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19-08- 2021 Batch : MEDICAL - 2021

Puliyannoor P.O., PA LA
Ph - 04822 206416, 206516, 206459
Physics + Chemistry + Biology Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Mark: 720
PHYSICS Q.4) A ray of light travelling in a
transparent medium falls on a
Section A (1-35) Answer all questions
surface separating the medium from
Q.1) A ray of light is incident at an angle air at an angle of incidence of 45o.
of incidence  as shown in fig. If the The ray undergoes total internal
reflection. If n is the refractive
angle between the two plane mirror
index of the medium with respect to
is 90o, then for what value of  , the
air, select the possible values of n
reflected ray from the 2nd plane from the following:
mirror becomes parallel to the
incident ray? 1) 1:3 2) 1.4

3) 1.5 4) 2
Q.5) A plano- convex lens of refractive
index 1.5 and radius of curvature
30 cm is silvered at the curved
surface. Now this lens has been
used to form the image of an object.
At what distance from this lens an
object is to be placed in order to have
1) 30o 2) 45o
a real image of the size of the object?
3) 60o 4) All of these 1) 20 cm 2) 30 cm
Q.2) A convex mirror of focal length f 3) 60 cm 4) 80 cm
produces an image  1n  th of size of Q.6) A beam of light consisting of red,
green and blue colours is incident
the object. The distance of the on the surface of a liquid as shown
object from the mirror is; in figure. The R.I. of liquid for red,
1) nf 2) f/n green and blue colours are 1.9, 2.1
and 2.2 respectively then
3)  n  1 f 4)  n  1 f

Q.3) A monochromatic ray of light passes

through a transparent parallel sided
glass slab, then
1) The deviation produced by the slab
is equal to zero.
2) The lateral shift of ray does not 1) Red colour will separate from the
depend on the R.I. of the slab beam.
3) The maximum lateral shift may 2) Blue colour will separate from the
be greater than the thickness of the beam.
slab 3) Separation of all the component
4) Both 1 and 3 colour will occur
4) All of these
Q.7) Four similar prism of same material Q.10) If a convergent beam of light passes
having same angle of prism are through a diverging lens, the result
arranged as shown in the following
figures. Which of the following 1) may be a convergent beam
arrangements give no net angular
2) may be a divergent beam
3) may be a parallel beam
4) all of these are correct

Q.11) Focal length of a convex lens

2) possessing chromatic aberration is

1) equal for all colours

2) less for red colour

3) more for red colour

4) more for violet colour

Q.12) The magnification produced by an
Q.8) A convex lens made up of a material astronomical telescope for normal
of refractive index  1 is immersed adjustment is 10 and the length of
the telescope is 1.1 m. The
in a medium of refractive index  2 magnification when the image is
as shown in the figure. The relation formed at least distance of distinct
between 1 and  2 is : vision (D= 25 cm), is

1) 14

2) 6

3) 16

4) 18

Q.13) The resolution limit of the eye is 1

1) 1  u 2 2) 1  u 2 minute. At a distance x km from
the eye, two persons stand with a
3) 1  u 2 4) 1  u 2 lateral separation of 3 metre. For
the two persons to be just resolved
Q.9) In an experiment with a lens, the
by the naked eye, x should be
object distance u versus image
distance v data were obtained. Which 1) 10 km
of the following graphs will not be
linear 2) 15 km

1 1 3) 20 km
1) versus 2) uv versus (u-v)
v u
4) 30 km
3) versus v 4) v versus u
Q.14) The necessary condition for an Q.17) Yellow light emitted by sodium lamp
interference by two sources of light in Young’s double slit experiment is
is that
replaced by monochromatic blue
1) two light sources must have the light of the same intensity
same wavelength.
1) fringe width will decrease
2) two point sources should have the
same amplitude and same 2) fringe width will increase
wavelength. 3) fringe width will remain
3) two sources should have the same unchanged
wavelength, nearly the same 4) fringe will become less intense
amplitude and have a constant
phase angle difference. Q.18) In Young’s experiment
monochromatic light is used to
4) the two point sources should have
illuminate the two slits A and B.
a randomly varying phase
Interference fringes are observed on
a screen placed in front of the slits.
Q.15) If two waves, each of intensity I o, Now, if a thin glass plate is placed
having the same frequency but normally in the path of the beam
differing by a constant phase angle coming from the slit A, then
of 60o, superpose at a certain point
in space, then the intensity of
resultant wave is

1) 2Io 2) 3 Io

3) 3Io 4) 4Io
Q.16) Four light sources produce the 1) the fringes will disappear
following four waves 2) the fringes width will increase

i) y1  a sin  t  1  3) the fringe width will decrease

4) there will be no change in fringe
ii) y 2  a sin 2t width but fringe pattern shifts

iii) y3  a 'sin  t  2  Q.19) In Young’s double slit experiment, if

width (aperture) of the slit S is
increased keeping other parameters
iv) y 4  a 'sin  3t   
constant, then the interference
Superposition of which two waves fringes will
give rise to interference? 1) remain unchanged
1) i and ii 2) from closer
2) ii and iii 3) form further away
3) i and iii 4) gradually disappear
4) iii and iv
Q.20) A mixture of polarised and Q.24) In Young’s double slit experiment the
unpolarised light is incident on a distance between the slits and the
polariser. As the polariser is rotated screen is doubled. The separation
through 360 o, it is found that the between the slits is reduced to half.
minimum and the maximum of the As a result the fringe width
transmitted intensity is in the ratio 1) is doubled
1: q. The ratio of intensities of
polarised to unpolarised light in the 2) is halved
incident beam is
3) becomes four times
1 1 4) remains unchanged
1)  q  1 :1 2) 1:  q  1
2 2
Q.25) The maximum number of possible
1 1 interference maxima for slit
3) q :1 4) 1: q separation equal to 1.8, where  is the
2 2
wavelength of light used, in a
Q.21) The angle of polarisation for a Young’s double slit experiment is
medium is 60 o. The critical angle
for this is 1) zero 2) 3
3) infinite 4) 5
1 1
1) sin 2) cos 1
3 Q.26) A hole in a semiconductor
1) has negative mass
3) sin 1 3 4) tan 1 3
2) has mass equal to that of proton
Q.22) When petrol drops from a vehicle fall
over rain water on the road, colours 3) has mass equal to that of positron
are seen because of 4) is a positively charged vacancy
1) dispersion of light
Q.27) In a semiconductor diode, the
2) scattering of light barrier potential offers opposition to
3) interference of light only

4) absorption of light 1) majority carriers in both regions

Q.23) A wavefront AB passing through a 2) minority carriers in both regions

system C emerges as DE. The 3) free electrons in the n- region
system C could be
4) holes in the p- region.

