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Class Version 1.0

By Brian T. Barnshaw

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook,
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accompany the Constellations in the world or if you
Stargazer can give them meanings yourself.
A silent night. It will remain that way, even as he Each Constellation that you choose will become a
begins to move. The slender Dragonborn slips part of your body, in the form of a tattoo. While
between two buildings as a patrol passes by. He utters active, they glow slightly. Think about where they
a murmured thanks to the heavens and begins to move appear on your body and how detailed they are. Are
again. With his footfalls silent, his heart beating fast, they simply the stick outlines or are they detailed
and a soft twinkle of fading light around him, he slips pictures that you might see on a star chart? Are they
over the wall and gets away without a single alarm. animated and move as if alive or just simplistic and
A masked figure walks though the crowded street of unnoticeable?
a city. The mask, portraying duality, half a red sun and
the other a blue moon. They walk into a side road,
Cosmic Force_____________________
disserted from people, luring the figures following Your power comes from the cosmos themselves. No
them into it as well. With a flourish, they turn and god or study has gifted you this, but the seemingly
bow. The other figures look at one another in surprise, endless energy of the stars. Because of this, it isn’t
but they have just sealed their fate. The masked figure considered “magic”. You may have the ability to cast
springs forward, the mask now solely the red sun, and some spells due to your choices, but always remember
begins to cut down the others. where you get your power from. Where do you think
this power comes from? Is it the light of the stars? The
After packing up their things, a Tiefling sits among vastness of the sky? Any of these are plausible and
the open space of a field. She watches the slowly can be used to explain how you rationalize your
falling stars as they disappear in the dawn. After a actions.
moment, she stands, grabbing her bag. She was going
to take a trip to the nearby stream to grab some water, The flow of time is special. It shortens and extends
but knows that the shadowy figure in the trees a few based on what choices one makes. Do you believe that
feet away would stop her. She casts a look towards the Constellations you pick will shorten or extend
them and sees the figure jump and run as she waves to your life? Why were you chosen out of all others? Are
them. you sure that you were the right one to pick? Most
importantly, is there anyone who thinks they were
A Stargazer is much like an astronomer, but one more worthy than you? These questions are important,
that can take the stories behind the stars to heart. Each but don’t think that they need to be done on your own.
grouping of lights in the sky is there for a reason, Work with your DM to make small adjustments to
whether you know it or not. You might have found a what your idea is, allowing it a better fit in the world.
comfort in those stories, or may not know them at all;
however, there is a reason stories come about. Perhaps Creating a Stargazer_______________
one day, you will be among those stars. With the questions before posed, a few overall ideas to
keep in mind; when did you find out that you could
Starlight, Star Bright______________ call the power of the Constellations, why do you use
Each of the Constellations that you choose to use the them, and have you chosen to hide your power. These
power of are special. They each have their own story three things are very important and while there is no
that gives them that power. As you are choosing “correct” answer, they are a good way to keep your
Constellations, what stories have you heard of them? motivations in order.
Why are you choosing it over another? Work with
your DM to see if there are any specific stories that

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Proficiency Known Active
Level Bonus Features Constellations Constellations
1 +2 Gift of the Heavens, Shooting Stars 3 1

