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Nowadays more tasks at home and work are being performed by robots.

Is this a negative
or positive development?

Robots are automated machines that can perform various tasks. In recent years, advancements
in robotics have paved the way for robots being implemented in houses and replacing human
workers in certain work. This is definitely a positive development.

In many households, robots can replace humans in doing repetitive tasks that are required to keep
these houses in order. Every year, people spend thousands of hours running repeated errands and
doing boring housework such as mowing lawns, washing dishes and vacuuming.  These chores
are often seen as burdens since they take up too much time and return little reward, and on many
occasions, they also expose people to risky situations and harmful chemicals. Over the last few
years, products like Roomba the robot vacuum cleaner have begun to emerge as must-haves in
households. By adopting these robots into doing housework, many people will be relieved from
their housekeeping duty, thus they will have more time to pursue other endeavours rather than
wasting it on meaningless work.

Many people rightly point out that automated machinery may put people out of jobs and create
an economically turbulent period; however, this will be temporary and the long-term result is
more desirable than our current situation. There is a worry that bartenders, bricklayers, cooks and
especially factory workers may find themselves unemployed with the rise of robot workers.
However, robots improve the conditions at workplaces the same way it does in households. They
can alleviate the dangers of scaffolding work for construction workers, and in emergencies such
as bomb defusal and house fires they are certainly better than humans. With the aid of
appropriate social safety programmes, in the long run, robots can help human workers to
transition into work environments that are less harmful.

Robots could minimize the danger and reduce the time spent on tasks both in households and at
work with reasonable trade-offs. When all factors are considered, it could be concluded that
robots would be a positive addition in people’s life.

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