A1: Final Report: Project and Professionalism (6CS020) Blood Finder

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Project and Professionalism



A1: Final Report

Student Id : NP03a180250
Student Name : Robin K.C
Supervisor : Sumanta silwal
Cohort/Batch :4
Submitted on : 05-08-2021
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1. Concept ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2. Development ......................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Background ................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Related System ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Tools and technique .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2.1 Hardware Used ......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Software Used ................................................................................................................................. 10
3. Development .............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1. Methodologies ................................................................................................................................ 11
3.2. Explanation of development stages ................................................................................................ 15
3.4. Use case diagram................................................................................................................................. 17
3.5. Activity diagram................................................................................................................................... 18
3.6. Final Explanation of the application .................................................................................................... 19
4. Testing and Evaluation ............................................................................................................................... 20
5. Conclusion and Recommendation.......................................................................................................... 46
5.1. Future Escalation ................................................................................................................................. 46
References ....................................................................................................................................................... 47
1. Introduction

1.1. Concept

In case of emergency needs, Blood is a saver of all existing lives and someone on the
planet needs blood like each second. One donation has the capacity to save as much as
three lives. Blood donating doesn't only benefit recipients. There are clinical points of
interest for donors, also, over the encouraging circumstances that begin from saving
others. Many people are not aware of the positive side of donating blood. In current days,
it is noted that blood demand posted on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram are increasing. Blood donation application is android based application that let
client to discover blood giver effectively and furthermore register themselves as
benefactor. This online blood benefactor application helps client to receive and give blood
to patients at the time of crisis. The clients need to open the application and tap on
register to have the option to login to this application. After they register and login to their
record they can see givers accessible and the individuals who need the blood can make
solicitation to specific contributor by getting to the information of that donor.

1.2. Development

The fundamental focus on Blood giver seeing application is as ready to keep the records
of givers and the individuals who need blood. Headway and clinical methods in helpful
science has extended the blood demand. Similarly givers all the more regularly don't think
about the beneficiaries requiring the blood. These are the principle motivation to develop
an inexorably capable framework that will help with researching data to the individuals
about the current blood benefactor. As the current applications don't have Blood provider
excited about giving blood this application overcomes the burdens by introducing the
possibility of Donor subtleties open close by depending upon the impediment for gift
required for explicit giver. Blood contributor Finder System is an idea to join the gift
framework with benefactors, Blood Needy inclination and their perspectives.
2. Background

2.1. Related System

Blood Donor Finder- App for Blood Donation

Blood Donor Finder is additionally comparative application that gives the accessibility of
blood in our area or close by areas. The fundamental component of this application is to
look through the necessary Blood Group, to enlist for blood gift and discover contributor
around specific separation for a specific blood gathering. This application shows
contributor subtleties as in our application with gave blood 3 months prior however
doesn't appear if the giver is available or not. This application is user friendly to the users
so that in case of emergency, user can easily access. It has real time data update system
so the detail of the blood is updated every second. Change your availability, if you are not
available, your details won’t be shown in list. User can easily search for the address and
phone numbers of blood banks. User can get active Blood Donors in a particular city.
User can also Contact donors for blood donation. User can Share your blood request with
people in your social media or contact list. It is Very easy to use with user friendly UI.
BLOODR: Blood donor and requester mobile application

BLOODR application partners patients quickly with a huge pool of donors in a comparable
territory by methods for an endorsed facility. At the point when a patient needs a blood
gift, the inside (where the patient is yielded) can use the application to contact the blood
givers in the district or contiguous city subject to their zone. The enrolled contributors will
get warning about the blood gift required at a specific place where they can continue to
give (EL-Ocla, 2017). The technology including languages and framework are used to
develop this application. These technologies contain Ruby programming language along
with java script and postgreSQL for database are used. This application has simple user
interface with only useful detail of the donor and the receiver. The notifications on this
application is very effective and simple without any confusing details. The user can simply
login in this application and check the status of the blood donor and receiver.

Admin Dashboard.

Features BLOODR Blood finder

Login We have to login for donating and We have to login for donating and
receiving blood receiving blood

Register New customer can register their New customer can register their name
name for the services. for the services.