2 +2 Cosmic Pathway 3 1

3 +2 Reach the Stars 5 2

4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 5 2

5 +3 Extra Attack 7 2

6 +3 Cosmic Pathway Feature 7 2

7 +3 Astral Glow, Shooting Stars (2 Uses) 9 3

8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 9 3

9 +4 Gift Above 11 3

10 +4 Cosmic Pathway Feature 11 3

11 +4 Comet’s Grace 13 4

12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 13 4

13 +5 Crashing Stars, Shooting Stars (3 Uses) 15 4

14 +5 Cosmic Pathway Feature 15 4

15 +5 Twinkling Brilliance 17 5

16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 17 5

17 +6 Watchful Eye, Shooting Stars (Upgrade) 19 5

18 +6 Cosmic Pathway Feature 19 5

19 +6 Ability Score Improvement 21 6

20 +6 Different Perspective 21 6

Quick Build Hit Points

You can make a Stargazer quickly by following these Hit Die: 1d10 per Stargazer level
suggestions. First, Strength or Dexterity should be Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution
your highest attribute, followed by Wisdom. Second, modifier.
take the Sage background. Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your
Constitution modifier per Stargazer level after 1st
Class Features
As an Stargazer, you gain the following class features.
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Armor: Simple armor and medium armor resist your power.
Weapons: Simple weapons and martial weapons Watcher DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom
Tools: Cartographer’s tools modifier
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Shooting Stars____________________
Handling, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, You can reach into the sky and pull the very stars
Stealth, and Survival down. As an action on your turn, you can cast the
Magic Missile spell at its lowest level. Instead of
Equipment Force damage, it instead deals Radiant damage.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to Once you use this feature, you must finish a long
the equipment granted by your background: rest before you can use it again. At 7th level, you can
• (a) one martial and set of leather armor or (b) two use it twice before having to take a long rest. At 13th
simple weapons and set of scale mail level, you can use it three times before having to take
a long rest.
• (a) a shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows or (b) 2
handaxes or (c) 4 javelins When you reach 17th level, you can instead use all
three uses of this feature to cast the Crown of Stars
• a map of the stars based on season and an
spell. Use your Wisdom modifier when making a
Explorer’s Pack
ranged spell attack.
Alternatively, you could begin with starting wealth of
4d4 x 10 gp and purchase starting items of your Cosmic Pathway__________________
choice. You have grown accustomed to the blessings that you
have been given. It seems that there is more to be
Gift of the Heavens________________ obtained though learning about this gift. You may
The stars above have come to you, marking you with select one of the following Pathways to follow: Deep
their grace and power. Choose three Constellations Night, Dyad, and Fated, all of which are detailed at the
that you start with, all of which are detailed at the end end of the class description. Your choice grants you a
of the class description. You have one active at feature when you take it at 2nd level, and again at 6th,
Constellation at any time. You may change your 10th, 14th, and 18th level.
active Constellation when you finish a long rest. The
Constellations that you have become physical tattoos Reach the Stars___________________
on your body, and give off a slight white glow when You are able to do what most only dream of, walk to
active. the stars above while still in this life. Starting at 3rd
level, before you move on your turn, you can choose
As you level up, you gain more Constellations and
to activate this feature. While this feature is active,
the number you may have active increases, shown in
you can choose to step into the air and move as if it
the class table. When you learn new Constellations,
were just walking up stairs. You have freedom of
you may exchange a Constellation you know with
movement while in the air, but act as if you are
another that you don’t.
moving in difficult terrain.
Watcher DC This feature lasts for a number of minutes equal to
For some of the features of this class, you will need to your Proficiency Bonus. This feature ends early if you
channel the celestial powers gifted to you. Because of want it to or if you are knocked unconscious. If this
this, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting your feature ends while you are still in the air, you fall at a
Watcher DC that creatures must succeed against to normal rate, but only take half of the fall damage.
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Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or attack against a creature if they are within striking
long rest before you can use it again. distance.

