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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Office of City of San Fernando (P)
Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 10 Mathematics
(Quarter 1 - Week 6)
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sequences

B. Performance Standards
The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences in different disciplines
through appropriate and accurate representations.

C. Learning Competencies
The learner
1. proves the Remainder Theorem and the Factor Theorem (M10AL-Ig-2)
2. proves Rational Root Them (M10AL-Ii-2)
3. factors polynomials (M10AL-Ih-1)

D. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. solve for the remainder and factors of an equation using remainder and factor theorem;
2. prove the rational root theorem;
2. factor polynomials; and
3. develop patience on how to solve exercises involving remainder theorem, factor theorem, rational
root theorem and factoring polynomials.

II. Content:

Learning Resources
A. Reference
Grade 10 Mathematics pp. 76 – 81, 87 – 90
E- Math Worktext in Mathematics, Orlando A. Orence and Marilyn O. Mendoza, pages 115-122
Work Text in Advanced Algebra Trigonometry and Statistics by, Ferdinand Malapascua,
pages 193-196
Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry and Statistics, Efren L. Valencia, pages 36-37

B. Other Learning Resources

III. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Good morning! How are you doing today? Is everything ok? I hope and pray that you are doing fine.
For today’s discussion, we shall be having remainder theorem, factor theorem, rational root theorem and
factoring polynomials. It seems quite a lot, right? But you don’t have to worry because if you have understood
our previous discussion which was the synthetic division, learning these will be as easy as ABC. Why?
Because synthetic division will be used to discuss/learn all of them in no time.
Before we start with the first theorem, let us have first a review on synthetic division.
As we all know, synthetic division is the easier and faster way on how to divide polynomials.

Note: You may always opt to use which method best suits you.

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Address: San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Email Address:
School ID: 500149
Contact No.: (0919)074-0670
Find for the quotient when,
________________a. x2 + 5x + 6 is divided by x + 2
________________b. x2 – 4x + 4 is divided by x – 2

Using the long or synthetic division, your answers should be a.) x + 3 and b.) x – 2.
Since I can see that you have mastered dividing polynomials using long and synthetic divisions, it is safe to
proceed to our new lesson. Let’s have the first theorem, the remainder theorem.

Determine the remainder when the first number is divided by the second number.
__________1. 30, 7 Expected answers:
__________2. 125, 15 1. 2
__________3. 200, 10 2. 5
__________4. 356, 14 3. 0
__________5. 169,13 4. 6
5. 0

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Easy, right? It is just simple division. If you have used long method in determining the remainder, well
and good. You may also use your calculator if the given are just pure numbers. But what if, the given are
algebraic expressions? In this case, polynomial equations? How are we going to determine the remainder?
For that matter, we will use the remainder theorem. How does it work?
Examine the succeeding examples.
Example #1. When P(x) = x3 - 7x + 5 is divided by x-1 the remainder is -1
Example #2. The remainder is -9 when P(x) = 2x3 - 7x + 3 is divided by x-1.
By just mere observation, we can’t use the calculator anymore. How would we know if the first
expression when divided by another expression yield the said remainder? Of course, you can always use the
long division but that’s laborious.

That’s why the use of synthetic division is a must. It will save us a lot of time and effort. What is
Remainder Theorem?

The Remainder Theorem

If the polynomial P(x) is divided by (x – r), the remainder R is a constant and is equal to P(r).
R = P(r)
Thus, there are two ways to find the remainder when P(x) is divided by (x – r), that is:
(1) use synthetic division, or
(2) calculate P(r).

Similarly, there are two ways to find the value of P(r):

(1) substitute r in the polynomial expression P(x), or
(2) use synthetic division.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Let’s have the examples given earlier.

Example #1.
When P(x) = x3 - 7x + 5 is divided by x-1 the remainder is -1.
We will confirm if the statement is true thru the use of synthetic division or finding the value of P(r).

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Address: San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Email Address:
School ID: 500149
Contact No.: (0919)074-0670
For synthetic division, we just get the numerical coefficient of each term. Notice also that there is a
missing degree of 2 in the expression. So, we will leave/allot a space for it.

