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EDC Building, Defense View Karachi, Pakistan

QRM Final Exam

Submitted by

Walid Rehan



Sir Abdul Sammad


15:30/16:30 Faculty : ABDUL SAMAD
EDP Code : 012001229
Location : VLE


16:45/17:45 Faculty : ABDUL SAMAD
EDP Code : 012001229
Location : Online

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Link :


1. Answer No. 1.......................................................................................................................................3

2. Answer No. 2.......................................................................................................................................5

3. Answer No. 3.......................................................................................................................................7

4. Answer No. 4.....................................................................................................................................10

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Answer 1:

Research Design is basically selection of the approach towards any identified problem with
measurement of variables/themes, tools of data collection, study type, help of existing
theories related to the topic, develop new theories from grounded ones.

It is a plan to answer your research question.  A research method is a strategy used to
implement that plan.  Research design and methods are different but closely related, because
good research design ensures that the data you obtain will help you answer your research
question more effectively.

As far as the above scenario is concerned the six components of the research design
considered as the research onions are mentioned below

Research Philosophy:

Interpetivisim Research Philosophy has been considered in this case. Interpetivisim is alos
considered as an interprevist which involves researchers to interpret elements of the stud.
Thus it integrates the human interest within the study.

How Interpetivisim is been considered in this study because it discussed about the elements
require to retain the knowledge workers to generate better outcomes for IT company in the

Reserach Approach:

Inductive approach is been used in this case. As this approach allows you to make a new
theory rather than depending on the preexisting theory or to explore a new theory by
interview, observation and study of existing theories. So from the above statement and
reading the case it clearly show that it uses the Inductive Approach.

Research Strategy:

Grounded theory approach has been used in above case in which construction of theories
through methodical gathering and analysis of data is done. And this type of research uses
inductive reasoning which is already mentioned above in the Approach part.

Research Choices:

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In the case mentioned above the Mono method is been used because it is clearly written that
“The in-depth interviews conducted with the participants were transcribed verbatim and
analyzed using open, axial and selective coding”

Mono method is used to gather one type of information. Either Qualitative or Quantitative.
You cannot mix them together.

Time Horizons:

Cross sectional study is been considered for the case as implementing taking in depth
interviews from particular IT related participants at one time. Because in a cross sectional
study the investigation is concerned with the study of a particular phenomenon at a specific

Techniques & Procedures:

The technique and procedures used in the study are In-depth Interviews with participants and
were transcribed and analyzed using open, axial and selective coding.

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Answer 2:

Interview Protocol Form

Research Topic: Factor effecting employee retention: A case of FMCG sector in Pakistan.
Date ______________________ Time__________________________
Location ___________________ Interviewer_____________________
Interviewee _________________ Consent Form signed? _____________
Notes to Interviewee:
Thank you for your interest in taking part in this research. Before you agree to take part, the
person organizing the research must explain the project to you. I believe your participation is
important to complete this study and helps to reach effective results.

 Length of the Interview: All interviews will last approximately one hour and consist of 12
major questions.
 The questions related to employee retention practices in your bank and Reponses based
on your experiences within the bank.
 Information remains confidential and will be used for research purpose only.
Employee turnover:
1. What strategies have you implemented to achieve a low rate of employee turnover?
2. Which of these strategies has been effective in keeping the rates of employee turnover
low in your organization?
probe with Why does this strategy work?
3. How do you measure or otherwise assess the success of these strategies?

Job satisfaction:
1. what makes employees satisfied with their jobs?
2.. What are some factors that employees say make them dissatisfied with their jobs?

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3. How do you address the factors that cause dissatisfaction?
Organizational Commitment
1. How you feel your organizational commitment you are working in?
2. What are the most significant factors that derive your organizational commitment?
Probe: Loyalty, Time to Invest, Better future perspectives, Advancement opportunities.

Individual Factors
1.How do you know about your role in this organization?
Probe: Matching job role, Years of Experience, Position and Authority.
2.Do you consider other opportunities in the market?
3.If you have any good other opportunity does you switch? If not, what are the reasons?
If Yes, Why?
Probe: Lack of Alternatives, Lack of better Job role, Job Security.

Participant Details:

Name_________________ Employee of Which Bank__________________

Age__________________ Highest Level of Education_________________

No. of Years of Experience_________ Approximate Monthly Income_______________

No. of Years in Same Bank_________ Residential Area__________________________

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Answer 3:
Topic: Taxation: Issues and Challenges in SME’s in Karachi, Pakistan

Open Coding Axial Coding
Individuals/SMEs are aware of being a filer and People are aware
nonfiler. of the filer and
Because of the increase in competition, we avoid nonfiler and, due
paying tax to unawareness
It depends and according to me, NGOs and charity and increase in
organizations should be excluded from paying tax. competition we
The normal person does not know how to file a tax i.e. are not paying tax,
Because of illiteracy and people avoid filing returns. it depends on the
And people do not want to be filer because on each nature of business,
transaction they do charge tax. because of
illiteracy, Illiteracy
1 Try to bring new policies in which if someone is
paying tax lately then give them some more time for unawareness for
payment of the tax and those who are not paying tax, payment of the tax
there should be little harsh policies but there should be returns, FBR
a win-win situation. should give
leniency to
By decreasing the tax slab and sending a positive SMEs/individuals
message to those who are not paying tax and those for payment of the
who are paying tax but are making some delays in tax, the % of tax to
payment, they should be asked to pay the tax. the SMEs should
be decreased
2 Yes, people are aware of the implications of filer and SMEs/individuals Unawareness
nonfiler but they always think for saving their income are familiar with of Taxation
We do not want to pay tax because they i.e. FBR, the implications of and its
check our documents and go for internal auditing of filer and nonfiler, Policies
our documents. they think the
As a resident of Pakistan, and whatever sector amount we pay in
someone is doing business, it is the responsibility of tax does not go to
every individual/SMEs to pay tax. the Government,
People are not familiar with the process of filing the yes, tax should be
tax returns and communication provided to them is paid by all