Ability Score Improvement_________ Twinkling Brilliance_______________

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, By calling in the light around you, visible or not, you
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of can become a distortion of brilliant light. Beginning at
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability 15th level, as a bonus action on your turn, you can
scores of your choice by one. As normal, you can’t sparkle like a star in the sky. Until the end of your
increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. next turn, all attacks made against you have
disadvantage. This feature has no effect on a creature
Extra Attack_____________________ that doesn't need to look at you to make an attack.
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of While this feature is active, as long as you are not
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your behind total cover, you are able to be seen over 1 mile
turn. away.
Astral Glow______________________ Once you use this feature, you must finish a long
The tattoos on your body can glow like their distant rest before you can use this feature again.
counterparts. Staring at 7th level, you can choose to
give off a dim glow. You shed dim light out to 30 feet
Watchful Eye_____________________
around you and small bits of light flutter in the space. As the night comes, you may remain awake and watch
You may also cast the Dancing Lights spell at will. the points of light until the dawn. At 17th level, you
no longer require sleep. You can instead, just sit
Gift Above_______________________ quietly and think of or, if they are visible, watch the
You are able to conjure radiant light to protect you. stars for the normal time you would be sleeping.
Beginning at 9th level, you gain resistance to Radiant While you are doing this, you may preform light
damage. Also, whenever you take damage, you can activity without breaking your rest.
use your reaction to burst into light. The source of the
damage must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
Different Perspective______________
failure, it takes 1d10 Radiant damage and becomes As the seasons change, so will the stars. It’s time to
blinded until the end of its turn, otherwise it takes half change, just as they do. Starting at 20th level, you can
damage and is not blinded. change your active Constellations when you finish a
short or a long rest.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Wisdom modifier. You regain all expended uses Constellations
of this feature after you finish a long rest. The following are the available Constellations to
choose from. You must meet the prerequisites to take
Comet’s Grace____________________ the Constellations.
You can fall with the poise of a rock swimming in the
Andromeda. Prerequisites: 5th level. You can cast
darkened sea above. At 11th level, you gain
the Hold Person spell a number of times a day equal
proficiency in Dexterity saving throws. You also have
to your Wisdom modifier.
advantage on Dexterity(acrobatics) checks made when
falling or attempting to maintain your balance. Aquarius. Prerequisites: None. You can cast the
Create or Destroy Water spell at will.
Crashing Stars____________________
Aquila. Prerequisites: 9th level. You are no longer
Starting at 13th level, when you use your Shooting
affected by rough terrain. This includes while using
Stars Feature, you may immediately make a weapon
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your Reach the Stars feature. it again.
Aries. Prerequisites: None. In place of one of your Hercules. Prerequisites: 17th level. Your Strength
attacks on your turn, you can create a pair of celestial score increases by 2 to a maximum of 22.
horns to appear on your head and headbutt a creature
Hydra. Prerequisites: 17th level. Your Constitution
with them. You are proficient with the attack and deal score increases by 2 to a maximum of 22.
your Strength modifier + 1d4 bludgeoning damage on
a hit. The target must make a Strength saving throw or Libra. Prerequisites: 17th level. Your Charisma score
either be knocked prone or pushed 5 feet back increases by 2 to a maximum of 22.
(player’s choice). Leo. Prerequisites: 13th level. You become immune
Bootes. Prerequisites: 13th level. While active, you do to the Frightened and Charmed conditions and all
not require food to live. allies within 10 feet of you have advantage on saves
against being Frightened and Charmed.
Cancer. Prerequisites: None. Increase your AC by 1
if you are wearing armor. Lyra. Prerequisites: 5th level. Gain proficiency with
all musical instruments.
Capricornus. Prerequisites: 17th level. Your
Dexterity score increases by 2 to a maximum of 22. Ophiuchus. Prerequisites: 5th level. As a bonus
action on your turn, you can regain 1d10 + your
Cetus. Prerequisites: None. As a bonus action, you Stargazer level in hit points. After you use this feature,
can grow sharpened celestial teeth. When you make an
you must finish a short or long rest before you can use
unarmed attack, you can instead use the teeth. You are
it again.
proficient with the attack and deal your strength
Orion. Prerequisites: 9th level. Gain advantage on
modifier + 1d6 piercing damage on a hit.
Wisdom(Survival) checks when tracking or trying to
Crater. Prerequisites: 5th level. You can cast the spell harvest materials from a creature and Intelligence
Tenser’s Floating Disk at will. When using this (Nature) checks.
feature to cast the spell, the disk is instead a bowl. It is
Pegasus. Prerequisites: 15th level. Cannot have
still 3 feet in diameter and 1 inch thick but is also 3
Scorpius and this active at the same time. Your
feet deep. You can only have one use of the spell
weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 Thunder and
active at any given time.
1d6 Lightning damage.
Cygnus. Prerequisites: 9th level. Gain advantage on
Perseus. Prerequisites: 15th level. When making an
Charisma(Persuasion) and Charisma(Deception)
attack roll, you may choose to reroll it after you see
the roll, but before the DM determines the outcome.
Erandius. Prerequisites: None. You gain a swim You must use the new roll. You may do this a number
speed equal to your movement speed. You can also of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain
breath underwater. all uses of this feature after you finish a long rest.
Gemini. Prerequisites: 13th level. As an action on Pisces. Prerequisites: 17th level. Your Intelligence
your turn, you can cast the Silent Image spell. The score increases by 2 to a maximum of 22.
spell can only be used to create an exact replica of
Pleiades. Prerequisites: None. Gain proficiency with
yourself. The image can copy exactly what you are
sea vehicles. You cannot get lost, magically or
doing if you wish it to but is still only an illusion. Use
otherwise, as long as you can see the sky.
your Watcher DC when determining if a creature can
see though the illusion or not. After you use this Taurus. Prerequisites: 15th level. When you move 20
feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use feet in a straight line before making a melee weapon
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attack, you may deal an additional 2d8 damage with and use it to your advantage. Also, when you choose
the first attack made on that turn. this Pathway, you have advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks while in dim light or complete
Sagittarius. Prerequisites: None. You have +2 to hit
darkness. You also gain Darkvision out to 30 feet. If