Q.28) A car has speed v1 for first one metre

and v2 for next one metre. What is
the minimum possible value of the
average velocity?

1) a slit 2v1 v2 v1  v 2
1) v  v 2)
1 2 2
2) A convex lens
3) a prism
v1  v 2
4) a glass slab 3) 4) zero
Q.29) A particle of mass m is projected Q.32) The figure shows the force verses
time graph for a particle. Then
with a velocity 6iˆ  8jˆ . Find the
change in momentum when it just
touches ground.

1) 0

2) 12 m

3) 16 m 1) Change in momentum of the

particle is 20 N- s
4) 20 m
2) Average force acting on the particle
Q.30) A force produces an acceleration of is 50 N
4 m/sec2 in body of mass m1 and the 3) Change in momentum of the
same force produces an acceleration particle is 50 N- s
of 6m/s2 on a mass m2. If the force
is applied to a body of mas (m1 + m2), 4) Both 1 and 2
its acceleration will be a. Then Q.33) A string fixed at both ends is
vibrating as shown in figure, then
m1 5 mark correct statements.
1) m  7

m1 2
2) m  3

3) a  2.4m / sec2 1) All particles in between x and y

are vibrating in phase
4) a = 5.4 m/sec2
2) All particles in between A and x
are vibrating in phase with particles
Q.31) If the kinetic energy of a particle
between x and y.
continuously increases with time,
then 3) All particles between A and X are
vibrating in phase with particles in
1) the magnitude of its linear Y and B
momentum decreases continuously
with time. 4) Both 1 and 3

2) the height above the ground level Q.34) The temperature, at which
must continuously decrease. centigrade thermometer and Kelvin
thermometer give the same reading,
3) the resultant force on the particle is
must be parallel to the velocity at
all instants. 1) 4o

4) the resultant force on the particle 2) 273o

must be at an angle less than 90 o
all the time. 3) Not possible
4) 0o
Q.35) A body is projected at an angle with Q.39) If maximum speed of particle in a
the horizontal in the uniform medium carrying a travelling wave
gravitational field of the earth, the is V o , then find speed of particle
angular momentum of the body about when displacement is half of
the point of projection as it proceeds maximum value.
along its path
1) Remains constant vo 3
1) 2) vo
2) Increases 2 4

3) Decreases
4) Initially decreases and then 3) vo 4) vo
Section B (36-50) Q.40) The absolute volume coefficient of
Answer any 10 questions expansion of a liquid is 7 times that
of the volume coefficient of expansion
Q.36) Two satellites X and Y revolve in the of the vessel. Then the ratio of
same circular orbit around the absolute and apparent expansion of
earth. The mass of X is greater than the liquid is
the mass of Y. Which of the following
is greater for X then Y? 1) 1/7 2) 7/6
1) Speed only
3) 6/7 4) None
2) Speed and gravitation force only
Q.41) In an adiabatic process 1m3 of an
3) Potential energy and gravitation
ideal monoatomic gas expands to
8m 3 . The ratio of final to initial
4) Kinetic energy and gravitation temperature is
1) 4 2) 1/4
Q.37) A material has density  and bulk
modulus k. The increase in the 3) 8 4)1/8
density of the material when it is
subjected to an external pressure P Q.42) A cyclic thermodynamic process has
from all sides is been shown on the PV- diagram.
The work done in the cyclic process
P k is
1) 2)
k P

P k
3) 4)
k P
Q.38) Which of the following quantities are
always negative in a SHM?
  
F  Force, a  acceleration, v  velocity
 1) Zero
r  position with respect to
equilibrium position. 2) Positive
  
1) F.a 2) v.r 3) Negative
 
3) a.v 4) F.r 4) May be positive or negative
Q.43) A proton and a deutron initially at Q.46) A uniform electric field and a
rest are accelerated with same uniform magnetic field are produced,
uniform electric field for time t. pointed in the same direction. An
electron is projected with its velocity
1) Both particles will have same pointing in the same direction.
1) the electron will turn to its right
2) Both particles will have same K.E
2) the electron will turn to its left
3) Both particles will have same
3) the electron velocity will increase
4) Both particles will cover same in magnitude, initially
4) the electron velocity will decrease
Q.44) A parallel plate capacitor is charged in magnitude, initially.
and the charging battery is then
disconnected. If the plates of the Q.47) A circuit contains a self - inductance
capacitor are moved further apart by of 1H and carries a current of 2A.
means of insulating handles. Then: To prevent sparking when the circuit
is switched off, a capacitor is used.
1) the charge on the capacitor The least capacitance required, if
increases. the capacitor can withstand 400 V,
2) the voltage across the plates
increases 1) 10F

3) the capacitance increases

2) 50 F
4) the electrostatic energy stored in
the capacitor decreases. 3) 25 F

Q.45) Current is passing through a

conductor of non- uniform cross- 4) 100 F
section. Choose the incorrect
statement out of the following . Q.48) In a series LCR circuit, when
1) Current is same at all cross- C  , e.m.f
sections of the conductor.

2) Current - density is same at all 1) lags behind current

cross- sections of the conductor
2) leads current
3) Drift - speed of electrons changes
along the length of the conductor 3) is in phase with current

4) Electric field changes along the 4) may lead or lag current depending
length of the conductor. on the resistance R.
Q.49) Electrons are emitted due to Q.53) In the metallurgy of iron, the material
incidence of green light, but not due obtained from the bottom of blast
to yellow light. When red light is furnace is
incident, then 1) slag 2) pig iron
1) more energetic electrons are 3) cast iron 4) wrought iron
emitted Q.54) Among the following statements, the
incorrect one is
2) less energetic electrons are
emitted. 1) calamine and siderite are
3) no electrons are emitted 2) argentite and cuprite are oxides;
4) emission will depend upon 3) zinc blende and pyrites are
intensity of light sulphide;
4) malachite and azurite are ores of
Q50) When an electron in a hydrogen copper
atom is raised from the ground state
to an excited state, Q.55) The heating of benzyl ethyl ether
with HI produces
1) Potential energy U decreases and 1) iodobenzene
kinetic energy K increases
2) benzyl iodide
2) U increases K decreases 3) phenol
3) both U and K increase 4) ethyl iodide

