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FOCUS: DISCUSSION-When a country loses a large number of talented people through emigration,

it is called a ‘brain drain’. Has Colombia suffered or benefited from a brain drain?

FOCUS: VOCABULARY-Which words below have you heard or do you know? Give a definition,
example, or sentence using the word if you already know it; otherwise, use a dictionary (suggested: which also has a free application) to find the meanings of the words you
don’t know.

striking reverse brain drain booming bachelor’s/master’s degree/PhD/doctorate

entrepreneur major vs career overtake recruit void light a fire under (someone’s) [ass]

FOCUS: LISTENING COMPREHENSION-Watch and listen to the news broadcast “America’s

Brain Drain” presented by CBS News Online: and
answer the following questions as you listen.

1. How does the news broadcaster describe foreign students who come to the University of Berkeley to
get an American education?

2. How many foreign students had come to study in the U.S. in 2011?

3. What two countries had the most foreign students come to the U.S.?

4. Why do students historically only buy “one-way” tickets to the U.S.?

5. Name two “good brains” who came to the U.S. and stayed and identify their nationalities.

Visa English Academy, Briana Songer, October 2013

6. What is happening in relation with the reverse brain drain?

7. How long did Jong teach in the U.S. before moving back to China?
8. What does Jong believe will happen if China maintains the “quality and quantity” of education?

9. What is the solution to the reverse brain drain?

10. What does it mean by the “these guys lit a fire under you!”

11. What has the U.S. educational system traditionally overlooked?

12. What are some of the benefits of the federally funded research programs?

13. What David say he would be doing if not for this research program’s salary?

14. What is unique about David’s profile and background in relation to being a PhD student?

15. What could have happened to David if he wouldn’t have joined this program?

What is your personal experience with living or working abroad?

Do you think it’s ethical for someone to obtain a degree abroad and then return to their home

Does Manizales retain graduates, or do most people move? What is your personal experience with
this or a friend’s experience?

Visa English Academy, Briana Songer, October 2013


Comprehension Questions

1. Ambitious
2. 690,000 in 2011
3. India and China
4. It’s the only land of opportunity
5. Google-Soviet Union, Ebay-Iranian, born in French, Yahoo-Taiwanese, Sun Microsystems-Indian
6. They are returning to their home countries after graduating, especially in India and China
7. a decade, 10 years
8. It will overtake the U.S. in 20 years
9. Find more smart U.S. American students
10. They motivated him to do well and further his education
11. Students with great potential
12. Students get more teacher attention and get paid
13. waiting tables, cooking, or bartending
14. He’s older (33), high school dropout, became a father at the age of 16
15. He would have “fallen through the cracks”, implying he would be in poverty or danger

Visa English Academy, Briana Songer, October 2013

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