Time Dependent Ambient Oxidation of AA6061-T6 Alloy at The Temperature of 580

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ISSN 2070-2051, Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2021, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 786–795.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2021.


Time Dependent Ambient Oxidation of AA6061-T6 Alloy

at the Temperature of 580°C
Samir Attafia, *, Sabiha Aklouche-benouaguefb, and Şükrü TALAŞc
a Laboratory
of Technology Materials, LTM, USTHB, Algeria
b Laboratory of Transport Multiphase and Porous Media, LTPMP USTHB, Algeria
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, A. Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
*e-mail: attafisamir@gmail.com
Received July 26, 2019; revised January 7, 2021; accepted March 21, 2021

Abstract—The AA6061-T6 alloy is used in many industrial applications such as hydraulic pistons, aerospace
and marine vehicle fittings, including the nuclear reactors due to their excellent joining and coating proper-
ties, high strength, good formability, high resistance to aquatic corrosion and neutron transparency. This
study consists of high temperature oxidation for which the samples were oxidized using thermogravimetric
analysis, at a temperature of 580°C in an atmosphere that contains air and argon. Exposure of exposure times
at 580°C varied from 15 min to 8 h, which permitted to understand the mechanism of oxide formation mech-
anisms in this alloy and progressive formation of oxide layers on the surface. The chemistry, thickness and
the morphology of the oxide layer formed on the surface was characterized by scanning electron microscopy
(SEM-EDS), X-ray diffraction which revealed the existence of the following elements in the oxide layer, such
as Al2O3, Al9Si, SiO2, MgO and Mg3O4. Results showed that the oxide layer becomes thicker with the increas-
ing exposure time and is accompanied by a loss of weight compared to the mass formed at the beginning of
the thermogravimetric analysis.

Keywords: high-temperature oxidation, AA6061-T6 aluminium alloy, oxygen diffusion, thickness, oxide
layer, interface, degradation
DOI: 10.1134/S2070205121040067

1. INTRODUCTION melting point [8, 9]. This substantial amount of oxide

The AA6061-T6 grade of the 6xxx series of alumin- film present on the surface plays the role of a barrier
ium alloy is widely used in the industry, in particular, between the metal surface and surrounding atmo-
the nuclear industry for its neutron transparency, its sphere and protects the metal from further oxidation
low warming up on gamma radiation, ductility and [8, 10–12]. The mechanism of formation and the
toughness [1, 2]. The application of heat treatments development of this layer between the surface of the
and the addition of other elements in small quantities, metal and the interfaces of metal oxide and gas oxide
mainly magnesium and silicon, makes it possible to during steps of growth are still complex, some dis-
obtain maximum structural hardening by the precipi- agreements exist in the literature concerning the for-
tation of several phases of micrometric and nanomet- mation of formed oxides and the kinetics of the reac-
ric size, i.e. β'-Mg2Si,  β''-Mg2Si and stoichiometric tion [8, 9, 13, 14]. The increase in temperature further
promotes the diffusion of oxygen in the metal surface,
Mg5Si6 [3–7]. causing the phenomenon of oxidation [15].
The different branches of metallurgy are trans-
forming aluminium oxide to aluminium product to The kinetics of oxidation at high temperatures
make parts of machine, mechanisms, instruments, between 450 and 570°C was studied by Beck et al. [8]
and tools that we need in different forms. However, for aluminium of high purity under dry oxygen
aluminium tends to return to its original state before medium. Beck et al. observed that the complex oxida-
being extruded by corrosion or oxidation; in effect, the tion kinetics comprise two distinct and essentially
increase in temperature makes this phenomenon independent portions of each other. An amorphous
advance faster. During the first stages of production, γ-Al2O3 film, which diffuses outside of metal ions, is
the temperature is very high, and the alloy develops a formed in a very parabolic kinetics throughout the
thin and resistant surface oxide layer, because of the temperature range. At each temperature, substantially
high affinity between the aluminium and oxygen, cylindrical crystals γ-Al2O3 of constant final thickness
which thickens according to a parabolic law up to the grow inside the metal from the amorphous oxide-