with ranged weapon attacks.
you have Darkvision already, your range is increased
Scorpius. 15th level. Cannot have Pegasus and this by 30 feet instead.
active at the same time. Your weapon attacks deal an
additional 1d6 Poison and 1d6 Acid damage. Nightfall
Even in the warm rays of the sun, the darkness is
Ursa Major. Prerequisites: None. While you are
never far behind. At 6th level, as an action, you can
engaged by one or more creatures that are hostile and
cast the Darkness spell at its lowest level. Only you
no allies are engaged with them, you gain a +2 to hit
may see through the darkness created.
with melee weapon attacks.
Creeping Quiet
Ursa Minor. Prerequisites: None. While you are
The ease of night comes without a sound, and you do
engaged by one or more creatures that are hostile and
too. Beginning at 10th level, you no longer make
no allies are engaged with them, you gain a +2 to
sound while moving. Wearing heavy armor still
damage with melee weapon attacks.
imposes disadvantage on stealth checks.
Virgo. Prerequisites: 17th level. Your Wisdom score
increases by 2 to a maximum of 22. While you are in dim light or darkness, you may
teleport to another area you can see that is also in dim
Cosmic Pathway light or darkness, as long as you could use your
The stars have aligned and you are able to focus in on movement speed to get there normally.
different ways to specialize your gift. Whatever path Silverlight Strikes
you choose, be thankful that you were chosen first. The starlight that falls around you is even more potent
than before. Starting at 14th level, when you use your
Deep Night_______________________
Shooting Stars Feature, the Magic Missile spell now
The shadow of night, only light of the stars and moon
uses d6s for damage instead of d4s.
can reveal what it within. As you wreath yourself in
the darkness that surrounds you, it becomes easier to Nightspawn
relate to the motes of light off in the sky. Be fast, as all It now comes as second nature to you, moving in the
darkness will fade, but remember that while it is darkness. You have mastered what it means to be
present, it is dangerous. silent. At 18th level, when you make a stealth check,
treat any roll of a 9 or less on a d20 as a 10.
Moonlight Shadow
The dark side of the moon is just as potent as the side When you hit a creature with a weapon attack that
we can see. When you take this Pathway, if you hit a is unaware of you, you may have the attack deal an
creature that is unaware of you, you may choose to additional amount of damage equal to your wisdom
reroll any damage die from the attack that are 1s. You modifier.
must keep the new rolls, even if they are still 1s.
You can also use your bonus action to take the Hide The sun and moon. Two sides of the same coin. Each
action. has its own face, yet share the same place in our eyes.
Nightwalker The sun itself is our star and the moon is like a
You are able to blend with the darkness around you Shepard that keeps it in line. Take after those two,
make yourself like them and bask in their glow.
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Changing Faces attack rolls. The creature can repeat the save at the end
You have the ability to swap from one aspect to of its turn.
another. When you take this Pathway, as a bonus Rapid Changes
action on your turn, you can change your active form. Swapping from one face to another is as simple as the
When you do, the next weapon attack you make deals sun or moon rising. Beginning at 10th level, you can
an additional 1d6 damage. The damage dealt is Fire if now use your Changing Faces Feature three times
you are changing to Sun and Cold if you are changing before needing to take a long rest.
to Moon.
Your weapon attacks now deal an additional 1d8
After you use this feature, you must finish a long damage instead of 1d6. This also increases the extra
rest before you can use it again. die you deal with your Changing Faces Feature.
Duality Face’s Blessing
Take in the essence of both faces, make them part of You have received another boon from those above.
you. Also, when you choose this Pathway, pick one Starting at 14th level, as an action, you may use one of
face to start with, Sun or Moon. The benefits gained the following effects. You can only use the effect if
are based on the face. you are in the same face. After you use either of these
Sun. While this face is active, you have resistance to features, you must finish a long rest before you can
Fire damage. Your weapon attacks also deal an use one again.
additional 1d6 Fire damage. Sun. You gain immunity to Fire damage. As an
action, you can wreath your body in flames. For the
Moon. While this face is active, you have resistance to
next minute, whenever a creature hits you with a
Cold damage. Your weapon attacks also deal an
melee attack, they take 1d10 Fire damage. You may
additional 1d6 Cold damage.
also use your bonus action to make a ranged attack,
Vivid Faces using your Wisdom modifier, at a creature within 30
You can connect even more with the faces that you feet of you. On a hit, that creature takes 1d10 Fire
portray. At 6th level, you may use either of the damage.
following effects a total number of times equal to your
Moon. You gain immunity to Cold damage. As an
Wisdom modifier. You can only use the effect if you
action, you can call forth biting wind to shield your
are in the same face. You regain all uses of this feature
body. For the next minute, whenever a creature hits
after you finish a long rest.
you with a melee attack, they take 1d10 Cold damage.
Sun. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, You may also use your bonus action to make a ranged
you can activate this feature to have the target make a attack, using your Wisdom modifier, at a creature
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature within 30 feet of you. On a hit, that creature takes 1d6
bursts into flames. At the start of its turn, the creature Cold damage and have its movement speed reduced to
takes 1d10 Fire damage and can repeat the save at the 0 until the end of its next turn.
end of its turn. If it or another creature within 5 feet of
it uses its action to put out the flames, the effect ends.
New Day
You can call upon the speed of the cosmos, making it
Moon. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, seem like days have passed in mere seconds. At 18th
you can activate this feature to have the target make a level, when you use your Changing Faces Feature, you
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your
becomes covered in frost. Its movement speed is Stargazer level. You also regain an expended use of
dropped by 10 feet and it has disadvantage on all
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that feature when you score a critical hit against a Good Fortune
creature. You have learned to see events coming and alter them
Fated____________________________ for others. Beginning at 14th level, you can change the
fate of one creature within 30 feet of you that you can
Just like those who were chosen before you, there are
see and are aware of. As a reaction, you can expend
forces beyond your comprehension. This is not
one of your prewritten rolls (no matter the roll) to
because you cannot understand them, but because they
cause the target’s roll to gain either advantage or
do not want to be understood. With your blessing, you
disadvantage. This can be done after the die is rolled,
can begin to break down these walls and start to see
but before the DM determines the outcome of the roll.
how they do.

