, Panday.

lahi Publishing

Good day! We are going to talk about LGBT. People with diverse behavior. Let’s open our hearts and

to the reality that they are also created by God.


1) What a pleasant day everyone! How are you? I hope that you’re doing well with your studies! Did you

read something about our new lesson?

Do you have any problem dealing with LGBT people?

Are LGBT group of people productive in the society?

Are LGBT people accepted in the community?

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart,

This is to measure your before and after knowledge about Sexual Self (Psychological Aspect). Answer

the questions below by writing your ideas under the first column What I Know. It’s okay if you write key

words or phrases that you think are related to the questions.

What I Know

Answer this now

Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

(Answer this after you learn

something in the lesson)

Do you know somebody who

has diverse behavior and yet

they don’t reveal?

What are the possible reasons

why they like to be in diverse


GEN 002 Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #14

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Class number: _______

Date: ______________

Is it acquired or inborn to be

person with diverse behavior?


Sexual Diversity means that everyone has different understandings about what sexuality means to them.
It is

often used in the context of sexual orientation. Also refers to all sex characteristics and gender identity.

Possible Reasons for Homosexuality and Bisexuality:

• Researchers, particularly Kinsey, believed that reasons behind homosexuality and bisexuality are that

depends on a person’s sexual feelings and behaviors and romantic feeling.

• Some researchers also include reasons such as environment or nature, genetics/hereditary, drugs

labor and differences in brain structures.

• Parent-child relationship, according to some psychologists, plays a big part in producing Homosexuals

bisexuals, though this (evidence) are not supported.




Person who are attracted

of their same gender. Ex.

Lesbian, gay

Person who are attracted

to both their same gender

and opposite gender

People who believe they were

born with the body of the

Sexual attraction and other gender. Ex sex change

behavior directed to

opposite sex

GEN 002 Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #14

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Class number: _______

Date: ______________

• Some also theorize that homosexuality and bisexuality are learned or achieved through reward and

punishment procedures. This is called the Learning-Theory explanation.

Activity No 3.

Exercise No. 1

Directions: The activity is all about sexual orientation. Many times when the issue is addressed, only

homosexuality is discussed. This reinforces the idea that homosexuality is “different” and that
heterosexuality is

simply taken for granted as the “way to be.” We can learn and understand more about sexual
orientation in

general. You are to think and reflect on the given questions and write your thoughts and feelings to each


1. How can you tell if someone is heterosexual?




2. What cause heterosexuality?




3. Do you think straights display their sexuality? If so, why?



4. Who assumes the dominant role and who assumes the passive role in a straight relationship? Why?




5. Do you think straights have difficulty to stay in long-term relationship? Why? Why not?




6. Considering the consequences of over population, could the human race survive if everyone were





7. Do you think everyone has the right to choose his/her sexual orientation? Why? Why not?

GEN 002 Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #14

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Class number: _______

Date: ______________




8. What defines gender?




9. How culture affects sexual diversity?




10. How would you feel if you are consistently identified and treated opposite to your gender?




11. Is transgression (transsexual) considered as a more serious form of gender identity as compared to

others? Yes or No? Why?



Exercise No. 2

Directions: Do you agree to legalize SAME SEX MARRIAGE in the Philippines. Why? And Why not?

for legal implications to back up your side. Write your answer on the space provided.






GEN 002 Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #14

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Class number: _______

Date: ______________


Exercise No. 3

Directions: Read the short report below then answer the question after.

Students in the Philippines face bullying and discrimination over their sexual orientation and gender
identity and

many schools are not equipped to give them the support they need, a Human Rights Watch report

Thursday said.

"LGBT students in the Philippines are often the targets of ridicule and even violence," Ryan Thoreson, a

in the LGBT rights program at Human Rights Watch, said, citing interviews with 76 high school students

recent graduates who identified as LGBT or questioning.

HRW also interviewed 22 students who did not identify as LGBT or questioning, and 46 parents,

counselors, administrators and experts.

"When I was in high school, they’d push me, punch me," Carlos M., a 19-year-old gay student from

City, said in the HRW report called “‘Just Let Us Be’: Discrimination Against LGBT Students in the

Carlos added that the abuse did not end when classes did, saying he was followed, pushed and verbally

after school.