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not adequate.
It should be communicated to SMEs/individuals that
tax would be charged on the amount they are earnings
business sectors,
FBR should decrease the people think that it
is cumbersome
process of
If you are talking about Pakistan then the ratio is 60% 60/40% are aware
to 40% it means 60% people are aware and remaining with the
40% are not aware of filer and nonfiler. implications of
Because they think that the amount which we pay as filer and nonfiler,
tax to the Government is not used in taxation purpose because they think
i.e. because of corruption that the amount
Yes. They should pay tax because you are doing they pay as tax
business in Pakistan and are doing import and export does not get
and using country's resources and when you will pay utilized properly
the tax then Government will earn revenue from that in growth and
amount and will subsequently utilize that amount on development of Documentatio
infrastructure development, health, education, etc. the country, yes, n Process
There are no such barriers to the filing of the tax they should pay individuals/businesses have the perception tax because they
that when they will declare their assets then there is are utilizing
documentation process which is difficult countries
FBR should come up with leniency for the taxpayer resources, FBR
for e.g. if they are not paying the tax today they will should give some
pay the tax tomorrow. leniency in the
shape of
Decrease the % of tax slabs so they will be motivated lessening of the
and will be encouraged for paying the tax. slab of tax
4 Well, most of the people know about taxation and are SMEs/Businessme Tax Slabs
familiar with filer and nonfiler. n know about filer for SMEs
People have the perception that the Government is not and nonfiler,
utilizing our paid tax properly on certain Government does
developments of the country and they i.e. FBR etc., not utilize the
are just filling out their pockets so they are avoiding to amount
pay their taxes. appropriately of
Yes, the tax should be paid by all business sectors our given tax,
because it is their responsibility of every business to have not faced any
get to be registered and get to be filer barrier while
I have not faced any kind of barrier while paying the paying tax, adjust
tax and filing of the tax returns; we are completing the tax slab, when
each and every document and have a complete record there will be less
of business activities e.g. from which sources we are % for payment of
earning. tax then SMEs
First of all, they should have to reduce the % of tax will be motivated
which they are charging and adjust the slab of tax for and will pay the

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businesses and to the individuals for paying the tax.
They should have to improve the tax slab for paying
the tax to the individuals/SMEs and decrease the % of
tax as for instance when the Government will
announce they are charging 7% tax to the SMEs then
every SME will be motivated and will be encouraged
to pay tax.
We can say that small enterprises are familiar with Small enterprises
tax, they know difference between filer and nonfiler. somehow are
SMEs to keep their profit in their hands as much as aware with filer
they can and, they do not want to pay the tax to the and nonfiler, they
Government because they think they are wasting their do not want to
money by giving tax to the FBR. give their profit to
Yes, in my opinion, it should be paid by all business Government, all
sectors because when you will pay the tax to the businesses should Reduction in
Government then it will contribute to the growth and pay the tax, not Tax
5 development of the country. familiarity with Collection by
According to me, illiteracy and unawareness with the filing of tax FBR from
payment of tax and they also think that the process of returns and they SMEs
documentation is very tough therefore they do not pay think that
tax. documentation
Well, Reduce the tax rate and adjust the slab for process is
paying tax and send a polite message to those who are cumbersome, by
not paying tax to attract them and those who are reducing the tax
paying tax but making some delays send them rate i.e. from 36%
courteous message. to under 10%.

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Answer 4:

Taxation: Issues and Policies in Pakistan

Network Diagrams i

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

n policies

Tax Slabs for Issues of Taxes


Reduction in Tax
Collection by
FBR from SMEs

1-Tax Slabs for SMEs

It is very important tool for every business and every people to pay tax but according to the
polices of FBR the rate of tax slab is too much high so no one wants to become a filer and are
afraid of the tax slab policies of FBR. Hence FBR should make bit changes in rate of tax.
2-Documentation Policies
Every SMEs and individuals knows very well that FBR procedure is very tough for the
documentations. Therefore they should change their policies related to taxes so every individual
can pay tax easily.
3-Reduction in Tax Collection

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This is very essential for FBR to motivate the people or SMEs by doing the reduction in the tax
slabs in this way they will be encouraged and registered as a filer and will pay tax on time.

Network Diagrams 2

Independent Variables Moderating& Mediating Dependent

Tax Slabs
for SMEs

Thematic Analysis of Diagram 2
Reduction in
1-Taxes Slabs Issues of
There is too much Collection
high taxesby
rate and difficult policies
Documen of tax by FBR so due to this reason
FBR from
SMEs and individuals don’t want to be a filer. FBR must think about it and decrease the rate of
Unawarene policies
ss of
2-Unawareness taxation
As we know that thereand
many people unaware from FBR tax policies, and about basic concept
of getting filer and nonfiler so FBR must aware to everyone about related to their own
procedures and advantages of filer.

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3-Illiteracy about Taxes
Due to the unawareness and illiteracy most of the individuals have no idea about the
benefits of becoming a filer or non-filer therefore FBR should aware them by sending them
polite messages and tell them about their tax policies advantages due to this step of FBR most of
the individual and SMEs started getting filer and will pay tax on time.

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