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1. ​
The words below appear in the text in Exercise 2. Find the words and guess their
Use a dictionary to check your guesses.

​1. ​peace ​3. ​fur ​5. ​cotton ​

​2. ​brides ​4. ​silk ​
​2. ​Read the text. Then answer the questions.
In Medieval times, weddings were not just about love. People often got married for political
reasons. For example, if two countries wanted to make peace, their kings used to marry their
children to each other. These kings used their children’s wedding to show how rich and important
they were. That is why Medieval brides used expensive materials like fur and silk for their
wedding dresses. They did not use cheaper materials like cotton.
Wedding dresses usually reflected the fashion of the time. In the 1920s, for example, short skirts
were fashionable, so brides wore wedding dresses that were short. But in the 1940s, things
changed. At that time, brides began wearing long, formal dresses at their weddings and this style
of wedding dress is still very popular.
In the West, wedding dresses are often white. This tradition began in 1840 when Queen Victoria
got married in a white dress. Many brides saw her wedding photograph and decided that they
wanted to wear a dress like hers.
Today, more and more women are not wearing a traditional white wedding dress when they get
married. They feel that these dresses are too old-fashioned for them and they prefer to wear
something more trendy. They believe that it’s not important how long a wedding dress is or what
colour it is. The most important thing is that the bride should feel comfortable. It is her wedding
day after all.

​1. ​In Medieval times, why did brides wear expensive dresses? ​
​2. ​Why did brides in the 1920s wear wedding dresses that were short? ​
​3. ​Why did brides start wearing white wedding dresses? ​
​4. ​How do many women feel about the traditional white dress? ​
3. ​ ​
Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.
Then tick the sentences true (T) or false (F) according to Exercise 2. Copy the sentences that
helped you decide.

​T ​F
​1. ​In Medieval times, marriages were ………………… (political) they are today. ​…… ​

​2. ​Fur is ………………… (cheap) cotton. ​…… ​……

​3. ​In the 1940s, wedding dresses were ………………… (short) wedding dresses ​
…… ​……
​in the 1920s.

4. ​
You just returned from your cousin’s wedding. Write a short letter to your friend
describing the wedding. Your letter should include a description of what the bride and groom
were wearing.
4 Choose the correct answer.
A: I’m new here. 1. Is there / Are there / There are any clothes shops in the area?
B: Yes, 2. are there / there are / there isn’t. There are 3. an / any / some great clothes shops
next to the bank.
A: Are there 4. an / the / any sports shops? I need 5. a / some / any trainers.
B: No, 6. there aren’t / is there / there are. But 7. there is / is there / there are a shoe shop
and 8. a / the / any trainers there are very good.

5 Write questions with the words below and Is there or Are there. Add a, an or any to each question.
1. glue / in your schoolbag
2. orange pen / in your pencil case
3. laptop / in your classroom
4. blonde students / in your class
5. white shirts / in your cupboard

6 Answer the questions in Exercise 5. Make the answers true for you.
1. ......................................................................................................
2. ......................................................................................................
3. ......................................................................................................
4. ......................................................................................................
5. ......................................................................................................

7 Complete the questions with How much or How many.

1. ......................................................... money is there in your bag?
2. ............................................................. people work at the shop?
3. .................................................... homework do you usually get?
4. ............................................................... textbooks has Jake got?
5. .................................................. water do people need each day?

Way to English ESO 2 Photocopiable © Burlington Books 2

Extra Practice 2º ESO
1 Complete the puzzle according to the pictures.
1 5 7 8

1 2

2 3 4 6

2 Match the descriptions in A to the items in B.

1. Women wear these to keep their legs warm. ...... a. phone case
2. Some women wear this on their faces. ...... b. tights
3. You need it for a manicure. ...... c. hoodie
4. You put your mobile phone in this. ...... d. make-up
5. It’s a type of jewellery for your hands. ...... e. wallet
6. You wear this. It’s warm and comfortable. ...... f. ring
7. A man keeps his money in it. ...... g. nail varnish

3 Choose the correct answer.

A: I’m new here. Are there 1. some / any / a little clothes shops on this street?
B: There’s 2. a / an / some amazing clothes shop next to the bank, but that’s the
only one on this street. There are 3. a few / a little / any clothes shops on
Walker Street.
A: I haven’t got 4. many / a few / much time. Is Walker Street very far?
B: No, it isn’t. It’s 10 minutes by bus.
A: Is there 5. an / any / a sports shop with trainers on Walker Street?
B: No, there isn’t, but there are 6. a / many / much shoe shops there.
A / An / The trainers at Shoe Mart are very good

