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arc welding
Content General information

General information ............................................... 3 Joint preparation .................................................. 12

The principles of submerged arc welding ............... 4 Joint backing ......................................................... 13
Rules for welding ..................................................... 4 Consumables ......................................................... 14
Parameters . ............................................................. 5 Electrodes .............................................................. 14
Setting welding data ................................................. 5 Flux . ....................................................................... 14
Formulae .................................................................. 7 ESAB fluxes and characteristics .......................... 15
Conversion table ...................................................... 7 Iron powder ........................................................... 16
Submerged arc welding methods . ......................... 8 Weld defects . ......................................................... 19
Single-wire welding . ................................................ 8 Action in the event of weld defects ...................... 21
Twin-wire welding . .................................................. 8 Welding data tables . ............................................. 23
Tandem welding ....................................................... 9 Practical instructions ............................................ 27
Strip cladding ......................................................... 10
Narrow gap welding ............................................... 11
Cold wire addition .................................................. 11
Iron powder ............................................................ 11

Submerged arc welding (SAW) is a two component process using a flux and wire com-
bination where the wire is melted in an arc under the flux that is deposited to the weld
area. It is a process that is used on a variety of different objects, mainly heavy objects
like ships, pressure vessels, the offshore industry, bridges, tanks and heavy duty pipes
to name just a few. Submerged arc welding is carried out mainly in the flat position
for butt and fillet joint configurations. Submerged arc welding is the most productive
welding process where wires both non-and low alloyed and stainless steel types are
utilised. Strip cladding using the submerged arc process is also a very popular way to
deposit a layer of stainless weld metal on to a sheet of carbon steel substrate.

SAW is normally carried out in a workshop. tion depending upon the thickness of the part to
Working outside with any type of welding can be welded. Some certain steels need to be welded
incur problems such as moisture being absorbed using a multi run procedure to assure that impact
into the fluxes used. Although a substantial and other requirements are accomplished.
amount of welding is done outside, especially on   In cases where multi run procedures are uti-
large flat work pieces. lised, costs increase but it is vital that the con-
  SAW is most rational when the least amount struction withstands the forces it is subjected to;
of runs is required per joint and that all require- therefore cost is not a priority.
ments are fulfilled such as impact values.   Welding defects can occur when SAW is used
Welding is otherwise carried out from both sides but on the whole, if all preparations are done in
of the work piece using a specific joint configura- a correct manner the possibilities of defects de-


Principles of submerged arc Rules for welding Parameters

A wire feeder unit, welding power source, a flux Direct current versus alternating current
delivery system and process controller are neces- Both direct current and alternating current are
sary to be able to weld SAW. The consumable used for submerged arc welding, but direct cur-   Weld data settings in the weld. The welding current is proportional to the
is a bare continuous wire that is fed into a flux rent is used more frequently, with the electrode wire feed speed, which also has an effect on the weld
all of which is fed to the welding joint through connected to the plus pole. The following Welding parameters are set according to the dimen- metal deposition rate in kg/h. At a given welding cur-
a contact tube and flux hose. An electric cur- advantages of direct current and the plus pole sions and joint configuration of the work piece. They rent with the electrode on straight polarity (electrode
rent is transferred to the wire through a contact should be noted: must be set so that the desired penetration and required negative) the deposition rate will be somewhat higher
tube and contact jaws made of copper. The flux • Less risk of pores in the weld metal with bead appearance are obtained. From this standpoint but the penetration will be less.
is delivered from a large hopper through a hose direct current the wire dimension, arc voltage, welding current and  
to a nozzle placed before the contact jaw in the • Greater penetration in the joint. This is par- welding speed are carefully selected. The tables at the   Welding speed
direction of travel or through a flux funnel. An ticularly important when welding I-joints end of this compendium are for guidance only but are
electric arc is formed once the wire makes con- • Arc stability is better with direct current than deemed good for basic settings. Travel speed will also affect the penetration depth. If
tact with the work piece. The amperage and arc with alternating current the travel speed is increased at a given current and arc

voltage needed to create an arc are supplied from • Magnetic arc-blow is less apparent when   Arc voltage voltage the penetration will decrease, the bead will ap-
the welding power source either with direct cur- welding with AC current. pear restricted and vice versa if the welding speed is
rent or alternating current. The intense heat from • Direct current with electrode negative pro- The arc voltage is an important parameter for the decreased. If the welding speed is reduced to a much
the arc will melt the flux at the same time the duces less penetration and a higher throat shape and width of the arc and in some aspect, the lower speed at a given current/voltage the opposite
wire melts into the work piece. The flux becomes thickness. Electrode negative is an advantage depth of penetration. effect will happen where the penetration is reduced
molten as well as the wire. Due to its density the when surfacing, increasing the deposition   Too high an arc voltage in a butt joint on a flat plate because energy in the form of heat cannot be trans-
molten flux floats on the molten metal weld pool rate. will result in a wide bead. In an X, V joint or fillet ferred correctly to the work piece due to the fact that
and will solidify. The flux can contain alloying the result will be a concave bead with undercut, which an overly large molten pool has been formed. If the
elements or it can be neutral. The slag that forms reduces the slag detachability. If the arc voltage is too welding speed is to be altered then both welding cur-
from the flux during welding protects the molten low the bead appearance on a butt weld becomes high rent and voltage must be tuned accordingly.
pool from oxygen in the atmosphere and finally and the penetration shallow. In X, V and fillets, the
it will release from the weld bead and discarded. weld becomes convex and resulting in lack of fusion   Electrode diameter
Not all flux is used in a single string and the sur- in the joint and extremely difficult to release slag.
plus that hasn’t fused can be recycled back into For a given current, changing the electrode diameter
the flux hopper using a flux recovery unit. will affect the current density. (Amperage per mm2
of wire cross section) therefore a larger electrode will

