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1. Write the summary of the film in 3 sentences only.

2. Describe how the actors and actresses have portrayed the important characters in The Iliad.

3. Discuss one positive element that the movie excels in, and one negative feature that the
film could improve.

4. Explain a certain scene in the film that you can relate to which has aroused an emotion,
idea, feeling, or experience? Provide a personal experience and compare it to the scene.

1. Essentially, it's the story of the Trojan War. Eris, the Greek goddess of strife threw a golden
apple in front of Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite. Upon it were the words “for the fairest” meaning
for the most beautiful of the bunch. The three goddesses argued over it so strenuously that no
one dared intervene and it went on so long that eventually, Zeus told them to have Paris of troy
decide for them. They go down to him and each tries to bribe him. Hera promises him a huge
empire, Athena promises to make him wiser than Solomon, and Aphrodite promises him the
hand of the most beautiful woman in the world.
2. There’s a really interesting about story to the modern perception of Helen of Troy, now
reduced to a figure known for her beauty and her role as the catalyst of the Trojan War. We
typically imagine Helen to be very young, very innocent, and either deceived or abducted by
Paris. We think of her as a slip of a girl. The character Helen of Troy had an important role to
play in this story. After all, she was the wife of the Spartan king, Menelaus, and the most
beautiful woman in the world. Her Spartan husband, King Menelaus, gathered other kings and
armies and sailed for Troy, thus beginning the war

4. Paris chooses Aphrodite and she makes Helen fall in love with him. Problem is, Helen is
married to Menelaus and when they aslope together, the Trojan War gets started over her. In
any case, ten years of war later, Paris kills the ultimate badass Achilles by shooting him in the
heel, Odysseus makes a giant wooden horse, has soldiers hide inside it and the army leaves to
hide behind an island. The Trojans take the horse into the city and party well into the night.
When they fall asleep from exhaustion and/or excessive boozing, the soldiers slip out and open
the gates and the Greek army returns to wreck everything. Helen is retrieved, Paris is killed,
valuables and slaves are taken, and the city is destroyed. They return home and a few years
after that, Helen kills her husband.

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