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7, JULY 2021

A Circularly Polarized 3-D Printed Dielectric

Transmitarray Antenna at Millimeter-Wave Band
Feng Wei , Member, IEEE, Jia-Wen Hao , Le Xu, and Xiaowei Shi, Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this letter, a novel elliptical cylinder dielectric res- are compatible with the 3-D printed technique [13], [14].
onator (ECDR) is proposed. By combining a square substrate and In [13], a 3-D printed high-gain transmitarray antenna was
two symmetrical ECDRs, an ECDR element is formed, which can realized for the applications of millimeter wave and terahertz
effectively achieve the transformation from the linearly polarized
technologies. In [14], a 3-D printed transmitarray antenna
incident wave to the circularly polarized (CP) transmitted wave.
By adjusting the height of the element, a linear transmission phase with a gain of 30.7 dBi was proposed at a millimeter-wave
range over 360° can be obtained, which can reduce the fabrication band.
difficulty and cost through a 3-D printed technology significantly. On the other hand, the circular polarization has been chosen
Meanwhile, the ECDR element has a low conductor loss in high for its robustness against the environment interference in wire-
frequency. Additionally, a CP 3-D printed dielectric transmitarray less communications [15]–[20]. The circularly polarized (CP)
antenna at the millimeter-wave band is designed by employing the transmitarray antennas can generate the CP wave from either
ECDR elements. It is found that the aperture efficiency is up to linearly polarized (LP) or CP feeding sources. The LP feeding
40.3%, the 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth is 17%, and the 1 dB gain
bandwidth is 13.3%, respectively. The measured results are in good sources are more common than the CP ones. Therefore, a variety
agreement with the simulated ones. This may be the first time of CP transmitarray antennas with LP feed has been proposed.
that a CP 3-D printed dielectric transmitarray antenna has been Different kinds of elements can be employed to design the CP
reported. transmitarray antennas, such as cross strips [15], the patches with
U-shaped slots [16], and double-layer elements [17]. Circular
Index Terms—3-D printed, circular polarization, dielectric
resonator antennas, transmitarray. polarization, however, has not been realized in the dielectric
transmitarray antennas.
I. INTRODUCTION In this letter, a novel elliptical cylinder dielectric resonator
(ECDR) is proposed. Unlike the previously reported dielectric
VER the past years, the transmitarray antenna has become
O an attractive alternative in millimeter-wave applications
due to its advantages, such as inexpensive fabrication, high gain,
resonators [1], [13], [14], the structure of the elliptical cylinder
realizes the LP–CP transformation. By combining a square
substrate and two symmetrical ECDRs, an ECDR element is
and no insertion loss caused by the feeding network at a higher
proposed. Meanwhile, a transmission phase range over 360° is
frequency band [1]–[5]. The transmitarray antenna consists of
achieved by varying the square substrate thickness. Therefore,
a feed and a periodic planar surface that can transform the inci-
by employing the ECDR elements, a CP dielectric transmitarray
dent wave into the desired one. Compared with the reflectarray
antenna with an LP feeding is realized, which has the advantages,
antenna, the transmitarray antenna has a better tolerance to the
such as ease of fabrication, low Q-factor, and low conductor loss,
surface errors and does not suffer from the feed blockage [6]–[9].
in high frequency. Compared with the previously CP dielectric
However, the severe drawbacks of the traditional transmitarray
reflectarray antenna [1], the proposed antenna has not only a
antennas are the high conduct loss and narrowband performance
better tolerance to the surface errors but also a higher aperture
in the millimeter-wave applications. In order to overcome these
efficiency. The simulated and measured results indicate that the
limitations, the dielectric resonators have been proposed for the
transmitarray antenna can be realized at a millimeter-wave band.
dielectric transmitarray antennas [10]–[14].
This letter is arranged as follows. In Section II, the ECDR ele-
Meanwhile, the dielectric transmitarray antennas can be
ment and the transmitarray antenna are proposed and analyzed,
fabricated through 3-D printed technology, which can achieve
respectively. In Section III, the measurement procedures and
rapid prototyping at a low cost. In contrast to the perforated
experimental results are described in detail. Finally, Section IV
dielectric transmitarray antennas [10]–[12] that use the
concludes the letter.
material with high dielectric constant, the novel dielectric
transmitarray antennas that use low dielectric constant material
Manuscript received April 2, 2021; revised April 24, 2021; accepted April 28,
2021. Date of publication May 4, 2021; date of current version July 7, 2021. Date A. Configuration of ECDR Element
of publication; date of current version. This work was supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61771015. (Corresponding The ECDR element has a square size of P × P. The top and
author: Jia-Wen Hao.) bottom ECDRs, aligned along the square substrate, are designed
The authors are with the National Key Laboratory of Antennas to have the major axis of D and minor axis of d, respectively. The
and Microwave Technology, School of Electronic Engineering Xid-
ian University, Xi’an 710071, China (e-mail:;
square substrate thickness is t. The proposed ECDR element,;; ). as shown in Fig. 1, is composed of a square substrate and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2021.3077290 two symmetrical ECDRs, which is photosensitive resin particle
1536-1225 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY TAXILA. Downloaded on August 30,2021 at 07:01:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 1. Schematic view of the ECDR element.