Remainder Theorem using Synthetic Division P(x) = x3 - 7x + 5

(x3 - 7x + 5) / (x – 1) P(r) where r = 1

1 1 0 -7 5 P(1) = (1)3 – 7(1) + 5

_____1_____1____-6 P(1) = 1 – 7 + 5
1 1 -6 -1 P(1) = -6 + 5
P(1) = -1

As you can see, you use any of the two methods in identifying the remainder or if the said remainder is
correct or not. And based from the solution, the first example is correct.

Let’s have example #2.

The remainder is -9 when P(x) = 2x3 - 7x + 3 is divided by x - 1. The same process will be applied. Always,
always check for missing power/degree. Failure to notice such missing degree will give us an incorrect answer.
We don’t have again the 2nd degree, so we have to put 0 in place of it.

Remainder Theorem using Synthetic Division P(x) = 2x3 - 7x + 3

(2x3 - 7x + 3) / (x – 1) P(r) where r = 1

1 2 0 -7 3 P(1) = 2(1)3 – 7(1) + 3

_____2_____2____-5 P(1) = 2(1) – 7 + 3
2 2 -5 -2 P(1) = 2 – 7 + 3
P(1) = -5 + 3
P(1) = -2

As for the 2nd example, it is incorrect.

Let’s now proceed to the next theorem which is the factor theorem.
What is factor theorem? Before we have it, I would like to ask, do you still remember what factors are?
Or what makes a number a factor of the other number?

In some cases, factors are the numbers we multiply. A number also becomes a factor of the other number if
after dividing the 2nd number by the 1st number, we will get a remainder of 0 (zero). Same idea applies in the
Factor Theorem. But what is really Factor Theorem?

What does the Factor Theorem state in simpler words? As I have

The Factor Theorem
said earlier, if after dividing two numbers or expressions – in this
Let P(x) be a polynomial. case a polynomial and a binomial, and the remainder is ZERO,
then the binomial is a factor of the polynomial. Similarly, if the
A. If P(r )=0, then x-r is a factor of P(x) binomial is a factor of the polynomial, after dividing them, the
quotient has no remainder or the remainder is ZERO. Let’s have
B. If x-r is a factor of P(x), then P(r )=0 illustrative examples for better understanding.

Note: You may also use the idea of P(r), if it gives a value of zero after evaluation, then binomial is a
factor of the polynomial.

Example #1.

Use the Factor Theorem to determine whether the given binomial is a factor of each given polynomial.
Remember, the remainder should be zero for the binomial to become a factor of the polynomial. For easier
purposes, we will be using the synthetic division.

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Address: San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

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School ID: 500149
Contact No.: (0919)074-0670
P(x) = x3 – 7x + 5 For (x – 1)

Factor Theorem using Synthetic Division P(x) = x3 - 7x + 5

(x3 - 7x + 5) / (x – 1) P(r) where r = 1

1 1 0 -7 5 P(1) = (1)3 – 7(1) + 5

____ _1_____1____-6 P(1) = 1 – 7 + 5
1 1 -6 -1 P(1) = 1 – 7 + 5
Since the remainder is not 0, then (x – 1) P(1) = -6 + 5
is not a factor of x3 – 7x + 5. P(1) = -1

For (x + 1)

Factor Theorem using Synthetic Division P(x) = x3 - 7x + 5

(x3 - 7x + 5) / (x + 1) P(r) where r = -1

-1 1 0 -7 5 P(-1) = (-1)3 – 7(-1) + 5

_____ -1______1____6 P(-1) = -1 + 7 + 5
1 -1 -6 11 P(-1) = -1 + 7 + 5
Since the remainder is not 0, then (x + 1) P(-1) = 6 + 5
is not a factor of x3 – 7x + 5. P(-1) = 11

For (x – 2)

Factor Theorem using Synthetic Division P(x) = x3 - 7x + 5

(x3 - 7x + 5) / (x – 2) P(r) where r = 2

2 1 0 -7 5 P(2) = (2)3 – 7(2) + 5

____ _2_____4____-6 P(2) = 8 – 14 + 5
1 2 -3 -1 P(2) = -6 + 5
Since the remainder is not 0, then (x – 2 ) P(2) = -1
is not a factor of x3 – 7x + 5.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