metal interface by diffusion of inward oxygen through temperature, with a heating rate of 20°C/min from 30
the amorphous oxide layer, which covers the metal. up to 800°C under Ar atmosphere.
For high temperatures exceeding melting points, the The high-temperature oxidation with respect to
kinetics of oxidation of commercially pure aluminium exposure time was carried out with the DTA-TG cou-
was studied by Bergsmark, et al. [16] between 800 and pled device of NETZSCH 404S at 580°C The sample
950°C. Bergsmark et al. found that the reaction kinet- was placed in a silica crucible with an air flow of
ics are complex and cannot be described by simple rate 50 mL/min that was introduced to the chamber so that
equations. The oxide layers formed after extended the phenomenon of oxidation can be activated under
reaction with air consist of a thin, relatively compact the effect of oxygen in the air and argon with a purity
layer of aluminium oxide, which is thicker and porous of 99% with a gas flow rate of 20 mL/min. Argon was
layer with inclusions of unreacted aluminium particles added in order to ensure the stability of the sample in
and oxide outgrowths on the oxide surface, some of the crucible.
which consist of magnesium oxide. Cracking of the
oxide layers also contributes to yield complex kinetics. This test was carried out in two stages; the first step
An additional feature is that magnesium is transported consisted of applying the heat at a rate of 20°C/min up
rapidly through the scale and forms the MgO-rich part to 580°C. The second step was to maintain this tem-
of the surface. Wang, et al. [17] simulated the tempera- perature for different exposure times, which are
ture and stress relationships in 6061 alloy during the respectively 15, 30 min, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 h. The change
temper in water. They found that the value of heat in the mass of the sample was followed using DTA/TG
transfer coefficient is low at the beginning of the device and the evolution of mass change as a function
quenching process and the maximum cooling velocity of the exposure time (oxidation reaction progress
appears in the external edge of ribs around the profile, curve) was digitally recorded by a microcomputer
while the joints of the internal surface and ribs have which was connected to the DTA/TGA device.
the slowest cooling velocity. The temperature differ- The oxidized samples at different exposure times
ence of the profile is about 100°C in the first 2s, then were characterized by the observation of their external
decreases, apparently, and the temperature of entire surface which was investigated by using a light micro-
profile on the sample tends to be uniform. scope of NIKON ÉCLIPSE MA connected to a
One of the industrial accident scenarios is the loss microcomputer to record the images.
of the refrigeration of the primary circuit of the central Before proceeding with the transverse slicing of the
nuclear compound; the worst disaster of the t century samples, X-ray diffraction study was carried out to
is Fukushima Daiichi, Japan. The 11 March 2011 at identify the nature of oxide layers formed on the exter-
the same level of gravity as the Chernobyl disaster, nal surface. BRUKER D ADVANCE was used for the
Ukraine 1986 the water pool of deactivation of reactor X-ray analysis which was equipped with a copper tar-
4 overheating, and the reactors 1, 2 and 3 melted as the get which produces a radiation with a wavelength (λ)
alloy AA6061-T6 is used in the heart-box of most of 1.54060 Å. The results of the spectra were compared
nuclear power stations, which makes it to be interest- against ICDD database using the HighScore plus soft-
ing to study on the degradation of this alloy at high ware.
temperature. The second stage of characterization involves
In this study, the experiments were dedicated to cross-sectional slicing of the samples to observe the
high-temperature oxidation in air. Characterization thickness of the oxide layer formed on the external sur-
techniques of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), face. Since the oxide layer is thin in size, the samples
EDS (energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry), DTA were set in a hot resin and mirror polished and eventu-
and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) were used to ally sliced perpendicularly for the investigation under
determine the nature of the oxides formed on the sur- optical microscope and scanning electron microscope
face of the alloy AA6061-T6. (SEM) type LEO 1430VP coupled with energy disper-
sive X-ray spectrometer (EDS).
Initially, the alloy AA6061-T6 in the form of a plate 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
was analyzed for the chemical composition by weight 3.1. Preliminary Study on Melting
using the MetalLab GNR 7580 device. Then, samples Point and composition
were sliced to obtain a sample weighing between 35 to
75 mg with a Isomet microtrononneuse device. Before The chemical composition analysis result of the
each experiment, mechanical polishing with abrasive samples by weight is shown in Table 1. It is confirmed
papers was applied until 2000G followed by finishing that the aluminium alloy is AA6061-T6, compared
with a felt paper and a diamond paste for the six faces with Vincent, S. et al., Maisonnette, D. et al.,
of each sample. The differential thermal analysis Dehnavi, V. et al. [2, 18, 19].
DTA-TG coupled device of NETZSCH 404S was The result of the differential analysis of sample
operated to reach the melting temperature from room (Fig. 1) shows that the chemical reaction is exother-