Registration form Donor and receiver both need Donor willing to donate blood need to
register this form.
to fill clinic form
Appointments Receiver need to take No need to take appointment

appointment in clinic
Blood request Request for blood This feature is not included in our app

Blood Donation Nepal
Nepali Blood is a free application to scan for blood benefactors or give blood effectively
and rapidly in crisis cases across significant urban communities in Nepal.
This application can change its accessibility; if givers are not available their details won't
be appeared on donors list that makes it user friendly. User can access this application to
get the location and contact quantities of blood donation banks. This application can
effectively search for active blood givers specifically which is vital in case of emergency.
The request is sent through email thus can take time to reach as the availability of internet
may vary. Blood is a fluid that carries nutrients to every part of the body thus anyone can
need it at any time. Features:
1.User can Change your availability, if user are not available ,user details won’t be shown
in list.
2. User can get the address and phone numbers of blood banks that for easy access.
3. User can get Active Blood Donors in a particular city because clinic are available more.
4. user can Contact donors for blood donation in any case of emergency.
5. User can Share their blood request with people in their social media or contact list
6. It is very easy to use with user friendly environment which make it more accessible.
Features Blood donation Nepal BLOOD FINDER
Register Donor can register this form Donor can register this form
including their Full name, including their Full name, blood
blood group, address and group, last blood donated, Email
contact number. address, address and their contact
Available donors Receiver can see available Receiver can see available donors
donors and call and and call them in need of blood.
message them in need.
Change your details Donor can update their This feature is not included in our
contact number and their app
Place your blood If anyone want to request This feature is not included in our
request for any blood donor they to app
2.2. Tools and technique

Different tools and methods were utilized for the improvement of Blood Donor Finder

2.2.1 Hardware Used

Processor: fifth Generation Intel Core i3 Processor, fourth Generation Intel i7 Processor
Introduced RAM : 2 GB
Hard Drive: 80 GB
Illustrations: Intel HD Graphics 4400
Pen drive: For reinforcement of undertaking
Connector: Connect Mobile to PC
2.2.2 Software Used

a. Android Studio

Android Studio is the power coordinated advancement state (IDE) for Android
application improvement. It depends upon Intelligent IDE; a Java composed
enhancement condition for programming, and joins its code changing and designer
instruments. you can build, test and debug applications for android operating devices
like phones, tablets etc. The language for androids development is Java as large parts
of Android is developed by writing code in Java and its APIs are designed to be know
from Java. It has Griddle-based build support. To catch the performance, accessibility,
version capability Lint tool are used.(Rouse, TechTarget, 2020)

b. Firebase

Firebase is app which lets one build, grow app. The things which developers may have
to build themselves are given by Firebase services. Analytics, database, configuration
are the things which firebase consist of. It was originally an independent company
founded in 2011 (Stevenson, 2020). It provides developers with a variety of services
and tools to help them develop quality apps, improve their user base, ad earn profit. It is
grouped as NoSQL database program which stores data in JSON-like documents.


The widely used programming language, which was designed for use in the interned
and I’s distrusted environment, is known as java. Java is a class based, object oriented
programming language which is designed to contain as few dependencies
implementation as possible. For android smartphone, it is one of the mostly used
languages. (Rouse, TheserverSide, 2020). The java language is the main pillar in
android, an open source operating system of mobile.

d. XML

XML full form is (Extensible Markup Language). It is a markup language that defines a
set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both readable and machine
readable. It is markup language. In late 90’s XML was released. XML carries data but
not display them. They are not pre-defined. (Java T Point, 2020). It has highlighted as a
first class data type in other languages. XML is broadly used in a Service-oriented
architecture (SOA). Different systems communicate with each other by exchanging XML
messages. The message exchange format is standardized as an XML schema (XSD).

3. Development
3.1. Methodologies

Here are some methodologies for project development:

a. Waterfall Model
The waterfall model is a popular variation of the structures advancement life cycle ideal
for programming designing. As often as possible reflected the incredible technique to
accomplish the frameworks improvement life cycle, the course model defines a
progression strategy which is direct and resolute. This model Cascade has specific
targets for each time of headway where each and every stage is done for the
accompanying one is begun and there is no turning around. (Alexandrou, 2020)

b. Joint Application Development

JAD (Joint Application Development) is a arrangement that incorporates the end
customer in the arrangement and advancement of an application, through a movement
of network situated workshops called JAD meetings. (Rouse, Searchsoftwarequality,
2020) JAD reduces time and costs associated with requirements elicitation process.
During 2-4 weeks information not only is collected, but requirements, agreed upon by
various system users, are identified. Experience with JAD allows companies to
customize their systems analysis process into even more dynamic ones like Double
Helix, a methodology for mission-critical work.
JAD sessions help bring experts together giving them a chance to share their views,
understand views of others, and develop the sense of project ownership.

c. Agile Development
In the Agile model, the necessities are disintegrated into various little parts that can be
consistently made. The Agile model embraces Iterative turn of events.. Each consistent
part is made over an emphasis. Each emphasis is wanted to be close to nothing and
adequately reasonable and that can be done inside a large portion of a month in a
manner of speaking. Without a moment's delay one cycle is masterminded, made and
sent to the customers. Long stretch plans are not made. (Pal, 2020)

d. Rapid Application Development

Rapid application development is a kind of agile programming improvement system.