Basic principle of SAW 24 28 32 36 40V penetrate less and reduce the risk of burn through in
the root run. At the same time striking the arc becomes
This illustration shows how a change in arc voltage influ-
The slag that forms during welding has a heat ences the shape of the weld. Constant welding current. more difficult and arc stability is also reduced with the
insulating effect and reduces heat losses from Feedrollers likelihood of root failures occurring in a V joint.
the arc. This means that the energy produced d = 4mm 3,25 3,0 2,5 2.0
in the arc is higher than would be in other open   Welding current
arc processes. The level of thermal efficiency is
higher and as a result, faster welding speeds can The welding current has the greatest effect on the
be applied. The thermal efficiency in SAW is re- amount of penetration into the work piece. The choice S = 32A/mm 48 56 82 120
garded at being 60% compared to MMA or hand of current is based on plate thickness and joint ge-
Different electrode diameters at constant current.
welding which is around the 25% mark. Either ometry. The welding current has little or no effect on
alternating or direct current can be used in the the bead width but to high a current will lead to burn
SAW process although direct current is the most through and to low a current will lead to lack of fusion
common form of welding current.

200 300 400 600 800A

Increasing the welding current results in deeper


4 5

  Electrode extension (stick out)   Electrode angle Formulae Conversion table for welding speed
Metres Centimetres English figures English tum
Per hour Per minut Per hour Per minute
Electrode extension is the length of electrode The angle between the electrode and the work Tensile energy (heat input) m/h cm/min ´/h ´/min

from the contact jaw or contact tip to the work piece will determine the amount of penetration 10 17 33 7
U • I • 60
piece. This measurement is an important pa- of the electrode into the joint. Q= •η 20 33 66 13
rameter that affects the pre heating of the 30 50 98 20
electrode tip. Should the electrode extension 40 67 131 26
Q = tensile energy in kJ/mm
be too short, the pre heat will be less and the U = voltage in volts 50 83 164 33
penetration deep. If the electrode extension is I = current in Amperes
60 100 197 39
V = travel speed in mm/min
longer then the resistance in the wire is greater η = efficiency (for submerged arc welding = 0,90) 70 116 230 46
and the electrode heats up more. This implies 80 133 262 52
that penetration is reduced and the deposition Carbon equivalent 90 150 295 59
rate increases. The material must be pre-heated if Ec> 0,40 %
100 167 328 65
120 200 394 79
Mn + Cr+Mo+V + Ni+ Cu
Stick- Ec = Cev = C+ 6 5 15 140 233 459 92
out Släpande
Dragging angle Vertikal
Vertical Stickande
Electrode pushing angle
160 267 525 105
The effect of electrode angle on penetration. 180 300 590 118
Shape factor 200 333 656 131
220 367 722 144
The most suitable electrode angle when welding B
F= 240 400 787 157
with single or twin wires for joining two plates is
260 433 853 170
90 degrees. In welding submerged arc using the
F = width:height ratio 280 467 918 183
tandem process the trailing head, normally on al-
B = width of the weld 300 500 984 197
Electrode stick-out is normally measured as the dis-
ternating current is angled towards the leading D = height/depth of the weld
tance from the contact nozzle to the surface of head so that the electrode meets the trailing edge
the workpiece. F should be at least 1-1.5, as there is otherwise a risk of Conversion factors
of the molten pool. hot cracking. m/h x 1,66 = cm/min
metres x 3,281 = feet
When welding low alloyed steels a normal Electrode angle Trailing Vertical Stick-out Deposition rate meter x 39,37 = inches
An approximation of the deposition rate can be calculated cm/min x 0,6 = m/h
electrode extension is between 22 and 27 mm. Penetration Large Normal Small using the following formulae: fot x 0,305 = metres
When cladding with wire the electrode exten- Narrow inches x 25,4 = mm
Throat Normal Wide (small) Deposition rate (kg/h) = Amp/(50 x Diam0,3) single wire,
sion can be up to 40 mm with certain wires (large)
plus pole
and with straight polarity (electrode negative) Tendency towards
Normal Small Deposition rate (kg/h) = Amp/(40 x Diam0,3) single wire,
undercut alternating current
the deposition rate can be increased at the Temperature conversion
same time as dilution with the parent metal The electrode feed speed (m/min with the plus pole) can
Celcius C = F (F-32) x 5
is reduced. The flux height should be adjusted be calculated more exactly using the following formula:
according to the size of the molten pool. Fahrenheit F = (C x 9) + 32

) AMP + 221,41 5
44,7 x diam1,79
30mm 45mm 60mm 80mm

Penetration is reduced when electrode stick-out


6 7
Submerged arc welding methods Comparison between single and twin wires
Type of Diameter Area Welding Deposition rate
electrode mm mm2 current A max kg/h
3,0 7,06 650 8,0

