Christian Living - Life of Job

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But If Not

If it wouldn't be because of these storms,

Then I'll never appreciate the sunshine.
If you didn't positioned me on the dry land,
How can I then rejoice when You finally pour water upon my hands.

For my faith is never conditional,

You don't owe me anything.
There's a purpose for each trial,
And so I am hiding beneath thy wing.

My confident and trust is You,

These breaking will be my breakthrough.
These testing will be my testimony,
Regardless what, I thank thee.

My hope is unwavering,
My suffering won't go in vain.
For if I have nothing but have You,
I have everything no riches can equal to.

“Does Job fear God for nothing?” — Job 1:9

Satan claimed it was easy for Job to fear God because his life was going so
well. Job had 10 children, thousands of animals, and many servants. Job was a great
man whose kids threw great parties. He would even offer sacrifices just in case
someone in his household sinned against God. So of course, Job feared God. How can
you hate life and its giver, when everything seems to be going pretty well? This chapter
of Job is teaching us three things about choosing faith in the midst of suffering.
1. God allows suffering.

Job1:12. And the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, all that he has is in your hand. Only
against him do not stretch out your hand.” So, Satan went out from the presence of the

A lot of people will tell you this: "God just wants you to be happy." But is that
what God’s main priority for our lives is—to just be happy? We are convinced that in
one way or another that the ultimate goal of life is the pursuit of happiness. But in
reality, the more we find happiness, the more we lose it.

Because the world’s idea of happiness is directly tied to circumstances. If our

circumstances are favorable, then we’re happy. If not, then we’re not. And
circumstances among our very lives, change drastically from time to time, therefore
one should not seek happiness alone and rather accept the days that you need to
break, days that you need to tremble, days that you need to mourn and, days that you
need to almost give in.

Satan purpose for our suffering is defeat, but God's purpose is to develop.
Sometimes it will never make sense how God allow suffering in our very lives, not
unless we overcome it. For the person whose faith not tested has a faith that cannot be
trusted. And if plants need both sunshine and rain to grow— then we, should take heart
in trusting and enduring the process. Allow ourselves to break, and always ask the
Lord, "What can I learn from this?" Then let Him transform your mess into a message.

2. Satan is after the things we value.

Job1:13-19. Satan Takes Job’s Property and Children

Satan is a thief, and thieves never steal things that are not valuable to us. He
will lie to us and even use people around us, or our outward circumstances just to drift
us away from the Lord.

Therefore, we can't trust anything in this world. Life can be going along smoothly
for a season. Your job is satisfying. Your friends and family are enjoyable. Your goals,
finances, health and outlook seem bright. Then, all of a sudden, you will hit the rock
bottom. Someone you know gets sick. You lose your job. A friend or family member
betrays you. The things you felt secure in all of a sudden feel shaky and uncertain.

But the good thing in being rob by the enemy and hitting the rock bottom, is
knowing who is the Rock at the bottom. He is in control, he got everything all together
for good. There's no panic in heaven because everything is all right, we just haven't
seen it yet. The enemy will steal everything in a blast, but he can never steal God from

3. Faith should not be conditional.

Job 1:21 And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I
return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

To have an unwavering faith is the ability to trust in Him regardless what life
throw at us. Our hope is not just in the Lord, but is the Lord. When we go through
series of failure in our lives.

It has always been: "Why me? Lord, bakit ako?"

And never been: "Why not me? Lord bakit hindi ako?"

Who am I Lord? I'm not qualified nor I am even close to You. Every day we
commit sin to ourselves, to our neighbors and to Him as well.
“What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for
them?” (Psalm 8:3–4). I’d like to think that when God created the world, He left the best
for last. The same God who created the moon, stars, flowers, and ocean, is the same
God who thought that the world needs you too. He loves us that much and therefore
we should always keep in mind, that no matter what happen, we are under His grace.
And if God loves us that unconditionally therefore, us too shall worship him without

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