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Speaker 1

Like throughout the season and we just transition different ideas and different

Speaker 2


Speaker 3

So some days we are going [inaudible 00:00:08]. 

Speaker 1

Exactly. So, right now we are running a mini art show.  This artist, she came in last
week because she's going to showcase her pieces for a month and then at the end
of, say the spring season, this will be a full art gallery.

Speaker 2

Oh wow.

Speaker 1

Then we’ll showcase about maybe five or six different artists and then it goes back
to apparel for spring and summer season.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1


Speaker 2
All right. I'm sorry. Can you repeat the countries where all the art is from? [crosstalk
00:00:35] You mentioned [Farai’s 00:00:36]- 

Speaker 1

Yeah, so Farai, she's from Zimbabwe. So she works with artists from Zimbabwe,
South Africa, Ghana, and then the Congo.

Speaker 2

Okay. So, is it like this part of the store is that?

Speaker 1

Yeah, a good amount of the woman's section and the jewelry, the handbags, the

Speaker 2

Oh, these are beautiful!

Speaker 1

Yeah, so they’re true artisans, everything is handmade.

Speaker 2

Does she go to these countries and she takes them back?

Speaker 1

Yeah, she goes back home in the summertime. She meets all the designers and then
she'll come back with selective pieces. Or they'll ship it over if she doesn't have time
to meet them.

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