Fig. 2. Mechanism of the LP–CP transformation. Fig. 3. Magnitudes and phase differences of the co- and cross-polarized
transmission coefficients versus frequency. (a) |Txx |. (b) |Tyx |. (c) Δδ.

rather than a metallic patch. The structure parameters are given

as follows: D = 2.9 mm, d = 1.2 mm, h = 8.7 mm, and P = transformation mechanism, the analysis has implemented the
5.0 mm (which is λ/2 at 30 GHz). proposed ECDR element as follows.
To generate the CP wave, the polarization of the electric field
vector of the LP incident wave must be aligned 45° with respect
B. CP Mechanism of ECDR Element
to the major axis of the elliptical cylinder. Hence, the x-polarized
According to the polarization transformation theory [21], wave along the z-direction is set as the incident wave when the
the LP–CP transformation mechanism of the proposed ECDR major axis of the elliptical cylinder in the direction of ϕ = 45°.
element is studied. Fig. 2 shows the mechanism of the LP–CP For the x-polarized incident wave, the transmission coefficients
transformation. The electric field vectors of the incident wave can be expressed as
and transmitted wave can be obtained as
Txx = Etx /Eix = Txx eδxx (5)
jφi x jφiy −jkz
Ei = Eix + Eiy = (xEix e + y Eiy e )e (1)
Tyx = Ety /Eix = Tyx eδyx (6)
Et = Etx +Ety = (xEtx ejφt x + y Ety ejφty )e−jkz (2)
where Txx and Tyx are defined as the co- and cross-polarized
where Eix , Eiy , Etx , and Ety are the electric field vectors of the transmission coefficients. δ xx and δ yx are the phases of Txx and
incident wave and transmitted wave along the x and y directions, Tyx , respectively. Hence, the phase difference between Txx and
respectively. φix , φiy , φtx , and φty are the corresponding phase Tyx can be defined as
The electric field vectors of the LP incident wave can be Δδ = δxx − δyx . (7)
decomposed into two components with equal amplitude and
phase. In order to simplify the analysis, the LP incident wave is The amplitude variations of Txx and Tyx versus frequency, for
set in the direction of ϕ = 45°. Hence, the electric field vector different t, are shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b), respectively. It can be
of the incident wave can be rewritten as seen that, when t varies, |Txx | and |Tyx | remain approximately
0.5 from 28.2 to 33.3 GHz, which means that the proposed
Ei = Eix ejφix (x + y )e−jkz = Eiy ejφiy (x + y )e−jkz . (3) ECDR element transforms the x-polarized incident wave into
Compared with the conventional microstrip structure, the two components with approximately equal amplitudes in the x
ECDR element is employed with its advantages of the low and y-directions at this band. As presented in Fig. 3(c), the phase
conductor loss in high frequency. The conductor loss mainly difference between Txx and Tyx is almost constant 90°. Hence,
affects the transformation amplitude. Hence, for the proposed according to the proposed polarization transformation mech-
ECDR element, the incident wave is fully transmitted. In addi- anism, the LP–CP transformation with different t is achieved
tion, the phase difference is ±90° between the two orthogonal from 28.2 to 33.3 GHz.
components of the transmitted wave due to the anisotropy of To further verify the LP–CP transformation of the proposed
ECDR. Hence, for the LP incident wave in which the direction ECDR element, the electric field vectors with orthogonal phase
of ϕ = 45° impinges on the ECDR element, the electric field at 30 GHz are studied. As presented in Fig. 4, when phases are
vector of the transmitted wave can be rewritten as 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°, the transmitted electric field vectors
on the bottom of the ECDR element are plotted. The blue and
Et = Etx ejφtx (x ± jy )e−jkz = Ety ejφty (x ± jy )e−jkz . black arrows point to the directions of the transmitted electric
(4) field vectors. The amplitudes of the transmitted electric field
It can be noted that a CP transmitted wave along the +z- vectors are unchanged and the azimuth angles of the transmitted
direction is generated. In order to verify the proposed LP–CP electric field vectors turn in the counterclockwise direction as

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY TAXILA. Downloaded on August 30,2021 at 07:01:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 7. Transmission phase distributions for the transmitarray antenna.

Fig. 4. Electric field vectors on the bottom of the ECDR element with orthog-
onal phases at 30 GHz. (a) 0°. (b) 90°. (c) 180°. (d) 270°.

Fig. 8. Schematic view of the proposed transmitarray antenna.

Fig. 5. Transmission magnitudes versus substrate thickness for different inci-

dent angles. (a) |Txx |. (b) |Tyx |.
Fig. 6 depicts the transmission phase curves as a function
of the substrate thickness t, which shows that the ECDR el-
ement achieves a linear phase range over 360° by adjusting
the substrate thickness t from 1 to 13 mm. Meanwhile, it can
be observed that the transmission phase curves are parallel at
different frequencies, showing the broadband characteristic of
the ECDR element. Therefore, such stable phase curves have
a great potential to enable a wideband performance for the
proposed transmitarray antennas.

