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Ref: LAT1021501 LOGICAL ABILITY TEST Time: 35 min.

Directions for questions 1 to 5: In each question Directions for questions 6 to 10: In each question
below, a statement is given followed by two assumptions below is given a statement followed by two conclusions
numbered  and . An assumption is an idea or opinion numbered  and . You have to consider everything in
that is taken for granted. You are required to assess the the statement to be true and decide which of the given
two assumptions and decide which of the given conclusions logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt
assumptions is/are implicit and mark your answer as: from the information given in the statement. Give your
answer as
(A) If only assumption  is implicit.
(B) If only assumption  is implicit. (A) If only conclusion  follows.
(C) If either  or  is implicit. (B) If only conclusion  follows.
(D) If neither  nor  is implicit. (C) If either  or  follows.
(E) If both the assumptions are implicit. (D) If neither  nor  follows.
(E) If both  and  follow.
1. Statement:
The accidents due to over shooting the runways and
6. Statement:
getting into a wrong runway are increasing day by
The Indian economy will overtake Chinese economy
day. The aviation authority should strengthen the air
by 2018, if it continues to grow at the present rate
traffic control by installing new and advanced equipment.
of eight percent.
. Strengthening the air traffic control, by installing Conclusions:
new and advanced equipments, is the only way . The Chinese economy will grow at a rate less
to avoid such accidents. than eight percent.
. The new and advanced equipment help in . The Chinese economy has grown faster than
reducing such accidents. the Indian economy in the past.
7. Statement:
2. Statement:
Prevention of cruelty to animals is in the concurrent
The staff of Western Railways gave a strike call.
list. The state governments need to take the consent
The Western Railways has decided to suspend
of the central government to take up any reforms
some of the train services during the strike period.
with respect to the prevention of cruelty to animals.
Assumptions: Conclusions:
. Some of the staff would positively respond . Reforms can be done faster if prevention of
to the strike call. cruelty to animals is included in the state list.
. It is not possible to operate all regular services . Tardiness in dealing with cases of cruelty
when its staff is on strike. against animals is because it is in the
3. Statement: concurrent list.
A child said to his mother, “Mother give me a magic
broom and I will fly as Harry Potter did”. 8. Statement:
The Election Commission shall consist of the Chief
Assumptions : Election Commissioner and such number of other
. Magic broom exists. Election Commissioners, if any, as the president
. One can fly with the help of a magic broom. may, from time to time, fix.

4. Statement:
Microsoft is planning to take Windows XP off the . There will always be at least one other Election
market in an effort to effectively promote the Commissioner.
Vista operating system. . The number of other Election Commissioners
change with the change of President.
. Windows XP and Vista cannot exist simultaneously 9. Statement:
in the market. There ought to be a law preventing children below
. Windows XP is an obsolete operating system. 12 years from taking part in athletic events of
marathon proportions.
5. Statement:
I must go to a super market only because I want Conclusions:
to buy both an umbrella and a rain coat. . Children below 12 years should not be allowed
to take part in weightlifting.
Assumptions: . There is no law, at present, to prevent children
. Umbrella is not available in other markets. below 12 years from taking part in athletic
. Rain coat is not available in other markets. events of marathon proportions.
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10. Statement: 12. If there are eight pools, with each pool consisting of
The armed cadre which is spread in 12 states of the an equal number of teams and in the first round,
country, controls a little less than a quarter of the each team played the remaining teams in that pool
country’s 602 districts. exactly once, then altogether 32 countries participated in
the world cup.
. The country has more than 12 states.
13. There will be a pre-tournament forecast for every
. The 12 states together have 602 districts.
world cup.

Directions for questions 11 to 15: Below is given three 14. Playing exceptionally well in the very initial stages of
passages followed by several possible inferences which the tournament will effect the chances of the team
can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. You winning the tournament.
have to examine each inference separately in the
context of the passage and decide upon its degree of 15. All the teams have displayed a spirit of adventure in
truth or falsity. the opening round.

