Crim Pro Venue

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VENUE OF CRIMINAL ACTIONS -tried and instituted in the court of any

municipality or territory where said train, aircraft,
 Criminal Action – instituted and tried in the court or vehicle passed during the trip.
of the municipality or territory -may also be instituted or tried in the place
(a) Where the offense was committed where departure and arrival (Sec. 15B, Rule
(b) Where any of the essential ingredients 110)
occurred (Sec. 15, Rule 110, ROC)
4. Where an offense is committed on board a vessel, the
Venue; an element of criminal jurisdiction criminal action shall be instituted and tried in (a) the
court of the first port of entry, or (b) the municipality or
 Criminal case is a jurisdictional matter. It is an territory where the vessel passed during its voyage.
element of jurisdiction.
 Principle: to ensure that the defendant is not 5. Where the case is cognizable by the SB, the criminal
compelled to move to, and appear in, a different action need not to be filed and tried in place where the
court from the province where the crime was act was committed but generally, where the court
committed as it would cause him great actually sits in QC.
inconvenience in looking for his witnesses and
other evidence in another place - a case originating from one geographical
 REASON: region may be heard in another geographical region.
1. The jurisdiction of the lower court is limited
6. Where the offense in written defamation, the criminal
to well-defined territories such that a trial
action need not to necessarily be filed in the RTC of the
court can only hear and try cases involving
province or city where the alleged libellous article was
crimes committed within its territorial
printed and first published.
2. Laying the venue in locus criminis is -filed in the province/city where the offended
grounded on the necessity and justice of party held office at the time of the commission of the
having an accused on trial in the offense (public officer)
municipality or province where witnesses
and other facilities for his defense are -province/city where he actually resided at the
available. time of the commission of the offense (private individual)
 Place must be proven during the trial.
 Venue is jurisdictional only in relation to the  Civil action for damages of written defamation-
criminal action. It is, however, procedural in RTC
applications for search warrant.  Rule on venue: the place where the libelous
article was printed and first published or
Improper venue in a civil case where the any of the offended party actually
resides at the time of the commission of the
 Civil case: the ground for motion to dismiss offense
would be that “the venue is improperly laid” (Sec
1c, Rule 16, ROC) Venue of selected offenses
 Criminal Case: the ground for motion to quash
would be that “the court trying the case has no  Perjury (Union Bank of the Phil. Case)
jurisdiction over the offense charged” (Sec 3b, -the allegations in the complaint and
Rule 117) information must be examined together
- Because improper venue means lack of with Sec 15(a) Rule 110 of the ROC.
jurisdiction -determination of venue shall be based
on the acts alleged in the Information to
When a court has jurisdiction to try offenses not the constitutive of the crime committed.
committed within its jurisdiction  Sec. 9, RA 8042 – illegal recruitment; RTC
and may also filed where the offended party
1. Offense was committed under the circumstances actually resides at the time of the
enumerated in Art 2 of the RPC, the offense is commission of the offensw
cognizable before the Phil. Courts even if -the court where the criminal action is first
committed outside the territory of the Phil. The filed shall acquire jurisdiction to the
offense shall be cognizable by the court where exclusion of other courts.
the criminal action is first filed. (Sec. 15D, Rule  BP 22 – transitory and continuing crime; suit
110) on the check can be filed in any of the
2. When the SC, pursuant to its constitutional places where any of the elements of the
powers, orders a change of venue or place of offense occurred, that is where the check is
trial to avoid miscarriage of justice. (Sec. 5(4) drawn, issued, delivered, or dishonoured.
Art. VIII)
3. Offense is committed in train, aircraft, or other -CONTINUING CRIME: territory where the
public or private vehicle in the course of its trip, offense was in part committed.
the criminal action need not be instituted in the
actual place where the offense was committed.  Yalong Case #6
