Neha Arora Case Study 2

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UID- 21MBA2554
In my opinion, Mr. Samuel could've listened to Mr. Mason very clearly and attentively. He should've
asked him personally very politely to explain again if he was facing so many problems but in a polite
manner only as Mr. Mason is at a senior position in the company. Mr. Mason should also have heard
his problems very clearly and tried again to solve his problem. Mr. Samuel could've just requested
politely but professionally to explain things to him again. Since Mr. Samuel didn't understand
whatever Mr. Mason taught him. He could've just asked him again, Re questioned him again. Since
Mr. Mason liked to work in his own way for effective and effecient communication he could've just
convienced him.
Ans 2. The communication issues that are presented in the case study are
Samuel wasn't comfortable with Mr. Mason since he used to work in his own way and didn't
understand anything.
There was a communication gap between subordinate and superior because of which Mr. Samuel
faced this problem.
There was a difference of behavior and Mr. Samuel was not good at explaining things to him.
Also the CEO was very rude at his behavior when he said “there are other people out there that can
do your job!” there was technological barrier also because of the tools that he was using.

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