Crimilization of Politcs

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The criminalization of politics means the participation of criminals in politics which

includes that criminals can contest in the elections and get elected as members of
the Parliament and the State legislature. It takes place primarily due to the nexus
between politicians and criminals.There can be many reasons for criminalization
of politics in India like Lack of Political Will, Lack of Enforcement of Laws, Use of
Muscle and Money Power and many more which results into limitation of the
choice of voters to elect a suitable candidate which is against free and fair
elections which is the bedrock of a democracy.

There will be a long never ending discussion on criminalization of politics in India

but more than questioning we should move towards the practical solutions so that
we can restrict illegitimate and wrong power hungry people who sabotage the
electoral system and democracy of our country.

So, let's now look into the changes or steps to stop this practise of criminalization
of politics in india.

1.Election Reforms: Election reforms play a very pivotal role in shaping the political
environment of any country and by amending certain sections we can get our
things done.There were many recommendations were made by the Election
Commission of India in its report on the Proposed Election Reforms, 2004, like
section 125A of the R.P. Act should be amended, in order to provide more stringent
punishment for concealing or providing wrong information to a minimum term of
two years imprisonment and the alternative punishment of assessing a fine upon
the candidate should be removed.
2.Cap on Political funding: A political party needs money to pitch itself, its

objectives, its intended actions to get votes for itself.Political Funding means that
the methods that political parties use to raise funds to finance their campaign and
routine activities to get through the power struggle. There are many methods by
which a political party raises funds like Direct Funding, Indirect Funding, Corporate
Funding, Electoral Trusts and also a new player in the game, Electoral Bonds. One
of the biggest disadvantages of corporate funding is the use of fake companies to
route black money and there is an influence of people and companies over political
parties to which they provide funds. Reforms like the party's expenditure limit
should be 50% or less of the combined maximum spend prescribed for all of its
candidates, Individual spending should be capped based on whether a candidate
has stood for an assembly or a general election and there should be restriction of
Anonymous donations to 20% of a party’s total collections.

3.Education and Awareness: By educating people of our country and making them
aware about their choices, what is correct for them or not we can make sure that
the entering of wrong and illegitimate people can stopped and this problem wrong
people influencing politics for their personal gains can curtailed off.

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