Single wire welding 1. Two separate welding power sources, one direct Single electrode 4,0 12,56 850 11,5
current and one alternating current. 5,0 19,62 1100 14,5
Electrode diameters ranging from 1.2 to 6.0 mm 2. Two separate process controllers 2,0 6,28 1000 14,0
Double electrode
can be used with current ranges from 120 am- 3. Two separate wire feeding systems 2,5 9,81 1200 17,0
peres for small diameters up to 1 500 amperes for
the larger diameter wires. The leading electrode is carrying direct current
  To enable higher production the single wire and the trailing electrode is carrying alternating
method can be easily modified into a twin wire current. The trailing welding head is angled to-
or tandem system. Both solid wires and metal or wards the leading head so that the electrode enters
flux cored wires can be used with submerged arc the trailing edge of the molten pool. Even tandem
welding. systems can be equipped with twin wire configu-
rations. This enables a maximum of 4 wires to be
fed into the joint to be welded. Deposition rates
  Twin-wire welding
with these systems reach up to 30 kg per hour.
Instead of welding with one single 3 mm Ø wire When welding a butt joint, electrode diameters
the feed mechanism of the wire feeder can be mod- can vary between 2 x 2, 2 x 2.4 and 2 x 3 mm. Tandem twin 4 electr. – 2 welding heads
ified enabling welding with two wires each having The distance between the twin wires is 8 mm. Di-
a diameter of 2.4 mm. The wires protrude 8 mm rect current is the preferred type welding current,
from each other from the contact jaws and can be which gives the best arc stability.
inline or traversing the joint to be welded. Advan-   Straight polarity or electrode negative, as it is
tages are increased deposition and deeper penetra- also known as, is used in hard facing applications.
tion. One power source is used and the welding Penetration is less and deposition is higher.
current is travels through both wires. The electrode
 Electrode positioning,
polarity is positive. This type of modification is
simple and economically viable. advantages and disadvantages

• Twin wire welding makes possible the position-

ing of the electrodes between transverse to paral-
lel to the joint. This is made possible by rotating
the contact tube between zero and 90 degrees.
• Having the electrodes parallel to the joint
improves penetration and reduces the risk of un-
dercut and porosity. As the molten pool is longer
in this case gases within the pool have more time Tandem + tandem, twin
to escape.
• When the electrodes are transverse to the weld-
ing joint penetration decreases. Joints having
large angles can be filled much quicker once the
root runs are concluded. The root runs can be
  Tandem welding done with the electrodes parallel and the fill runs
and capping can be done using the wires trans-
The ultimate in reaching high deposition rates is to verse to the joint.
use the tandem submerged arc method. • Electrodes can also be placed diagonally across
  This system is really two separate systems the joint too in cases where smaller joint angles
working together as one unit. The required com- are used.
ponents are:

8 9

  Strip cladding   Narrow gap welding   Synergic cold wire systems

The equipment used for submerged arc welding motors that allow for slow feeding. The advantage The ESAB Narrow Gap submerged arc welding In addition, a cold wire attachment can be added
with different variants of wire can also be convert- of strip cladding is the low level of dilution ob- method is designed to work on pressure vessels to the current bearing welding head. The idea is to
ed for strip cladding. Instead of wires a strip to- tained between the weld and parent metals. Weld- having a wall thickness up to 350 mm. The joint be able to feed a non current bearing electrode into
gether with special fluxes is used as the electrode. ing currents can range from 600 to 1500 amperes. width is approximately 18 mm at the top and the the molten pool thus significantly augmenting dep-
  Strip dimensions are usually 30, 60 or 100 mm Strip cladding is used to surface thick walled joint angle no more that 3 degrees. If convention- osition rates. The cold wire is fed into the molten
wide and 0.5 mm thick. Strip cladding is a slow vessels with a liner of stainless steel. This makes al joints were to be used having this thickness it pool simultaneously as the current bearing wire.
process. The strip feed speed is very slow so feed- possible vessels to be built in carbon manganese would take a very long time to fill. Costs for la- The same feed motor is used together with a gear
ers must have the appropriate gear ratios and drive steels bring down the cost substantially. bour, consumables, manpower and energy would box with two axles. One will feed the hot wire and
soar. This is where narrow gap welding has its ad- the other will feed the cold wire. The most success-
vantages. It makes welding thick walled vessels so ful ratio of wire diameters is where the cold wire is
900 A 700 A 750 A 750 A
= ~ ~ ~ much easier and above all more economic. one or two dimensions smaller than the hot wire.
1150 A 20 mm   After the root run has been deposited, narrow
90 mm + 50 mm gap welding is then carried out by alternating the   Iron powder
weld bead from the left side to the right side of
the joint after each revolution of the vessel. NGW Another way of increasing deposition rates is to
can naturally be carried out on circumferential and add iron powder. Special iron powder dispensers
20 16 longitudinal narrow joints. Because the weld bead are available that feed out iron powder into the
is deposited on the alternately on each side the slag molten pool. When using DC current, the wire be-
detachability does not become a problem because comes magnetic and the iron powder sticks to it and
the beads are narrower that the joint itself. Using is feed into the molten pool.
highly basic welding fluxes ensures that the weld
800 A 750 A is tough. In all, the following points
600 A ~ ~
800 A
~ 850 A
~ 15 mm are the advantages with NGW.
~ 15 mm
20 mm
• Reduced arc time
• Less consumables
• Reduces stresses in the weld
• Narrower heat affected zone HAZ
16 20 • Low heat input
• High quality
• Economic
1000 A
800 A ~
= 950 A
_ ~
900 A 100 mm
1100 A ~
= 1200 A
+ 110 mm 100 mm
•••• •
•• •••••• •• • 25 mm
• ••• •• • ••
••• ••• ••• • •
• • • •
• • •• • • •
• •••• •• •••••• • •
• • •
•••••••••••••••• •••
••••••• ••• ••••
••••• ••


Placing electrode, arc voltage and welding current Deposition rates for
different SAW methods.