This, despite a law against bullying and Department of Education guidelines prohibiting bullying on the
basis of

sexual orientation and gender identity, HRW said. Many of the respondents said they were not aware of

against bullying or did not know who to turn to in case they were bullied or harassed.

“President Duterte has spoken out against bullying and discrimination against LGBT people in the past,
and he

should do so now,” Thoreson said.

The bullying and harassment can have long-term effects, as Benjie A., 20, says in the report. "I was
I was bullied, I didn’t know my sexuality, I felt unloved, and I felt alone all the time. And I had friends,
but I still

felt so lonely. I was listing ways to die," he said.

RW said schools can address these issues by educating students, teachers and the staff on LGBT people


"Unfortunately, positive information and resources regarding sexual orientation and gender identity are

exceedingly rare in secondary schools in the Philippines. When students do learn about LGBT people and

in schools, the messages are typically negative, rejecting same-sex relationships and transgender
identities as

immoral or unnatural," HRW, which notes the influence of the Catholic Church on issues dealing with


It does not help that many school policies like those on uniforms and hairstyles forced LGBT students to

sometimes appear in a manner inconsistent with their gender identity, which, HRW said, "made them

and uncomfortable, lessened their confidence, and impaired their concentration."

GEN 002 Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #14

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Class number: _______

Date: ______________

For some, these policies "were sources of intense anxiety and humiliation, and in some cases led to

school absences and even leaving schooling entirely."

Although there have been moves to pass an Anti-Discrimination Bill, which will prohibit discrimination
on the
basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, legislation has been met with opposition from the
church and

allied groups that tie the passage of the bill to same-sex marriage, which the bill does not seek.

HRW said that aside from speaking out against bullying, President Rodrigo Duterte can voice support for

legislation "that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, including

education, employment, health care, and public accommodations."

The president's PDP-Laban party enjoys supermajorities in both chambers of Congress and he can certify

of legislation as urgent to speed up the legislative process.

Local government units, meanwhile, can pass similar ordinances or release the implementing rules and

regulations for already existing ordinances against discrimination.

HRW also urged the Department of Education to train staff on LGBT issues and terminologies through

sessions with LGBT groups.

DepEd should review compliance with the Anti-Bullying Law and the department's policies against
bullying in

schools and recommend that schools address sexual orientation and gender identity issues, the rights


It said DepEd can also order schools to respect students' gender identity "with regard to dress codes,
access to

facilities, and participation in curricular and extracurricular activities."

HRW said the DepEd should also "immediately review all curricula, including textbooks and teaching

to ensure that LGBT issues are incorporated" while also removing material that is inaccurate or
derogatory of

LGBT people.


1. What can you possibly do as a student to prevent bullying of the LGBT group?










Exercise No. 4

GEN 002 Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #14

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Class number: _______

Date: ______________

Directions: In your opinion, Does Religion and Culture have something to do with the fact that a lot of

communities in our country still don’t recognize LGBT? Answer the question in not more than 10
sentences but

not less than 5 sentences.






Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

It’s time to answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Log in your answers in the table.

Activity 5: Checking for Understanding

A short exercise to test if you know our topic for today:

1- 4 What LGBT stands for

5 - 6 What is the common problem of LGBT, spoken by President Duterte.

7 - 10 Possible Reasons for Homosexuality and Bisexuality

Write your answers here:











Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

GEN 002 Understanding the Self UTS

Lesson #14

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Class number: _______

Date: ______________

Thinking about your learning

Give three (3) positive things that you’ve learn from the lesson.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________________________________


From the learning that you get, what are your plans to change for the better “YOU”?





What more do you want to know and learn?





1. Is it bad to have diverse behavior (LGBT)?

Ans. No, for as long as you don’t harm other people and don’t damage property.

2. Are they also accepted by God?

Ans. Yes, they are also created by God.

3. Why lots of businesses and company discriminate LGBT?

Ans. Yes, there are some that discriminates, but little by little, they will be accepted. It also depends on

kind of work.

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