4) both U and K decrease Q.56) Copper (at mass 63.55 u) has fcc unit
cell st r u ct u r e wit h ed ge l en gt h x A 0
CHEMISTRY at 100 0 C. The density of copper in
g cm–3 at 1000 C is close to
Section A (51-85) Answer all Qns.
Q.51) Extraction of gold and silver involves 105 422
1) 2)
leaching with CN-ion. Gold and Silver x3 x3
are later recovered by
211 205
1) distillation 3) 4)
x3 x3
2)) zone refining
3) displacement with Zn Q.57) Given: The mass of electron is 9.11×
10 –31 kg, Planck constant is 6.626
4) liquation ×10 –34 J s, the uncertainty involved
Q.52) The extraction of copper from its in the measurement of velocity
sulphide ore, the metal is finally within a distance of 0.1A0 is
obtained by the reduction of cuprous
oxide with 1) 5.79 105 ms 1
1) carbon monoxide
2) 5.79 10 6 ms 1
2) copper (I) sulphide
3) sulphur dioxide 3) 5.79 10 7 ms 1
4) iron (II) sulphide
4) 5.79 108 ms 1
Q.58) Shape and hybridisation of XeF6 is Q.64) 3 faradays of electricity are passed
1) Distorted octahedral, sp3d3 through molten Al 2 O 3 , aqueous
solution of CuSO4, and molten NaCl
2) Square planar, sp3d2
taken in three different electrolytic
3) Pentagonal bipyramidal, sp3d3 cells. The amount of Al,Cu and Na
4) Square pyramidal, sp3d2 deposited at the cathodes will be in
the ratio of
Q.59) Which molecule has zero dipole
1) 1 mole : 2 mole : 3 mole
1) H2O 2) CO2
2) 3 mole : 2 mole : 1 mole
3) HF 4) HBr
Q.60) A solution containing 62g ethylene 3) 1 mole : 1.5 mole : 3 mole
glycol in 225 g water is cooled to –100C.
If kf of water is 1.86 K kgmol–1 the 4) 1.5 mole : 2 mole : 3 mole
number of grams of water separated
as ice is Q.65) Most common oxidation states of Ce
(cerium) are
1) 64 g 2) 32g
3) 39 g 4) 28 g 1) +2, +3
Q.61) In a galvanic cell, the electrons flow
2) +2, +4
1) anode to cathode through the 3) +3, +4
4) +3, +5
2) cathode to anode through the
solution Q.66) Which of the following ions has the
maximum paramagnetic moment?
3) anode to cathode through the
external circuit 1) Mn+2
4) cathode to anode internal circuits
2)Fe +2
Q.62) During the extraction of iron, slag
produced is 3) Ti+2
1) CO 2) MgSiO3
4) Cr+2
3) FeSiO3 4) CaSiO3
Q.63) Arrange Be++, Mg++, Ca++, Ba++, Sr++ Q.67) Which of the following compounds
in increasing order of Hydration give same SN1 and SN 2

1) Be   Mg   Ca   Ba   Sr  CH2Cl

2) Sr   Ba   Ca   Mg   Be  1) 2)

3) Ba   Sr   Ca   Mg   Be 

4) Ba   Sr   Mg   Ca   Be 
3) 4)
Cl Cl
Q.68) During nuclear explosion one of the Q.73) Drugs that bind to receptor site and
pr odu cts is 90Sr with half life 15.2 yrs. inhibit its natural functions are
If 1  g of 90Sr was absorbed in the
bones of a newborn baby instead of 1) antagonists
calcium, how much of it will remain 2) agonists
after 70 years if it is not lost
metabolically? 3) enzymes
4) molecular targets
1) 0.13  g 2) 0.06  g
Q.74) One mole of sucrose on hydrolysis
3) 0.04  g 4) 0.016  g gives

H2 / Na 1) One mole of glucose and 2 mole of

Q.69) In the reaction O + CH3CH2NH2 (X) .
The product (X) is
2) One mole of glucose and 1 mole of
1) O CH 2 NH 2 fructose
3) Two moles of glucose
2) 4) Two moles of fructose
Q.75) Terpineol and chloroxylenol are the
compounds of which of the following
3) N C H 2 CH 3 classes?
1) Disinfectant
4) NHCH2 CH3
2) Chemosterilant
3) Tranquilizers
Q.70)  M  Cl  F  NO 2  SCN   is a square
4) Plant growth hormones
planar complex of metal M. The total
number of isomers for the complex Q.76) The reduction of nitro compounds is
is most preferred in the presence of
1) 3 2) 8 1) Pd/H2 in ethanol
3) 12 4) 16
2) Sn + HCl
Q.71) Which of the following would be least
3) finely divided Ni
reactive towards nitration?
4) iron scrap and HCl
1) Benzene
2) Nitro benzene Q.77) The compound obtained by heating a
mixture of a primary amine and
3) Toluene chloroform with ethanolic potassium
4) Chloro benzene hydroxide (KOH) is
Q.72) Artificial sweetner which is stable 1) an alkyl cyanide
only under cold conditions is
2) a nitro compound
1) Saccharine 2) Sucralose
3) an alkyl isocyanide
3) aspartame 4) alitame
4) an amide
Q.78) A 10m3 container contains 0.5 mol of Q.81) Methanol is industrially prepared by
gas A and x moles of gas B at 1000K.
The pressure of the gas mixture is 1) oxidat ion of CH 4 by steam at 9000C
200 Pa. If R in the gas constant in 2) reduction of HCHO using LiAIH4
J K–1 mol–1 x is
3) reaction HCHO with a solution of
2R 2R NaOH
1) 2)
4  12 4R 4) reduction of CO using H2 and ZnO-
4R 4R
3) 4) Q.82) For the reaction A    2Bg 
2R 2R

H2S2O7  1 moltenNaOH U  2.7kcal and S  20calK1 at

Q.79)  X 
 Y ; Y is
 2 H 300K. G for the reaction at 300K
1)–3.3 kcal 2) –2.7 kcal
1) 2)
3) –2.1 kcal 4) –4.5 kcal

Q.83) The rate of esterification of the

ONa following alcohols with formic acid
will be in the order
3) 4)
1) CH3–CH2–CH2–CH2–OH>CH3–CH2–

