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Go over the different Japanese expressions discussed during the live discussion. Then, with one
of your classmates, fill-in the blanks in the following conversation. Submit your written output as
Practice 1 on the Assignment Board.
Instruction: First, supply the English version with appropriate details.
Then, replace the Niponggo version the same details

( Good afternoon.) konichiwa.

( My Name is ______________). Watashi no namae wa chawaguretidesu.
( I am fifty -______ years old) Watashi wa go-juuni sai desu.
( I am a________) Watashi wa Firipinjin desu.
( I am from__________). Bagio-shi no shusshindesu
I live at___________,__________.Watashi wa hachi-juu-san no Kirinohiro
Bagio-shi ni sunde imasu.
( I work as_____________________. )
Korudijera daigaku de nipongo no hijōkin kōshi o shite imasu.
( I am pleased to meet you.) Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

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