Amazon Case Report

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Executive Summary

Amazon has featured in the top of Fortune’s list of Elite List of World's most admired
companies till 2015, when New York Times released an article portraying an unconventional
office culture amazon follows. They promote a work culture in which the employees are
encouraged to be critical about their colleague’s ideas  and  the work policy demands them to
work for long hours. These reason added to the high turno

Situation Analysis

Amazon's highly stressful and competitive workplace environment is exposed in the open.
Due to its profit driven motto their work culture is ruthlessly critical and the company even
promotes their employees to sabotage each other for personal gains. However this
competitive spirit has led to the rise of many innovative ideas and  huge profits for the
company.  Due to this edge of the seat work culture the company is able to increase their
turnover within a short time. But it is causing a lot of mental and physical toll on the
employees. It causes decreased job satisfaction. Due to this heavy workload amazon have
only few long term employees. Newly hired employees need to sign a contract that they need
to repay the signing bonus if they leave the company within one year. Many of them leave the
company even before a year into the job. This work culture has also affected Amazon's
diversity in the top leadership. 

Problem statement

While Amazon was planning an expansion, the New York Times dropped its articles. This
has caused a lot of controversy about the work culture in amazon. Would Amazon continue to
be a competitive employer and offer an attractive employee value proposition?  Should they
change their work culture to a more stress free environment to attract employees? 

Decision Criteria

 Employee morale in the work environment

 Company profits and Goodwill
 Employee Job Satisfaction
 Company workplace reputation
 Physical and mental health of Employees

Generate Alternatives

Alternative 1

There should be work done towards building a sense of team among the employees. The
environment in the company has been too aggressively competitive, that rather than working
together as a group towards a common goal, they were more engaged in competition within
themselves. Along with working as a profit oriented firm Amazon should also focus on
employee job satisfaction. 
Alternative 2

Evaluation of Alternatives

Alternative 1

A stress free work environment will provide employees to work as a team rather than forcing
them to over perform. This situation will create a better team work environment. 
Alternative 2

Recommended Solution

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