Q.80) In the reaction 2) CH3–OH>CH3–CH2–OH>CH3–CH2 –

CH3 CH CH2 O CH2 CH3 Hl heated 3) CH3–CH2 –OH>CH3–OH>CH3–CH2 –
Which of the following compounds
will be formed? 4) CH3–OH=CH3–CH2–OH>CH3–CH2 –
Q.84) A mixture containing (i) benzanilide
CH3 (ii) aniline and (iii) acetophenone are
separated using a chromatographic
2) CH3 CH CH2OH CH3CH3 column packed with silica gel as
CH3 stationary phase. When the column
is elucidated with a mixture of
CH3 solvents hexane and ethylacetate in
3) the ratio 1:4 the sequence of
obtained compounds is

CH3 1) (i), (ii), (iii) 2) (ii), (iii), (i)

3) (iii), (i), (ii) 4) (ii), (i), (iii)
Q.85) The order of reactivity of the following Q.91) In the calgon process of softening of
alcohols water which of the following is used?
CH3 CH3 CH 3 1) Sodium polymetaphosphate
OH OH 2) Hydrated sodium aluminium
III silicate
towards concentrated HCl is
3) Cation exchange resins
4) Anion exchange resins
Q.92) Mainly which colligative property is
Section B ( 86-100) Answer any 10 Qns.
used to determine molar mass of a
Q.86) The metal oxide which cannot be polymer?
reduced to metal by carbon is
1) elevation in boiling point
1) Al2O3 2) ZnO
3) PbO 4) Fe2O3 2) depression in freezing point

Q.87) Extraction of Zinc from zinc blende 3) osmotic pressure

is achieved by
4) relative lowering of vapour
1) electrolytic reduction pressure
2) roasting followed by reduction with Q.93) Mohr’s salt is
1) Simple salt 2) Complex salt
3) roasting followed by reduction with
another metal 3) Complex ion 4) double salt
4) roasting followed by self-reduction Q.94) When aniline is treated with
Q.88) Mond’s process is used for the benzene diazonium chloride at low
refining of temperature in weakly acidic
medium, the final product obtained
1) nickel 2) lead
3) copper 4) iron
Q.89) Which of the following pairs of d- NH2
orbitals will have electron density
along the axes? 1)

1) d z 2 , d xz 2) d xz , d yz

3) d z 2 , d x 2  y 2 4) d xy , d x 2  y 2 N N NH2

Q.90) Isoelectronic species are 3)

1) CO, CN  , NO  , C 2 2 

2) CO  , CN, NO, C2 NH2

3) CO  , CN  , NO , C 2 N N

4) CO , CN, NO, C2
Q.95) Which of the following is a non Q.100) The major product formed in the
reducing sugar ? following reaction is
1) Glucose 2) Sucrose
3) Maltose 4) Lactose 
(2)CH I

Q.96) The basic character of amines is due

to OH

1) presence of nitrogen atom 1)
2) lone pair of electrons on nitrogen
3) tetrahedral structure
4) high electronegativity of nitrogen


NaNO2/HCl CuBr
Q.97) (P) (Q) the 3)
00C HBr
compound Q is -
1) bromobenzene OH

2) benzyl bromide
3) chlorobenzene
4) benzyl chloride
Q.98) When phenol is treated with CHCl 3
and NaOH, the product formed is
1) benzaldehyde
Section A (101-135) Answer all questions
2) salicylaldehyde
3) salicylic acid Q.101) Many species of small plants like
______ growing in forests are adapted
4) benzoic acid to photosynthesize optimally under
very low light condition .
Q.99) The compound which reacts fastest
with Lucas reagent at room 1) Trees and shrubs
temperature is
2) Herbs and shrubs
1) butan-1-ol
2) butan -2-ol 3) Trees and herbs

3) 2-methylpropan-1-ol 4) Herbs only

4) 2-methylpropan-2-ol
Q.102) Find out the correct diagrammatic Q.105) According to Gause, if two species
representation of organismic are occupying same ecological niche
response with regards to regulators. and competing for common resources

1) Both species will eliminate each

2) Inferior type will eliminate the
superior type of species

3) Superior species will exclude the

inferior type of species

2) 4) Both species will remain


Q.106) Mango, Tuna fish and Snow leopards


1) Euryhaline
2) Stenothermal

3) Eurythermal

4) Eurythermal and Euryhaline

4) Q.107) Which of the following significantly

in cr eased t h e r at e of r elease of CO 2
into the atmosphere ?

Q.103) Which of the following organism is a) Rapid deforestation

capable of meeting its water
requirement through internal b) Massive burning of fossil fuel for
oxidation of fats ? energy and transport
1) Desert Lizard
c) Burning of wood
2) Antartic fish
d) Combustion of organic matter
3) Kangaroo rat
4) Seal e) Volcanic activity
Q.104) The maximum number of individuals f) Forest fire
of a population which can be
supported with optimum resources 1) b, c, d, e and f only
for the survival is called
1) Biotic potential 2) a, b, c, d, e and f

2) Carrying capacity 3) a, b, c and d only

3) Environmental resistance
4) a, c, d, e and f only
4) Potential natality
Q.108) The process by which water soluble Q.113) Match Column I with Column II and
inorganic nutrients go down into the select the correct option from the
soil horizon and get precipitated as given codes :
unavailable salts is called as :

1) Fragmentation Column I Column II

2) Catabolism Gross primary Self-sustainable

A. i)
productivity ecosystem
3) Leaching Net primary
B. ii) Aquatic ecosystem
4) Mineralisation C. Pond iii) O2 requiring process

Q.109) The individual transitional Photosynthetic

D. Aquarium iv)
communities in succession are production
termed as Available to primary
E. Decomposition v)
1) Pioneer community

2) Climax community 1) A  iv; B  ii; C  i; D  iii; E  v

3) Seral community 2) A  i; B  iii; C  ii; D  iv; E  v

4) Both 2 and 3 3) A  ii; B  i; C  iii; D  v; E  iv

Q.110) What is the amount of carbon fixed 4) A  iv; B  v;C  i; D  ii; E  iii
in biosphere through photosynthesis
annually ? Q.114) In vehicles, catalytic converters are
used to
1) 4×1013 kg 2) 5×1013 kg 1) Increase mileage
3) 4×1016 kg 4) 5×1016 kg 2) Convert CO2 to carbonates
3) Increase efficiency of leaded petrol
Q.111) __________ is the rate of production
of organic mater by consumers. 4) Convert CO to CO2
Q.115) Contribution of ‘Methane’ and ‘CFCs’
1) Primary productivity
towards green house effect is
2) Secondary productivity 1) 20% and 60%