10 11

Joint preparation   Joint backing   Backing strip

The advantage of using backing is to ensure that Backing strip takes the form of a flat metal bar
correct penetration is secured and that an accept- or a profile, normally of the same grade as the
To take full advantage of the economic benefits Measurement errors during joint preparation able appearance of the root run is acquired. workpiece, which is tack-welded under the joint
of automatic welding, joint preparation must be cause defective welds thus making automatic and is allowed to remain a part of the structure.
performed with the greatest accuracy. The edges welding more difficult to achieve. The result of a
  Backing bar
of the plate must be machined or cut with narrow poor fit up in the joint is burnt through or lack of   Backing
tolerances to obtain optimal penetration. The root penetration, i.e. root defects. Defining the backing bar can be expressed as
face of a V-joint or double Y-joint must be suf- Submerged arc welding demands a more elab- a support for the root run when the root gap is An easily applied backing in the form of ceram-
ficient to achieve the desired root run and avoid orate joint preparation compared to welding with wide. A backing bar is common in most static ics designed for use with welding objects that
perforation. The edges of the metal must be abso- manual metal arc coated electrodes. Nothing can longitudinal welding stations. Other types of cannot be turned, such as ship’s decks, fixed struc-
lutely clean – in other words, free from moisture, be gained if optimal joint preparation for sub- backing are ceramics or fibreglass tapes used si- tures and so on. The use of backing bars saves air
grease, oil, paint, mill scale and rust to avoid po- merged arc welding is not performed. multaneously with a copper backing bar. gouging and subsequent welding.
rosity and cracking. If plasma cutting is used, the
joint edges must be cleaned by grinding.

I joint

V joint

Double Y joint

I joint

12 13
Flux type Advantages Disadvantages
Consumables Alloying elements like Cr and Ni cannot
Fused be included via the flux
High grain strength High volume weight (approx. 1.6 kg/l)
Alloying elements cannot normally be
In submerged arc welding, the consumables are   Fluxes for SAW Relatively high hygroscopicity
included via the flux
made up of two components, an electrode and Relatively low volume weight (ca 1,3 kg/l) Relatively low grain strength
flux. More recently, a third component, iron Different steels demand different wire and flux Alloying elements like Cr and Ni can be
powder, has been used on an increasing scale. Hygroscopic
combinations. Therefore a multitude of different Agglomerated included via the flux

fluxes exist. Some fluxes are designed to accom- Low volume weight (approx. 0.8 kg/l) Relatively low grain strength
  Electrodes for SAW modate good mechanical properties and others
to provide less stringent weld qualities. As men-
Most carbon steel electrodes are coated with a   ESAB fluxes and characteristic properties
tioned before there are fluxes with alloying prop-
few micrometers of copper. The copper coating erties and neutral fluxes that provide protection
does several things. It creates an optimal current to the molten pool from atmospheric oxygen and From a chemical point of view, fluxes are nor- OK Flux 10.81 is an acid agglomerated alloying
transfer between the welding head and the elec- other impurities. Therefore welding consumable mally divided into the following groups: flux adding both Mn and Si to the weld metal. It is
trode itself and partially protects the wire from manufacturers produce fluxes depending upon • Acid and neutral fluxes (with basicity designed to weld at higher speed on thinner plates
rusting. One must keep in mind though that this the type of steel to be welded. B = < 1.2) using moderate amperage settings. The basicity
coating does not inhibit rusting of the wire and Combinations of fluxes and wires are com- • Basic fluxes (B = 1.2-2.0) index for OK Flux 10.81 is 0.6. High basic fluxes
the wire must be stored according to the manu- mon in acquiring special properties needed for • High-basic fluxes (B = > 2.0) produce purer and stronger weld metal.
facturers instructions. the steel type in question to be welded. Combi- • Special fluxes   All agglomerated fluxes are hygroscopic. This
Several different types of electrode are avail- nations can take three different configurations, means that they absorb moisture and they must be
able on the market, solid wire, tubular types and namely all alloying elements can be added to Special fluxes are not defined chemically; they stored in a dry place and dried before use. After use
strips. All of these types of wires are used for the weld metal through the wire, the flux or both are defined by application for example for weld- and at the end of the day they must be stored in a
joining and surfacing. Tubular wires are from a wire and flux. ing of stainless steel and hard facing. heated container to keep it dry.
development point of view much easier to attain Fluxes come in three different forms, agglom-
optimal alloying elements. This means that neu- erated, fused and sintered. Fused fluxes are ho-   A. Acid and neutral fluxes   B. Basic fluxes
tral fluxes can be used instead of alloying fluxes. mogeneous where the components of the flux are
fused to form a glass like mass which is crushed, Some fluxes in this group are neutral and others al- Fluxes within the basicity range of 1.2 to 2.0 are
ground and finally sieved to obtain a suitable loying types. In other words the neutral fluxes do generally characterized by:
grain size. not add any alloying elements to the weld metal • Excellent welding characteristics
Agglomerated fluxes can absorb moisture (hy- where the alloying types do e.g. Mn, Cr, Si, Mo to • Excellent mechanical properties
groscopic). They are made in a completely dif- name a few. (grade III approvals with impact strength re-
ferent manner than fused fluxes. The components   ESAB has several fluxes available in this group quirements down to -20 degrees Celsius
in agglomerated fluxes are bonded together with two of them being OK Flux 10.80 which is a neu- • They can be both alloying and non alloying
potassium or sodium silicate and rotating the tral flux and OK Flux 10.81 which adds silicon and • Designed to be used with low alloyed elec-
compound in a cone shape or drum and finally manganese to the weld metal. trodes.
dried in a rotating tubular kiln at temperatures   OK Flux 10.80 is specifically developed to be
between 800 and 900 °C. When dry the granules used with high current and slow welding speeds
are sieved to the required grain size. Sintered where is possible to weld butt joints in plate thick-
fluxes are form baked and dried into discs that ness up to 30 mm. The basicity index for this flux
are later crushed to the required grain size. is 1.1.
Fused fluxes are non hygroscopic meaning
that they do not absorb dampness from the at-
mosphere and are ideal for welding outdoors and
in environments having high relative humidity.
Agglomerated fluxes are hygroscopic and do
absorb moisture. These fluxes must be handled
in a manner where moisture is kept from them
by storing in a special flux drier. Agglomerated
fluxes should always be dried before use.