Fig. 6. Transmission phases versus substrate thickness at different frequencies. D. Design of Transmitarray Antenna
(a) δ xx . (b) δ yx .
In transmitarray antenna theory, some parameters are set to
calculate the transmission phase distributions of the antenna
and then obtain elements’ distributions. The number of antenna
the time changes. Therefore, the right-hand circular polarization elements is set as 16 × 16, the focal distance F is set as 115 mm,
(RHCP) wave is obtained in the +z-direction. the incident angle is set as (0°, 0°), and the transmitted angle
is set as (0°, 0°). Based on Fermat’s principle of equality of the
C. Simulated Results and Parameters Analysis electrical path lengths, the transmission phase distributions are
obtained, as presented in Fig. 7.
Fig. 5 shows the |Txx | and |Tyx | with the x-polarized incident According to the correspondence between the ECDR element
wave for different incident angles. The incident angle (ϑ) is height and the phase distribution, the CP dielectric transmitarray
the propagation direction of the incident wave in the spherical antenna with LP feeding is presented in Fig. 8. The proposed
coordinate system. The |Txx | and |Tyx | are approximately 0.5 by transmitarray antenna consists of the transmitting layer, the
varying the substrate thickness from 1 to 13 mm for normal and phase adjusting layer, and the receiving layer. The symmetri-
oblique incidences, as shown in Fig. 5. Therefore, the angular cal ECDRs are placed on the transmitting layer and receiving
stability of the two states makes the developed element a good layer to realize the LP–CP transformation, whereas the square
candidate for the design of the CP transmitarray antennas. substrates are placed on the phase adjusting layer to achieve the
transmission phase.

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Fig. 9. Fabrication and measurement. (a) Photograph of the fabricated trans-

mitarray antenna. (b) Test environment. Fig. 11. Simulated and measured gain and AR of the transmitarray antenna.

Fig. 11 depicts the simulated and measured gain and 3 dB axial

ratio (AR) as a function of the frequency. The simulated results
present that the gain is 26 dBi and the high aperture efficiency
is 49.5% at 30 GHz. The measured gain is 0.9 dB lower than
the simulated result because of the fabrication and measurement
error, and the measured aperture efficiency of 40.3% is obtained.
Meanwhile, it can be easily seen that the measured 1 dB gain
Fig. 10. Normalized radiation patterns of the transmitarray antenna and feed bandwidth is 13.3% (from 28.4 to 32.4 GHz) and the measured
antenna at 30 GHz. (a) E-plane. (b) H-plane. AR bandwidth (AR < 3 dB) is 17% (from 28.2 to 33.3 GHz). The
proposed ECDR element and the transmitarray antenna have an
almost equal LP–CP transformation bandwidth.
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A comparison between the proposed antenna and some previ-
ously reported CP microstrip transmitarray antennas is given
In millimeter-wave applications, the processing methods of in Table I. It can be seen that the 1 dB gain bandwidth of
antenna fabrication are normally expensive and complicated. the proposed antenna is wider than others, as given in Table I.
In this letter, a 3-D printed technology is chosen because of The measured aperture efficiency of the proposed antenna is
the advantages of easy fabrication and low cost. The proposed higher than the ones in [15]–[19]. In [20], the CP transmitarray
transmitarray antenna uses photosensitive resin, which has a antenna was not measured and the simulated aperture efficiency
dielectric constant of 3.4. of it is lower than the proposed antenna. Therefore, due to the
As shown in Fig. 9(a), to verify the design, the transmitarray dielectric structure, the proposed antenna has the wider 1 dB
antenna using photosensitive resin material is fabricated. It gain bandwidth and higher aperture efficiency.
consists of the transmitting layer, the phase adjusting layer, the
receiving layer, and an antenna stand. The antenna stand makes
it easier to fix the proposed antenna on the rotating pedestal.
The test environment has been presented in Fig. 9(b). The
entire measured process has been accomplished in this far-field A novel ECDR element is proposed to design a high aperture
measurement system. The LP horn antenna and the proposed efficiency CP dielectric transmitarray antenna in this letter. The
antenna are positioned on a rotating pedestal. ECDR element can transform the LP incident wave into the
The normalized radiation patterns of the transmitarray an- CP one. By employing ECDR elements, a 256-element CP
tenna and the feed antenna at 30 GHz have been shown in transmitarray antenna band has been fabricated at millimeter
Fig. 10. It can be easily seen that the transmitarray antenna has wave using 3-D printing technology. It has been seen that the
better radiation performance than the feed antenna. Furthermore, proposed antenna can obtain a 1 dB gain bandwidth of 13.3%,
for the transmitarray antenna, the left-hand circular polarization a high aperture efficiency of 40.3%, and an AR bandwidth of
(LHCP) level is −20 dB below the maximum RHCP gain and 17%. Good agreement is achieved between the simulated and
the sidelobe level is lower than 15 dB down from the main beam measured results. For the first time, a CP 3-D printed dielectric
at 30 GHz. transmitarray antenna is proposed in this letter.

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