In this part of the lesson, we will discuss the rational root theorem. What is rational root theorem? Before
we start discussing the next theorem, complete the table. Verify if the given numbers in the last column of the
table are rational roots of the corresponding polynomial equation

Polynomial Equation Leading Coefficient Constant Term Roots

1. x3 + 6x2 + 11x – 6 = 0 1 1,2,3

2. x3 – x2 – 10x – 8 = 0 –8 –2, –1, 4

3. x3 + 2x2 – 23x – 60 = 0 1 –4, –3, 5

4. 2x4 – 3x3 – 4x2 + 3x + 2 = 0 2 1/2,–1,1,2

5. 3x4 – 16x3 + 21x2 + 4x – 12 = 0 -12 -2/3,1,2,3

1. Look at the roots of each polynomial equation in the table. Are these roots in the list of rational numbers in
Question 1?
2. Refer to Equations 1 – 3 in the table. The leading coefficient of each polynomial equation is 1. What do
you observe about the roots of each equation in relation to the corresponding constant term?

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You may have observed that the leading coefficient and constant term of a polynomial equation are related
to the rational roots of the equation. Hence, these can be used to determine the rational solutions to polynomial
equations. This observation is formally stated as the Rational Root Theorem.
Let’s have illustrative examples for better comprehension.
Example: Find the possible rational roots of the equation given below:

2x3 + x4 − 7x2− 4x + 12 = 0

Solution :

Given equation

2x3 + x4 − 7x 2 − 4x + 12 = 0
Arranging it in descending order, we get

x4 + 2x3 − 7x 2 − 4x + 12 = 0
The numerator p of the rational roots would be the factors of the constant term 12; i.e. ±1, ± 2,
± 3, ± 4, ± 6, ± 12.

Similarly, the denominator q of the rational roots would be the factors of the leading coefficient 1 ; i.e. ±1.

Therefore, the possible fraction will be ± 1,2,3,4,6,12

Thus the list of possible roots is given below:

1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, 6, -6, 12, -12
The previous example given was just about the list of POSSIBLE ROOTS not the exact roots or zeros. The
term zero/s is also being used to denote root/s because after applying the synthetic division or any method in
dividing, the remainder would be ZERO. Which means, once you have gotten a remainder of zero, that
possible root from the list is an exact root of the polynomial.
How do we identify the exact roots after knowing the list of possible roots? How many from the list are the
exact roots?
We will start with the number of exact roots. The HIGHEST degree of the given polynomial gives us the
number of exact roots.
Next, identify how many are positive and negative roots. To do that, just look for variation of signs. Signs
(addition/positive and subtraction/negative) being placed alternately. The number of variations would the
number of positive roots. For the negative roots, we will have to change x to (-x) then process the polynomial,
again look for variations of signs. The number of variations after changing x to (-x) would be the number of
negative roots.
Note: If after doing such process, there are still missing roots, therefore the missing root/s is/are imaginary.
Let’s have concrete examples for better understanding. Let’s take the polynomial equation
P(x) = x3 – 6x2 – x + 6
Since our equation is already arranged in descending order, let’s proceed to the next part.
Constant is 6 (p) : ±1, ±2, ±3, ±6
Leading term is x3, and its numerical coefficient is 1 which makes it as our leading coefficient
(q) : ±1
Therefore the possible fractions (p/q) are : ±1, ±2, ±3, ±6
As you can see, we have 8 possible roots. We will narrow it down using the variations of signs. We also know
that the given equation has 3 roots since the highest degree is 3.