14 15
Within this group, ESAB has two fluxes available, characteristics that tandem welding with the elec- Single-run welding with the separate addition of
  Choice of consumable
OK Flux 10.70 and OK Flux 10.71. trode connected to direct current is possible. iron powder calls for backing or root runs in or-
OK Flux 10.70 has a basicity of approximately The slag removal, run formation, aversion to der to prevent the iron powder sipping through the In fabrication welding, it is most important to
1.7 and can be described chemically as being of porosity and current resistance of this flux can be joint. choose a consumable that produces a weld met-
the aluminate-basic type. This flux is of the alloy- regarded as being among the most optimum for Iron powder is normally fed from hopper with al that matches the analyis of the parent metal.
ing type and is characterised among other things fluxes of this type. a dispenser unit attached to it. The dispenser sup- Needless to say, it is not always possible to expect
by the fact that its basicity has been chosen to en- OK Flux 10.62 has a higher basicity than OK plies the desired amount of iron powder through complete analysis similarity. It also needs to be
able welding to be performed with both direct and Flux 10.61 and better welding characteristics with tubes to the welding wire. When welding with DC generally balanced to enable it to be used for com-
alternating current. direct and alternating current. current the wire is magnetic and the iron powder paratively large groups of similar steels. In spite
It is also characterised by good slag detach- is attracted to the wire and is fed into the joint with of this, the main principle is that consumables

ability, run formation, pore resistance and current   D. Special fluxes the wire. should produce a weld metal which, in terms of
resistance. As a result of these characteristics, this Iron powder is normally alloyed with manga- mechanical strength, is at least equivalent to the
flux can be used for welding vertical and horizon- As the introduction stated, these fluxes are gener- nese (approx. 1.8%), but nickel-alloyed powders rest of the material. Over the years, in-depth ex-
tal fillet welds using both single- and multi-elec- ally only defined according to their applications. are also available. perience of the characteristics of dissimilar weld
trode systems and for normal butt welding. As a ESAB sells the following fluxes. OK Grain 21.85 is made up of low-alloy iron metals has been acquired by both manufacturers
result of its good storage characteristics, this flux OK Flux 10.92 is intended for welding stainless granules measuring 0.5-0.7 mm. If it is added to and users of consumables. It is always a good
is designed eventually to replace OK Flux 10.80. steel and is alloyed with Cr to compensate for Cr the weld joint, it helps to facilitate welding in idea to conduct tests in advance to ensure that the
OK Flux 10.71 has a basicity of approximately burn-off during welding. It is neutral and has a ba- thick plate or in situations where large throats in selected consumable in the steel in question will
1.6 and can be described chemically as being of sicity of around 0.8. The reason for this is because horizontal fillet joints are needed, as the joint can produce a weld joint with the desired properties.
the aluminate-basic type. This flux separates itself it is designed for surfacing with stainless strips be filled with a smaller number of runs. Penetra- Weld defects can occur in connection with any
from OK Flux 10.70, by compensating or weakly and therefore the welding characteristics need to tion is reduced, reducing the risk of burnthrough kind of automated welding. They are basically
alloying in terms of its alloying elements and it be optimal. at gap openings or root faces that are too small. In the same as those occuring during handwelding.
should therefore be welded in combination with OK Flux 10.92 is most suitable for welding some cases, the reduced penetration of the parent
alloying electrodes. with austenitic strip electrodes as well as 308L, metal is an advantage.
The general welding characteristics of this flux 367, 316C and 318 wires.
are identical to those of OK 10.70. But the actual OK Flux 10.96 is of the alloying type and is
difference is for metallurgical reasons, is more designed for hardfacing. With an unalloyed elec-
suitable for multilayer welding in thicker material, trode (OK Autrod 12.10), it produces a hardness
such as fine-grain-treated steel. of approximately 36 HRC.
OK Flux 10.16 is designed for surfacing with

  C. High-basic fluxes Inconel strips and is also used for joint welding
with duplex electrodes and solid wire. To our
This group, which has a basicity between 2.0-3.5, knowledge, nothing corresponding to this flux is
is generally characterised by: currently available on the market.
• Moderately good welding characteristics (can

normally only be welded on DC+)   Iron powder
• Excellent mechanical properties (this flux type
is used for welding LPG material with impact To increase productivity when welding materi-
strength requirements down to –55°C) als of a thickness more than 20 mm or more, iron
• These fluxes are neutral – in other words, they powder or cold wire is added to the filling runs.
are designed to be welded using alloying elec- With the same heat input, the addition of iron
trodes (OK Autrod 12.34) powder produces a narrower HAZ than conven-
tional SAW, which is an advantage when it comes
Within this group, ESAB supplies OK Flux 10.61 to the strength of the welded structure. The heat
and OK Flux 10.62. input is reduced in relation to the amount of iron
OK Flux 10.61 has a basicity of approximately powder added.
2.8 and can be described chemically as being of Productivity can be improved by almost 50%.
the calcium-basic type. This flux is compensating This means that the labour cost of welding is re-
or produces a slight burn-off in terms of alloying duced accordingly, the throughput time of the Flux consumption Ψ
elements. OK Flux 10.62 has such good welding welded object in the workshop is shorter. (flux consumption per weight unit of molten electrode)