788 SAMIR ATTAFI et al.

Table 1. Chemical Composition of Elements by Weight of AA6061-T6 Alloy

Al % Si % Mg % Fe % Cu % Mn % Cr % Zn % Ni %
97.067 0.537 1.361 0.176 0.321 0.070 0.233 0.064 0.013
Ti % Pb % Sn % V% B% Bi % Co % Sb %
0.038 0.019 0.014 0.004 0.002 0.006 0.005 0.071

mic, and two transformation points appeared at oxide SiO2, which is not visible on the elementary
635.9°C (Solidus) and at 681.4°C (Liquidus). EDS mapping on the surface of the samples of 15,
Samples were oxidized at 100°C below the melting 30 min and 1 h, was detected by XRD due possibly to
point at several exposure times (min, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 h the abrasive paper used during the mechanical polish-
using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in order to ing operation. The peaks of the two phases Al9Si and
simulate the estimated high temperature behavior of Mg 4O4 have not changed in all XRD graphs, indicat-
this type of aluminium alloy in case the temperature ing that these two phases represent the majority of
exceeds the suggested service temperature. phases in this alloy.
In Fig. 4, the peaks of SiO2 change the position for
3.2. TGA Study of Specimens 2 and 4 h samples and no change is noticed when com-
Weight loss results are given as the weight change pared to other peaks of Al9Si and Mg 4O4 , which indi-
against the exposure time (Figs. 2a–2c). A rapid loss cates that the silicon is thermally activated. The Si
of mass was observed during the first ten minutes of atoms migrate to the surface from the metal base
all experiments with a sharp fall that takes place after AA6061-T6 alloys [21] and form the silicon oxide in
4.66 min as with other samples behaving in the same the oxide layer.
manner, possibly due to the volatile impurities (such as The results in Fig. 5 show that no changes are
hydroxides of aluminium) existing on the surface of observed for the peaks of Al9Si . The appearance of
the samples. Following this drop in mass, all the sam-
oxide peaks MgO and α-Al 2O3 , is consistent with the
ples proceed with mass gain which indicates the for-
shape change of the surface oxide layer of the samples
mation of oxides between the alloying elements and
and analysis from EDS, the oxide layer is again more
the oxygen. This stage of drop in mass is believed to be
compact on the surface and irregular on the metal
the degradation due to the stall of the oxide layer
side. At short exposure time, there is an insufficient
formed on the surface except in the case of 8h when
time for the transformation of γ → α-Al2O3. The final
the mass gain is 0.005309 mg, which represents
approximately 0.01% of the total mass. This small gain volume fraction of α-Al2O3 formed in the layer
of mass is observed because the rate of formation of the depends on the total duration of exposure to air, the
oxides is faster than the oxide dissolution rate of the intensity of local elemental distribution, and the
alloy. It can be seen in Fig. 2c that there is a slight fluc- annealing effect on the already formed solid oxide lay-
tuation at exposure times of 190.23 and 193.11 min, ers. The γ-Al2O3 formed early in the heating process
which are visible in both analyzes carried out at 6 h and could transform to α-Al2O3 as a result of the increasing
8 h in DTA-TG. This fluctuation phenomenon may be heat [20–22].
due to the microcracking of the oxide layer formed on The peaks of SiO2 on 8 h exposure time disappear,
the surface of the samples or could be the result of the indicating that layer formed on the surface of the 8 h
sensitivity of the thermobalance, however, these
microcracks have also been observed by the electron
microscope (SEM) images in the following section DTA, μV/mg
(Fig. 3). 681.4°C
3.3. XRD Study 0.2
The nature of layers formed on the external surface 0.1
of samples is characterized by X-ray diffraction under –0.1
grazing incidence. Figure 3 shows the result of high- –0.2
Score plus software processing. The absence of –0.3
α-Al 2O3 peak in two samples, 30 min and 1h, which is 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
due to the fact that the removal of the oxide during Temperature, °C
metallographic process prior to TGA. A slight appear-
ance of the peak SiO2 appears in different places for Fig. 1. The result of differential thermal analysis of
30 min, which were more apparent for 1 h. The silicon AA6061-T6 alloy in as received condition.