Rather than Waterfall methods, RAD stresses working programming and customer input
over exacting arranging and necessities recording. It centers on input-yield source and
objective of the information. It weighs on passing on ventures in little pieces; the greater
undertakings are isolated into a movement of littler projects. (Guru, 2020). RAD is
especially well suited for (although not limited to) developing software that is driven by
user interface requirements. This development methodology is very simple and
effective. Graphical user interface builders are often called rapid application
development tools. It has better quality with more risk control and more project is
completed within time and within budget. It has overall better quality by having user
interact with the upgrading prototype.

RAD is divided into four distinct phase:

1. Requirements planning phase: In this phase elements of the system is combined for the
planning and systems analysis phases of software development life cycle.

2. User Design phase: In this development stage communicate together with systems analysts and
develop models and prototypes that signify all system processes, inputs, and outputs.

3. Construction phase : This phase emphases on program and application development task
comparable to the SDLC. In Rapid application development, however, users remain to participate
and can still propose improvements as actual screens or reports are developed.

4. Cutover phase: It shows the final task in the Software Development Life Cycle implementation
phase, including data conversion, testing, changeover to the new system, and user training. The
entire process is compressed, Compared with traditional methods.
Analysis of methodologies

The most appropriate methodology for our task is Agile. In this strategy the work can be
disengaged among associates and they can start to develop the parceled parts which
makes the movement less difficult similarly as equivalent open doors are given to each
part. It is just as non-working part can be changed viably and executed in the project.
This model is broken into individual models that designers work on and it proposes
incremental and iterative method to design software. This methodology is really useful
because the customer has frequent and early chance to see at the product and make
changes and decision to the project. Another useful feature of this methodology is that
the tester and developer work together.
Similarly, JAD is also a decent strategy for the task however since of compelled time it
is practically hard to develop the application by doing JAD meetings. JAD an incredible
arrangement exhausts of time which isn't useful for this venture. Also, cascade model is
an old style approach for application advancement and nowadays it isn't conceivable
using this strategy in light of the fact that there is no returning in this philosophy. On the
off chance that any issues happen while doing testing, by then it is hard for returning
and understanding it. So also, RAD fixates on chipping away at the venture as opposed
to having different social affairs and furthermore centers on testing part which is critical
to the extent building up this application. Using this technique helps in creating up the
Application in quick way as the time length of task is short. Furthermore, it needs
profoundly gifted engineers for the progression of an application.

Tasks regularly start with an absolute arranging stage anyway there are some
techniques that must be sought after for the security of creating commendable
application and they are as following:
3.2. Explanation of development stages

In agile, to deliver specific features for a release, the tasks are divided into time boxes
(small time frames). Iterative approach is taken after work software is delivered. In
terms of features, each build is incremental; the final build includes all the features the
customer needs. Development procedure is iterative, and the project is implemented in
short (2-4) weeks iterations with very less Planning needed. In agile testing when an
iteration end, the features of the product is delivered to the customer. New features are
working right after shipment. It is useful when you have decent contact with customers.
Following are the agile Manifesto principles:

Interactions and Individuals- Self-organization and motivation are important

interactions like co-location and pair programming.

Working Software- Working demo software is considered to be the finest way to

communicate with customers in order to understand their needs, rather than
simply depending on documentation.

Customer Collaboration-, The requirements cannot be entirely gathered at the

beginning of the project due to various factors, continuous customer contact is
very important in order to obtain proper specifications for the product.

Responding to change- It is focused on quick responses to change and

continuous development that is very important .(TutorialsPoint, 2020)
Requirement Analysis

Following are the requirements for developing the application.

Human Resources

S. No Members

1 Robin k.c

2 Manish subedi

3 ashim KC

3.4. Use case diagram
3.5. Activity diagram

3.6. Final Explanation of the application

BLOOD finder is useful application for the person who needs blood at the time of emergency.
Blood is a saver of all existing lives thus this blood finder application provides the medium to
help people who may be in a life threatening situation due to the lack of blood. This application
furnishes the rundown of blood benefactor with various blood classifications to the collector to
pick the correct contributor according to their need. They can likewise get contact number of
contributor with the goal that they can get in touch with them without any problem. Last blood
gave date is additionally remembered for this application so collector can realize whom to
contact and whom to not. This application provides easy and effective way for the users who are
in searching for blood donation in case of critical condition of their friends and family.