16 17
The following table lists the most important
types of OK fluxes and electrodes for SAW, their Weld defects
combinations and the materials with which they
are used.
Welding defects cannot be ruled out when us- are caused by segregation which occurs when
Applications for different fluxes and electrode types ing automated welding. The defects that occur the molten pool solidifies. Carbon and sulphur
Flux Elektrode typ Application resemble those that are found in manual metal then concentrate in the centre of the bead and at
OK Flux 10.70 OK Autrod 12.10 arc welding. Defects that occur on the surface are high temperature the strength of the material is
OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.20
General structural steel, pressure vessels, steel with increased easily detected but defects like slag inclusions, considerably reduced. However, the cause of hot
strength (max. approx. 600 N/mm2 class)
OK Flux 10.80 lack of fusion and sub surface porosity can only cracks in automatic welding is the formation of
OK Flux 10.81 be detected through radiographic and ultra sonic a pipe, combined with the segregation of carbon
OK Flux 10.61 OK Autrod 12.20 Low-alloy steel Domex, testing of the welded object. To maintain defect and sulphur. Pipes occur in a weld bead in com-
OK Flux 10.62 OK Autrod 12.24 Ox etc free welds the welding procedure specifications bination with segregation of carbon and sulphur.
OK Flux 10.71 OK Autrod 12.34
(WPS) must be adhered to under all circumstanc- Pipes also occur when the bead form factor or
OK Flux 10.91 OK Autrod 16.10 18/8-steel
es. Weld defects can be summarised as follows: ratio between the width of the bead and the pene-
OK Flux 10.92 OK Autrod 16.30 18/8-Mo-steel
• Root defects tration depth are not acceptable. In this situation,
• Hot cracking it is in fact a case of shrinkage and not cracking.
OK Band Surfacing
• Pipes Hot cracking can be eliminated by forcing the
OK Flux 10.96 OK Autrod 12.10 Surfacing HRC 32/40
• Surface porosity molten pool to cool from the bottom to the sur-
OK Autrod 12.40 Surfacing HRC ca 46
• Sub surface porosity face, so that the primary crystals are forced to
OK Flux 10.71 OK Tubrod 15.40 Surfacing HRC 27/34
• Slag inclusions grow upwards at an angle towards the surface of
OK Tubrod 15.42 Surfacing HRC 35/44
• Undercut the run – in other words, by welding against a
OK Tubrod 15.52 Surfacing HRC 55/60
• Lack of fusion cooling base.
Surfacing HRC 45/65
OK Flux 10.61 OK Tubrod 15.74
Cr=11,5-14,5 % When welding heavier gauge metals, hot
OK Flux 10.16 Inconel cracking occurs if the cooling rate is too fast.
OK Flux 10.69 Backing powder for Cu bar
  Root defects Pre-heating can be utilised to combat this.

The effect of flux type on different welding characteristics and welding quality A root defect is quite simply incomplete penetra-
  Surface porosity
OK Flux OK Flux OK Flux OK Flux OK Flux OK Flux tion of a joint cross-section. They appear on X-
10.40 10.80 10.81 10.70/10.71 10.61 10.62 rays as clear, straight lines. In automatic weld- Surface porosity occurs due to the fact that there
Current resistance XXX XXX XX XX X X ing, penetration in the joint is an important factor could be impurities in the flux, rusty electrodes,
Alternating current and in cases where root defects occur, penetration
X (X) XX oil, paint or grease in the joint and hydrogen due
is described as incomplete. to moisture in the flux. The gases that form po-
Fillet weld properties XXX XX XX XX XX XX
If the welding is performed from two sides rosity have not been able to exit the molten pool
Gap bridging ability X XX XXX XX X X
and the root runs do not converge, an explana- and become entrapped when the molten metal is
Slag removal X XX XXX XX XX XX
tion could be that the root face of the joint is too in the solidification phase. Pores that escape the
Welding speed X XXX XXX XX XX XX
thick, the joint angle is too small or both. Other molten pool become trapped beneath solidified
Run appearance XX XX XXX XX X X
explanations could be that the current was too slag and become so called surface pores. They
Crack resistance XXX XXX XXX XX X XXX
low, the travel speed was too high, or the weld migrate to the centre of the weld bead and ap-
Spricksäkerhet X X X XX XXX XXX
runs were not performed symmetrically. pear as a string of pin holes along the solidified
Mechanical properties X X X XX (X) XXX XXX
The current is the welding variable that has the weld metal. Surface porosity can be eliminated
x = normal, xx = good, xxx = very good greatest impact on penetration depth. by decreasing the welding travel speed making
sure that the joint is clean and preheating thicker
  Hot cracking, pipes work pieces.
Other defects that occur on the sur-
Hot cracks generally occur in the centre of a face of the weld are pockmarks or indenta-
welded bead and they then run in a straight line in tions and wormholes where gases have not
the longitudinal direction of the weld head. Hot been able to escape through the slag before
cracks can occur in butt welds and fillet welds. it solidifies.
Hot cracks occur at approximately 1200°C and

18 19

  Pores   Other defects Action in the event of weld defects
Sub-surface porosity is not visible from the sur- If the welding current is too high in relation to
face. These pores are formed by gas pockets held the diameter of the wire, uneven beads will be
Undercut Difficulty removing the slag in butt joints
in the solidifying weld metal. There are two main the result as the arc will break through the flux
• Reduce arc voltage and I-joints
types of sub-surface porosity. One type occurs covering the slag and cause uneven ripples in the
• Reduce welding speed • Change electrode dimension
when the two root beads do not meet in an appro- bead appearance.
• Increase electrode diameter • Increase arc voltage in I-joints
priate manner. Rest slag from previous runs can
• Reduce welding speed
cause porosity and release gases if not properly Wire feed speed controls the amperage. High
Cracks in fillet joints • Remove rolling mill scale, corrosion and
removed before welding. current means high wire feed speed. For a given
• Reduce arc voltage contaminants
diameter of wire a certain arc voltage is neces-
• Reduce welding speed • Check to see if joint geometry is sufficient
  Slag inclusions sary. If the arc voltage is insufficient in compari-
• Increase electrode diameter
son to the amperage an unstable arc will be the
• Pre-heat Slag trapped in deep or narrow joints
Slag inclusions can occur in submerged arc result.
• Change to another electrode, perhaps a • Reduce arc voltage
welding but are rare in single passes. Mainly in
different flux • Reduce current and voltage
multi-run joints slag inclusions will occur. Slag
• Reduce the effect of flux bed height
removal is an important factor that must not be
Cracks in butt-joints
• Reduce welding speed Root porosity

