Perfectos 1bach

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1 Choose the correct answer.

1. Jill just bought / has just bought a new bike.

Someone stole / has stolen her old one
2. Dave travelled / has travelled to Nepal a year
ago. I didn’t see / haven’t seen him since then.
3. I didn’t ride / haven’t ridden on a camel when I was in Egypt.
I was / have been afraid of them since I was a child.
4. Emily just had / has just had another accident.
They took / have taken her to the hospital ten minutes ago.

2 Complete the questions in A with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past
Simple. Then match each question to the correct answer in B.
1. How long …………………… you .................................................. (have) this bike?
2. When …………………… Liz and Charlie .................................................. (return) from their trek?
3. …………………… Jonathan ................................................. (run) a marathon last year?
4. …………………… you ................................................... (reach) the top of the mountain yet?
5. …………………… Lisa ever ................................................. (do) anything like this before?
...... a. No, but we’re almost there!
...... b. No, she isn’t usually so brave.
...... c. About three months.
...... d. Last week.
...... e. No, his leg was broken.

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple and
Present Perfect Simple.
1. A: 1. …………………… you ever .................................................... (read) this book about surviving in the jungle?
B: Yes. My brother 2...................................... (give) it to me for my birthday last year.
2. A: 3. …………………… you..................................................... (hear) from Simon recently?
B: Yes, he 4...................................... (send) me an e-mail yesterday.
A: 5. …………………… he .................................................... (go) hiking yet?
B: Yes. He 6 ...................................... (spend) four days hiking last week.

1 Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple.
1. People .................................. (not go) to that forest because unusual things
had happened there in the past.
2. …………………… the murderer ................................................ (escape) before the police arrived?
3. The mysterious lights had become much brighter by the time Sue ........................... (climb)
to the top of the building.
4. The newspaper editor was furious because the reporter .......................... (make up)
the story about the ghost.

2 Choose the correct answer.

During World War II, an Australian soldier 1. saw / had seen some old coins on an Australian
island. The soldier 2. had taken / took them home with him and 3. put / had put them in a box. Then,
in 1979, he 4. found / had found the old box where he 5. left / had left the coins years before. He 6.
hadn't thought / didn't think they were very important, but he 7. had sent / sent them to a
Apparently, someone 8. brought / had brought these coins to Australia from Africa a very long
time before. The coins were more than 600 years old. This means that people 9. arrived / had
arrived in Australia long before the first European explorers 10. got / had got there. Until the
soldier’s discovery, similar coins11. had appeared / appeared in only one place outside Africa –
in Oman. According to one expert, this proves sailors from Africa 12. came / had come to
Australia many years before the first Europeans.

1 Choose the correct answer.

1 I these boots a monthago. 6 We anything exciting last
a bought b havebought summer. a didn’t do b haven’t done
2 Anna that film yet. 7 Vivian here since 2013.
a didn’t see b hasn’t seen a has worked b worked
3 you ever a horse? 8 I Suzy for three years.
a Did … ride b Have … ridden a knew b have known
4 I here since I was born. 9 My mother as a waitress when she
a lived b have lived was a student.
5 Peter all his exams sofar. a worked b has worked
a has passed b passed 10 each other before?
a Have you met b Did you meet

2 Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformoftheverbsinbrackets.UsethePastSimple or the
Past PerfectSimple.
1 Everyone (eat) by the time we (arrive).
2 Toby (not get) lost because I (give)him
our address.
3 you (know) how to make pasta afteryou
(take) a cooking course?
4 Garry (clean) the house before you
(come) home?
5 They (leave) before we (have)a
chance to say goodbye.
6 Martha (feel) coldbecause she (not
bring) a coat.
3 Writesentenceswiththewordsbelow.UsethePastSimple,PresentPerfectSimple or
Past Perfect Simple.
1 By the time / the trip / end, / I / spend / everything / .

2 Robin / never / be / to Paris /.

3 I / not see / Jenny / at school / yesterday / .

4 Some students / already / finish / their tests / .

5 you / tell / your parents / about your mark / yet / ?

6 We / buy / this house / many years ago / .

4 Completethepassagewiththecorrectformoftheverbsinbrackets.UsethePastSimple, the
Present Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Simple.
I1 (never / like) classical music, but my uncle
2 (always / love) it. Last week, I 3
(agree) to go with him to a Mozart concert in an old church. When the musicians
4 (begin) to play, I was amazed because they
5 (sound) fantastic. Without knowing why, I actually
6 (find) myself enjoying the music. Perhaps it was because
I 7
(never / hear) music in such a beautiful place, or maybe
the concert my uncle 8 (choose) was special. In any case, I was
glad that I 9
(decide) to go with him. Since the concert, I
10 (change) my mind about classical music, but I
11 (not listen) to any more Mozart yet!

5 Rewritethesentencesusingthewordsinbrackets.Donotchangethemeaningofthe original
1 I phoned Jason a moment ago.(just)

2 The last time Terry was in London was in 2015. (been)

3 How long has Lara known Stuart? (meet)

4 Alice packed her bags and left immediately. (as soon as)

6- Sentence Transformation: Rewrite the sentences below using the words given
1- They have never been in this situation before (time)
It this situation.
2- l started living in this house twenty years ago. (far)
1 twenty years.
3- It ís the first time they have travelled abroad. (never)
They _
4- 1 started working for IBM in the year 2001. (since)

5- She has never invited me to the movies before. (time)
It to the movies.
6- 1 have worked in this office for a few days. (ago)
7- 1have never heard this song before. (time)
It _
8- It is the first time she has told me about her family. (never)
9- We have never been to an Armenian restaurant before. (time)
It _
10-1 have worked in this office for a few days. (started)
11-They have never been to this part of town before. (time)
It _
12-1 started playing Battlefield in the year 2004. (since)
the year 2004

Rewrite the following sentences using the past perfect .

1. Fred spent his holidays in Italy. When he returned he wanted to learn Italian.
After Fred______
2. Susan washed the dishes and then she turned the radio on.
Susan turned the radio on after she _______
3. Paul fed the cat when he arrived home.
After Paul _____
4. I studied too much so I was very tired.
Because I ______
5. She put the children to bed and then she watched a film.
As soon as she ______
6. Eric made breakfast and then phoned his friend Mark.
After Eri


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