Mark answer (A) if the inference is definitely true, i.e., it Directions for questions 16 to 20 : Select the correct
properly follows from the statement of alternative from the given choices.
the facts given.
16. The ever increasing rate at which rain forests are
Mark answer (B) if the inference is probably true, though being cut is an indication that this resource is in
not definitely true in the light of the danger. The same is not applicable to the marine
facts given. fish. The increase in the number of marine fish
caught indicates that this resource is no longer
Mark answer (C) if the ‘data is inadequate’, i.e., from the endangered.
facts given you cannot say whether the
inference is likely to be true or false. Which of the following can be concluded from the
above information ?
Mark answer (D) if the inference is probably false,
(A) The area covered by rain forests is much less
though not definitely false in the light of
than the area covered by sea and oceans.
the facts given and
(B) The rate at which the marine fish resource
Mark answer (E) if the inference is definitely false i.e., it is replenished is faster than the rate at which
cannot possibly be drawn from the it is caught while it is the other way round in
facts given or it contradicts the given case of rain forests.
facts. (C) The forest resource is more valuable than the
marine fish resource.
The first round of the FIFA world cup final has gone (D) The marine fish resource is renewable while the
according to the script. While all the other major football rain forest is not.
powers have easily made it to the pre-quarter final, it is (E) None of these
France that has underperformed. The fans are not all
17. A trade blockade against any country can be
that happy with France. At the end of the first round of 48
successful only when there is an international
games, the pre-tournament forecasts needed only one
acceptance for such blockade. To impose trade
major correction. The tag of favourites had passed from
blockade against Startia, an island nation, all its
Brazil to Argentina. The Argentina players played ports have to be blocked. But this may lead to
exceptionally well. The niggling question that has been polarisation of international opinions, because some
raised is whether Argentina has peaked too early. In the of the countries which have strategical positions
two opening games, the Brazilian team was hardly of their naval force in the waters around Startia,
livelier than its sleepwalking superstar. The Latin want the ports of Startia to remain open.
American teams are no longer strangers to European
conditions, repeating the 1958 Brazilian team’s feat of Which of the following can be concluded from the
winning in the other continent will prove a challenge. passage ?
(A) Any trade blockade against Startia may not be
This world cup has been different from the previous implemented successfully.
editions: Most teams have displayed a spirit of adventure (B) The countries which have interest in ports
unusual for the opening round. Credit for the change of Startia will not support trade blockade.
must go as much to the lesser forces of the world cup as
(C) Trade blockade against Startia must be announced
to the major powers. No world cup can really be
by the UN.
characterized as a success if it does not throw up new
forces that can challenge the traditional balance of (D) As long as the international opinion is polarised
power. Ghana and Ecuador have been the finds of this the trade blockade against Startia can be
first round. successful.
(E) In the event of trade blockade the balance
11. France failed to make into the pre-quarter final of the of international opinion could be in favour
FIFA world cup. of Startia..
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : LAT1021501/2
18. The salary offered by STM company is about Which of the following can be inferred from the
15% less than that offered by Kynkois. But an above passage?
experience with STM has a greater value in the (A) There were occasions when the government
market than an experience with Kynkois. Most of the has paid for the personal visits of the ministers.
ambitious people prefer joining STM to Kynkois.
(B) Every information sought of under the RTI Act
Which of the following can be concluded from the must be provided within a reasonable time.
above passage? (C) The MEA is not the only ministry that is obliged
(A) The HR policy of Kynkois is better than that of to provide information under the RTI Act.
STM. (D) Any individual or organisation can seek
(B) Those who start their career with STM are likely information under the RTI Act.
to have a better career in future than those who (E) The MEA has the information regarding the
start their career with Kynkois and remain there. places visited and the people met by the
(C) STM provides a wider exposure than Kynkois. minister.
(D) The number of persons who apply to Kynkois is 20. It is high time that we address the problem of
less than that who apply for STM. obesity with more seriousness as the ill effects of
(E) Those who leave Kynkois are offered less obesity is more diverse and more harmful than it
salary than what they were being paid in was thought earlier.
Which of the following can be inferred from the
19. Responding to a query raised under the RTI Act, the above statement ?
Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has clarified that (A) Obesity was not considered a disease earlier.
the government has not paid for the additional days (B) Obesity is the reason for all health related
the External Affairs Minister has stayed in London to problems.
watch Wimbledon match, after conclusion of his (C) An obese person cannot be free from a disease.
official tour. But it declined to provide information (D) Measures to address the problem of obesity has
about the places visited by him and the people he been initiated in the past.
met during his extended stay in London. (E) Obesity leads to many cardiac problems.

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : LAT1021501/3

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