BIO1201 Lecture 20

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BIO1201 Lecture 20

Introduction to Basic Concept of Ecology

Calvin R. Bernard
• Ecology - Definition
• Why study ecology?
• Important terms in ecology
• Levels of study in ecology
• Ecology as a systems study
The scientific study of the distribution, abundance
and dynamics of organisms, their interactions
with other organisms and with their physical

British Ecological Society

Why study ecology?
Ecological terms - Species
• A group of organisms with shared genes
capable of sexual reproduction to produce
fertile offspring.
– Native – Naturally occurring
– Alien – Introduced by human influence
– Invasive – Alien which tends to displace natives
Ecological terms - Population
• Members of one species living in a defined
area but in separate territories.
– A quantitative measure
– Colonies are related – a group of organism living
closely together
• Reduced territoriality
• A subset of a population
Ecological terms - Community
• Populations of species living in a defined area
(habitat/ecosystem) and interacting in various
– May be defined based on taxon, habitat or
Ecological terms - Habitat
• The area in an ecosystem defines by physical
and chemical characteristics suitable for
supporting the life of a species.
– Micro-habitats - small areas within the habitat
Ecological terms – Ecological Niche
• The functional position of an organism within
the ecosystem.
• The sum total of all the resources used by, and
the biotic and abiotic conditions suffered by, a
species. – British Ecological society
Ecological terms - Ecosystem
• A biological community interacting in the
abiotic components of its habitat.
– Note that the habitat sets the physical parameters
of the system
Ecological terms - Biome
• A collection of interacting ecosystems defined
on broad biophysical characteristics.
– Tundra
– Forests
Ecological terms - Biosphere
• The collection of all biomes
– The zone of life
– Earth
Ecological terms – Ecological interactions
• The range of ways in which individuals (same
and different species), colonies and
populations interact with each other
– Predation
– Competition
– Parasitism
– Mutualism
– Commensalism
Levels of study in Ecology
• In practice ecological studies occur at one of
four levels
– Organism
– Populations
– Communities
– Ecosystems
• The division between levels is not sharp
Ecology as systems study
• Ecology is the study of eco-SYSTEMS
• Systems consist of two things
– Components – the ‘tangible’ or ‘physical’
– Processes – the means by which components
• Systems are defined by boundaries
Eco-system components
Eco-system Processes
Eco-system boundaries
• Ecosystem boundaries are set based on
biophysical limits but are not solid/absolute.
BIO1201 Lecture 21

Structure and function of ecosystem

Calvin R. Bernard
Ecosystem structure
• All ecosystems have structure – both macro
and micro
Ecosystem structure
• All components of the ecosystem interact with
others. They change and are changed by each
– Even the ‘inert’ gases
• The structure of the ecosystem is determined by
the ways in which its components interact
– True from atomic level to biological communities and
macro physical components
Ecosystem structure - Organism
Ecosystem structure –
Ecosystem structure - Trophic
Ecological term – Ecological Succession
• The progressive replacement of one dominant type
of species or community by another in an
ecosystem until a stable climax community is
established. ~ Biology Online
• Predictable and orderly changes in the composition or
structure of an ecological community. ~ Science Daily
Ecosystem function
• The fundamental function of an ecosystem is the
support of life
– Biological diversity (Genes-Species-Ecosystems)
– Ecological stability
• Dependent on diversity
– Low diversity + High dominance = Low stability + High productivity
– High diversity + Low dominance = High stability + Low productivity
Categories of Ecosystem function
• Regulating Functions
– Maintenance of essential ecological processes and life support
• Supporting Functions
– Providing habitat (suitable living space) for wild plant and animal
species at local and regional scales.
• Provisioning Functions
– Provision of natural resources.
• Cultural Functions
– Providing life fulfilment opportunities and cognitive
development through exposure to life processes and natural

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