• Check the fixation and gap opening of the • Change electrode, twin-arc
plates • Reduce welding current
• Make sure no copper is being extracted from • Change the electrode to positive polarity
Undercut is due to high arc voltage in compari-
the root support • Use gas flames in front of the arc
son to wire feed speed. Undercut is when there
• Clean the joint very carefully
are small grooves adjacent to the weld bead.
Poor penetration • Reduce welding speed
Undercut should always be eliminated either by
• Increase welding current
reducing the arc voltage to the required level or
• Change the electrode to positive polarity Organic porosity
by decreasing the travel speed.
• Check stick-out length • Change electrode
• Increase joint angle • Change the electrode to positive polarity
• Reduce welding speed
Transverse cracks in multi-run welding • Remove all grease from the joint very carefully
• Increase inter-pass temperature
• Reduce welding speed Porosity caused by magnetic arc blow
• Reduce arc voltage • Change electrode
• Reduce current and voltage • Change the electrode to positive polarity
• Change consumable • Reduce arc voltage and welding speed
• Reduce current and voltage
Cracks in root runs • Make sure the earth lead is in the right place
• Reduce current and voltage • Use alternating welding current
• Do not use an electrode dimension that is too
small, in comparis on to the rootface
• Pre-heat
• Make sure that back gouging is not too nar-
row and deep

20 21
Finding and rectifying mechanical and electrical defects Welding data tables
Symptom Defect Action
The contact jaws are worn or the wrong
Varying, unstable values on the volt- size, which results in poor contact. Too
meter and ammeter little pressure on the pressure and feed
Fit new contact jaws.
  Welding data, butt joints
Turn the rheostat repeatedly in both
Difficult to adjust arc voltage and
welding current.
Oxidised rheostat. directions. This removes oxide from Applies for direct current (plus pole). If alternat- Flux 10.71, OK Flux 10.80 and OK Flux 10.81.
the contact surfaces. With OK Flux 10.40, the arc voltage should be
ing current is being used, the arc voltage should
The clamping screw in the clamping be about two volts higher. Typical welding data for slightly higher, about two volts.
Abnormally fast wear and run-out in sleeve has lost its clamping effect. This
the contact jaws for bare or covered results in poor contact pressure and the Fit a new clamping screw. the SAW of C-Mn steel using OK Flux 10.70, OK
electrodes. formation of sparks between the elec-
trode and contact jaws. Butt joint welded from both sides
There is play in the welding wire as it The contact jaws are worn or have the Fit new contact jaws of adjust the ex- Plate Elektrode Welding Welding speed
Weld run no Arc voltage V
passes through the contact jaws. wrong dimensions. isting ones. thickness mm diameter mm current A cm/min
Burned or internally verdigris-cov- Poor electrical contact between the con- Clean the contact jaws. If they are 6 3-4 1 30-32 350-400 50-70
ered contact jaws. tact jaws. badly burned, fit new ones.
2 31-33 400-450 50-70
The pressure on the feed roller is too high Adjust to normal pressure. Check the
8 3-4 1 30-32 450-500 60-70
Uneven, irregular electrode feed. or too low. Wrong roller dimension or roller dimension or change the roller if
worn electrode groove in the feed roller. necessary. 2 30-33 500-550 50-60
When welding with an electrode 10 4 1 30-32 450-500 60-70
Tighten the adjustable washer on the
with a smalldiameter electrode, the The brake hub in the wire drum has not
brake hub so that sufficient braking 2 31-33 550-600 60
electrode wanders and becomes been tightened sufficiently..
effect is obtained.
twisted. 12 4-4 1 32-35 600-650 60
Oxidised or loose connections. The Clean and tighten the connections. If 2 33-35 700-750 60-65
Overheating of the welding current
welding cables have the wrong dimen- the welding current requires it, change
cables. 14 4-4 1 33-35 650-700 50-60
sions for the welding current. to two cables
2 33-35 750-800 40-50

Weld metal strength, typical values for all-weld-metal samples

OK Flux 10.40/ Tensile yield limit Ultimate tensile Impact strength Charpy V
OK Autrod N/mm2 strength N/mm2 J °C
12.10 370 470 60 -20
12.20 410 510 50 -20

OK Flux 10.40/
OK Autrod
12.10 2TM 2TM IITM A2M 2TM 2TM
2T, 3M 2T, 3M IIT A2T 2T

  Welding data, butt joints

Typical welding data for SAW of low-alloy steel

with OK Flux 10.61 and 10.62.
Butt joint welded from both sides with a gap opening
Plate Elektrode Welding Welding speed
Weld run no Arc voltage V
thickness mm diameter mm current A cm/min
6 3 1 29 300-350 60-67
2 30-31 375-425 60-67
8 3 1 30-31 450 60-67
2 31-32 500 65-67
10 4 1 30-31 500 60-67
2 30-32 575-600 60-67
12 4 1 30-32 600 60
2 30-32 600 60