Building this application was very troublesome due to having least information yet with the
assistance of coach and companions we had the option to finish on schedule. Beginning from
top, we have made a User enrollment structure for User (Donor and Receiver) where they have
to enlist themselves in our application, a Login page for client to login by email address and
secret phrase. After that a contributor enlistment structure where giver need to enroll themselves
for giving blood by username, address, contact number, Blood type and last blood gave date. In
this page all contributor list are shown so beneficiary can contact benefactor according to their
necessities. A notice is added to tell contributor after they effectively top off donor registration
4. Testing and Evaluation
Testing is done after many executions of the task application. Our group tests the
application so as to check on the off chance that it functions admirably or not.
Likewise to discover bugs and fix them however much as could reasonably be
expected. The test is executed under various conditions we have performed is
Black box testing.

Test no: 01 RT:

Test To check the validation of the registration


Test Date: June 15,2020

Test Data: Test Data Expected Result Actual Result:

a. registration a. registration
a) ashimadhikari@gmail.com
success success
Pw: ashim1

Cpw: ashim1

b)kalopul b. authentication b. Authentication

fail fail

Pw: matrika1

Test The above result shows that the validation of sign-up function.


Draft no 2

Test no 2
Test no: 02 RT:

Test To check weather user can register or


Test Date: June 15,2020

Test Data: Test Data Expected Result Actual Result:

a) ashimadhikari@gmail.com a. Expected a. Expected

Pw: ashim1

b) kalopul@gmail.com
Pw: matrika1

b. Fail b. Fail

Test The above result shows the sign-up function.


Test no 3

Test no: 03 RT:

Test To check the validation of the Login


Test Date: June 15,2020

Test Data: Test Data Expected Result Actual Result:

a. login
a) ashimadhikari@gmail.com a. login success success

Pw: ashim1
Pw: asasas B. authentication Fail

(Authentication Failed)

c. Authentication Authentication
Fail Fail
c) gaurav@gmail.com

Test The above result shows that the validation of Login function.
Test no 4

Test no: 05 RT:

Test To check the weather the donor is added or not


Test Date: June 15,2020

Test Data: Test Data Expected Result Actual Result:

a) if donor registration is fill

up a. Donor added a. Donor added

b) If the donor registration b. fill all b. fill all the

has not been fill up the information

Test no :5
Test no: 05 RT:

Test To check the weather the donor is added in real-time database or


Test Date: June 15,2020

Test Data: Test Data Expected Result Actual Result:

a) Donar information is
shown or not

a) Data is shown a) Data is shown.

The above result shows
whether the donor is added or


5. Conclusion and Recommendation
This report shows Android Blood contributor and finder application where users can
enlist to give blood and receiver can contact giver to get blood with the help of simple
login. This application encourages people to find blood contributor close to them if there
should be an occurrence of crisis and help giver to refresh their data. In current days, it
is well-known that blood demand posted on social media such as Facebook. This
application will offer quality support to client as this framework is efficient and user
friendly. This application is created utilizing scrum of smart procedures which is utilized
in current days.

5.1. Future Escalation

After the completion of this application we despite everything may need numerous
different highlights. There may be some other potential highlights which can be included
the application in future to improve its quality, for example, We can include administrator
that can see/include/update giver and beneficiary information, Donor can turn
dynamic/inert if s/he is accessible is accessible. Collector can make calls through
application.. Limiting in android, however it can likewise go for IOS application.

2.EL-Ocla, T. a. (2017).
3.Guru. (2020, 6 5). Guru99. Retrieved from https://www.guru99.com/what-is-rad-
4.Java T Point. (2020, 6 5). JAVA. Retrieved from https://www.javatpoint.com/what-is-
5.xml Pal, S. K. (2020, 6 7). geeksforgeeks. Retrieved from
Rouse, M. (2020, 6 5). Searchsoftwarequality. Retrieved from
Rouse, M. (2020, 6 7). TechTarget. Retrieved from
Rouse, M. (2020, 6 5). TheserverSide. Retrieved from
Stevenson, D. (2020, 6 5). Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/firebase-
Techopedia. (2020, 6 6). Techopedia. Retrieved from
TutorialsPoint. (2020, 6 7). Retrieved from
Alexandrou, M. (2020, 6 5). Infolific. Retrieved from

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