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School ID: 500149
Contact No.: (0919)074-0670
Let’s identify first the positive roots, look for alternating signs.
P(x) = x3 – 6x2 – x + 6

1 2
As you can see, there are two variations (+, -) and (-, +) which means there are two positive roots.
This time let’s check for negative roots by changing x to (-x).
P(x) = x3 – 6x2 – x + 6
P(-x) = (-x)3 – 6(-x)2 – (-x) + 6
P(-x) = -x3 – x2 + x + 6
We see one variation which means we have 1 negative root. Therefore, we have to find 2 positive roots and a
negative root among the 4 positives and 4 negatives through of synthetic division.
P(x) = x3 – 6x2 – x + 6
Let’s have all the positives, first.
For x = 1 For x = 2 For x = 3 For x = 6

1 1 -6 -1 6 2 1 -6 -1 6 3 1 -6 -1 6 6 1 -6 -1 6
1 -5 -6 2 -8 -18 3 -9 -30 6 0 -6
1 -5 -6 0 1 -4 -9 -12 1 -3 -10 -24 1 0 -1 0

Among the 4 positives, we have 1 and 6 as the roots of the polynomial.

Then, let’s have the negatives.
For x = -1 For x = -2 For x = -3 For x = -6

-1 1 -6 -1 6 -2 1 -6 -1 6 -3 1 -6 -1 6 -6 1 -6 -1 6
-1 7 -6 -2 16 -30 -3 27 -78 -
-6 72
1 -7 6 0 1 -8 15 -24 1 -9 26 -72
1 -12 71
Among the negatives, only -1 is the root.
Therefore, the roots of the polynomial equation P(x) = x3 – 6x2 – x + 6 are 1, -1, and 6.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

On to the last part of our lesson, we will have factoring polynomials. The use of synthetic
division is still very useful up to this part of our discussion.

Use synthetic division to show if (x + 2) and (3x – 2) are factors of 3x4 – 20x3 + 80x – 48.

For (x + 2) / x = -2 For (3x – 2) / x = 2/3)

-2 3 -20 0 80 -48 2/3 3 -20 0 80 -48

-6 52 -104 48 2 -12 -8 48
3 -26 52 -24 0 3 -18 -12 72 0

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As you can see both are factors of the given polynomial since the remainders of both factors is 0.
Let’s have another example.
Use synthetic division to show (x – 7) and (3x + 5) are not factors of 6x4 – 2x3 – 80x2 + 74x – 35.

For (x – 7) / x = 7 For (3x + 5) / x = -5/3)

7 6 -2 -80 74 -35 -5/3 6 -2 -80 74 -35

42 280 1400 10318 -10 20 100 -290
6 40 200 1474 10283 6 -12 -60 174 325

As you can see both are not factors of the given polynomial since we got 10 283 ad 325 as our remainders.
Let’s have a different example this time.
Find the remaining factors of the x3 + 6x2 + 11x + 6 if one of the factors is (x + 1)
Using the synthetic division, (x + 1) / x = -1

-1 1 6 11 6
-1 -5 -6
1 5 6 0
1, 5, 6 are the numerical coefficients of the remaining factors. Please note the exponent of q(x) is one
less than the largest exponent in original equation.

Since, the largest exponent is 3 in the original expression, the exponent of the remaining factor is 2,
so, it becomes x2 + 5x + 6. Notice that q(x) = x2 + 5x + 6 is still factorable using one of the factoring
techniques you had in your 8th grade. It’s an example of quadratic trinomial that can be easily factored.
The factors are (x + 2) and (x + 3).

The complete factored form of P(x) = x3 + 6x2 + 11x + 6 is (x + 1)(x + 2)(x + 3)

If none of the factors is given, then you will have to use the idea of the rational root theorem.
But how? Roots/Zeros and factors are connected. Let’s use the example given earlier.

The roots of the polynomial equation P(x) = x 3 – 6x2 – x + 6 are 1, -1, and 6.
Let’s reverse the process, the roots are 1, -1 and 6. Remember, these are also values of x. Similarly, it’s the
same as x = 1, x = -1 and x = 6.
Applying the APE and equating each to 0, they become,

Putting them altogether, (x – 1)(x + 1)(x – 6) = 0

So, the factors of x3 – 6x2 – x + 6 are (x – 1)(x + 1)(x – 6).

Note: Please remember, in using synthetic division, an expression becomes a factor if the remainder is 0.