3) Net primary productivity 2) 14% and 6%

3) 20% and 14%
4) Gross primary productivity
4) 6% and 20%
Q.112) It is estimated that 170 billion tonnes Q.116) The use of incinerators is crucial in
(dry weight) of organic weight is disposal of
produced annually. What
contribution is expected by oceans ? 1) Nuclear waste from reactors
2) e-waste
1) 20% 2) 30%
3) Solid waste of hospital
3) 50% 4) 90% 4) Waste of thermal power plant
Q.117) Shell of egg in bird becomes thin due Q.122) Which one is correct for lysosomes ?
to the pollution of pesticides. This
1) It is non-membranous
occurs due to disturbed
2) It lacks proteases
1) Sodium metabolism
3) It works at a lower pH than the
2) Calcium metabolism
3) Potassium metabolism
4) It is abundantly present in plant
4) Phosphorus metabolism cells
Q.118) In which of the given region of roots, Q.123) Identify the meiotic stage in which
there is initiation of nodule the homologous chromosomes
formation takes place? separate while the sister chromatids
1) Root hair remain associated at their
2) Epiblema
1) Metaphase I 2) Metaphase II
3) Inner cortex 3) Anaphase I 4) Anaphase II
4) Epidermis Q.124) Spindle fibre is made up of
Q.119) Which of the given is not true with 1) Tubulin
respect to photosystem II (PS-II)?
2) Humulin
1) It occurs on inner surface of
thylakoids 3) Intermediate filament
4) Flagellin
2) It is found in both grana and
stroma lamella Q.125) In which of the following, movement
of water and minerals occur from one
3) It is involved only in non-cyclic flow
cell to the other via plasmodesamata
of electrons
1) Apoplastic pathway
4) It is associated with splitting of
water and release of O2 2) Symplastic pathway
Q.120) Zoospores and zygote produced in 3) ATP mediated pathway
algae differs from each other as the 4) Both 1 and 2
Q.126) During phloem unloading ;
1) Is always diploid
1) Loss of solute produces a high
2) Is non-motile water potential in the phloem
3) Is a sexual reproductive structure 2) Water never returns to xylem
4) Is an asexual spore 3) Gain of solute occurs in phloem

Q.121) Based on chemical nature of plasma 4) Both 1 and 2

membrane in human erythrocytes, Q.127) An element playing important role in
percentage of proteins and lipids are nitrogen fixation is :
respectively ;
1) Copper
1) 52 & 40
2) Manganese
2) 40 & 52
3) Zinc
3) 92 & 8
4) Molybdenum
4) 8 & 92
Q.128) Which of the following is incorrect ? Q.131) Match the column :

1) Conversion of shoot apical

meristem into cortex is a case of
Column I Column II
2) The non-living differentiated cells A. membrane protein i) Complex-III
can regain the capacity of division complex
which is called dedifferentiation
3) The formation of interfascicular B. ii) F0
cambium and cork cambium can
occur from the fully differentiated Integral membrane
parenchyma C. iii) F1
protein complex

4) Secondary xylem and phellem are

the products of redifferentiation Mitochondrial
D. Cytochrome bc1 iv)
Q.129) Read the following statements :

i) NAA and 2,4-D are synthetic auxins

1) A-i; B-ii; C-iii; D-iv
ii) Auxins promote flowering in 2) A-ii; B-iv; C-iii; D-i
3) A-iii; B-iv; C-i; D-ii
iii) Auxins help to prevent fruit and 4) A-iii; B-iv; C-ii; D-i
leaf drop at early stages but promote
the abscission of older mature leaves Q.132) Read the following statements and
and fruits select the correct option with respect
to electron transport chain in the Z-
iv) Apical bud removal is applied for scheme of light reaction ?
hedge making and creating bushy
a) The electrons are not used up as
tea plants
they pass through the electron
v) Auxin induces parthenocarpy in transport chain but passed on to the
tomatoes pigments of PS-I.
b) During movement of electrons
How many of the above statements from one carrier to the next results
are correct ? in gain of energy in the electrons.
1) Four 2) Five c) The transfer of electrons, starting
from PS-II, uphill to the acceptor,
3) Two 4) Three down the electron transport chain to
PS-I, excitation of electrons, transfer
Q.130) Select the wrong match with respect
to another acceptor and finally down
to respiratory quotient (R.Q)
hill to NADP+ occurs.
1) Proteins = 0.9 1) a only correct
2) Carbohydrate = 1 2) Both a and c are correct

3) Tripalmitin = 4 3) b only correct

4) Both b and c are correct
4) Organic acid = >1
Q.133) Read the following statements and Q.135) Match Column I and Column II and
select the correct option : select the correct option :

(i) Wheat, Maize, Barley and Castor

seeds are endospermic or
albuminous Column I Column II

(ii) Most zygotes divide only after A. Elution i) Gene gun

certain amount of endosperm is
formed B. Competence ii) Ca

 galactosidase
(iii) Though the seeds differ greatly, C. Biolistics iii)
the early stages of embryo
Insertional Extraction of DNA
development is similar in both D. iv)
inactivation from agarose gel
monocots and dicots

(iv) The zygote divides to form

proembryo and subsequently 1) A   i  ; B   ii  ; C   iv  ; D   iii 
globular, heart shape and mature
2) A   iii  ; B   iv  ; C   i  ; D   ii 
v) Epicotyl and hypocotyl are absent
in monocot seeds.
3) A   i  ; B   ii  ; C   iii  ; D   iv 
Which of the above statements are
correct ?
4) A   iv  ; B   ii  ; C   i  ; D   iii 
1) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) only
Section B (136-150) Answer any 10 ques.
2) (i), (ii) and (iii) only Q.136) The integral form of exponential
growth equation will be :
3) (i), (iii) and (v) only
1) N 0  N t e rt
4) (iii), (iv) and (v) only
2) N t  N 0  ert
Q.134) From among the situations given
below, choose the one that prevents 3) N t  N 0 e rt
both autogamy and geitonogamy.
Nt 1
4)  rt
1) Monoecious plant bearing N0 e
unisexual flowers
Q.137) Mark the incorrect match with
2) Dioecious plant bearing only male regards to population interactions.
or female flowers 1) Amensalism : -, 0

