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According to the article, what are the reasons why people tend to become spiritual but not
religious? Do you agree? Explain your answer. Limit your answers to 8-10 sentences. (15

Some people are leaned to become spiritual but not religious since religion has its
restrictions and is stricter in general. I can see why some people would prefer being spiritual but
not religious because they prefer their quest to seek something beyond ourselves untethered to
the teachings of a religion. Being spiritual is more lenient than it is to be religious. However, as a
Roman Catholic myself, I believe that being religious is not as bad as they see it. Sure it has its
particular restrictions and more responsibilities to bear, but these things are what take us
religious people a step closer to our goal. Religion challenges us and these hardships give us the
chance to reinforce our confidence, rekindle our dedication to our goals, and reconsider what
we're prepared to give up in order to get them. Religion played a critical role for my character
development and it shaped me into the person I am today. It provides me the teachings and
insights I need that helps me on my quest to self-realization and God-realization.

2. As the article given above has beautifully explained, spirituality and religion is comparable to
a train and its tracks respectively. Spirituality without religion is like a train without a track to
follow. Recognizing ourselves and something that is far greater than ourselves is what
spirituality wants to achieve. What better way to achieve such sensory experience than of doing
these concrete religious practices that a religion has to offer. It gives you a clear path to what you
want to achieve, and takes you a step closer to the solution you seek. Religious practices provide
us with specific actions that clear ambiguity on our personal quest to seek something beyond

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