It seems that some things in the world are
predetermined, no matter how they are reached. When
you take this Pathway, you can see some events in
your future. After you finish a long rest, roll a d20 and
write down the result. When you make an attack roll,
ability check, or saving throw, you can choose to use
the prewritten roll instead. After you use the roll, it
cannot be used again. You can use this after you see
the roll, but before the DM determines the outcome of
the roll.
At 10th level, when you finish a long rest, you may
roll two d20s and write both results down. At 18th
level, when you finish a long rest, you may roll three
d20s and write all three results down. You may only
use one prewritten roll per check you are making.

Grasping Reality
You can see connections that no one else can. Also,
when you choose this Pathway, you gain proficiency
with the Insight skill, if you aren't already. You may
add double your proficiency bonus when making a
check with this skill.

Counting Stars
You can see things in the heavens above, answers to
questions you have. Starting at 6th level, after you
finish a long rest, you can cast the Augury spell at its
lowest level. Instead of the next 30 minutes, you can
ask about an event that you believe will happen in the
coming day. An example would be, “Will the weather
be good today?” or “How are the prices at the

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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the
Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other
countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is
protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of
the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the
Coast. ©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by
Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square,
Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon
ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright [2017] by Brian
Tyler Barnshaw and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Thanks and Contributions

I would like to thank my wonderful players for all of the time spent dealing with the people inside my head.
Eric “Denim” Mangold, Nick “Navarra” Mcallister, Jason “Doc” Lewis, Joey “Darude” Weddell, Dlyan
“Velvis” Harris, Connor “Leovold” Sullivan, Aiden “Drethick” Pass, and Emma “Katharina” Ray. I will
always love you for helping me out and sticking with me through the ride of our adventures. To it and many
more just like it.

Thanks in part to the DMs Guild for allowing the posting of created works by fans for fans.

Copyright ©2017 By Author Brian T. Barnshaw

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