3) Plant with bisexual condition 2) Predation : +, -

3) Parasitism : +, -
4) Plant with only bisexual flowers
4) Commensalism : +, +
Q.138) Which is the correct order of Q.142) What steps should be taken before
ecological hierarchy ? the disposal of nuclear waste ?
1) Biome  Populations  1) Nuclear waste should be
Community  Organism pretreated
2) Organism  Biome  Population 2) It should be stored in shielded
 Community containers
3) Population  Community  3) It should be buried about 500M
Biome  Organism deep within rock
4) Organism  Population  4) All of the above
Community  Biome Q.143) A brief exposure to 150dB sound may
Q.139) Which of the following is incorrect ? 1) Damage ear drums
1) F0 is embedded in the thylakoid 2)Cause permanent impairing
membrane and forms a hearing ability
transmembrane channel whereas F1
protrudes on the outer surface of the 3) Both 1 and 2
thylakoid membrane towards stroma 4) Cause temporary impairing
side. hearing ability
2) The breakdown of the proton Q.144) Identify the organism with the
gradient across thylakoid membrane following characters :
provides enough energy to cause a
i) A well defined nucleus
conformational change in the F 1
particle of ATP synthase to form ATP ii) Biflagellate condition with one
flagellum lying longitudinally and
3) Chemiosmosis requires a proton
other transversely
pump but not a facilitated diffusion
channel iii) Unicellular structure
4) Biosynthetic phase of iv) Cell wall present
photosynthesis occur in the presence 1) Dinoflagellate 2) E.coli
or absence of light.
3) Plasmodium 4) Slime mould
Q.140) What is incorrect about ecosystem ?
Q.145) Which of the following statements
1) Its size can vary from small sized with regards to gymnosperms is/are
pond to large sized sea correct ?
2) These may be anthropogenic in A) The megaspore mother cell divides
origin meiotically to form four megaspores
3) These may be temporary or B) One of the megaspores enclosed
permanent within the megasporangium develops
4) These involve flow of energy but into a multicellular female
not recycling of nutrients gametophyte that bears two or more
Q.141) Which of the following compounds is/
are well known for biological C) The multicellular female
magnification ? gametophyte is also retained within
the megasporangium.
1) DDT 2) Mercury
1) A only 2) A and B only
3) Silicon 4) Both 1 and 2
3) B and C only 4) A, B and C
Q.146) The period of growth in plants before Q.150) Identify the family with the following
attaining the sexual maturity is characters :
i) Leaves having alternate phyllotaxy
1) Juvenile phase
ii) Bisexual and actinomorphic
2) Vegetative phase flowers
3) Gametic phase iii) Five epipetalous stamens
4) Both 1 and 2 iv) Fruits are berry or capsule
Q.147) Which of the following is correct ? v) Seeds are endospermous
1) Vallisneria and Hydrilla are 1) Liliaceae
marine plants
2) Brassicaceae
2) In Vallisneria, female flowers are
always beneath the water 3) Fabaceae

3) In Vallisneria, pollengrains are 4) Solanaceae

released on the water surface ZOOLOGY
4) Vallisneria shows hypohydrophily Section A ( 151-185) Answer all Qns.

Q.148) The Maize varieties developed in Q.151) In which of the following step large
India based on increased amino acid and small particles are removed from
content sewage through sequential filtration
and sedimentation ?
1) Lysine and Tryptophan
1) Primary treatment
2) Valine and Leucine
2) Secondary treatment
3) Lysine and Leucine
3) Biological treatment
4) Tryptophan and Valine
4) Tertiary treatment
Q.149) Which of the following statement is
Q.152) Which of the following micro-
correct ?
organism is involved in last step of
1) The tissue involved in secondary biogas production ?
growth are the two lateral meristems-
1) Methanobacterium
vascular cambium and cork
cambium. 2) Bacillus
2) In dicot roots cambium is present 3) Pseudomonas
from the beginning ie, during primary
growth 4) Rhizobium

3) In dicot stem cambium is not Q.153) Which micro-organism is used in the

present from the beginning ie, during formation of cheese ?
primary growth. 1) Staphylococcus
4) All lateral meristems are present 2) Aspergillus
at the time of primary growth of a
plant body. 3) Acetic acid bacteria
4) Lactic acid bacteria
Q.154) The first antibiotic was discovered Q.158) All of the following is a part of IPM
accidently by ___(A)___ while (Integrated Pest Management) except
working on ___(B)___ .
1) Use of resistant varieties
1) A-Waksman; B-Streptococcus
2) A-Fleming; B-Penicillium notatum 2) Use of crop rotation

3) A-Waksman; B-Bacillus brevis 3) Biological and mechanical control

4) A-Fleming; B-Staphylococci of pests

Q.155) Select the microbe which is the 4) Regular use of high dose of
source of ‘clot buster’ enzyme : pesticides from beginning to end of
1) Bacterium : Lactobacillus the crop

2) Fungi : Aspergillus niger Q.159) Which of the following statements is

3) Fungi : Penicillium notatum incorrect ?

4) Bacterium : Streptococcus 1) Biofertilizers are used to maintain

Q.156) During primary treatment, all solids and improve soil fertility.
that settle forms ___(A)___ and the
supernat forms ___(B)___ 2) Chemical fertilizers pollute soil
and water resource
1) A-Primary sludge; B-effluent
2) A-Primary sludge; B-secondary 3) Chemical fertilizers are expensive
4) Most pesticide used these days are
3) A-Activated sludge; B-clarified specific in nature
Q.160) Each genus :
4) A-Activated sludge; B-effluent
Q.157) Read the following four statements 1) Always has one specific epithet
(A-D) and select the incorrect option
2) May have one or more specific
A) Dough, which is used for making epithets
foods such as dosa and idli is
fermented by fungi and algae 3) Is a group of many families
B) Toddy, a traditional drink of
Southern India is made by 4) Is always have more common
fermenting sap from palms. characters than species

C) Large holes of ‘Swiss cheese’ are Q.161) A segment of dsDNA has 120 adenine
due to production of large amount of and 120 cytosine bases. The total
methane by Propionibacterium number of nucleotides present in the
sharmanii. segment is:
D) In our stomach, lactic acid
1) 120
bacteria play very beneficial role in
checking disease- causing microbes. 2) 480
1) Statements A and C
3) 60
2) Statements A and B
3) Statements B and C 4) 240

4) Statements C and D
Q.162) Which of the following statements Q.165) Which of the following are correctly
are correct with regards to Variable matched with respect to their
Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) ? taxonomic classification?