(a) 1h
15 min
30 min

Intensity, a. u.
Al9Si 30 min
99.8 Mg4O4
wt, %

Raw 6061-T6


30 60 90
Position [2θ, deg] (copper (Cu))
0 20 40 60
Time, min Fig. 3. XRD results for AA6061-T6 treated for 30 min and
1 h at high temperature. 15 min of exposure to air did not
100.0 (b) produce a different data from 30 min exposure time.
99.8 2h
99.6 4h
wt, %

Intensity, a. u.

99.0 SiO2
Raw 6061-T6

0 100 200
Time, min
30 60 90
100.00 Position [2θ, deg] (copper (Cu))
Fig. 4. XRD results for AA6061-T6 specimens treated for 2
and 4 h at 580°C.
wt, %


Intensity, a. u.

0 200 400 600 Mg4O4
Time, min Raw 6061-T6

Fig. 2. Results of the thermogravimetric analysis, (a) 15

and 30 min, (b) 1, 2 and 4 h, (c) 6 and 8 h.

30 60 90
samples is thicker. This may impose that the silicon Position [2θ, deg] (copper (Cu))
oxide SiO2 is located below the surface, not on the sur-
face, which is in agreement with the work of Qin, Z Fig. 5. XRD results for AA6061-T6 treated for 6 and 8 h
et al [21]. When the atoms of magnesium are oxidized oxidation at 580°C.


790 SAMIR ATTAFI et al.



10 m (b) 20 m

Resin Resin

Sample Sample

(c) 200 m (d) 20 m


(e) 20 m (f) 20 m



20 m 200 m
(g) (h)
Fig. 6. SEM images of AA6061-T6 alloy (a) as received condition and oxidised for (b) 15, (c) 30 min, (d) 1, (e) 2, (f) 4, (g) 6
and (h) 8 h.



20 m Mg
Al Mg O C Si

Al Si O

Fig. 7. The analysis results from elementary mapping of AA6061-T6 alloys oxidised for 15 min.

200 m
Al Mg O C Si Mg

Al Si O

Fig. 8. The analysis results from elemental mapping of AA6061-T6 alloy oxidised for 30 min.

on the surface, the atoms of silicon are left behind and (SE). SEM images showed that dark coloured and
form an enriched region at the metal/oxide layer inter- white precipitations are dispersed homogeneously in
face. This region is poor in free magnesium in reason the matrix [3, 7]. The second phase particles are in the
of the sluggish diffusion and the atoms of Si precipitate order of micrometer in size and in the form of spheroi-
in the form of Mg2Si [25]. dal shape for both dark coloured and white particles,
some grains of different size are also observed. It is
considered that dark or black precipitates being Mg2Si
3.4. Microscopy and EDS Analysis
[24] and white regions being pure aluminium in the
An SEM image of reference sample is provided in matrix during the production stage [2].
Fig. 6a without chemical etching. The first observa-
tion on the microstructure of the alloy AA6061-T6 The SEM observations of samples that have under-
revealed that the matrix is gray, with black dots in the gone 15 and 30 min of oxidation treatment (Figs. 6b, 6c)
form of dispersoids, which are found to block the show no visible change on the outer surface of the
recrystallization [20]. They are dispersed in the similar sample. The observation of samples that are oxidized
manner, having a micrometric size. The SEM charac- during 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 h (Figs. 6d–6h) at 580°C revealed
terization of a sample in as received form (Fig. 6a) was a colour change from light gray to the dark gray, indi-
carried out by using Secondary Electron Detector cating that the oxygen has reacted with the substrate,


792 SAMIR ATTAFI et al.

20 m Al Mg O C Si Mg

Al Si O

Fig. 9. Elementary EDS mapping of AA6061-T6 alloy oxidised for 1 h.

20 m Mg
Al Mg O C Si

Al Si O

Fig. 10. Elementary EDS mapping of AA6061-T6 alloy oxidised for 2 h.

an oxide layer is formed on the surface. It is loose, that this phase does not react with oxygen at high tem-
porous and has microcracks which can be observed in perature.
Figs. 6d–6h [21–23]. These microcracks are believed In Figs. 7 and 8, elemental mapping is given to
to be the result of the difference in the coefficient of show the concentration of chemical elements on the
thermal expansion between the substrate alloy and the cross-sectional view of the surface after oxidation
thickness of the oxide layer formed on the surface [13]. treatment. The concentration of all elements, and
magnesium, in particular, is more at the interface
Several white spots of different size and shape were (resin/sample) than inside of the sample. These
also observed. These may be the pure aluminum that results confirm the interaction between oxygen and
did not react with Oxygen or has not been dissolved in one or more elements in the AA6061-T6 alloy and a
the matrix during the manufacturing [2]. The dark thin oxide layer on the outer surface of the samples
coloured patches are always present, which indicate during the high-temperature oxidation treatment.