22 23

Weld metal strength, typical values for all-weld-metal samples   Welding data, fillet welds
OK Flux 10.40/ Tensile yield limit Ultimate tensile Impact strength Charpy V
OK Autrod N/mm2 strength N/mm2 J °C
Reference values for SAW fillet joints in unal-
12.22 420 510 100/50 -40/-60
loyed and low alloyed structural welding steel
12.24 520 600 50/- -40-
OK Flux 10.70 and OK Flux 10.81.
12.32 470 570 100/70 -40/-60
12.34 580 660 100/60 -40/-60
One welding head
13.10 430 560 200 +20
Plate Elektrode Welding Welding speed
13.20 450 590 100 +20 Weld run no Arc voltage V
thickness mm diameter mm current A cm/min
13.21 470 560 120/60 -40/-60 6 3 3 26-28 450 75
13.27 500 570 120/80 -40/-60 8 4 4 28-30 575 70
13.40 630 700 60/40 -40/-60 10 4 5 28-30 650 60
13.43 710 800 70/50 -40/-60
One welding head, positional welding, horizontal fillet
Plate Elektrode Weld run Welding Welding speed
Arc voltage V
thickness mm diameter mm no current A cm/min
 Welding data, butt joints,
8 4-5 4 26-28 450 83
V-joints, X-joints
12 5 6 32-34 850 60
15 5-6 7 33-35 850-875 42-45
Typical welding data for the SAW of C-Mn steel
using OK Flux 10.40, OK Flux 10.70, OK Flux Double wire (twin-arc)
10.71, OK Flux 10.80 and OK Flux 10.81. Plate Elektrode Weld run Welding Welding speed
Arc voltage V
thickness mm diameter mm no current A cm/min
V-joint 60° with a root face of 8 mm – 2x2,5 4 26-28 800 110
Plate Elektrode Welding Welding speed – 2x2,5 5 26-28 800 75
Weld run no Arc voltage V
thickness mm diameter mm current A cm/min
16 5-6 NA 32-34 700-750 40-45 Two welding heads +~
NA 33-36 650-750 40-45 Plate Elektrode Weld run Welding Welding speed
Arc voltage V
thickness mm diameter mm no current A cm/min
18 5-6 NA 32-34 800-850 37-40
– 4 4 +29 550 125
NA 36 850 45
~34 630
20 5-6 NA 32-34 925 30
– 4 5 +29 550 120
NA 34-36 850 42-46
~34 630
X-joint 70° with a root face of 6-8 mm
Plate Elektrode Welding Welding speed
thickness mm diameter mm
Weld run no Arc voltage V
current A cm/min

  Welding data for stainless steel
18 5-6 NA 3-34 700-750 60-67
NA 34-36 800-850 60-67 Typical welding data for SAW in stainless “18/8”
20 5-6 NA 34-36 750-800 60-67 steel. Joint types and reference values. Consuma-
NA 34-36 800-850 65-67 bles OK Autrod 16.10, OK Flux 10.91 and OK
25 5-6 NA 34-36 750-850 60-67 Flux 10.92.
NA 34-36 900-950 60-67
30 5-6 NA 32-36 900 60 I-joints
NA 34-36 1000 60 Plate Elektrode Weld run Welding Welding speed
Arc voltage V
N.B. 30 mm should be welded with two runs from either thickness mm diameter mm no current A cm/min
side to take account of impact strength etc. Welding pa- 6 3 1 30-32 350 60-70
rameters other than those given in the table then apply.
2 32 400-450 60-70
8 4 1 32-33 400-450 60-70
2 34 550 60

24 25
V-joint 60° with a handwelded bottom run, gap 0-2 mm, root face 2 mm Practical instructions
Plate Elektrode Weld run Welding Welding speed
Arc voltage V
thickness mm diameter mm no current A cm/min
10 3-4 1
• Check that the feed rollers, contact jaws and • The air pressure that is used to recycle flux
contact tips have the correct dimensions. should not be higher than necessary. If the air
12 3-4 1
• Make sure that the wire is correctly straight- pressure is too high, the flux will become pulver-
ened to avoid abnormal wear and tear on the con- ised.
20 4 1
tact jaws and tips. Worn contact jaws result in • The contact jaws and nozzles must be regarded
an unstable welding process and unstable instru- as wear parts.
ment readings. If the grooves in the feed roller • When welding cylindrical objects with a small
X-joint 70° with a root face of 4-5 mm
are worn, wire feed will be uneven. diameter, a flux support should be used. This
• In joint welding with direct current, the elec- produces improved control of the flux bed and
Plate Elektrode Weld run Welding Welding speed
Arc voltage V trode should be connected to the plus pole. reduces the unwanted loss of flux around the
thickness mm diameter mm no current A cm/min
12 4 1 32-34 500 60 • The distance between the workpiece and the wire.
2 32-34 600 60 contact jaws should be kept between 25 and • The same care should be given automatic
14 4 1 32-34 550 50 35 mm. welding equipment as is given to the other costly
2 32-34 600 50
• To ensure good arc striking at the start of weld- equipment.
ing, the electrode should be cut at an angle, re- • To obtain the best welding results, mill scale
X-joint 60° with a handwelded bottom run, gap 0-2 mm, root face 2 mm ducing electrical resistance in the wire for trou- and the like should always be removed from the
Plate Elektrode Weld run Welding Welding speed ble free start. area to be welded.
Arc voltage V
thickness mm diameter mm no current A cm/min • The return leads must have good contact with
25 4 1 28-30 550-600 60 the workpiece.
2 32-34 550-600 50 • All the cables should be organised in such a way
3-4 32-34 550-600 50 that they do not disrupt the welding process.
5 28-30 550-600 50
6 30-32 550-600 50
7-8 32-34 550-600 50-60

26 27
Notes Notes

28 29
Notes Notes

30 31

• General information • Cold wire addition

• The principles of submerged arc welding • Iron powder
• Rules for welding • Joint preparation
• Parameters • Joint backing
• Setting welding data • Consumables
• Formulae • Electrodes
• Conversion table • Flux
• Submerged arc welding methods • ESAB fluxes and characteristics
• Single-wire welding • Iron powder
• Twin-wire welding • Weld defects
• Tandem welding • Action in the event of weld defects
• Strip cladding • Welding data tables
• Narrow gap welding • Practical instructions

XA 00140420

Box 8004, SE-402 77 Göteborg, Sweden
Phone: +46 31 50 90 00. Fax: +46 31 31 50 93 90

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