A) Is a location in a genome where 1) Housefly, Butterfly, Honey bee,

short nucleotide sequence is Silver fish - Arthropoda
organized as tandem repeat 2) Neries, Sea urchin, Sea cucumber
- Echinodermata
B) The number of repeat varies from
chromosome to chromosome in an 3) Flying fish, Cuttle fish, Silver fish
individual and also between - Pisces
4) Earthworm, Cockroach, Spider,
C) Its size varies from 0.1-20 Kbp Scorpions - Annelida
Q.166) Which of the following is true for in-
1) A only breeding
2) A and B only 1) It creates heterozygosity

3) B and C only 2) It is the result of out crossing

3) Helps in the accumulation of less
4) A, B and C
desirable genes and elimination of
superior genes
Q.163) Read the following statements and
select the correct option : 4) Helps in the accumulation of su-
Statement I : Bioprospecting related perior genes and elimination of less
to exploring molecular, genetic and desirable genes
species level diversity for products Q.167) Which hormones do stimulate the
of economic importance. production of pancreatic juice and
Statement II : ‘Rivert-popper’ bicarbonates?
hypothesis related to explanation of 1) Angiotensin and Epinephrine
importance of all types of species in
an ecosystem. 2) Gastrin and Insulin
1) Only statement I is correct 3) Cholecystokinin and Secretin
2) Only statement II is correct 4) Insulin and glucagon
3) Both the statements I and II are Q.168) Which of the following options best
correct represents the enzymatic composi-
4) Both the statements I and II are tion of pancreatic juice?
wrong 1) Amylase, Pepsin, Trypsinogen,
Q.164) An ovum from a donor is deposited Maltase
in the fallopian tube of another
2) Peptidase, Amylase, Pepsin,
female who cannot produce an ovum.
Fertilisation and development occur
in the receipient. This method of 3) Lipase, Amylase, Trypsinogen,
infertility treatment is Procarboxypeptidase
1) IVF 2) ZIFT 4) Amylase, Peptidase, Trypsinogen,
3) GIFT 4) IUI Rennin
Q.169) If for some reason the parietal cells Q.174) The renal fluid isotonic to blood is
of the gut epithelium becomes par- found in
tially non functional, what is likely
to happen? 1) Collecting duct and ascending duct

1) Pancreatic enzymes, especially 2) Distal convoluted tubule and

trypsin and lipase will not work ascending limb
efficiently 3) The proximal convoluted tubule
2) The pH of stomach will fall abruptly 4) The ascending limb and
3) Nuclease will be more effective descending limb

4) Proteins will not be adequately Q.175) Which one of the following statement
hydrolysed by pepsin into proteases is correct with respect to kidney
and peptones function regulation?

Q.170) Bulk of carbondioxide released from 1) When someone drinks lot of water
body tissues into the blood is ADH release is suppressed
transported as 2) Exposure to cold temperature
1) bicarbonate in blood plasma stimulates ADH release

2) free CO2 in blood plasma 3) An increase in glomerular blood

flow stimulates formation of
3) 70% carbaminohaemoglobin and angiotensin II
30% as bicarbonate
4) During summer when body loses
4) carbaminohaemoglobin in RBC lot of water by evaporation the
Q.171) Chemosensitive area of respiratory release of ADH is suppressed.
centre in medulla is affected by Q.176) When kidney of a person is damaged,
1) Less CO2 and H+ ions he/she invariably suffers from
anemia because,
2) Less O2 and H+ ions
1) RBCs pass through the glomerulus
3) Excess CO2 and H+ ions
2) Sufficient erythropoeitin is not
4) Excess O2 and H+ ions
Q.172) What would be the heart rate of a
3) Myoglobin is not synthesised
person, if the cardiac output is 5L,
blood volume in the ventricle at the
end of diastole is 100ml and at the 4) Iron and vitamin B12 are not able
end of ventricular systole is 50mL? to bind to haemoglobin
1) 125 beats per minute Q.177) During muscular contraction which
of the following events occur
2) 50 beats per minute
i) H-zone disappears
3) 75 beats per minute
ii) A-band widens
4) 100 beats per minute
iii) I band gets reduced
Q.173) Which part of the nephron is
impermeable to water? iv) A-band retains the length
1) Proximal convoluted tubule v) Z lines come closer
2) Distal convoluted tubule 1) i, iii, iv and v 2) i, ii and v
3) Ascending loop of Henle 3) ii, iv and v 4) i, ii and iii
4) Descending loop of Henle
Q.178) Which of the following muscular Q.182) Which one of the following is not
disorders is inherited? correct?
1) Botulism 1) Photopigments are composed of
opsin and retinal
2) Tetany
3) Muscular dystrophy 2) In retina the rods have the
photopigments rhodopsin while
4) Myasthenia gravis cones have three different
Q.179) Select the correct option?
3) Retinal is a derivative of
1) There are seven pairs of
vitamin C
vertebrosternal ribs, three pairs of
vertebrochondral ribs and two pairs 4) Rhodopsin is a purplish red protein
of vertebral ribs present in rods only
2) 8 th , 9 th and 10 th pairs of ribs Q.183) Crocodile and Penguin are similar to
articulate directly with the sternum whale and dog fish in which one of
3) 11 th and 12 th pairs of ribs are the following features
connected to the sternum with the
1) Possess a solid single stranded
help of hyaline cartilage
central nervous system
4) Each rib is a flat thin bone and all
2) Lay eggs and guard them till they
the ribs are connected dorsally to the
thoracic vertebrae and ventrally to
the sternum 3) Possess bony skeleton
Q.180) The pivot joint between atlas and
4) Have gill slits at some stages of
axis is a type of
1) Cartilagenous joint
Q.184) Organ of Corti is located on
2) Synovial joint
1) Basilar membrane
3) Saddle joint
2) Basement membrane
4) Fibrous joint
3) Reissner’s membrane
Q.181) Select the correct option describing
gonadotropin activity in a normal 4) Synovial membrane
pregnant female
Q.185) The posterior pituitary gland is not a
1) High level of FSH and LH true endocrine gland because
stimulates the thickening of
endometrium 1) It is provided with a duct