F. Developing mastery

Use the Remainder Theorem to find the remainder R in each of the following.
__________________1. (x4 – x3 + 2) ÷ (x + 2) Ans: 26
__________________2. (x3 – 2x2 + x + 6) ÷ (x – 3) Ans: 18
__________________3. (x4 – 3x3 + 4x2 – 6x + 4) ÷ (x – 2) Ans: 0
__________________4. (x4 – 16x3 + 18x2 – 128) ÷ (x + 2) Ans: 88
__________________5. (3x2 + 5x3 – 8) ÷ (x – 4) Ans. 360

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Polynomials have relevance to nearly all the sciences. Astrophysicists use them to calculate a
star’s velocity and distance from another object in space. Likewise, they are important in determining
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Address: San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Email Address:
School ID: 500149
Contact No.: (0919)074-0670
pressure in applications of fluid dynamics. Chemists use polynomials to determine the composition of
certain compounds and molecules. Statistical formulas use polynomials to ascertain future values of
animal birth and death rates, monetary flow and population growth.
These are just some of the applications of polynomials. Can you think of other ways on how
polynomials be applied in real-life?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

The Remainder Theorem

If the polynomial P(x) is divided by (x – r), the remainder R is a constant and is equal to P(r).
R = P(r)
Thus, there are two ways to find the remainder when P(x) is divided by (x – r), that is:
(1) use synthetic division, or (2) calculate P(r).

Similarly, there are two ways to find the value of P(r):

(1) substitute r in the polynomial expression P(x), or (2) use synthetic division.

The Factor Theorem

Let P(x) be a polynomial.

A. If P(r )=0, then x-r is a factor of P(x)

B. If x-r is a factor of P(x), then P(r )=0

Rational Root Theorem- Let an-1xn-1+ an-2xn-2 +….+a1x + a0 = 0 be a polynomial equation of degree n. if
p/q, in lowest terms, is a rational root of the equation, then p is a factor of a 0 and q is a factor of an.
To find the rational roots:

• Use Rational Zeros Theorem to locate possible zeros

• Use the variations of sign to identify the number of positive and negative zeros
• Use Synthetic Division to rewrite the function as divisor/quotient
• Use the Zero Product Property to find all real zeros

How do we factor polynomials using synthetic division?

Step 1: Arrange the coefficients of P(x) in descending powers of x, placing 0s for
the missing terms. The leading coefficient of P(x) becomes the first entry
of the third row.
Step 2: Place the value of r in the upper left corner.
Step 3: Multiply r with the first coefficient of x the write the product below the 2nd
coefficient of x then add
Step 4: Repeat step 3
Step 5. Write the quotient, Note that the exponent of q(x) is one less than the largest
exponent in original equation
I. Evaluating learning - Please see attached worksheet.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Remainder Theorem
Direction: Give the remainder when P(x) is divided by x-r.
1. P(x)= 3x100 - 2x75+3
__________________a. x – 1 Ans: 4
__________________b. x + 1 Ans: 8

Revised by: Noted by:


Teacher I School Principal
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Email Address:
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Contact No.: (0919)074-0670
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Subject: Mathematics 10 Week Number: 6 Parent’s Signature: ______________




Direction: Find the roots of each polynomial equation. Show your complete solution.

1. 𝑥3 + 2𝑥2 − 25𝑥 − 50 = 0

2. 𝑥4 − 6𝑥3 − 9𝑥2 + 14𝑥 = 0

3. 𝑥4 + 5𝑥3 + 5𝑥2 − 5𝑥 − 6 = 0

4. (2𝑥 − 1)(𝑥 + 3)(𝑥 − 2) = 0

5. (𝑥3 − 8)(𝑥 + 3)2 = 0



My answer is correct. My answer is not correct. My answer is correct. My answer is not correct.
Through detailed work, I Through detailed work, I Through detailed work, I Through detailed work, I
was able to demonstrate was able to demonstrate couldn’t demonstrate my couldn’t demonstrate my
my thought process. my thought process. thought process. thought process.

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Address: San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Email Address:
School ID: 500149
Contact No.: (0919)074-0670

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