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Assignment 2

5th Semester

SESSION 2019/23

Submitted To: - Submitted By :-

Ms. Charu Jain Nisharg Gupta
Asst.Pro AIST Semester 5
Branch CS

Q1. Explain Different types of Attacks against Web Servers?

Website Defacement:
SQL injection attacks are used to deface the website. When an attacker finds out that input fields
are not sanitized properly, he can add SQL strings to maliciously craft a query which is executed
by the web browser. He may store malicious/unrelated data in the database; when the website is
requested, it will show irrelevant data on the website, thus displaying a defaced website.

Directory Traversal:
This is vulnerability where an attacker is able to access beyond the web root directory from the
application. If he is able to access beyond web root directory, he might execute OS commands
and get sensitive information or access restricted directories.
Misconfiguration attacks:

If unnecessary services are enabled or default configuration files are used, verbose/error
information is not masked; an attacker can compromise the web server through various attacks
like password cracking, Error-based SQL injection, Command Injection, etc.

Phishing Attack:

An attacker may redirect the victim to malicious websites by sending him/her a malicious link by
email which looks authentic, but redirects him/her to malicious web page thereby stealing their
data. There are a lot of other web application attacks which can lead to a web server attack-
Parameter form tampering, Cookie tampering, unvalidated inputs, SQL injection, Buffer overflow

Q2. Difference Between Cyber Crime & cyber terrorism?

A cyberterrorist is someone who uses the Internet or network to destroy or damage computers
for political reasons. The cyberterrorist might target the nation’s air traffic control system,
electricity-generating companies, or a telecommunications infrastructure. Cyberterrorism usually
requires a team of highly skilled individuals, millions of dollars, and several years of planning.

Today, people rely on computers to create, store, and manage critical information. Thus, it is
crucial that users take measures to protect their computers and data from loss, damage, and
misuse. A computer security risk is any event or action that could cause a loss of or damage to
computer hardware, software, data, information, or processing capability. While some breaches
to computer security are accidental, many are intentional. Some intruders do no damage; they
merely access data, information, or programs on the computer. Other intruders indicate some
evidence of their presence either by leaving a message or by deliberately altering or damaging
data. An intentional breach of computer security often involves a deliberate act that is against
the law. Any illegal act involving a computer generally is referred to as a computer crime.

Q3. Describe Different types of Intrusion Detection System?

Active and passive IDS
An active Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is also known as Intrusion Detection and Prevention
System (IDPS). Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) is configured to automatically
block suspected attacks without any intervention required by an operator. Intrusion Detection
and Prevention System (IDPS) has the advantage of providing real-time corrective action in
response to an attack.

A passive IDS is a system that’s configured to only monitor and analyse network traffic activity
and alert an operator to potential vulnerabilities and attacks. A passive IDS is not capable of
performing any protective or corrective functions on its own.

Network Intrusion detection systems (NIDS)

Host Intrusion detection systems (HIDS)
Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) usually consists of a network appliance (or sensor)
with a Network Interface Card (NIC) operating in promiscuous mode and a separate
management interface. The IDS is placed along a network segment or boundary and monitors
all traffic on that segment.

Knowledge-based (Signature-based) IDS

behaviour-based (Anomaly-based) IDS
A knowledge-based (Signature-based) Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) references a database
of previous attack signatures and known system vulnerabilities. The meaning of word signature,
when we talk about Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is recorded evidence of an intrusion or
attack. Each intrusion leaves a footprint behind (e.g., nature of data packets, failed attempt to
run an application, failed logins, file and folder access etc.). These footprints are called
signatures and can be used to identify and prevent the same attacks in the future. Based on
these signatures Knowledge-based (Signature-based) IDS identify intrusion attempts.

Q4. What is Web Jacking?

Illegally seeking control of a website by taking over a domain is known as Web Jacking. In web
jacking attack method hackers compromises with the domain name system (DNS) that
resolves website URL to IP address but the actual website is never touched.
Web jacking attack method is another type of social engineering phishing attack where an
attacker create a fake web page of victim website and send it to the victim and when a victim
click on that link, a message display on the browser “the site has move on another
address, click here to go to the new location” and if a victim does click on the link, he/she will
redirect on the fake website page where an attacker can ask for any sensitive data such as
credit card number, username, password etc.
Web jacking attack method is one kind of trap which is spread by the attacker to steal the
sensitive data of any people, and those people got trapped who are not aware about cyber
Web Jacking Attack Method:
1. The first step of web jacking attack method is to create a fake page of victim website
for example
2. The second step is to host it either on your local computer or shared hosting.
3. The third step is to send the link of a fake page to the victim.
4. The fourth step victim will open the link and enter their details and submit.
5. Last step, you will get all the details submitted by victim

Q5. How to Prevent Cyber Crime?

1. Back up data Always backup your data. Loss of any data can be very critical to your business,
and if there happens to be a breach of cybersecurity that results in a huge loss of vital data, a lot
can be at stake during such times. Backing up the data is actually a very logical and preferred
practice. This is because many times, data is lost due to hardware issues and other software
failures. Make sure that you choose a decent and well-reputed company that supplies you with
data backup options. Try to back up your data daily. There are plenty of companies that
offer automatic secure backup facilities at the end of every day.
2. Get protection against malware There are hundreds of malwares released on the internet
every day. While some of this malware is not that big a threat to your business, a few of these
can be. The best way to tackle this virus is with the help of anti-virus software. Anti-virus
software is designed to protect your device and data.
3. Review your data Before going for an IT security solution, review all your data once. List down
every information about your business, that if jeopardized, can cause a huge loss to you. List
things that could be cyber-attacked, like monetary accounts, IT equipment, pricing information,
and product designs.

4. Train your staff: Inform your staff about all the potential cyberattacks that can happen in your
workplace. Encourage them to report all cyberattacks that occur. Once your staff has the basic
knowledge to handle any cyberattack, managing recovery would not be so hard. Get a
professional team to train your staff about the potential problems with cybersecurity and how it
can affect the office.

5. Get certified: The international standard of cybersecurity is the ISO/IEC 27032:2012. This is a
set of rules and guidelines that cover information security, network security, internet security,
and the protection of information infrastructure. Getting a certificate would make your business
comply with these standards, leaving your security details better. Certification is also good for
business; customers and clients tend to trust your business more if it has any certification
relating to security and cybersecurity.

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