2) High level of FSH and LH 2) It only stores and releases

facilitates implantation of the embryo hormones

3) High level of hCG stimulates the 3) It is under the regulation of

synthesis of estrogen and hypothalamus
4) It secretes enzymes
4) High level of hCG stimulate the
thickening of endometrium
Section B (186-200) Q.190) Match column I and II and choose
the correct combination from the
Answer any 10 Qns
options given
Q.186) Injury to adrenal cortex is not likely
to affect the secretion of which of
the following
Colum n I Colum n II
1) Aldosterone Help to s top substances
a) Adhering
1) from leaking across
2) Sex hormones junction
a tissue
P erform cementing to
3) Adrenaline
b) Gap junction 2) k eep neighbouring
c ells together
4) Cortisol
Facilitate the cells to
Q.187) Hormones secreted by the placenta c ) Tight junction 3) c ommunicate with
to maintain pregnancy are each other

1) hCG, hpL, progestogens, prolactin

1) a-3, b-2, c-1
2) hCG, hPL, estrogens, relaxin,
oxytocin 2) a-2, b-3, c-1
3) hCG, hPL, progestogens, estrogens 3) a-2, b-1, c-3
4) hCG, progestogen, glucocorticoids
4) a-1, b-3, c-2
Q.188) Choose the correct statement
Q.191) Smooth muscles are
1) hPL plays a major role in
1) Involuntary, cylindrical, striated
2) Voluntary, spindle shaped,
2) Foetus shows first movements
during the 7th month of pregnancy
3) Involuntary, fusiform, non striated
3) Signals for parturition comes from
fully developed foetus and placenta 4) Voluntary, multinucleated,
4) Embryo’s heart is formed by the
end 2nd month of pregnancy Q.192) In cockroach walking legs arise from
Q.189) Microenvironment for the develop- 1) prothorax and mesothorax and are
ment and maturation of T lymphoctes two pairs
provided by the
2) mesothorax and metathorax and
1) Bone marrow and thymus are two pairs
2) Lymph nodes and spleen 3) all the thoracic segments and are
three pairs
3) Mucosa associated lymphoid tis-
sue 4) first three abdominal segments
and are three pairs
4) Tonsils and Peyer’s patches
Q.193) Match the items given in column I Q.197) What are flocs ?
with those in column II and select
the correct option given below 1) Masses of anaerobic bacteria only

2) Masses of aerobic fungi only

Column I Column II
3) Masses of anaerobic bacteria and
A Fibrinogen i Osmotic balance fungi

B Globulin ii Blood clotting 4) Masses of aerobic bacteria

associated with fungi filaments
C Albumin iii Defense mechanism
Q.198) If the base sequence of a codon in
mRNA is 5  AUG  3 the sequence
of tRNA pairing with it must be :
1 iii ii i
1) 5  UAC  3

2 i ii iii 2) 3  UAC  5
3 i iii ii
3) 5  AUG  3
4 ii iii i
4) 5  GUA  3
Q.194) Mark the odd one (with respect to Q.199) Multiple alleles are present :
1) On sister chromatids
1) Narrow spectrum herbicide
2) On different chromosomes
2) Species specific
3) At different loci on the same
3) Bioinsecticide chromosome
4) Nucleoprotein particles 4) At the same locus of the
homologous chromosome
Q.195) Production of beverages at industrial
scale requires growing microbes in Q.200) Read the following statements and
very large containers known as identify the correct option :

1) Digesters Statement I : The secondary

structure of protein is according to
2) Fermentors aminoacid present inside the
3) Dough
Statement II : Competitive inhibitor
4) Concrete tank is also called substrate analogue.

Q.196) _____ are used in detergent 1) Only statement I is correct

formulations and are helpful in
removing oily stains from laundry. 2) Only statement II is correct

1) Ligases 2) Proteases 3) Both the statements I and II are

3) Lipases 4) Pectinases
4) Both the statements I and II are
19-08- 2021 Batch : MEDICAL - 2021
Puliyannoor P.O., PA LA
Ph - 04822 206416, 206516, 206459
Physics + Chemistry + Biology Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Mark: 720
1. 4 35. 2
2. 4 36. 4
3. 1 37. 3
4. 3 38. 4
5. 1 39. 3
6. 1 40. 2
7. 2 41. 2
8. 1 42. 3
9. 4 43. 1
10. 4 44. 2
11. 3 45. 2
12. 1 46. 4
13. 1 47. 3
14. 3 48. 2
15. 3 49. 3
16. 3 50. 2
18. 4
51. 3
19. 4
52. 2
20. 1
53. 2
21. 1
22. 3 54. 2
23. 3 55. 2
24. 3 56. 2
25. 2 57. 2
26. 4 58. 1
27. 1
59. 2
28. 4
60. 3
29. 3
61. 3
30. 3
31. 4 62. 4
32. 4 63. 3
33. 4 64. 3
65. 3 96. 2
66. 1
97. 1
67. 3
98. 2
68. 3
99. 4
69. 4
70. 3 100 .

71. 2
72. 3 BOTANY

73. 1 101. 2
74. 2 102. 3
103. 3
75. 1
104. 2
76. 4
105. 3
77. 3
106. 2
78. 3
107. 2
79. 2
108. 3
80. 3 109. 3
81. 4 110. 1
82. 3 111. 2
112. 2
83. 2
113. 4
84. 3
114. 4
85. 3 115. 3
86. 1 116. 3
87. 2 117. 2
118. 3
88. 1
119. 2
89. 3
120. 4
90. 1
121. 1
91. 1
122. 3
92. 3
123. 3
93. 4
124. 1
94. 2
125. 3
95. 2
126. 1 156. 1
157. 1
127. 4
158. 4
128. 2 159. 4
129. 2 160. 2
130. 3 161. 2
162. 4
131. 4
163. 3
132. 2
164. 3
133. 1
165. 1
134. 2
166. 4
135. 4
167. 3
136. 3
168. 3
137. 4
169. 4
138. 4
170. 1
139. 3
171. 3
140. 4
172. 4
141. 4
142. 4 173. 3

143. 3 174. 3
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147. 3 179. 1
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150. 4 182. 3

ZOOLOGY 183. 4
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154. 4 187. 3
155. 4 188. 3

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