4 Write questions with the words below. Add a different article quantifier to each question.
1. there is / food / in / your bag
2. there are / pens / in your pencil case
3. you / have got / elegant / jacket
4. there are / students / in your class
5. you / have got / black hoodie / in your cupboard

5 Answer the questions in Exercise 4. Make the answers true for you.

1. ......................................................................................................
2. ......................................................................................................
3. ......................................................................................................
4. ......................................................................................................
5. ......................................................................................................

1 Choose the correct adjectives. 3. She looks modern / pretty /
1. The diamond necklace is
cheap / plain / expensive.
4. It’s casual / formal /
2. That dress is so fashionable
/ old-fashioned /

2 Circle eight adjectives in the puzzle. Then complete the sentences below with the adjectives.
g c p r a c t i c a l a
i r o n l o v e l y i m
d a p l i z t i m p o o
c a b c o d c h e a p d
o h s l k u e i m a c e
n i e e e d r s a i o r
l i p l a i n f r n o n
h a z t p r i t u z l r
c o m f o r t a b l e y

1. I like black clothes. I rarely wear …………………… clothes.

2. The opposite of sophisticated is …………………… .
3. Clothes in a second-hand store are often …………………… .
4. Doesn’t Kay look …………………… in her new dress?
5. The opposite of old-fashioned is …………………… .
6. A wallet is a …………………… place to keep your money.
7. …………………… is both the opposite of warm and similar to trendy.
8. I can’t walk! My shoes aren’t …………………… .

3 Choose the correct answer.
1. How many / How often / How long do you go shopping? More than twice a week?
2. How far / How many / How much money is there in your wallet?
3. How long / How far / How many is your summer holiday?
4. How many / How much / How often water do people need every day?
5. How far / How long / How many watches has Jake got?
6. How often / How many / How far is the restaurant from the library?

4 Write questions with the words below. Add How often, How much, How many,
How far or How long.
1. …………………… shops are there at West Edmonton Mall?
2. …………………… are there shows at the aquarium?
3. …………………… is the show at the aquarium?
4. …………………… cinemas are there at West Edmonton Mall?
5. …………………… is the hotel from the World Waterpark?
6. …………………… is a ticket for the amusement park?

5 Read the advert and answer the questions in Exercise 4.

1. ...........................................................................................
Visit West Edmonton Mall –
Canada’s gigantic shopping centre 2. ...........................................................................................
There are more than 800 shops 3. ...........................................................................................
and three cinemas!
Come and watch a 45-minute show 4. ...........................................................................................
at the aquarium! 5. ...........................................................................................
• Two shows every day!
Spend the day at Galaxyland 6. ...........................................................................................
Amusement Park, or the World
• Tickets are $40.50
Stay at the Fantasyland Hotel, only
500 metres from the Waterpark!

Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 e a r r i n g s 1 1. expensive 3. pretty
e p 2. old-fashioned 4. formal
h c u g c p r a c t i c a l a
a k r 2 i r o n l o v e l y i m
s u n g l a s s e s d a p l i z t i m p o o
d a e c a b c o d c h e a p d
b c b o h s l k u e i m a c e
b r a c e l e t n i e e e d r s a i o r
g l l i p l a i n f r n o n
w a t c h h a z t p r i t u z l r

2 1. b 2. d 3. g 4. a 5. f 6. c 7. e
c o m f o r t a b l e y

1. colourful 4. lovely 7. cool

Grammar 2. plain 5. modern 8. comfortable
3. cheap 6. practical
3 1. any 5. a
2. an 6. many Grammar
3. a few 7. The
4. much 3 1. How often 4. How much
2. How much 5. How many
4 Possible Answers 3. How long 6. How far
1. Is there any food in your bag?
2. Are there many pens in your pencil case? 4 1. How many 4. How many
3. Have you got an elegant jacket? 2. How often 5. How far
4. Are there a lot of students in your class? 3. How long 6. How much
5. Have you got a black hoodie in your
cupboard? 5 1. more than 800 4. three
2. twice every day 5. 500 metres
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct 3. 45 minutes 6. $40.50

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