 Estafa by postdating a check/ issuing a bad 1. If the amendment is made after the plea of the
check, may be a transitory/continuing accused and during the trial, any formal
offense. amendment may only be made under two
conditions, namely:
Venue of Psychological Violence under RA 9262 (a ) leave of court must be secured; and
(b) the amendment does not cause
 Phil. Courts can have a jurisdiction where the prejudice to the rights of the accused (Sec. 14,
crime was committed outside of the Phil. Rule 110, Rules of Court).
 AAA v. BBB case GR 212448
2. Case law – formal or any substantial amendment may
How to state the place and commission of the be made without leave of court.
- After the entry of plea, only formal amendment may be
 Sufficient if it can be understood from the made but with leave of court and if it does not prejudice
allegations of the complaint or information that the rights of the accused.
the offense was committed or some of its
essential ingredients occurred at some place When an amendment is formal or substantial
within the jurisdiction of the court (Sec. 10, Rule
110, Rules of Court).  Cannot be circumscribed within a hard and fast
 particular place where the offense was rule. Recourse need be made to the peculiar
committed is an essential ingredient of the circumstances of each case.
offense or is necessary for its identification, the  Amendment which does not change the
description of the place of commission of the nature of the crime alleged therein, does not
offense must be specific (Sec. 10, Rule 110, affect the essence of the offense, cause
Rules of Court). surpise, or deprive the accused of an
opportunity to meet the new averment had
VII. AMENDMENT OR SUBSTITUTION OF THE each been held to be one of form and not of
 Test to determine when the rights of the accused
Meaning of amendment is prejudiced – when a defense of the accused,
under the original complaint/information, would
 Correction of an error or omission in a complaint
no longer be available after the amendment is
or an information
made, and when any evidence the accused
 See book Riano
might have would be inapplicable to the
Amendment of the information or complaint before complaint or information.
plea; no need for leave  Mere formal amendments
(1) new allegations which relate only to the
 If the amendment is made before the accused range of the penalty that the court might impose
enters his plea, the complaint or information may in the event of conviction;
be amended in form or in substance, without the (2) an amendment which does not charge
need for leave of court (Sec. 14, Rule 110, Rules another offense different or distinct from that
of Court). charged in the original one;
(3) additional allegations which do not alter the
When leave of court is required even if the prosecution's theory of the case so as to cause
amendment is made before plea surprise to the accused and affect the form of
defense he has or will assume;
1. Leave of court is required even if made before plea if:
(4) an amendment which does not adversely
(a) the amendment downgrades the nature of affect any substantial right of the accused; and
the offense charged, or (5) an amendment that merely adds
specifications to eliminate vagueness in the
(b) the amendment excludes any accused from information and not to introduce new and
the complaint or information (Sec. 14, Rule 110, Rules of material facts, and merely states with additional
Court). precision something which is already contained
in the original information and which adds
2. Aside from leave of court, the above amendments, nothing essential for conviction for the crime
require a motion by the prosecutor, with notice to the charged (Ricarze v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
offended party (Sec. 14, Rule 110, Rules of Court). 160451, February 9, 2007).
3. The court is mandated by the rule to state its reasons
 Sec. 14 prohibits the prosecution from seeking a
in resolving the motion of the prosecutor and to furnish
substantial amendment, particularly mentioning
all parties, especially the offended party, of copies of its
those that may prejudice the rights of the
order (Sec. 14, Rule 110, Rules of Court).
 Insertion of the real name of the accused is
merely a formal amendment
Rule as to amendment made after the plea of the  Inclusion of additional accused is only an
accused amendment in form.
 Additional allegation of conspiracy is a formal charges an offense which is distinct and
amendment different from that initially charged, a
substitution is in order.
Example of substantial amendments in old case