20 m
Al Mg O C Si Mg

Al Si O

Fig. 11. Elementary EDS mapping of AA6061-T6 alloys oxidised for 4 h.

20 m Mg
Al Mg O C Si

Al Si O

Fig. 12. EDS elementary mapping of AA6061-T6 alloys oxidised for 6 h.

High concentration of all elements and magnesium at the right side, where the oxide layer is thicker than the
the interface of coating/sample, by against a con- left side.
sumption of aluminum on the right and left side is
clearly visible. The result of the analysis by elementary EDS map-
ping of the sample treated for 4 h oxidation, is shown
In Figs. 10 and 11, the samples which have been in Fig. 11. The observations are identical to the sample
oxidation treated for 2 and 4 h have a radical change in of 2 h, a decrease in the concentration of all the chem-
the shape of the surface microstructure; some studies ical elements at the interface (coating/sample), the
show that this layer is porous and fissured transversely aluminium is always involved and the magnesium in
in many places [21–23] and its thickness increases this instance is present at the centre of the layer
with the oxidation time. The result of the analysis by formed.
elementary mapping of the sample 2 h given in figure
10 shows that the concentration of all chemical ele- Figures 12 and 13 show the EDS mapping analysis
ments decreased at the interface (coating/sample), the of AA6061-T6 alloy after 6 and 8 h of oxidation treat-
concentration of magnesium also decreased except in ment. It can also be noticed in Figs. 12 and 13 that the


794 SAMIR ATTAFI et al.

200 m
Al Mg O C Si Mg

Al Si O

Fig. 13. EDS elementary mapping of AA6061-T6 alloys oxidised for 8 h.

bi-layers formed on the surface of the samples oxi- which transforms at around 70°C from Al2O3⋅3H2O
dized for 6 and 8 h. The layer in Fig. 13 is cracked in (Bayerite) to Al2O3⋅H2O (Boehmite) [26], which also
the longitudinal direction. It is also noticeable that the explains the initial minute weight loss as observed in
shape of the oxide layer has changed such that it is section 3.2. For the plain surface, lower heat flux
always porous and irregular on the base metal side and regime, which is similar to TGA study, allows the
more compact and firm on the layer [21–23]. weight loss occur since the number of the active nucle-
ation site density increases which is also indication of
The oxide layers formed after reaction with air will homogeneous corrosion [27]. However the formation
consist of a thin, relatively compact layer of alumin- of porous structure is more complex and involves the
ium oxide, usually thicker and porous containing film evaporation or moisture evaporation and hence
unreacted aluminium particles. The porosity at the shaping the oxide film. The elevated temperature
interface of oxide and aluminium surface will depend results in the boiling of water vapour and the transfor-
on many factors such as the atomic exchange of ions mation from Bayerite to Boehmite when the tempera-
through the same interface. The initial formation of ture is sufficiently high the moisture is warded off and
amorphous alumina on the surface wears off when it is additional oxide layer is firm in the absence of mois-
in contact with the moisture in air. It can be derived ture. The concentration of all the chemical elements is
that the aluminium surface is slightly reacted with high in the layer formed on the surface of the samples
moisture in the air forming hiydroxides of aluminium except for the magnesium which forms compound(s)
with Al and Si. For 8 h treated specimens, aluminum
and magnesium produce low concentrations but high
120 concentrations of oxides are clearly visible in the layer
formed. This is reflected in the thickness of layers as
Layer thickness, μm

shown in Fig. 14. The thickness of oxide layer
80 y = –0.002x2 + 0.471x increases with the increase of exposure time in all
specimens. The trend of increase in oxide thickness
60 layer is shown in Fig. 14. It is noted that the increase
40 in thickness accelerated after 6h of exposure to air and
ramps up at 8 h of exposure time during which the
20 amount of ions and diffused atoms increases and
hence does the thickness of the layer.
0 100 200 300 400 500
Exposure time, min
Fig. 14. Layer thickness variation with respect to exposure This experimental work concentrated to oxidation
time. at a high temperature of the AA6061-T6 alloy. This



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