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April SERVICE Above Self

Magazine Month The Bearing Ray Klinginsmith,

The Rotarian is one of President Rotary Inter-
The Voice of the Chino Rotary
Rotary’s best recruiting national
Founded 1925 * Club #779 My primary task
tool. Share your copy
with a prospective mem- April 6, 2011 as president is to en-
ber this month. hance the vitality of Ro-
tary Clubs and to enable
them to succeed in the
midst of societal
The Object of Rotary
The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of
changes….it is the clubs
worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:: that improve lives by
Rotary Club of Chino Meets
First: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service,
Second: High ethical standards in business and professions. The recognition of the
Building Communities
NOON worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his —Bridging Continents.
Chino Community Bldg. occupation as an opportunity to service society.
Third: The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his personal Roger Schulte, Dis-
5443 B Street
business, and community life:
Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace
trict Governor 2010-
Call & Speak with a member: through a world fellowship of business and professional men and women united in 2011
Wayne Scaggs, President the ideal of service
888-688-6512 Chino Club Officers
Wayne Scaggs
Vice President:
President’s Message: If you don’t know where you are going, you ‘ll end up
Gregg Caplette
someplace else...Yogi Berra President Elect:
Terry Franke
Past President:
CLUB CALENDAR Mike Rodriguez
Chino Rotary
Program New website Treasurer:
*** Geneva Breceda
Rotary Program Today Secretary:
CARE/Youth Program Steve Bremer
*** Directors:
April 6 Board Meeting SPEAKERS TODAY Art Plourde,
Foundation Meeting following City of Chino Jackie Carroll,
*** Karen Pacheco, Joan Godinez Shea Baldrick
April 7 @ 7 PM and Tina Cherry Programs:
New Chino Hills Rotary CARE/Youth Program
Sandra’s Mexican Restaurant Pipeline
Terrie Garcia
Presenting an overview of the pro-
& Eucalyptus
gram and how our Rotary Club can
Show your support! provide ongoing support! Bearing Editor
*** Meg Yacawych
Sunday, April 10 * 9-1PM
Cruisin’ For Kids
Doug Vincent
Rotary Program
April 13
Super Build Project Corazon
Gene Hernandez
*** Linda Takeuchi
Saturday, April 16 2011
District Assembly Edwin Rhodes Community Service Award
9-1 Victor Valley Collge For her dedication and passion for volunteer service
Friendship Dinner Following
April 18 Taxes Due
Rotary Program
April 20
Martin Ayala, Red Cross
Director of Disaster Services
Highland Floods
Rotary Program
April 27
Chaffey College Scholarship Awards
Fund a Dream
April 30, Saturday
Tree Planting
10 Trees at Chino High
Jeff Werner
Mike Rodriguez
May 18 The presentation was given to Linda Takeuchi by Reva Salter, Phyllis Othier, Linda Reich and Al McCombs.
Chino Rotary Championship Golf
Tournament * Bob Smith
There are as many reasons to support The Rotary Foundation as there are ways to do good in the world.

The Bearing
July, 1974
A history submitted by
Rotarian Al McCombs

In July, 1974, club community service director Fred Agular and Vocational Services Director, Bob Smith,
reported to the club on their proposed projects for the year.
Five students spending the summer in Chino from the sister city of San Juan del Rio Mexico were greeted,
along with five exchange students to San juan from Chino the year before.
President Loren Stone’s new executive board scraped together a bare quorum and “streaked through a $9,118
budget.” Inflation is leaving a mark so fines are to average out $40, up $5. Dues increased for the second half by $5,
making a total of $55 for the year.
The club decided to draw on its $6,843 savings account for the 50th anniversary celebration expenses. There
is also a savings account for the Boy Scout program and a student loan fund.
Helping the sergeant-at-arms was Frank Orndorff who said he’s been waiting 15 years for the opportunity,
then went around cutting off ties. He didn't do so well because Gene Valpreda was wearing a breakaway and Hal
Courtney hid his!.
(Writer’s note —-these days the results would probably be pretty slim—- only Bob Biberston and Dick
Meyer seem to be so attired.)

Rotary District 5300
Roy “Dusty” Rogers, Jr.
Past President of Apple Valley Rotary
Saturday, April 16
Victor Valley College
18422 Bear Valley Rd.
Victorville Levi Dickey
Theodore White
The Friendship Dinner
Posthumously inducted into the Chino Hall of Fame
Levi Dickey was the Superintendent of Schools
Immediately following the assembly
Theodore White was the father of oiled roads
Rotary Gardens
Their personal achievements and contributions to the growth
Appril Valley Chamber of Commerce of the Chino community is what set them part!
16010 Apple Valley Road

A recent study estimates that the Global Polio Eradication Initia-

INDIA & NIDS tive could prevent more then eight million cases of paralytic polio
and save US $4 billion if the wild poliovirus is eradicated by 2012
32 Rotarians including Jackie Carroll and Gene or shortly thereafter. Published online in the journal Vaccine in
Hernandez went to India to give Polio vaccine in late 2010 study, Economic Analysis of the Global Polio Eradica-
drops to children. tion Initiative” is based on actual and projected immunization
costs and polio incidence from 1988 through 2035. Low-income
Until they are 5, said Jackie, children get two drops countries would amount for about 85% of the savings. The study
a year. The growth characteristic to determine age also estimates that the distribution of vitamin A supplements dur-
in primitive Indian villages where there are no birth ing NID has prevented as many as 5.4 million child deaths and
certificates is asking a child to reach around and saved billions of dollars.
grab his ear. To determine if a child has received
drops is a permanent marker stain on a finger.
Benefits of Polio Eradication Add Up
Will Jackie and Gene go to India in 2012? YES! The Rotarian, page 51

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