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Schools are no longer necessary because children can get information available

through the Internet and thus they can study well at home To what extent do agree or
disagree with this statement?

It has recently been argued that schools no longer play an indispensable educational
role as children can conduct successful Internet-based self-study in the home. Truth be
told, I find this view unconvinving.

On the face of it, children today can certainly receive a great amount of information
on the Internet whenever they wish to learn new things at home.

Since the advent of the World Wide Web, it has undeniably been easy for everyone,
kids included, to undergo eye-opening experiences when they get online. Never in
human history has there been such great access to so much information just with a
click of the mouse.

However, it does not mean that all children using the Internet are able to teach
themselves efficiently without school teachers.

Arguably, the vast majority of kids are actually in need of professional guidance from
educators in how to select quality sources of information from the ocean of websites
and how to get the best out of them.

More seriously, at a young age, most children are likely to be distracted from healthy
learning activities by a wide variety of unhealthy online games, not to mention the
harmful effects of adult materials in the virtual world that suddenly pop up on the
computer screen while children are using the Internet.

Therefore, it could be said that children’s Internet use is one thing but learning
effectively from its information sources is another.

In conclusion, despite children’s Internet access in today’s context, I hold the belief
that schools still are, and will forever be, of the utmost importance in bringing
academic success to children.

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