 Robbery to robbery in an uninhabited place – it

exposed the accused to a higher penalty

Substitution of the complaint or information

 A complaint or information may be substituted if

it appears at any time before judgment that a
mistake has been made in charging the proper
offense. In such a case, the court shall dismiss
the original complaint or information once the
new one charging the proper offense is filed
provided the accused will not be placed in
double jeopardy. (Sec. 14, Rule 110, Rules of
 The dismissal of the original complaint or
information is subject to the provisions of Sec.
19 of Rule 119.

Distinction between substitution and amendment

1. Amendment may involve either formal or

substantial changes, while substitution
necessarily involves a substantial change
from the original charge;
2. Amendment before plea has been entered can
be effected without leave of court, but
substitution of information must be with
leave of court as the original information has
to be dismissed;
3. Where the amendment is only as to form, there
is no need for another preliminary investigation
and the retaking of the plea of the accused; in
substitution of information, another
preliminary investigation is entailed and the
accused has to plead anew to the new
information; and
4. An amended information refers to the same
offense charged in the original information or to
an offense which necessarily includes or is
necessarily included in the original charge,
hence substantial amendments to the
information after the plea has been taken cannot
be made over the objection of the accused, for if
the original information would be withdrawn, the
accused could invoke double jeopardy. On the
other hand, substitution requires or
presupposes that the new information
involves a different offense which does not
include or is not necessarily included in the
original charge, hence the accused cannot
claim double jeopardy.
 Whether there should be an amendment
under the first paragraph of Section 14, Rule
110, or a substitution of information under
the second paragraph thereof, the rule is
that where the second information involves
the same offense, or an offense which
necessarily includes or is necessarily
included in the first information, an
amendment of the information is sufficient;
otherwise, where the new information
PROSECUTION OF CIVIL ACTION 2. Independent civil liability – civil liability
that may pursued independently of the
RULE 111 criminal proceedings; based on “an
obligation not arising from the act
Implied institution of the civil action with the criminal
complained of as felony (art. 31 of the CC)

 When a criminal action is instituted, the civil

When there is no implied institution of the civil
action for the recovery of the civil liability
arising from the offense charged shall be
deemed instituted with the criminal action  There is no implied institution of the civil action
 the general rule is that every act or omission to recover civil liability arising from the offense
punishable by law has its accompanying civil charged in any of the following instances:
liability (a) When the offended party waives the
 Art. 100 of the RPC civil action;
 Civil action : offended party is the plaintiff (b) When the offended party reserves
and the accused is the defendant, is the right to institute the civil action separately; or
deemed instituted with criminal action unless (c) When the offended party institutes
the offended party (1) waives its civil action, the civil action prior to the criminal action (Sec. 1
(2) reserves the right to the institute it [a], Rule 110, Rules of Court).
separately or (3) institutes the civil action
prior to the criminal action. Reservation of the civil action
 Merger of the criminal and the civil action –
 the reservation shall be made before the
to avoid multiplicity of suits
prosecution starts presenting its evidence
Purpose of the criminal and civil actions
When no reservation is required
 Criminal action – to punish the offender in
 Actions under Arts. 32-34 and 2176 of the CC
order to deter him and others from committing
may be filed separately and prosecuted
the same and similar offense, to isolate him from
independently without any reservation in the
the society. Reform and rehabilitate him or, in
criminal action.
general, to maintain social order.
- Failure to make reservation: not a waiver of
 Civil action – for the resolution, reparation, or
the right to file separate and independent
indemnification of the private offended party for
civil action based on these articles of the CC
the damage or injury he sustained by reason of
the delictual or felonious act. When the separate civil action is suspended
Intervention of the offended party  After the criminal action is commenced, the
separate civil action arising therefrom cannot be
 He may intervene by counsel in the prosecution
instituted until final judgment has been entered
of the offense where the civil action for the
in the criminal action
recovery of the civil liability is instituted in the
 Suspension shall last until final judgment is
criminal action (Sec. 16, Rule 110)
rendered in the criminal action
The real parties in interest in the civil aspect of the
Counterclaim, cross-claim, third-party claim in a
criminal action
 Offended party and the accused
 Court cannot entertain in the criminal action
 Either may appeal the civil aspect of the
judgment despite the acquittal of the accused

Rule applicable

 Rules of Criminal Procedure

When a civil action may proceed independently;

independent civil actions and quasi-delicts

 A single act or omission that causes damage to

an offended part may give rise to 2 separate civil
liability on the part of the offender
1. Civil liability ex delicto – civil liability
arising from the criminal offense under Art.
100 of the RPC; based on the
acts/omissions that constitute the criminal
offense, hence, it is intertwined with the
criminal action

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