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 Garlic is the small, white, round bulb of a plant that is related to the onion plant. Garlic

has a very strong smell and taste and is used in cooking.
 A plant that is related to the onion and that has small sections (called cloves) which
have a strong taste and smell and are used for flavoring foods
  An onionlike plant (Allium  sativum) of southern Europe having a bulb that breaks up int
o separable cloves with a strong distinctive odor and flavor.


Garlic is the little, white, round bulb of a plant that is identified with the onion plant.
Garlic has an extremely solid smell and taste and is utilized in cooking. A plant that is
identified with the onion and that has little areas (called cloves) which have a solid taste
and smell and are utilized for seasoning nourishments. An onionlike plant (Allium sativum)
of southern Europe having a bulb that splits up into divisible cloves with a solid particular
scent and flavor.


 a small hot-tasting pod of a variety of capsicum, used chopped (and often dried) in
sauces, relishes, and spice powders. There are various forms with pods of differing size,
color, and strength of flavor, such as cascabels and jalapeños.
 Chillies are small red or green peppers. They have a very hot taste and are used
in cooking.
 the small, red or green seed case from particular types of pepper plant that is used to
make some foods very hot and spicy:


A little hot-tasting unit of an assortment of capsicum, utilized hacked (and frequently

dried) in sauces, relishes, and zest powders. There are different structures with cases of
varying size, shading, and quality of flavor, for example, cascabels and jalapeños. Chillies
are little red or green peppers. They have an extremely hot taste and are utilized in cooking.
The little, red or green seed case from specific sorts of pepper plant that is utilized to make
a few nourishments exceptionally hot and spicy.
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 They have a characteristic pungent, spicy flavor that mellows and sweetens considerably

with cooking. The distinctive aroma is mainly due to organosulfur compounds including
allicin present in fresh garlic cloves and ajoene which forms when they are crushed or
 There are a couple ways to use garlic as a pest and insect control. The most common is to
make a garlic spray for pests. Examples of some of the unwelcome insects that can be
controlled utilizing a garlic spray include: Aphids, Ants, Beetles, Borers, Caterpillars,
Armyworms, Slugs, Termites, Whiteflies. In conjunction with this natural pesticide, be
sure to keep the yard weed free and start off with healthy soil that has plenty of organic
matter incorporated into it.
 In my opinion, the biggest benefit of garlic spray is that it means you are NOT using
other, more toxic pesticides in your garden. It’s an eco-friendly, green way to treat pest
and disease problems.
 The pungent smell that garlic is well-known for will kill or repel many of the more
annoying garden pests, though it may also scare away some beneficial bugs as well.


They have a trademark impactful, zesty flavor that progresses and improves significantly
with cooking. The particular fragrance is predominantly due to organosulfur mixes incorporating
allicin present in fresh garlic cloves and ajoene which forms when they are squashed or cleaved.
There are a few different ways to use garlic as a pest and insect control. The most well-known is
to make a garlic spray for pest and insects. Instances of a portion of the unwanted bugs that can
be controlled using a garlic spray include: Aphids, Ants, Beetles, Borers, Caterpillars,
Armyworms, Slugs, Termites, Whiteflies. In my supposition, the greatest advantage of garlic
spray is that it implies you are NOT utilizing other, more poisonous and toxic insecticides in
your garden. It's an eco-friendly, green way to treat pest/insects and infection issues. The sharp
smell that garlic is notable for will kill or repel huge numbers of the all the more irritating garden
pest and insects, however it might scare some beneficial bugs as well.
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 Insects do not like plants with a strong odor or taste. The capsaicin that gives chili
powder its hot flavor is distasteful to insects. Spraying plants or the soil around the
plants with chili powder spray can keep insects from taking a taste. Because chili
powder can be irritating to skin, wearing gloves while working with spray is
recommended. Precautions need to be taken to keep the spray from getting into the eyes
or on exposed skin as well, especially during windy weather.
 Chili peppers are very strong and insects (as well as other animals) have a very powerful
sense of smell and taste. The chili works to basically fry their senses and causes them
pain. They learn from their mistakes and do not bother your produce.

 The insecticidal properties of chilli pepper are highest in the ripe fruit especially in the skin and
seed. Chillis act as a stomach poison, antifeedant and repellent to a number of pests.


Insects don't care for plants with a solid smell or taste. The capsaicin that gives chilli
powder its hot flavor is distasteful to insets. Spraying plants or the soil around the plants with
chilli spray can keep insects from taking a taste. Because chilli powder can be irretating to skin,
wearing gloves while working with spray is recommended. Precautionary measures should be
taken to keep the spray from getting into the eyes or on exposed skin too, particularly during
windy weather. Chili peppers are very strong and insects ( as well as other animals) have a very
powerful sense of smell and taste. The chilli works to basically sear their senses and causes them
pain. The insecticidal properties of chilli are most elevated in the ready natural product
particularly in the skin and seed. Chillis act as a stomach poison, antifeedant and repellent to a
number of insect and pests.
An insecticide is anything which keeps the insects away from the plants and helps you
grow your plants peacefully. There are numerous things which can be used as insecticides. The
Chilli and Garlic can be used to make wonderful homemade insecticides. Chillies and garlic are
the most useful herbs used in Asian cuisine around the world; it has many health benefits for
local levels and human consumption, in addition to taste. As far as the chilly garlic uses on crops,
it is found very useful, for that we get a small spray bottle and fill it up with a mixture of chilli
garlic spray and are ready to get our products to overcome crops. The chilli spray will kill some
insects but will bring back the spray pests and other insects back that plan to clean the plants of
our garden. It should be sprayed very carefully, on any herbs, vegetables or fruits that we do not
have to spray directly onto the plants, as they can eliminate the tasting like chilli powder. There
is a need for measuring methods to spray on these plants which means that some limitations are
required for non-edible foliage. The fact is that insects do not like to go to the plants which
contain odour or they have some stuff sprinkled on it. It can keep all the bugs away from taking
up plants around the garden with flavours and chilli powder sprays. As we know that skin is
sensitive to the chilli powder, and to avoid itching skin gloves are used while spraying on your
eye-catching garden. Some other safety measures are also very important to have eye contact or
skin contact.

Insects are a big threat. They are responsible for two major kinds of damage to growing crops.
The first is direct injury to plants caused by insects eating leaves and burrowing holes in stems,
fruit and/or roots. The second is indirect damage, where the insects themselves do little or no
harm, but transmit bacterial, viral or fungal infection to a crop. Aphids are one of the main
culprits in this regard, carrying diseases from plant to plant often uncontrollably as numbers
multiply. They will eat seeds, leaves, roots, whole young plants, fruit and grain – nothing is off
the menu when it comes to rodents.

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